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The Legend Of Mythrandiel

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:59 pm
by Tharin
Spoiler! :
" The World has greatly changed during the time your kind first appeard." did a tall man say towards the small figure sitting behind him in a chair.
" Well what can you say the time flows ..." did the small girl with Pointy ears say.
She turned around to look upon the figure behind her.
Squinting her eyes against the sun she could only make out the wide back he had standing infront of the window.
" Time sure flies by ... He will be here tomorrow ...." did the tall figure say.
" I expected that from your visit old friend."
" Old you say ... I have been wondering how can a Lady as old as you still wear that Black uniform with the red embroiderie?"
" Are you supposed to remind a LADY of her age ?"
" Well atleast we know why i dont keep women around for long."did the tall man say rather sarcastically.
" I suppose thats true , but that comes from your wildness. I wonder if he has that too."
" Haha , he is still immature , and believe me or not i was the same his age."
" Well see if i can believe you ."
With a loud laughter the tall person banged the Staff he was holding on the floor and dissappered in a black mist.
" ... Those flashy entrances and exits all the time .... he says the time flies by but he hasnt changed at all since the Portal first opened." did she say to nobody in particular.

Chapter 1
Spoiler! :
Walking downhill was a boy who was leisurely taking his time to reach whereever he was going.
The sun shun on his back and the wind seemed to play with his ,longer then average for boys , red hair.
Holding onto a shoolbag with one of his hands and letting it dangle behind his shoulder he set out towards the shool which should be the institute he would from now on attend.
Just being transferred here , a month after the shool started , on one of his fathers spontaenous whims.
Accompyoning him where students headed into the same direction then him but they wore different uniforms then him.
2 patterns could be seen with the other students , a black on red pattern and a green on blue pattern , whilst he whore a cream colored vest with a white shirt underneath and a blue pair of pants.
This was his old uniform from the shool he attended before , since his father just told him the other day they would be moving he couldnt get a Uniform prepared in time.
Alot of whispering and chuckeling could be heard from the other students which was directed at him.
Not yet pointing fingers but the other students found it rather amusing to see the boy walking amongst them.
It wasnt a fact if the boy decided to simply ignore the talk and laughter at his back or that he didnt notice since the red hair of his covered the right side of his face and the other eye was half way overhung with hair which reached half way down to his cheek.
The only thing that was certain was that the boy squinted his eyes every few meters whenever he passed one of the humaoid constructs he passed.

A concrete building with alot of Glass and a huge door at the entrance came into his view after he turned towards the shool courtyard.
Columns of trees guided him towards the entrance door.
More of the Constructs were hidden behind the trees as the boy gave them a critizing gaze.
As he reached the entrance door he followed the signs hanging overhead towards the teachers office.

After a long talk with the Headmaster of the shool he was waiting infront of a closed door now.
He was patiently staring out of the window.
As a gasp of surprise , hearable even for the boy who was outside of the room , came from the inside the room the boy turned around and looked at the sign over the door.
1-F was scribbled in capital letters there , looking down the corridor towards the next door something caught his interest.
The sign there said 1-6.
Looking to the other side to his surprise the sign said 1-5 there.
Now he examined the wrist watch he got from the headmaster as the procedure of his transfer was complete.
It was a square frame with metal linkings , digital numbers could be seen on its black background.
" Come in" were the words he was waiting for , and just now were said , as he pulled the handle and opened the door.
" Hello , my name is Rico Larnard and i will study with you from now on " did the boy with his red hair say and bow afterwards.
Silently he went to an open seat and placed his bag underneath his chair and sat down upon it.
" Ahem , well that was a short introduction , then lets resume our lesson ...."
The gazes went from the boy back towards the blackboard and upon the middle aged man being the teacher.

After the bell for the first period rang the gazes fell upon the boy once more but none did approach him.
He was seated all the way in the back with only empty desks to his left and right so definetly they were staring at him.

