Chapter Summarys

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Astral Realm

Chapter Summarys

Post by Znt_01 »

can some one who has read the RAWs Please give us a small summary of wat happens in the each of the remaining chpters(V9-C4 to V15-Epilogue).

would be much appreciated
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Astral Realm

Re: Chapter Summarys

Post by kingston_ronald »

i have not read the volumes as i do not understand Jap, but i found the Spoiler for Volume 15

Thanx to serenade_beta from
Spoiler! :
2 weeks after the Jormungant attack, the party has come to Carcassonne.
We start off with Louise chasing Saito around. Reason is, of course, the memory transfer thing that happened during the kiss in vol.14. Because not only did Saito’s “memories” flow into her, but so did his delusions…… And we have her doing a tsundere act on Saito. In the distance, Malicorne and co. are watching… With Malicorne enraged.
After a lovey-dovey scene between Louise and Saito, we have them about to kiss… But before they can, Malicorne appears and blasts them with lightning. And stomps on them.

The situation is explained. After the defeat of the Jormungants, many of the Gallian nobles started to rebel against Joseph. Through this, the rebel army (Pope’s side) have been able to advance to Carcassonne without a problem. However, on the opposite side of the river, the Gallian army blocks their advance. Even with all of the rebellion, the strongest nation on Halkegania still manages to maintain a large army. On Gallia’s side, they have 90000 soldiers while the rebel army has only 60000. Yet, the Gallian soldiers’ will to fight is low…
So the two sides have been staring at each other across the river.

It is best to point out here that Romarian soldiers are “watching over” Tabitha (who is at a terrace with Kirche). They do the same for Saito too, it seems. Though this “watching over” is feels more like “guarding” or watching over a hostage.

Later on…

Saito and Louise are having another romantic moment with each other. Saito thinks about how Louise has changed, how she hasn’t, the reason he was attracted to her, etc. and kisses her. As for Louise… when they kissed, Saito’s memories flow into her once again… However, she sees one memory where he was “treating Siesta the same as her”, snaps back to reality, pushes Saito away, and kicks into his face.

And then we have Tabitha, who wakes up from a dream about Saito confessing his love to her. She thinks about how she shouldn’t hold these feelings for Saito (because of her position) and how she thinks about the dreams more than her revenge against Joseph, and etc. You know, that sort of stuff. Basically, she’s in love with Saito and she’s trying to deny it.


The river where the two armies stared at each other…
The soldiers were cursing at each other, and occasionally, a mage/soldier from each side would fight each other. Such “entertainment” was occurring there.

To note, the Tiger tank is left at Aquileia, and Colbert is working on it
Henrietta has told Saito to stall for time.
Saito’s weapons are Derflinger and an AK rifle.

Thanks to Guiche being drunk and an idiot, Saito ends up fighting once… But since everyone knew and respected him as a hero for the Albion battle, people continued to want to fight him. So they just kept on coming, and Saito kept on earning money (and getting tired).
Just when Saito was about to quit (his own motivation for fighting was to lower the enemy morale, so all of this betting and stuff did not interest him), Guiche goes and convinces him to fight one more time with the temptation that Louise will let him cheat once or twice on her if he had the money to please her. Since Louise has been really jealous and violent lately, Saito is convinced.

His final opponent is…a man who doesn’t really look like one… The idiots (Guiche and co.) were disappointed that they wouldn’t be able to earn much from him, but Saito realized this nameless (he wouldn’t name himself) was strong.
And he was.
But it turns out the man was a supporter of Orlean (in other words, Charlotte). He purposely loses, and hands Saito the money earned in a bad, which contains a letter to Charlotte.

In the meantime, Tabitha, Louise, Kirche, and Tiffania are watching the fighting. Thanks to a little slip-up by Louise, Kirche and Tiffania tickle Louise until she told everything about Saito’s delusions and her anger. Which, of course, Kirche laughed at. And gave Louise a lesson on love, and that she shouldn’t get mad at Saito whenever he thinks of other girls.

Tabitha later on meets Julio (on accident, as he just “happened” to be where she was headed), and they have a little talk that reveals that practically everything is going as Romaria has planned. Watching her back, Julio thinks about how he will get her to cooperate with him (and the Pope), which will cause even more rebelling from the Gallian nobels.


Back at the lodge…
We have Louise and Tiffania discussing about the damn Pope and Julio and how they’ve been quiet recently and everything.
And somehow, the subject of the discussion slips to Saito and the dangerous mind of males.

Anyways, Louise decides to look Saito and goes to the bar the Undine are drinking at. Lots of drunk boys… and no Saito. They said that he went to pass something to Tabitha, which causes Louise to have another bout of jealousy and she goes off to find him.

