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Re: Zero no Tsukaima Names and Terminology

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:01 pm
by Hiyono
To be quite honest, the Japanese are the last people you should ever look to for an accurate spelling.

Re: Zero no Tsukaima Names and Terminology

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 6:28 pm
by Macko Darlack
OK, got it, so Gandalfr and Tristain :mrgreen: . now i got another thing. about Book 6 Ch.7:

the title name is ダータルネスの幻影. translated it was "The Illusion of ダータルネス". the word is almost the same as ダーダネルス海峡.
Spoiler! :
海峡 = strait
ダーダネルス = dardanelles

more info of the strait here.
and in jap for those who want
so, could it be that way? like "the Illusion of Dardanell/Dardanel/Dartanel or something? Dardanelles strait is in Turkey. the door, if not the same, to Holy Land, for the Crusadees (don't know if it is well written, but the ones who went to the Crusades). it seems this part of History in the novel, since they (halkeginians) want to regain land from elves (who I assume are arabs or sth like that [just note the supposed-to-be Saito's motherland, sth with &%·& al Karyie]). so i guess that is a very hot place, and maybe that illusion is like a hallucination... but since I haven't read that volume yet, i don't know whether it is a place or a person ('cause it can be the name of the ex-subordinate of Colbert, the one who sense warmth from people, u know)... but plz take my note into account


EDIT: well, now that chapter 7 has already been fully released, ダータルネス is a place.

Re: Zero no Tsukaima Names and Terminology

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 9:13 pm
by Xorius
Yeah... I'm especially all over the place with place/city names... I've pretty much just used it from past chapters... and fuddled my way through the new ones. The chinese translations have pronounciations so far from english that it's amazing how they even sound similar sometimes :shock:

I was wondering if an editor could kindly post some sort of unified guideline for the cities and places that's popped up?

Re: Zero no Tsukaima Names and Terminology

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:02 am
by Darknemo2000
And whats wrong with Dartanes? Specially because I translated the name separately from the other translator and only then noticed that our both name translation of Dartanes match which means that it indeed should be read this way.

Re: Zero no Tsukaima Names and Terminology

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:30 pm
by Macko Darlack
I didn't mean "Dartanes" is wrong. I'm only saying that, as an historical place, which seems to be this, its name must be sth like that. Dartanes is also close, but not enough, i think. let the mods plz decide it firstly. then we argue. any mod?? and can be opened another Unified Guidelines for Names and Places, plz mods?? for us not to have different words versions.
Darknemo2000 wrote: Specially because I translated the name separately from the other translator and only then noticed that our both name translation of Dartanes match which means that it indeed should be read this way.

I didn't get that.. could be plz more concise? I realized the name from the romaji of ダータルネス (daatarunesu). yes, both names match, but let's have a mod-opinion :D


Spoiler! :
off-topic: what's Kyonist??

Re: Zero no Tsukaima Names and Terminology

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:14 am
by Krikit
Spoiler! :
A "Kyonist" is a name that you have for having xxx posts If you've read the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, the main male lead's name is Kyon. So you are a Kyonist, or someone who follows Kyon. (Or Kyonism). All the names for posters are based off of the haruhi novels.

Re: Zero no Tsukaima Names and Terminology

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:36 am
by Darknemo2000
I think you are misunderstanding Macko Darlack. Mods do not have time to care about such minor issues. It is usually decided between editors and translators. And since two translators already use the term i do not see how it is wrong specially because our translations matched.

Re: Zero no Tsukaima Names and Terminology

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:54 am
by Krikit
Okay, I'm going to start compiling a naming convention and I'll post it on the Forums when I'm finished. I'll be reading all the ZnT forums and guidlines, etc, to try and make it. Anyway, If you have any suggestions, make them known now :)

Re: Zero no Tsukaima Names and Terminology

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:05 am
by Krikit
Here is all the naming Conventions that have been discussed/posted on this forum so far, and I suppose what should be used.

