Volume 12 prologue

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Astral Realm

Volume 12 prologue

Post by SeiryuuChan »

Currently only covers around 55% of the whole chapter.
The translation itself mostly translated the magic number above is portion of the editing I had been done, but I cut the left edited chapter in the attachment. So it should be not long after I resubmit the fully translated chapter. If you have patient I recommend to wait until it fully translated (there is possibility it's not quite soon since I have exam this week). This is just a notice I'm not quit to translating.

Many many sorry for late submission this past month but yes it's true I'm became slacken lately. Regarding the locked vol 13-7 I locked it on purpose, the reason I will tell later.

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Re: Volume 12 prologue

Post by onizuka-gto »

thank you for your contribution seiryuu, its understandable if you have to put this aside for the moment, best to keep your priorities correct.

You can always pick up your hobbies later, just remember that if you think you might take more time then you though, it would be nice for you to just drop in and leave a note for us all.

Besides that ,I wish you all the luck on your exams.

gambatte ne. :wink:
"Please note, we have added a consequence for failure.Any contact with the chamber floor will result in an unsatisfactory mark on your official test record, followed by death. Good luck."

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Astral Realm

Re: Volume 12 prologue

Post by Timer17 »

i downloaded it and here it is, in case you want to reads it( it comes with the original text on the top of each sentence so that should help in furthering it)
Spoiler! :

Magic academy, Alvis dining hall.

In Tristain Magic Academy, young nobles who commutes here. During morning, noon, evening or three meals times in a day, have a custom to eat here.
A week has been passed since the day when Henrietta had requested to bring Tiffania from Albion.
Henceforth, it's only natural for Saito companions just like the other days to eat breakfast here in the table provided for 3rd grade student.
The long dining hall table, If we see it from the entrance, we can see three separates table rows. In the left side for 3rd grade students, in the middle for 2nd year students, lastly in the right side for semaphore students.

“Regardless, How popular she is.“
Saito stopped the movement of the knife just when he was about to cut the meat, with light ignorant voice replied.
「なに? 人気?」
“What? Popular?”
Immediately sit in front of him was Guiche, whose eyes wide-eyed just facing him. Surrounding the two of them, all member of Knight Corps of the Water Spirit assembled. Despite during a day, most of them had show signed of being drank. Saito and Guiche whose eyes turned red were facing the same direction .
At that direction......, there was a figure of dazzling fairy with golden hair and slender charming body, however her expressions looked quite bewildered.

It was Tiffania.
With Henrietta as mediator, about one month needed to take care of the admission so Tiffania could enlisted as first year class in this school. In this academy, soon a single rumor had wide-spread among academy peoples.
Not to mention, the result of mixing of elf blood and Albion royal blood made her beautiful face more dazzling like a fined art.
Of course......., both of her bloodline were concealed. The few ones who knew her true colors are Henrietta, principle Osman, Saito, Louise. Including, Tabitha, Kirche, and Guiche. Outside this circle, none are knew about this secret.
The two secrets which wrapped Tiffania, One of it peoples could figured out by just looking....., to conceal that, she put a hat to cover her ears.
The truth is by putting that appearance, she would be forbidden to participated in class. But Tiffania with ostensible reason like “her body is extremely week to sun ray”, permission has been granted to hear to wear a hat in indoor. “If sunlight reached her fragile skin from the window she would be in despair”, that's the reason Henrietta as Tiffania guardian comes up in front of principles Osman, teachers staff, and students.
Naturally, no one would be tricked by this lie, no doubt about it.
However........, even any noble girl students would retreat if confronted by the chance Tiffania white skin were to be sunburned. Whoever has seen tiffania white skin, would also thought this girl can't resist sun ray.
Like a flickering faint blueish moon light, that flickering does not suit with her unbalances body, added with the rumours that she is some outstanding Albion nobles......
With those three characteristics, an unknown fascinating aura seems emanating from her. Surrounding Tiffania was couples of boy students who have fallen completely to her.
Around Tiffania whose wearing magic academy official clothes, 10 guys with their eyes color changed, like a group of ants which crowding over a candy.
“She popular doesn't it, or to be more correct highly popular.”
Fixing his gazed at Tiffania, absentmindedly opened his mouth Guiche muttered.
“Those guys, what could be they thinking. As if a servant to a princess.”
In the right seat beside Guiche, who bear the same duty as member of Knight Corps of the Water Spirit, Renard. While raised his glasses said that.
I see, it's just like Renard said.
Not only blueish clothes of 1st years, but brownish clothes of second year, and dark mantle of 3rd year can be seen around.
To those guys, Tiffania was a tea which drank in one gulp and requested another one to be filled, Thiffania was an smörgåsbord that if eaten could make yourselves to continue devour it, or Tiffania was a meat whose someone hand reach for in and cut to the last piece, that kind of metaphor.
Tiffania was really troubled. Not less than ten persons of waiter alike simultaneously offering his services to this golden haired beauty, competing bluntly by showing each other special talents. That complicated circumstances where one shouldn't say a words carelessly, this stalemate continued.