Saito finds Tabitha and they ride on Sylpheed and read the letter. It turns out that the man who gave Saito the letter was the Rose Knights’s leader (the group that was completely defeated in vol.14) and that he and survivors have blended into the Gallian army. And that if Charlotte officially declares her enthronement/right to the throne, a good number of Gallians would revolt to her side. Saito suggests that they should keep still for now, as Henrietta has said, so Tabitha agrees.
*insert moment where Tabitha enjoys being near Saito*
As Sylpheed flies through the sky with the two, an owl flies above them unseen…


At Ryutis (Gallia capital), things were rather chaotic on the religion side. Becoming enemies of the “crusade”, believers/worshippers flock the temples to plead for salvation and the such, and the priests have announced they stand neutral. And the overall state was just bad. Low morale where everyone believes they will lose, merchants trying to save themselves from being branded as infidels, etc.

Now focusing on Joseph, we have him thinking about a time in his past, where he played hide-and-seek with Charles. If only Charles had shown him an expression of frustration just once, none of this madness would have happened. He destroyed countless cities, yet he did not shed a tear as he had hoped he would…
And then his daughter, Isabella, comes in. She’s shocked at the state of the nation and questions him on his actions, but not giving a care to her existence, he tells her to leave and get out of the country if she can’t stand it. Frightened by his existence (“monster wearing her father’s mask”) and hurt, she runs out. And Sheffield comes in, telling Joseph that Bidashal has finished “it”.

It was a “fire stone”, a magical item capable of scorching 20 leagues (in distance) into dust. Bidashal is creating this.
Walking over to him, Joseph reveals that he was a user of Void. While Bidashal was surprised that he was the user of such a demonic power, he knows that it would be best not to kill him and obey him, as if he died, the new Void user could end up working for the enemy, who already has three Void users.
After taunting the elf, Joseph has him create 2 or 3 more.


*insert a super ultra lovey-dovey scene between Louise and Saito, where they even start talking about buying a house and living together and talking about what they should buy and decorate and everything of that sort*
But just when they were about to climb the steps to adulthood, Malicorne, who was in the neighboring room, interrupts them and the whole mood is broken and the typical chaos follows…

Next morning, Julio appears in front of Saito and calls him out. He also hands money to the Undine. They didn’t want his money, but he doesn’t give a crap about that.

Julio bows and apologizes for what he did during the Gate incident. Typical conversation between the two (with Saito disliking Julio)… Though a note is that an owl flies by, slightly injuring Saito, and heads towards Julio. And Julio reveals it is his, named Nero.
Saito asks how long the stalement will continue, and Julio says that a good wind might blow soon.

Louise is at her room, dreaming and drawing her little dream future with Saito and her living together with no maid. And Saito comes in.

Please note that the two hold suspicion and anxiety to what Romaria might be planning.

They question Derflinger and Louise confirms the info about the Founder and how he had an elf for a familiar. Louise tries to get more information out of Derflinger, but his memories are still in pieces… and when he tries to think back, he is struck with a feeling of sadness, so he doesn’t want to remember.
Louise thinks that they can use the information of the founder+elf as a card for flipping the whole crusade upside down.
(Please note that it seems Romaria is invading Gallia on the “suspicion” that Gallia is working with elves)


At night, Tabitha is still worrying the usual worries when Saito visits her. He tells her that he thinks she should announce her enthronement. Following that, he kisses her like the events in her dream… But since Sylpheed was there and Tabitha didn’t want to wake her up, Saito stopped. He tells her to follow the order of a Romarian messenger that will come in a days, and he leaves after telling her that he will come at night again.


Focusing on Henrietta now, we have her landing in Ryutis, to directly meet Joseph and negotiate with him. What she plans to offer during the negotiations had been opposed by everyone if the castle… except the Cardinal.
They follow Sheffield, who appears in front of them.
By the way, Agnes is with her, as usual.

The compromise was that Joseph would cut his ties with elves, and in exchange, he would be allowed to rule as the king of Halkeginia (a new position to be created, where the king would rule over the nations except Romaria with the country kings supporting him). This compromise was created with the belief that Joseph was a greedy man trying to rule the world.
Joseph speaks out and says that he would agree if she also became his queen. She agreed to this, but Joseph quickly laughed as he knew that she planned to kill him on the first night. He then tells her that he will not agree to the compromise. Since he does not want to rule the world, but simply see hell. Needless to say, Henrietta was shocked by such madness.