Louise Françoise Le Blanc de la Vallière
Hiraga Saito
Kirche Augusta Frederica von Anhalt Zerbst (Her Farmiliar is "Flame")
Tabitha (Tabitha the Snowstorm)
Sylphid (Wind Rhyme Dragon)
Guiche de Gramont (Guiche the Bronze)
Montmorency Margarita la Fère de Montmorency
Malicorne (Malicorne the Windward)
Old Osman
Longueville (Fouquet the Crumbling Dirt)
Colbert (Colbert the Flame Serpent)
Chevreuse (Chevreuse the Red Clay)
Captain Wardes
Prince Wales Tudor of Albion
Princess Henrietta
Cardinal Mazarin
General Hawkings (Albion General)
Stix (Malicorne's upperclassman aboard the ship)
Bowood (Captured Albion captain POW)
Poitiers (Tristain General)
Ermm... not sure of translation for Germania's general
Charlotte (Tabitha's true name)

Founder Brimir
Tristain Academy of Magic
Alvíss Dining Hall
Fenrir's Library
Vestri Courtyard
Bourdonné Street
La Rochelle
Summon Servant
Contract Servant
The Bell of Slumber
Familiar of Void
Lord Spee's Sword
Ecu Gold
New Gold
Staff of Destruction (M72 Rocket Launcher)
Zero Fighter (Dragon's Raiment)
Varsenda (Tristain capital ship)
Redoubtable (Tristain battle ship)

La Rochelle
Marie Grande
Kingdom of Tristain

Rosais (Albion Port)
Londonium (Albion capital)
Tarbes (Tristain town that was attacked)
South Gotha (Albion castle/town)

This is what we have so far. Please post any changes to this list you may have, and add new ones, and then I'll make a Wiki page for it so people can have a place that's organized for them to check the conventions. (Similar to how Spice and Wolf has the naming conventions section)

Added Edits:
Zero Figther - Saito's Plane. Is there any other way this should be said? "Dragon's Raiment"
Also added in Xorius's updates.

Re: Zero no Tsukaima Names and Terminology

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:10 am
by ShadowZeroHeart
How about Saito's plane? if that should be included that is? (not translator for ZnT so i am not sure)
龍的羽衣? i believe that is the name they call it?

Re: Zero no Tsukaima Names and Terminology

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:38 am
by Xorius
First of all, these are suggestions to find out the proper terms (e.g. Don't use these since they might be wrong) since some of 'em are guesses of mine.

General Hawkings (Albion General)
Stix (Malicorne's upperclassman aboard the ship)
Bowood (Captured Albion captain POW)
Poitiers (Tristain General)
Ermm... not sure of translation for Germania's general
Charlotte (Tabitha's true name)

Varsenda (Tristain capital ship)
Redoubtable (Tristain battle ship)


Rosais (Albion Port)
Londonium (Albion capital)
Tarbes (Tristain town that was attacked)
South Gotha (Albion castle/town)

PS. As for the Zero's 'magical' name, it's Dragon's Raiment or something according to wiki right? As for its normal name, its simply Zero in the chinese text. And I'd like to just add that Dartanes was used by me by referring to Darknemo's chapter. I think through the various chapters, its listed alternately so far as: Talnis, Taldanis, Dartanes... e.g. PERSONALLY, absolutely no clue what on earth their actual names are...

On another note, if someone would like to post their intepretations of the names of the Dragon Knights in volume 7 as well as the name of the Germanian general... it would make my life as a translator alot easier. I don't trust my chinese translation's intepretation of the names... it's such bastardised english I have a hard time even converting the known ones! (e.g. seriously, Kirche in chinese sounds nothing like kirche... :shock: )

Re: Zero no Tsukaima Names and Terminology

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:41 am
by Darknemo2000
Anies or Agnes? I used Agnes in all of my chapters. No editors edited the name.

Re: Zero no Tsukaima Names and Terminology

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:44 am
by Krikit
Okay, then I'll be editing the post for Agnes. (silent 'g' I take it?)

Re: Zero no Tsukaima Names and Terminology

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:55 am
by Darknemo2000
Literally it reads as in Aniesu but you can also read it as Agniesu (which would be Agnes or Agnies). I think just the name Agnes suits more the character of her rather than Anies. Has bit tougher sounding to it.

Re: Zero no Tsukaima Names and Terminology

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:56 am
by ShadowZeroHeart
It is a Zero fighter...

That is the reason why it is called "Zero".
That is, if the name given for the plane described is correct