The sun was setting and the watch at his wrist told him it was about 5pm now.
On his way home he decieded to stop by a store and pick up some groceries for tonights dinner.
Thinking about how no one approached him on his first day he tought it was rather odd.
Neither getting a chance to ask anybody about the shedule of periods they had nor able to get any of his other questions answered.
Like those constructs what was up with that watch among other things.
Letting out a sigh he put the groceries in his shopping basket upon the counter for cashing.
" At its the Transfer Student" did he hear a voice say from infront of him.
Looking up he set his eyes upon a female with brown hair , having them in a ponytail.
She was of medium height for a girl so about half of a head shorter then him.
Amber eyes glancing at him , he slightly bowed.
Could only be one of his classmates , that was his first guess.
Something caught his interest , how did she manage to get here so fast?
Sure he had to stop by the Teachers office once more after shool but that took him about 10 mins plus he was the first to leave the Classroom.
Considering the distance to the shop plus the time to change something was off.
" Hello ." was his reply while he was immersed in his own thoughts.
No more words fell between them as she finished cashing he bid her goodbye and let the store.
Alone at home , as usual , he had a set routine start cooking finish homework.
As he had done these things he hung his uniform in the spot he deemed the best inside his new room.
Yesterday he was living at the outskirts of a rural town in another contient but now he was in a rather large city.
Everything here was unfamiliar but his routine never changed.
Changing into a outfit that was ment for training he set of for a Jog.
A few hours later he arrived back at his house and went for a shower.
Just as he was dressed again , while his hair was still moist , the door bell chimned.
Running down the steps he opened up and greeting him on the other side was the Girl whom he just met in teh grocerie store.
" Well it seems im running into you quite often." did she say rather amused.
" Yes , it does seems like it " did he reply.
" Well im your neighbour and wanted to greet you properly , so here take this" she handed him a small gift bag which was rather heavy for this small bag.
" Thank you very much , im sorry but i cant seem to remember your name , would you mind telling me?" did he raise a question.
" Elena Barring , and dont worry about it too much my parents insisted."
" Could i offer you something in return for your kind gift , Baring-san? "
" Ahem , no thank you?"
" My humblest appologies but this time i must insist , would a cup of coffee or Tea suffice for you? "
" Tea would be perfectly fine , i guess?"
With this the door behind the girl closed.
" Pardon the Intrusion " where her words as she put of her shoes and used a pair of slippers at the wall.
Following the Boy he lead her towards the living room.
" Take a seat anywhere you like." did his voice reach her.
With this he went off into the kitchen.
Looking around the girl was amazed at the interior of the house.
The walls were covered in Oil paintings which seemed to be antique but the furniture was top notch modern.
After a few mintues the boy returned with a cup for her and a huge almost bowl like thing with a handle for him.
Picking her interest she stared inside of the huge sized cup and saw a black liquid.
" Its just coffe" did the boy say while he noticed her staring into his cup.
Putting it towards his lip he drained quite a bit of liquid out of this cup.
" Say where is your watch?" did the girl ask while she was staring at his wrist.
" I suppose it is in the bathroom when i changed i took it off."
" Oh-no. OH NO . Go get it quick. REALLY quick"
" May i ask why i should do that?" was his voice coming out with a rather curious tone.
" Just do what i say NOW " did she almost screamingly reply.
Walking out of the room he went to retrieve it.
" PUT It ON NOW!" did the girl shout as he reentered the room.
" May i humbly ask why? " did the boy say , as he was getting frustrated with her tone.
She snatched it from his hands and was trying to forcefully put it on his wrist.
Twisting his wrist he avoided the quarrel they were having and crossed his arms.
" I suggest you leave now , Barring-san." did his cold voice reach her.
" Just put on the stupid wa....."
Was the only thing she could say before the bell to the house rang again.
Forgetting the quarrel for now he gestured her to stay and went towards the entrance door.
Opening it up a Police officer greeted him.
" In violation with the Laws set by the supreme Council , you are herby under arrest." did the police officer blurt out before the Boy could even greet him.
" May i ask what i have done , officer? " did the boy aks rather dumbfounded.
" Dont play dumb kid." did a harsh voice reach him.
Getting frustrated and shifting his body slightly he could see 2 sets of green circles glowing in the dark behind the officer.
Carefully accesing the situation the boy tried again.
" I am sorry officer but i just moved here yesterday and im not even from this country , so what did i do wrong?" did the boy ask pleadingly.
" What ? Kid ive heared better excuses then that one before."
" Officer i am very sorry to hear that , but this is the truth i just came from Oedgen land."
" .... Wait here and dont dare to move." did the officer say as he turned around and went to his car.
Hearing a few whispered words coming from the communication device the police used and from the officer himself the boy stood there rather calmly.
Coming back the officer said a single thing to him.
" Never , i repeat NEVER take ur watch off." with those words he turned around and those green orbs dissapeared as a loud sound of metal was hearable.
Watching the police car vanish as it rode down the street the boy looked puzzled.
Returning to the living room he put on the watch.
" Barring-san , my humblest appologies , but would you mind explaining all this to me?" did the Boy ask the girl still waiting for him.