Back at Carcassonne, we have Tabitha eagerly waiting for night, when Saito would come.
And so he does. After some lovey-dovey-ness from Saito, he leaves…
And Julio soon appears.
He tells her that he has come for her, as Saito said. She didn’t resist or oppose this time (thanks to love)…


Of course, the damn Pope puts his plans to action right away. Next day, he goes to the river, does a 30-minute long prayer, and then introduces Tabitha as the rightful king. After a bit more convincing from him, many soldiers of the Gallia army started to revolt to Romaria’s side. Not only that, but the Charles Orlean airship arrives and points the cannons at the remaining Gallian soldiers, causing them to give up. Now they plan to have Tabitha board and head to Ryutis.
However… At that moment, a gargoyle appears and flies towards them. The idiotic commander thinks the gargoyle might have come to deliver a message or something, so it was too late when he finally realizes something bad was coming… The fire stone held by the gargoyle cracks and takes out half the ship and the crew on it, also damaging the other ships with the flames.

Far away, on a Frigate, Joseph watches the spectacle and laughs. Along with him was Sheffield, and hand-bound Agnes and Henrietta. The boat was powered by Gargoyles. Joseph prepares a larger second fire stone and hands it to a gargoyle.

Back at the river, both armies were frozen shock by the torching of the armada. When they finally regained their senses, they started panicking and fleeing in fear.
Sylpheed grabs Louise and Saito, and along with the Paladins, they flew toward Joseph’s frigate.


As Joseph prepared the third and largest fire stone, the Paladin and Sylpheed arrive. The wind magic by the Paladins + Explosion by Louise caused the ship to shake, which made Joseph lose his balance and grip of the fire stone. The Paladin began to fight the gargoyles, as Henrietta manages to get the stone. However, a gargoyle manages to take it back.
Either way, Saito is sent out to face Joseph, who was chanting a spell. Sheffield attacks with gargoyles, but the angry Saito annihilates them in seconds… However, the gargoyles regenerated because they had the power of water added to them.
However, Saito pulls out a pistol he had been hiding and shoots Sheffield in the shoulder, causing her to lose concentration and control of the gargoyles.
He faces towards Joseph, who looks at him and begins reminiscing on the past. Saito warns him to drop the stone three times, but Joseph doesn’t and he shoots… only to see Joseph suddenly disappear. He reveals that it is the Void spell “Acceleration”.

No matter how many times Saito tries to hit Joseph, Acceleration prevents him to. Finally, Joseph stops playing around and pools out a dagger. Realizing he couldn’t block the dagger, Saito closes his eyes and relies on the eyes of his heart and prepares to strike Joseph.

Joseph plunges the dagger into Saito. However, that was Saito’s plan. He grabs Joseph’s hand and swings Derflinger at him, but the poison in the dagger paralyzes him.
Unbothered now, Joseph prepares to cast his spell on the stone when his Earth Ruby glows.

It was the Pope’s Void magic, Record, that showed the memories inside the Ruby. There, Joseph sees that his brother had actually showed frustration towards the fact he could not be king. The thing Joseph had ever wanted to see was shown, and in a way, he makes up with his brother. In reality, satisfied, Joseph slumps to the ground and drops the fire stone. It was over.
The Paladins arrive and surround him, and Tabitha and co. come too. Joseph, looking like a changed man now, sees her and gives her his crown. Pretty much, he was satisfied. Simply that. Nothing else matters anymore, not much different from before. He tells her the location of Bidashal, and says that she can tell him to create the potion to cure her mother’s illness by his order.
Saito tells Tabitha to do what she wants with Joseph, but in the end, she did not kill Joseph, to the relief of Saito. Of course, the reason was not because she forgave Joseph or anything, but more along not wanting to kill in front of Saito and the sort.
At that moment, the true end came when Sheffield, who seemed to have been forgotten, picks up the dagger and stabs Joseph with it. She kisses him and asks why he never looked at her. Still in his satisfied state, he says nothing. Sheffield tells everyone to leave her and Joseph alone, threatening them with the fire stone. After everyone left, the frigate rose up… and explodes into flames.
Watching the flames, Tabitha began to shed tears before she knew it.


Afterwards… The Pope announces what has happened. Of course, he makes up stuff and makes everything god damn holy and such, and every remaining soldier on Gallia’s side falls to the Pope’s order.

Saito and the gang celebrate over the victory.
Of course, Saito and co. worry about what Romaria plans to do. One void user and familiar has died, so they can’t defeat the elves, but everything seems to be planned to Romaria.

Tabitha, realizing from Saito’s words back on the frigate, realizes that the Saito who had come to her at night was a fake, and feels enraged that they used her ……. (it should be “first love” I guess, but she just goes “……”. She decides that she will dance with them (Julio/Pope/Romaria) for now, and walks into the cheering and light.

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