The crowded boys student minds focused at some visual points, her transparent white skin, her outrageous beauty face, and one another point that were moved right now.
When that portion moved, Guiche feeling was overflowed.
“You know, since returns from the Albion trip I always thinking deeply. There's only one conclusion could be reached”.
Just left of Guiche was Malicorne, whose lips outer edge raising, surfacing a nihilist smile.
“Guiche, Please let this windward hears your conclusion.”
Like a class debate, full of confidence wtih his opinion with excellent expression tone, Guiche replied.
“Very well, the result of my conclusion. That Tiffania lady breasts, the true shape of those two round object, that made half of world populations insane, it is magic weapons”.
“So you mean, the one that made half of world population went.......”
“You are a man. Aren't you?”
(insert image here)
Malicorne placing a finger in his chin thought deeply. A few moments later, seriously opened his mouth.
“Weapon in other words, you mean pursues sexual meaning?”
“Of course, pursues sexual meaning.”
Saito who watch The foolishness of the two also nodded as if agreed “it is reasonable”.
“You are really genius Guiche.”
“Even so this is just a half assed conclusion. My hypothesis, still need to be proven.”
Gulp, Guiche swallowed a whole wine cup.
“Now, come!”
“Bang, Guiche stood. Malicorne too made a grand gesture stood. Now are granted an audience with her Majesty, that kind of act. The two began arrange their appearance.”
The two fools nodded showed sign of readiness, slowly approaching the table of 1st year students.
Renard is asking Saito.
“Those two, what could be in their minds?”
“Intoxicated with stupidness. Leave them for the time being!”
All members of Knight Corps of the Water Spirit watching Guiche and Malicorne with worried face.
Like a drunken man, the two make a way pushed off the 1st year students that were swarmed around Tiffania. Defense squad of 3rd years students was throwing complain, while 1st years students keep their mouth shut. Their formation were scattered, the path to Tiffania has been completed.
Guiche and Malicorne, walked over the the path warped straight to the breast.
Guiche stood beside Tiffania, Tiffania nervousness shrank, she bowed deeply.
The next instant “that” was happened.
Without saying, to the double raging magic weapons Guiche ....... hand reach the breast. Felt distortion Tiffania expression sharpened. That instant, the dining hall atmosphere suddenly froze.
“That idiot.”
Saito stood up.
But the next seconds, Guiche body was wrapped by a huge waterspout that suddenly materialized. Resembled an underwater flower (suichuuka – translator notes). In the middle of the waterspout, Guiche body wriggling. The vision behind it Montmorency stood. Expressionlessly swing her staff.
Zerrt. The air inside the dining hall frozen. The waterspout synchronizing with the movement of the staff, she bring it outside.
A dining hall scenery couldn't be felt anymore, as if couldn't transformed to a dead space, Waterspout then sounding burst. The next seconds, a voice was vibrating, Guiche screamed.
「ちょっと確かめたくなっただけなんだ! だって、あんなものを見たらきみ、学術的好奇心が膨れに膨れ上がって、膨れ上がってどうしようもなくなってしまって! こぼ!ぐげこぼ!」
“Wait, I just want to make sure!, because that thing if being seen, my science curiosity accumulated, it's become bigger and bigger, bigger until the point I can't resist it! I! Uaa! whuarrgI!”
Swing swing, a large amount of water assault reached Saito ears.
Like a raging water sound, continued to raging......, after a while the hall turned silent.
Saito leak a sigh, once again help the food. To that Saito, Renard whispered.
“Incomprehensible isn't it?”