She was rather amused with the whole situation.
" This Watch , surpressed the magic after 7pm. Thats why the officer came by if it gets removed after that time a singal gets emitted and it alarms the Police." did she calmly explain.
" Magic ? Like pulling rabbits out of a Hat?" did he reply.
She stood up and was about to leave.
" Mocking me isnt going to help you know." was her annoyed voice reaching him.
" I didnt mean to mock you , Barring-san , but Magic we arent Elves you know."
" Are you stupid or what?"
" Now calling me stupid defeats the purpose of this conversation in whole , dont you think Barring-san."
" Okay now listen you creepy blockhead , first you dont know @$#% , then your hair style really makes me feel anxious and last you talk weird." did she throw at him.
" I am verry sorry , but since i have only stuided the language for a few days maybe it doesnt sound pleasureable to your ears , but ..."
" A few days my #$% nobody could speak a language that fast in a short period of time."
" I am from Oedgen Land , Barring-san and i have just studied the language for a short period of time. I came here yesterday. If u dont believe me i will get my answers from somewhere else. So may i ask you to leave this house. "
She left after this dispute and he was brooding for a while after the calamity which just happend.
Not getting anywhere and not yet having a internet connection established in this house he just moved in he went for another jog.
The Next day after his morning routine which included breakfast , a jog , some cleaning and a shower among other things he just locked the door to the house.
Turning towards the street and heading towards the shool the door of the neighbours house just openend.
" Tsk " did he hear from the girl which just locked the door behind her.
She turned around and walked off without saying anything more.
The last sight he caught off her was a large wooden case she was carrying with her shool bag.
Arriving in his classroom he sat down at the seat he claimed as his yesterday.
It was 8.30 and the shool would begin in about 30 mins.
Being all alone due to arriving early he went over yesterdays notes.
A few minutes later the students arrived.
The teacher arrived on time and the studying process went underway.
15 mins after the teacher came the door in the back opened slightly and a girl came inside unnoticed.
The boy gave a quick scan to his surroundings and found not a single seat unoccupied that was filled yesterday.
Inching her way closer in a crouched position , so the teacher wouldnt see her , she came towards him.
Taking the seat besides him she sat down and exhaled in a way that clearly displayed " Puuuhhh , i made it "
This made the boy smile a little.
During first break while he was sorting through his note of today and yesterday the girl besides him grabbed the stash of unsorted documents.
" Thanks dude, i need the stuff from yesterday" she said while smiling.
" I am sorry but i dont think you will be able to read it ..." did the boy say.
" Ahh cmon ur hand writing cant be that bad" did she reply with another smile on her face.
She put up a stash of papers besides his and held a pen while she started to read the contents of the documents .
" WHAT THE poke IS THIS?" did she yell out in the classroom.
" Exuse me , but as i said u arent able to read it."
The center of attention shifted towards the back where the duo was seated.
Grabbing back his papers he calmly sorted through them.
Feeling the papers being snatched from his hands again he looked up.
Elena Barring took it from him this time.
" You wont be able to read it either" did he say in a defiant tone.
" Okay now what are these weird things on this paper , interwoven circles half trinagles a weird P ??? " did she ask.
" Oerdinger letters."was his angry reply.
" Letters ... i see ... " she flung them into the air " Seriously dude screw you and your mocking" did she say in voice filled with anger.
The papers landed on the ground and Rico picked them up.
SHe was still standing infront of his desk.
" Can i help you with anything else?" did he ask in a voice which let out the hostile intent he clearly tried to hide.
" No , certainly a piece of trash like yourself wouldnt be able to help me at all." die Elena say mockingly.
Taking in a deep breath and exhaling he calmed his anger.
" Ohoo , now even afraid to talk back ? I should have known you were a scaredy cat."
Standing up calmly the chair made a scraping sound as he slid it back.
" Inrash da Nar Drakash. This attack i will not tolerate. In my native language which is Oerdingish you Birdbrain , study some geography . Oh i see u cant read .... oh im sorry at the level you r speaking i should have known. Should i , a foreigner , help you in your own language a little ?"
" You little ..." did she say as the teacher came in.
" Whats all this about ? Barring-san leave the transfer student alone. Now for our leasson today we need to head to the gym so girls go ahead and change in the classroom the boys have their lockers go change their at the gym in 10 minutes." did the teacher say with a voice full of authority.
As soon as we arrived at the locker room all of the boys cheered up and let out significant laughter.
A few were tapping Ricos back or gave him a thumbs up.
Not so sure what all of this was about he went for the teacher.
" Sensei , i dont ahve any exercise clothes with me is that going to be a problem?" did Rico ask the Teacher which was in his early 30s.
" Ahh ur the transfer student. Okay listen touch ur watch and think about exercise clothes which are comfortable for u."
Being raised to be obedient to persons of respect Rico did so while being a little wary of the situation.
Alas while he did so his clothes changed shape and became a perfect replica considering comfortability of his track suit at home but the colors were off.
They were the green and blue everyone around him was wearing.
Looking at the teacher with a surprised look the teacher just smiled at him an motioned for him to follow the other students.

