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Re: Volume 8, Chapter 7

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:12 am
by SeaWolf
The reason why the anime didnt include any of this was because of time constraints. By the time they got to the end of the war they were simply out of episodes and they had no way of knowing if the series was going to be picked up for a third season. Most anime of this type and target audience never get more than one season so when they ended the second they couldnt just leave it on a cliff hanger. Likewise when they began season 3 they couldnt just flash back and show all of what happened because it would have lost much of its impact since we know the final outcome, and it would have used up way to much time in a 12 episode season.

Re: Volume 8, Chapter 7

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:29 am
by Darknemo2000
And rushing the final scene in a few minutes didnt make it loose impact?

I think that cliffhanger would have been MUCH better ending than forcing it all in a few minutes and even finishing without a kiss but another boob-joke.

Re: Volume 8, Chapter 7

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:12 pm
by Darknemo2000
20% added.
Spoiler! :
Maid to the (useless) rescue.

Re: Volume 8, Chapter 7

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:24 pm
by SeaWolf
Darknemo2000 wrote:And rushing the final scene in a few minutes didnt make it loose impact?

I think that cliffhanger would have been MUCH better ending than forcing it all in a few minutes and even finishing without a kiss but another boob-joke.
Yes it would, provided that they knew they were going to be green-lit for season 3. However at the time they didnt know that, so they were forced to do what they could to tie up the loose ends. And with almost no time left that was pretty much the only choice. If they were to let the anime end of the ZnT franchise end on that cliff-hanger there would have been many angry fans. The only ones that wouldnt mind are the ones that read the books, but that is only a small percentage.
Spoiler! :
perhaps it was her body telling her what she should do dark--giver her a push--but unfortunately the mind took over again

Re: Volume 8, Chapter 7

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:04 pm
by Darknemo2000
It was very easy to predict that another season will come, specially because the budget wasn't so big to begin with, so what they made one season of kimikiss could easily be three znt seasons. No one is that stupid to not understand the general marking, where first season pretty much ensured the continuation for 2-3 seasons until the popularity dies out, specially considering that ZnT budget was never really big. (granted connected with 12 episodes instead of 24 but still...).

The only way they could not be aware of the next season

1)They are total amateurs and never poking heard about Japanese market (which is impossible)
2) It was their first season thus the operational (basis) numbers are unknown. (which is not true)

You have to realize that despite the unpredictable first season, seasons that are later to come can be calculated judged on the first season, specially with short season's, unless they do a total screw up the series (which seasons 2and 3 provided) yet again the budget of 2nd season made it easy to predict that despite even possible screw up there will be a third season. Now with the 4th season it is hard to tell as we enter into the grey zone, after the two popularity drops of s2-3, yet taking into account that budget of ZnT is still not very big and that even Znt 3rd season was not such financial catastrophe as Kimikiss anime the chances of 4th season are very very high still. The chances of 3rd season were much higher though.
Spoiler! :
No. It was her mind taht wanted to jump, but her body didn't.

Re: Volume 8, Chapter 7

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:38 pm
by zultekmilennia
They took some dumb risk and filled the series with useless fillers, instead of using the source material which would've sparked more interest in the series rather than spoil its chances.

I don't know whether J.C Staff is dumb or ignorant. Sure, adapting the series faithfully is hard, but stuffing the series with fanservice episodes isn't wise either.

Hope they either redeem themselves with future seasons or do a remake. I'd rather KyoAni do a remake of the ZnT series rather than the first season of Haruhi, which was superb.

Not that we'd ever see Haruhi2 in our lifetime.

Re: Volume 8, Chapter 7

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:55 pm
by SeaWolf
I completely disagree with your analysis of the making addition seasons, and i doubt we will ever agree on that.
Spoiler! :
No. It was her mind taht wanted to jump, but her body didn't.
Spoiler! :
I was talking about siestas trip and push, then her catch of louise as she was falling. So i was saying that siestas body wanted to kill louise but her mind wouldnt let her

Re: Volume 8, Chapter 7

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:35 pm
by SeaWolf
I hope this wait for the second season of SHnY is a reflection of effort being put in to live up to the first season.