“I think it's the usual them, getting drunk and going crazy........ touched anything ahead, until felt satisfied.”
“That's not it, I'm talking about you.”
Saito blankly watching Renard.
“The usual you would be accompany them.”
「ティファニアの胸が本物かどうか確かめに? そこまで俺はバカじゃないよ。あいつらといっしょにするなよ」
“About making sure whether Tiffania breast was real or not?, If I do that extent, wasn't I an Idiot. Don't put me in the same class as them.”
Renard was fixing his glasses, starred at Saito.
Certainly, there is possibility you were being a shy person, let's say we are feigning ignorance to your drunkenness extent. In the middle of the day when there's something out of ordinary, didn't you want to make sure......, like your hand were itching and you were being uncomfortable in your seat so you attempted to fixed your waist, something like that.
It's Sharped, Renard analysis.
“Event though you are like that, what's wrong. With that attitude of you.....”
“Whatever just eat, it's going to cold”
Saito put up a cool face, starting to ear the food. The next instant......, several girls gathered, surrounded Saito. The first on list was the 2nd year Katie. The rest of them, a group of 1st year girls.
「サイトさま! デザートにこのプディングはいかがですか?」
“Sir Saito!, Would you mind to eat this pudding as your dessert?”.
The pudding was made from milk and fruits utilizing cold magic, make it appetizingly cool and delicious. With clear composed attitude, “Thank you”, Saito nodded received the gift.
Each members of Knight Corps of the Water Spirit were watching Saito, their face filled with enviousness.
“Saito is really dignified, I mean it.”
“That does not like it.”
With light affectionate attitude, Saito mimicking Guiche, grouped his feet. But even with that appearance, create an oblate illusion in the girls mind to the extent make them cheering.
「かっこいい! やっぱりサイトさまは、ギーシュさまなんかとは大違いですわね」
“Coool!, after all sir Saito is big different than sir Guiche.”
Katie, with cold eyes throwed a glance at Guiche direction.
“That's not it. I'm not change at all. You might say, it's just them turned fools. Ahhahaha.”
As if being in trance, the girls continue starred at Saito.
“Really......, Sir Saito is really a wonderful person.”
“It's not only that. But also super powerful.”
「そうですわ! なにせ、あのアルビオン軍を一人で止めたお方なんですもの!」
“That's right!, Somehow a person who could stopped Albion army by himself alone.”
Being fully absorbed, Katie said that.
“If it's Sir Saito, even that rascal Sky Armored Knight Corps would be beaten completely!.”
“I see Katie, do you hate that knights from Kreudenhorve house too?”
A question asked to that girl, Katie.
「ええ。だってあの方たち、わたしが散歩に出かけたら、ずっとついてくるのよ! 花を摘みに行きませんか? なんて話しかけてきたわ!」
“Of course, because that group always followed me whenever I take a stroll, to the place I usually goes!. Do you want to pick a flower?, What a kind of talk is that!.“
“What a rascal!”
「ほんとよ! サイトさまとは大違いだわ!」
“I agreed!, It is Big different with with Sir Saito!” (possibility of incorrect translation)
Kyaa kyaa, that was the commotion created by the crowd of girls.
Being starred like that, Saito was thinking.
Composure is important After all.
Not guts, but composure attitude, like felt like a flower which suck by a bees (girls).
Ahh, had I ever experienced this breeze mood before?
Siesta once cheers kyaa kyaa, but......, that's not too often.

Large number of girls, yelled kyaa kyaa. This sensation yet, make one feeling filled with happiness.....
Louise magic, “The reason to come here” when I was under that influence, this kind of reality won't make me felt enjoyable. The encouragement from the flock of girls, would like distant sounds, that kind of feeling. This could be a hallucination.... . But see, I'm a simple minded person..................
Whatever it turned out, right now better enjoy it to the fullest.
Only sound of “kyaa” resounding from the girls voice, sweet internal secretion fluid in the brain penetrating.
While the the still sound vibrates kyaa kyaa, Saito peek a glance at Louise table. There, Louise face can be seen clearly, she continue to eat breakfast.
However he knew....., once in a while she peek this way with glittering eyes. With the same glittering eyes, once in a while Louise boisterously use the fork to serve the plate.
Saito nasal cavity widen, absorb a lot supreme feeling in his chest. (Perhaps the last phrase sounds strange but this is the actual literal translation, feel free to improve without changing the meaning)
Now, now.
Now is the time to finish what have left, on that ship.
He muttered that words inside his brain..
Now let's stop for a moment, what could make Saito feeling victorious?.
What with the real intention of “Composure is important” that Saito declared?.
What could be the meaning of cat like attitude that Louise acted?
The answer from all of that, lies in the the return trip from Albion, on that ship there exist the source of misunderstanding.