Arriving in the Gym there was one thing that caught Ricos interest everybody had a Wooden case of different length and width somewhere about them.
Even the teacher had a case like that which towered about 1 foot above his own height but it was very thin.
The girls arrived a little later and they also were carrying those cases.
" QUIET " did the teacher shout , instantly all of the conversations ended " Now unlock your seals."
Rico looked around and saw his classmates touching their watch and slide their fingers up towards their elbows.
A clicking sound could be heard and the cases opened up.
All of them were holding staves off different length and width now.
Some with ornamental Heads others with a crystal on top.
Some made from wood others what looked like stone.
Nonetheless all were Staves.
" Now warming up time" did the teacher shout.
Not knowing what was going on i went over to him
" Sensei , i dont have something like that , what am i supposed to do?" did he want to know.
" Oh yeah , uhm , give me a second please." he said while turning around.
Holding his wrist to his ear he was speaking with somebody.
Being kind of isolated Rico started to look around.
The students were swinging their Staves around.
Rubbing his eyes Rico gaped in surprise.
He could see the air flicker when the Students move their eyes.
Rubbing his eyes again he glanced another time.
Again there was the flicker.
Rubbing his eyes again the teacher started to speak.
" Larnard-san , please follow me. To the OTHERS behave ill be right back" the last part was shouted towards the rest of the class.
Walking along a corridor of the shool we arrived at the Chairmans office.
Sensei knocked on the door and someone welcomed us in.
A girl sat behind the desk of the Chairman.
The room was brightly illuminated and didnt have any decoration adorning it.
Only the heavy Oaken Desk with its fine linings was situated in it.
She was wearing a Black uniform with red embroiderie around the cuffs of her sleeve.
Bearing a smile on her face she couldnt be older then 17 the same age Rico was but due to the bow from Sensei Rico knew this was the real Chairman of this shool.
Having long Golden hair and Blue eyes she was a beauty to behold but what caught Ricos interest were the ears.
" Excuse me , Madame , but may i inquire if u are an Elv? " did Rico ask nonchalantly.
" Haha , definetly you are from Oedgen Land , well certainly i am an Elv . Now to a more serious topic , you are aware of the events 500 years ago correct?" did the Chairman ask.
Nodding my head she continiued.
" Very well , due to the influence of us or the Portal Humans have gained the ability to cast magic. Even People at the other side of the world like you from Oedgen Land have gained that ability , this shool is for training those abilitys. Your father has informed us you have no knowledge of hardly any of this. If i may say ur father is quite a sly fox , since he enrolled you here , but that is another topic. Now for the real reason why you are here. Put ur hand in this box. Dont worry it will analyze ur blood in order to make a Staff appropriate for you. Then you can continiue your lesson." did the Elv say.
Without any doubt he put his hands in the Machine.
The machine was made out of a Plastic like material and had a greyish color.
A smoof surface and a Cube like form where its most redeeming features.
" Impressive you just put your hand in there without asking any questions. Different cultures i take it? " did the Chairman ask.
" I am very sorry , but i dont understand why this is so strange? " did Rico reply.
" Lets just leave it at that for now . Ahh your father informed us that you only started to learn this language a few days ago , for that it seems quite good i must say."
" I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this pleaseant evaluation , but it is only my verbal grasp of the language that is good. The letters are very strange for me and i prioritized in the verbal part so i wouldnt gather too much attention not knowing how to speak."
" Larnard-San please dont speak so formally with me , i am the same age as you." did she offer him kindly.
" I have to excuse myself again , due to various reasons i could only acquire this speech pattern the newest language 'trends' are not in my reach yet"
" Truly admirable that you can openly speak about your weaknesses like that. It almost seems to me like you are of another race not me."
Rico had an almost unnoticable jolt going through his body.
Nonetheless the sharp eyes of an Elv caught the momentary jolt.
" Also very impressive that you could directly surpress the pain from the needle piercing your skin and Bone in your hand. Let me explain we need Blood as well as a grain of your Bone structure to determine the Magic you are able to use as well as the power you have. We need to know the type of Magic as well as its power to understand the material of which ur Staff is made out off and the form. The box should release you any moment." as she finished her explanation Rico pulled his hand out of the box.
Examining his hand there was a little hole in the middle of it.
No blood was oozing out and there was no pain.
Only the little hole reminded him of the procedure he just underwent.
" Now let me see what you are made out off Lernard-San." did the Elven girl infront of him say with dreamy eyes.
First she drew her brows close together almost looking angry , then she raised them up almost as if staring in disbelieve then she returned to the normal gaze she had.
