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A discussion about fan fiction.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:28 am
by pokeu
Well... as of late, we seem to have some people with spare time... how about writing our own SHnY fan fiction? =P

I feel like writing some things in the forum, lets just say its a window to express our selves.

I feel that most of us, if not all, are capable of comming up with some interesting ideas to fill the holes (periods of time not covered) in the story =P.

Well, we'll have to set up some rules though... so that there would be no chaotic ending, hur hur hur... =P


1. No definite end to any plot in the series.
2. No definite pairing of any couples in the series... we can let them flirt around each other if we want =P.
3. NO BLATENT SPOILERS. Well... at least no spoilers after the first volume(we need to spoil that Koizumi is an ESPer... Nagato is an Alien... Asahinia is a time traveler... or we'll have nothing to write about... and that Suzumiya has divine powers)
4. Try to be creative, therefore... no plagarism of ideas from the series.
5. No addition of new key characters...

OK here goes nothing...

Koizumi's day at the warped space: Event no. 0102011

Hmm this is getting interesting. If we haven't payed closer attention, no.52 would have gotten us. Seems like its evolving.

"Hey commander, ever seen that purple thumb before?"

"Nope, it seems like its changing again... hmm, we can still handle it."

What could that girl be thinking of this time?

"Hey Koizumi, take off its left arm, we'll watch and see what this guy can do."


Here goes nothing. Whee! Place a marker here... round it... loop complete... off you go!

I flew up to a safe distance before turning back to check on the blue diety.
Well, what I saw wasn't very nice...

"Hmm, looks like the thumb can stretch... watch out Koizumi!"

Phew, I managed to dodge what seemed like an elongated purple baseball bat. Phew should be an understatement, that purple "thumb" had just blew away what was once a sky scraper, twice the size of the monster.

"I'm taking its right arm off... from the back, distract it for me, if no.52 is stupid enough, he might just lob his own head off for me."

Apparently, it was oblivious to simple traps. As we finished off no.52, the Commander went on to inspect the other group. Just before he left, he told me to inspect the remnants of the blue giant... and to write a report on it.

Oh well, what do we have here? A purple thumb that was rapidly disintegrating with the rest of the body. Hmm whats this? I wondered as the thumb disapeared, leaving behind a piece of yellow ribbon. This looks like one of Haruhi's. Oh well, it should dissapear with the rest of this space in a while then.

I watched the skyscraper magically regenerate itself as the closed space fizzled out back to reality. Mission accomplished I guess... Wait a minute....

I knelt down to pick up the yellow ribbon. It did not vanish.

- - - - To be continued.

OK... Tanigawa must be a genius to be able to write such an engaging story, purely from a character's viewpoint. You guys should try it... its darn difficult.(For me at least...)

One last rule... for now...

All stories must be written from the perspective of a character, aka.. no 3rd party observer kind of story.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 9:58 am
by onizuka-gto
Moved to Fan fiction forum.


Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:09 pm
by TheGiftedMonkey
I think you'll need another rule about no Yuki x Some random intrawebzorz dude. That happens alot around here. :roll:

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 6:33 pm
by Dan
But dude...Yuki X Dan is like...almost a canon pairing.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:06 pm
by Garstansinilliam
Dan wrote:But dude...Yuki X Dan is like...almost a canon pairing.
Bah, your fiction's bad enough, try and keep your 'cannon' out of this!


Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 3:21 pm
by Guest lol
So... like a canon pairing right? So yuki is doomed to die eventually :twisted:

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 4:08 pm
by Symphonia
Zomg spoiler.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 5:01 pm
by Dan
Guest lol wrote:So... like a canon pairing right? So yuki is doomed to die eventually :twisted:
Yeah, but don't forget that I go on a quest to revive her. :P

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 5:04 pm
by Guest lol
Oh right, but then another girl comes into the picture and you never actually see her again.

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 5:58 pm
by pokeu
XD... no pairings... except maybe Haruhi on the attacking side towards Kyon =P.

Koizumi's day at the warped space: Event no. 0102011

Today's summer air seems no different from that day's, I guess there is nothing to worry about yet. Is this just a calm before a storm? I sure hope not. Haruhi's stability has been jumpy, even after Kyon had made up to her. Hmm, was it because she lost something?

Hmm, according to my superiors, a materialisation of a warped space anomaly in reality has happened once before. They said that it was manifested sometime during the start of school term for Haruhi in North High. At that time, we hadn't yet placed any observers in this school, hence, this would be the first case that we are tackling with Haruhi in our sights.

According to our archives, the first event occured during warped space event no. 010032. At that time, a lock of hair, about the length of the femur(elbow to wrist) was found. However, that lock of hair dissapeared when the warped space was 'normalised'. Apparently, it was uncovered when one of our fighters took off a ruby coloured thumb. It was from the left arm.

We have drawn quite a few conclusions from these two events. Currently, the one believed to be the most accurate depiction of our situation would be that objects that were once tied to Haruhi are manifested in her 'dreams' when lost. She may have a certain emotional attachment to these objects, such that such losing them resulted in a slightly more unstable condition.

Hence, the mission is to return the ribbon to Haruhi. This is easier said than done.(Oh the irony!). We do not yet know what kind of reaction to expect from her, did she lose the Ribbon intentionally? How should the ribbon be 'returned'? Do I just hand it over? Does she find it in her locker? On the floor? In the club room? Or... does some one special hand it to her? o.O

This mere conjecture may not only prove a difficulty to us, it may have dire consequences if she did not intend for the Ribbon to be returned to her. Thus, more data has to be collected on this matter before we can carry on with this mission.

Its time to call up master Kyon for his services again. Lets hope he doesn't let anything slip. We have to hide all the facts from him too. Hmm this is going to be fun!