During the journey from Albion, on that ship that Saito rides....., on that one cabin, pressed against Louise lips.
Transmitted the feeling to Louise, it was a heated kiss.
At this rate both of them were burning, exchanging kiss each other, naturally Saito hand merely reach for Louise. Because Louise now were totally burned. Henceforth, he was moving his hand.
That was Saito judgment.
Nevertheless, instead, when Louise laid down looking embarrassed,......, slap against Saito reaching hand. And with silent vanishing tone muttered something.

“......That's why, I don't want.”
 拒否された才人は傷ついた。信じられなかった。あんだけ熱いのにどうして? てな具合である。
That rejection was hurting Saito. It's hard to believe. Even though you are this burning, why?, Looked at yourself.
“W, wh, why?”
Louise reacting by shouted with anger
“I won't repeat it for the second time.”
Actually Louise said that reacting against the Kirche sound slipped from the room just beside.
「どうしたのー? ルイズ」
“What's the matter? Louise.”
“No, nothing!”
Somehow, this indecisive situation, …......until the end was drifting along with trivial mood, These two exchanging glances each other for a while, a moment later they slipped to the bed with each other face dyed red.
A moment later, closed the eyes, sleeping.

That time, Saito didn't notice....., Louise was not actually means to reject Saito.
Only, the place chosen was not fit.
The words Louise uttered with small tone before was lost, the first parts of the words did not reach Saito ears.
“...That's why, I don't want to.”
The word just before that, “Because inside the ship” actually it existed.
“Because inside the ship......, I don't want to.”
Louise once said that.
It doesn't means, she was rejecting Saito.
P.S. good luck on your exams!!
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Astral Realm

Re: Volume 12 prologue

Post by SeiryuuChan »

I'll say this in advance in case some of you not read the attaced notes.

I made a grave mistake when I submitted the previous submission. After I checked it again, it contain many horrible typos, translation error, and many incomprehensible grammar. Seems I was mistaken the last time I submitted it.

I hope this release will suppress the majority of those.

I'm deeply sorry for that.

http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?2w03ymm5yct 12-01

60% preview script for the next chapter was included, of course it's not yet edited.

Please notify me again if I'm mistaken.
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Astral Realm

Re: Volume 12 prologue

Post by Timer17 »

here are the notes
Spoiler! :
I would like to say sorry, seems I was make a grave mistake when I submitted last submission. That time, the document was contain many critical translation error, type, including many written incomprehensible grammar.

This works should suppress the error described above.

One another thing worthy to mentioned. The document marked with clean have better quality (including final fix critical translation error) than the other since I did last moment adjusment, but the other have pros containing the raw.

I also would like to thank certain person that helped me with final editing and to the person willing to upload the script to wiki for volume 13 chapter 8.
here's the whole text (text in original language included). If you spot any mistakes make sure to let him know.
Spoiler! :

Magic academy, Alvis dining hall.

In Tristain Magic Academy, it has become a custom for young nobles who commutes here to eat here during morning, noon, evening of three meals times a day.
A week has been passed since the day when Henrietta had requested to bring Tiffania from Albion.
Henceforth, it's only natural for Saito group just like the other days to eat breakfast here in the table provided for third year students.
The long dining hall table, If we see it from the entrance, we can see three separates table rows. In the left side for third year students, in the middle for second year students, in the right side for first year students.

“She is really popular isn't it.“
Saito stopped the movement of the knife just when he was about to cut the meat, with light ignorant voice replied.
「なに? 人気?」
“What? Popular?”
Immediately sit in front of him was Guiche, whose eyes wide-eyed turning. Surrounding the two of them, all member of Knight Corps of the Water Spirit is assembled. It is still daytime but most of them has been drank. Saito and Guiche whose eyes turned red were facing the same direction .
At that direction......, there was a figure of dazzling fairy with golden hair and slender charming body, however her facial expression signing she was quite bewildered.