" Well this will be interesting ....." did she mutter.
Rico almost missed it as she spoke very quietly.
She gave him a piece of wood which had a indescriabable shape with a rough surface.
" Put it over our watch and slide it towards your elbow Larnard-San." did she say half smiling.
Rico did as he was told.
At first the Block of wood felt cool at the touch then it started to feel incredibly hot.
The rough surface changed into a smooth one.
Reshaping itself it was easy to grab now with one hand.
Extending onward and onward it stopped ways over his own height.
" This is a Asheborn Staff , the wood is from my Planet and nobody has ever made it to cultivate these plants on this planet. It is very rare among humans to have ever seen Wood like this. The crystal on the Staff is even knew to me , maybe you should get an appraisal from a tinker in your class or a senpai of yours. Now Larnard-san i truly welcome you to Brahms Academy i hope for honourable fights and alot of Knowledge for you." did she say while sending Rico back to the gym.
Still puzzeling over the whole situation he read through the note the Chairman gave him.
On this note there was described what he should do if he needs any Information about the shool or its teaching content.
There was only a single sentence written on the peace of paper.
'Ask your watch'
Touching it and thinking about the usage off the Staff in his hands a flood of pictures invaded his left eye.
Uncountable Stances , motions and Commands were displayed before him.
Not so sure about all of this he just flung the doors open to the Gym.
Clapping his hand the teacher made everyone pause in the Gym.
" Larnard-san how was it ?" did the teacher say smiling.
" It was a Eye opening ... Experience Sensei ..." did Rico say.
" Now my precious Students i am proud to tell you that this Person Larnard-san is a Oedgen Land resident. He has never come into contact with a Elv before today and had now knowledge of Magic. The Chairman even told me that he aquiered the language only a few days ago. So dont be too rough on him." did the Teacher shout throughout the Gym.
" Yes " was heard reveberating throughout the hall.
" Now lets see what a Oedgen citizen can do , shall we. Barring-san come over here and sparr with him." did the Teacher command.
She came over with a rather bad mood.
" Well lets see what you are made out off T-r-a-s-h" did she whisper towards Rico.
" I thought u atleast were honourable enough to ask for forgiveness , to my utter surprise i was wrong." Rico replied.
" Ask ... for ... forgiveness .... " her face became red at the sentence and her eyes were filled with rage " I will wipe the floor with you."
" Sensei , ive read everything is allowed in these spars , besides killing , correct?" Rico asked the teacher calmly.
" That is correct , so now then lets beginn "
Twirling the staff around in fluid motions and holding it on the same level as his Chest Rico gave the watch the command for Lightning.
"......" nothing happend.
Letting go of the staff with one hand he touched the watch and gathered more input on how to use magic.
" Was that Lightning? Alone from the Black colour of your Staff i know you cant use lightning , Trash , this is what a lighnting wielder can do! " Elena said out loud.
She did the same movements as Rico before , but a arc of lightning came from the staff and made its way towards Rico.
Jumping back a incredible distance he evaded the strike.
Looking at her Staff the color was dark Yellow .
Getting the idea from her he touched the Watch and entered the command of 'Black Staff'
He got a overview what color could procure what.
" Tsk " did he made a clicking sound with his tongue.
Holding his Staff with the tip pointing downwards he circled it on the spot and murmerd the command words.
" Ohoo , the trash learned how to use magic , too bad that black users have to say it out loud and cant mind command it." did Elena mock Rico.
" Draka olumine krash Drisnack niras bilak Inrash!" did Rico shout out loud.
Everyone was puzzled at the unfamiliar words , he was saying the commands in Oedgen language.
A black mist appeared at his feet where he was swirling his staff.
" Even though you said it in another language everyone knows that Black magic users can only procure 1 type of feat. Unlike me and ALL others you arent adaptable to situations."
Using different motions then before , this time she was pointing her Staff towards Rico at the end.
Ozon could be smelled all around the Gym.
The Air was pulsing with electricity.
" Barring-san , STOP this instant do you want to kill a Novice?" did the teacher shout as he was trying to procure a Shield ontop of Rico.
He wasnt fast enough as a Pure orb of electricity made its way towards Rico.
' Oh SHIT ' did Rico think and thrust up his Staff infront of him hoping to block of the attack somehow.
Inches from his face a cracking sound could be heard from Ricos feet.
A pirecing screech followed after that.
After this a defeaning explosion was audiable ripping the floor open and flinging the pieces of debris around like a bar of dynamite exploding under a huge chunk of Rock.
The dust cleared and the teacher was about to make a desperate call for the medics until he held his breath in surprise.
Not only was Rico mostly unharmed , only a few scratches due to flying pieces of Wood , but Elena was also lying on the floor several paces away from her original postion with minor wounds.
" ... What just happend ..." did the teacher ask himself.