I think the shift in focus between seasons 1 and 2 of ZnT had a to do with preconceived notions of late night anime fans taste, and cause the switch in directors. They had to have done pretty well with the second season since they got a third but i dont have any idea how well 3 did. But assuming that did well enough to justify a 4th i bet they stick with the fan service since it seems to work for them.

Re: Volume 8, Chapter 7

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:50 pm
by zultekmilennia
I don't mind the fanservice too much, but they could've at least fit in some character and story development in the series to go along with the fanservice.

I got the first and second season on DVD and about the third, maybe I'll just wave the white flag here. I'm getting that ef ~tales of memories~ DVD instead.

I have faith in the series, but it seems that J.C Staff doesn't. Or maybe they have a warped way of showing it.

And, KyoAni did announce that they plan to remake the first season, instead of making a second one. Maybe the community got it right, "no matter how they string us along with fanservice-y image, they'll never going to release Haruhi2, ever"

They're busy with Clannad AS, and I heard they have another project in the making (not Haruhi related), so unless they're trying to surprise us, maybe KyoAni doesn't plan on making Haruhi2 in fear of letting down their legion of fans.

I'm still hoping otherwise, though.

Re: Volume 8, Chapter 7

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:00 pm
by Darknemo2000
Actually, first season did better than the second and the thirds so there wasn't that much of adjusting anime fan tastes but rather trying to increase its popularity even more. Yet it doesn't seem to be the right way - fanservice if tastefully done always works wonder with popularity, yet distastefully done one and way too much of it doesn't. They decided to go fanservice way yet seems like more fans dropped after the second season so in third they tried to even increase the fanservice to attract more attention with cheap means. So far doesn't seem to work. It looks like ZnT anime is still moving because of the push the first season done (which had an equal amount of plot, character development, comedy and fanservice) rather than the 2nd and 3rd (decreased plot, character development., romance for the sake of comedy and fanservice).

Of course that they have a director who is considered to be rather talentless doesn't help the series either.

It is still not Kimikiss of course, people still buy ZnT anime after all, but the numbers seem decreasing..I still think it is safe to assume that the 4th season will come but 5th seems to be rather doubtable...

Well lets hope that someone will do a remake of this good but terribly raped by the JC Staff story. It really deserves more than repetitive boob-jokes.
Spoiler! :
As for Siesta wanting to kill Louise... Thats beyond ridiculous. Siesta (nor mind nor body) does not want Louise harm, she just doesn't care about her, yet because Saito cares about Louise Siesta takes part of it. She doesn't really like Louise, but to say that she or her body wants to kill her is just too random and stupid.

Re: Volume 8, Chapter 7

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:21 pm
by SeaWolf
Spoiler! :
Well It was a joke in response to your joke in the previous post about her rescue attempt but as with all jokes it doesnt work when it has to be explained....

Re: Volume 8, Chapter 7

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:36 pm
by Nerevarine
-well ive been extremely busy the last couple of days (working consecutive doubles are tough)- but....



turn out like some kind of romeo-juliet plot. (though it would never happen) i would have loved it soooo much.

and how the author twisted Louise by making her want to change dreams into reality was sooo great.


Re: Volume 8, Chapter 7

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 3:46 am
by zultekmilennia
Yeah, Louise killing herself was just a way to show her longing for Saito. There's no way she'll die, but seriously injured would be fine. Maybe if Saito heard about her suicide attempt, she'll come running back to her.

Though Siesta's rescue attempt was kinda a joke though. "Sorry", the next time I hear that from someone who is holding on for my and his/her dear life, I'm gonna kiss my ass goodbye.

Re: Volume 8, Chapter 7

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:00 am
by Hubb
zultekmilennia wrote:There's no way she'll die
I hope not, otherwise there is a ton a volumes that will be Louise-less.

Anyway when I was reading that part of the chapter I was kind of rooting for her to die. Before I get to far into this, it's not because I dislike Louise or something like that. I just thought it would be funny if the author just ran out of ideas and had to push the volume out; "(only a semi-spoiler if you haven't read 47% into this chapter)
Spoiler! :
Louise and Siesta die due to the fall
and Saito gets killed by anges(sp?) during sword practice...the end."

Re: Volume 8, Chapter 7

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 4:34 pm
by Darknemo2000
23% added. 70% done over all.