Re: The Legend Of Mythrandiel

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 10:47 pm
by Tharin
Chapter 2
Spoiler! :
Opening my eyes i felt a short burst of pain exploding inside of my head.
Before closing my eyes i got a hazy image of a white ceeling which defiently wasnt familar.
Rubbing my temples i felt my arms were sore.
Testing every muscle strain i had in my body i found to be sore in places i didnt even know that had muscles.
Trying to make somebody notice me i opened my mouth but nothing came out, even my vocal cords were sore.
Only one solution came to my mind while i thought of a way to pass the time.
Lifting my right arm i touched my left wrist.
< Magic > i comanded to the watch.
The insides of my left eyelid became a interface displaying windows and windows of documents.
Storys of magic users , crimes commited by magicians as well as the incident 500 years ago were contained in them among other things.
< Magic types and its uses > did i command this time to narrow down the search.
Still numerous documents where visiable but since i had time on hand i decided to read through them.
After flipping through the texts and pushing the ones aside that werent to informative i got a clearer understanding of the *Magic* which humans could use and what the difference between them was.
Summarized it would be there are ALOT of different kinds of magic.
Taoism Monks , Medival Magicans , Neomages , Witches , Warlocks , Summoners , Arcane binders , Swordweavers , Paladins etc etc etc.
The most common used practice was the Staff mages.
In a sense it was the CORE of all Magic.
But clearly displayed in all the texts most strived after their academic Schooling to another sort of magic , since the Staff practice was the base for magicians and was used for teaching.
I have often been described as one who accesed every situation carefully and never went into a *battlefield * unprepared , okay some called me a bookworm.
But that wasnt entirely true.
Sure i read alot but in what way would it benefit me to study all different types of Magic to create a plan how to defeat every SINGLE kind of magician ?
It is magic what we are talking about.
Also , as great tacticans said in Wars of the past : The best made plan crumbles upon making contact with the enemy.
Closing the files inside the interface for now , as i heard a sound which was close by.
" Hello? " did my hoarse voice resound.
Light footsteps and sound of Cloth rubbing together could be heard.
" Ahh you are awake Lernard-san." did i hear a voice which was unfamilar but yet beautifully resounding of the walls close by.
" I will call the Chairman , wait here please. Haha like you could walk in your current situation , haha" did she laugh about the pitifull state i seemed to be in.
A little while later i heared the light footsteps and another pair of soft steps approching.
" Lernard-san you sure are full of surprise. I believed you would be out cold for another day or two." the sweet voice of the chairman resounded.
" Thank you for your concern Chairman-dono but i besides the pain i am feeling in my head it seems my condition is best described as regular." i said while trying to lift myself up.
" No no , no need to pay your respect towards me. The sick should rest." the unfamilar voice said which i took for the schools nurse.
Nonetheless i still straightend myself out and gave a bow to where the voice of the chairman came from.
" May i inquire where i am , Judging from the smell of Alcohol plus the comfortable bed and the white ceeling my guess would be a Hospital? "
" You are in the schools infimary , Lernard-san and sorry to say this but im surprised you figured out your location that quick without a few looks around." the chairman said " Since you shouldnt remember anything hears the short version of it , you fought with a Girl from your class in a sparring match and somehow both of you got hurt in the process. Thats how you ended here. Your headache and soreness should come from the electric jolts that the girl shot off." did the Chairman explain.
Images floated into my mind as i began to recall the scene.
" Thank you Chairman-dono" did i say as i bowed another time " My memories are coming back to me. May i inqurie where the young Lady is?"
" In custody , afterall she shot a lethal amount of Magic at you intended to harm another person."
" May i make a humble request Chairman-dono?"
" Speak up boy and stop this pattern of speech its clearly annoying."
" I wish for me to receive the same punishment as the young Lady which i spared with."
" ... Why?"
" I myself dont think i am unrelated to her behaviour and thus i should receive a sever punishment."
" Wait , you would put yourself in harms way for another person you clearly dislike and loathe i assume?"
" I beg you pardon but how are my personal feelings involved in this particular reasoning? I merely wish as a guilty suspect to be lectured or punished in an equivalent way as my co suspect. "
" You are really giving me a headache Lernard-san. Not only do you defy the logic i have thought to have obtained of the human race long ago but also you are arrogant enough to deem my judgment of the situation as unworthy and ask for a correction of the unfair treatment you are receiving as a guilty suspect , is that correct? " the chairman said with a cold yet sweet voice.
" To my own demerit i got to admit i tried to * sugar coat * it but in the essence , yes thats true." i boldly stated.
My intention told me the chairman and also the Nurse were staring at me with their mouths opened wide.
Imagining this i smiled a little.
" Has anyone ever told you to work on your Ego? " did the Nurses voice ask me.
" Rethinking about it I think i have heared that particular phrase quite a few times but it never really stuck to me for some reason."
" U-uhm " did the Chairman make herself hearable with a cough " Lernard-san , i herby decree that Barring-san shall receive the same punishment you are to receive. Go home and rest . Vi-chan take care of his headache." she said and i heared soft footsteps getting quieter and quieter as she departed.
The Nurse told me to lay perfedtly still on the bed.
After i had taken a comfortable postion and did as she ordered a warm feeling enveloped me.
To her command i opened my eyes and all the pain was gone.
Sending me off with a critizing look i left for the place i called home.

It was already way past the time for my routine but i couldnt force myself to abondon one of the only regular things i had in my Life so i did them anyways.
Physically exhausted i arrived at home way after Midnight but i still studied up the material of class.

On the next day i was incredibly sleepy even after i ran 20 kilometers and had my morning routine.
Arriving in school barely on time i went to my desk.
I seated myself and a sequence of tones errupted suddendly.
Sounding like a hymne one would hear in a tavern or a shady bar i looked around for its source.
Noticing that all of the heads were turned towards me i realized it came from my watch.
Tapping it with my fingers i held it to my ear.
" Y-Yes?" did i shout towards my wrist.
" WOW , this is a device built for mental conversations , MENTAL , i could hear you from next door. I called since i heared a complaint about you Lernard-san. Change into your Uniform right away." a cute voice resounded in my head.
" May i humbly ask how i do so , Chairman-dono?"
" ... Do you remeber the note?" with this she hung up.
Standing up i closed the Classroom door behind me and went for the bathroom.
I gave the command for Schooluniform after i tapped the watch and my regular clothes transformed.
Looking at myself in the big mirror of the Bathroom i was clad in a unfamilar uniform.
The buttoned shirt had 3 red lines around the sleeves where my hand stuck out and it was black.
A white sleevless Vest which was buttoned up 4 times with a V cut , extending beneath my chest area, completed the top.
Perfecting the top was a red necktie.
Giving the finishing touch was a black pants with a white leather belt that had a big buckle.
The shoes were still the same black boots i always wore.
Recalling something odd i commanded the watch to bring up the info about dresscode in this school.
Schoolregulation 12 dresscode Paragraph 7.3 : The students eyes have to be visiable at all Times : i read while sighing loudly.
Loosening my necktie and rooling up the sleeves of the new shirt i used both hands to grab into my hair.
Ruffeling them up and tucking them behind my ears i looked in the mirror.
Another long sigh escaped my throat.
Well there is no helping it , did i think for myself.

Arriving back at the classroom i scanned for the teacher but he still wasnt here.
The room was rather noisy as everyone was occupied chatting with one another.
Going to my desk i sat down and tapped the girl sitting besides me on the shoulder.
" May i ask what is going on?" did i ask her.
" The teacher is a little late and we think we'll get a period off." she said without lifting her head from the desk.
" What are we supposed to do in a *free period*?"
" Are you from another planet or something ?" did she say while turning her head.
" WAIT WHO ARE YOU?" she shouted while looking at me for the first time.
I flinched at her loud voice cause i have been through this more times then i had wished for.
" Rico Lernard , i am sorry to have exposed it but it is otherwise in violation of the school rules..." did i state with remorse.
" Huh , what are you talking about? You look like a totally different person."
The attention concentrated on our conversation as every student of the class started to turn their heads around.
" My eyes?"
" Sure i have never seen an actual Bi Chromie before but i never heard of Gold as a eye color before. It matches very well with your other Green one." did she try to reassure me.
" Isnt it considered a bad Omen to have 2 different eyes colors? Thats what it was in my hometown."
" No it just makes you special , but with those looks you dont even need the extra touch to spice up your apperance."
She leaned over and whispered into my ear.
" Uhm , do you have a Girlfriend Rico?"
" Of what importance is that question for you , what was your name again?"
" My name is Alice Lawson 17 years of age single and looking for a boyfriend " she said while smiling cutely.
Taking a closer look at her apperance she had long Jet black hair.
Her figure would be described as voloptous and her waist thin.
Eyes the color of a clear night and light makeup perfected her apperance.
She wore a white blouse carefully tucked into her skirt which was green.
The vest she wore ontop accented her female curves and it was green as her skirt.
Her legs were covered in white over knee socks.
Looking around she was the most beautifull girl around here.
Another thing caught my interest though , everyone wore Green boys and girls.
I was the only odd one out with red and black.
" Lawson-san , why does everyone wear green in this class?" did i ask her.
" Well thas because we are 1-f ? Why are you dressed in black?"
" I am trully ashamed of myself not being able to answer your question but i do not know , i commanded the watch for Uniform and this came out? But what do you mean by because we are 1-f?"
" Well thats ...." she started but got interrupted.
The door to our Classroom opened and a unfamiliar person came in.
" Listen children , your teacher is absent today. Be back by second period." the teacher said and shut the door behind him.
A Joyfull chear errupted within seconds of the classroom and people started to depart.
" Come Rico , lets go hit the town" did Alice say and pulled on my sleeve.

Sitting in a cafe close to school i was drinking a black coffee out of a cup which was way to small for me.
Opposite me was sitting Alice and she held a high cup with a immense amount Foam crowning it.
She dragged me here without any further explantation.
As we entered i noticed half of the female population of our class tailing us.
I thought they were tailing us out of a few particular reasons.
The most obvious would be that they sneaked around and one always looked around the corners stealthly before entering the road which we were walking on.
Now they were distributed evenly among 3 tables stealing glances at us from time to time.
Sighing out of frustration at the silence between me and Alice as well as the girls escaped me.
" Hick ... Hick ... am i boring you?" did she say almost in tears.
" Well i hate to admit but yes." was my retort.
" Tsk " did she make a clicking sound with her tongue." I just wanted some fun with you , do you not like it?"
She looked at me with her big eyes and tilted her head a little.
My facial muscles became relaxed.
" Not necessarily , but i want to ask you what did you want to express with your answer back in the classroom?"
" The 1-f thing? Well we are 1-f not 1-6. Thats why we have green uniforms."
" What difference does that make?"
" Well , that means that our parents cant use magic."
" So the Students of 1-6 have parents that do?"
" Well , yeah"
I made a mental note Alice is definetly not on the brightest side.
" Interesting " did i mutter more to myself then to her.
" What?" she picked up what i said.
" Not of your concern." i said while standing up.
As i was about to leave she grabbed my sleeve and tried to pull me back.
" Can you please stay?" did i hear her pleaing voice.
Smiling at her i placed my hand over her's that was holding my sleeve and applied slight pressure to her hand.
She let go and began to stare at her feet.
I seen her face take on a red color.
With this i was satisfied and returned back to the classroom.

As i was walking back i noticed a few people doing their daily buisness and smiled at them whenever they looked my way.
Everytime i did that the bowed and it seemed to me that they cowered in fear.
Finding this rather strange i continiued along the way.
What also caught my interest were those immovable structures of distant humanoid form.
Every few paces they were set up and i felt watched whenever i passed one.
What i also noticed was the difference in transportation the people around this part of the world used.
While in my hometown everything car was rather loud and noisy and had four wheels these were different.
They still looked the same.
Metal frames , wheels glass.
But the noise was different , there was none.
Some even lacked wheels at all and seemed to be hovering in midair as they passed me by.
Also the usual sight of electricity Lines and poles were no where in sight.
Another thing was the street lights i saw every night while i was jogging.
Not being the usual orange or yellow color but a light blueish.
What picked my Interest in another way were the buildings itself.
I wasnt surprised to see architetcual differences but to this extent it was amazing.
Sure the walls were either made out of stone of Concrete and it was most the usual recangular form , but where ever there was room for it curves were placed.
The ending of the roof tiles.
Windows , Doors , gardens even mailboxes among other things didnt seem to fit in with the things i have experienced so far.

After school the Chairman called me for a private talk.
So now i was sitting in her office in the comfortable looking couch facing her directly opposite me with a round glass table seperating us from one another.
Infront of me a cute little cup full of hot black coffee...
Yes it was little ... about a fifth of the size of mine at home.
What is wrong with these people around here? did i think for myself.
The Chairman was drinking tea and neither of us spoke a word.
It wasnt possible for me to bear the silence anymore so i broke it with a question.
" Chairman-dono , may i ask why you have summoned me here?"
" Oh right , have you thought of a club yet which u want to join?" she said in a cute voice.
" Club , why would i think about joining one?"
" It is mandatory to join one in this school , to further develope the capabiltys which lie dormant in every magician is what this school struggles for. A club will ensure this , or it will help to improve social standing which is another form of capability one shouldnt take lightly in this world."
" Why would it help me to further increase social standing?" was my dumbfounded reply.
" You seem to misunderstand a crucial thing about the *world* you now live in. Let me tell you there will be alot of people who will try to use you as a stepping stone in the society to struggle to the top. Not only will this be an issue after u graduated from this facility but also within this Academy you will sooner or later start noticing people who want to get closer to you at all costs. If you dont have people backing you up , or even keeping your back clear of unwanted people , you will fail. It is a harsh reality out there. I suggest you join a club with authority. The student council , Moral comitee or even event comitee would be a wise choice for you. "
After that statement she dismissed me.
I had alot of things to think about and she didnt even let me try to gain any answers out of her.
The idea of * power* crossed my mind.
She wanted me to gain power.
This part of the world was clearly unfamiliar to me , but why would she even go as far as giving me advice on what to join.
The thought of a 17 year old girl being a Chairman of a Academy also felt strange to me , but i didnt question it further due to the * culture shock * i got from this place.
With these thoughts nagging at my mind i passed the way home.
Entering within visual sight of the place i called home i noticed something was amiss.
Scanning it from the distance i clearly felt something was off but i couldnt put a finger onto it.
Casually walking to not raise suspicion i ascended the entry door.
As i tried to insert the key into the lock i pushed open the door.
I was on high alert now as i knew everything mistake i made now could be fatal.
The door didnt make any sounds as it got pushed open so i snuck inside and proceeding cautiosly.
Glancing around the corner into the living room and kitchen there was nothing amiss.
Bathroom nothing , storage nothing , the lights of the basement were off too.
Only the second floor remained.
Another bathroom and 2 bedrooms.
My own and the unoccupied one.
Since there was nothing inside of the unoccupied one i crept up to my own.
Pushing down the handle and thrusting it open i saw a person rummaging through my belongings.
As the noise of the door reached her she spun her head around and noticed me standing there.
The figure was definetly female but her face was covered in black smoke.
Not one feature was visiable through that smoke.
Her next action was a rather predicatable one.
She turned around and jumped through the closed window.
Glass shattered and she fled.
I didnt even bother to look which way she went and started to clean up the mess.
After i was finished nothing was missing or broken.
This raised my suspicion.
All of my belongings where scattered about so she couldnt have missed what she was looking for.
So what she was looking for wasnt here.
Going near the entrance door i opened a closet where i hung my jacket and stored my shoes.
Grabbing in the back i retrieved a wooden case a foot taller then me in height.
My Magic staff and its container.
This was the only thing i could think of which had value in this house but as to what they wanted to do with my Staff would remain a mystery.
Yawning i was on my way to school.
I didnt call the police as my father certainly made sure that since my birth that i would always keep a low profile.
I didnt know why i had to do so but he drilled it into me numerous times.
Arriving in the School yard i noticed a change in the behaviour of the students.
Openly they were pointing at me or blankly starring at me.
Thinking back the last time i looked in the mirror i couldnt recall anything being amiss.
Uniform black and white with my leather shoes was what i was supposed to wear.
Neither did my shirt stick out of my pants nor was there any foreign substance not belonging on a piece of clothing on it.
I was used to stares as in the place where i used to live everyone would think of me as a walking bad omen.
But i never had any looks or stares that felt like this before in my life.
Ignoring my surroundings i went straight to class.

Arriving 30 minutes early something seemed different today then the rest of the days.
Almost everyone was here already and they were happily chatting with one another.
I sat down quietly and waited for Alice to arrive.
She did so a few minutes after me and i asked her as soon as she sat down herself.
" Alice-san why is everyone here this early today?"
" Oh you dont know , huh? Were going to the place where it all began today."
" You mean the portal?" was my surprised remark.
She nodded at me.
Now even i got excited.
The place where it all began , where the elves first arrived.

Re: The Legend Of Mythrandiel

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 8:01 pm
by superloner
Interesting, though I'll say his father is an idiot in the way he raised his son.