It was Tiffania.
With Henrietta as mediator, about one month needed to take care of the admission so Tiffania could enlisted as first year class in this school. Soon a single rumor had wide-spread among academy peoples in this academy.
Not to mention, the result of mixing of elf blood and Albion royal blood made her beautiful face more dazzling like a fined art.
Of course......., both of her bloodline were concealed. The few ones who knew her true colors are Henrietta, principle Osman, Saito, Louise. Including, Tabitha, Kirche, and Guiche. Outside this circle, none are knew about this secret.
The two secrets which wrapped Tiffania, one side of the secret peoples could figured out by just looking....., to conceal that, she put a hat to cover her ears.
The truth is by putting that appearance, she would be forbidden to participated in class. But Tiffania with such ostensible reason “her body is extremely week tothe sun ray”, permission has been granted wear hat indoor. “If sunlight reached her fragile skin from the window her skin will be sunburned”, that's the reason Henrietta as Tiffania guardian comes up in front of principles Osman, teachers staff, and students.
Naturally, no one would be tricked by this lie, no doubt about it.
However........, even any noble girl students would retreat if confronted by the chance Tiffania white skin were to be sunburned. Whoever has seen tiffania white skin, would also thought this girl could not resist sun ray.
Like a flickering faint blueish moon light, that flickering does not suit with her unbalances body, added with the rumours that she is some outstanding Albion nobles......
With those three characteristics, an unknown fascinating aura seems emanating from her. Surrounding Tiffania was couples of boy students who have fallen completely to her.
Around Tiffania whose wearing magic academy official clothes, 10 guys with their eyes color changed, like a group of ants which crowding over a candy.
“She is popular, be more precise highly popular.”
Absentmindedly opened his mouth while gazing at Tiffania, Guiche muttered.
“Those guys, what could be in their mind. Their action seems like a servant to a princess.”
In the right seat beside Guiche, who bear the same duty as member of Knight Corps of the Water Spirit, Renard. While raised his glasses replied.
I see, it's just like Renard said.
Not only blueish clothes of 1st years, but brownish clothes of second year, and dark mantle of 3rd year can be seen around.
To those guys, Tiffania was a tea which drank in one gulp and requested another one to be filled, Tiffania was an smörgåsbord that if eaten could make yourselves to continue devour it, or Tiffania was a meat whose someone hand reach for in and cut to the last piece, or some kind like that..
Tiffania was troubled. Not less than ten persons of waiter alike attitude simultaneously offered his services to this golden haired beauty, competing bluntly by showing each other special talents. That is the complicated circumstances where one can't say a words carelessly, this stalemate is continued.

The crowded boys students eyes were focused at some visual points, her transparent white skin, her outrageous beauty face, and one another point that were moving right now.
When that portion was moved, Guiche feeling overflowed.
“You know, since returns from the Albion trip, I always thinking deeply. There's only one conclusion that can be reached”.
Just left of Guiche was Malicorne, whose lips outer edge is raising, surfacing a nihilist smile.
“Guiche, Please let this windward hears your conclusion.”
Like a class debate, full of confidence wtih his opinion with excellent expression tone, Guiche replied.
“Very well, the result of my conclusion. That Tiffania lady breasts, the true shape of those two round object, that made half of world populations insane, it is magic weapons”.
“So you mean, the one that made half of world population went.......”
“You are a man. Aren't you?”
(insert image here)
Malicorne placing a finger in his chin thought deeply. A few moments later, seriously opened his mouth.
“Weapon in other words, you mean lust for sex?” / pursues sexual meaning
“Certainly, it is lust for sex.”
Saito who was watching The foolishness of the two also nodded as if agreeing “it is reasonable”.
“You are genius, Guiche.”
“Even so this is just a half assed conclusion. My hypothesis, still need to be proven.”
Gulp, Guiche swallowed a whole wine cup.
“Now, come!”
“Bang, Guiche stood. Malicorne too made a grand gesture raise. Now are granted an audience with her Majesty, that kind of act. The two began arranging their appearance.”
The two fools nodded showed sign of readiness, slowly approaching the table of 1st year students.
Renard is asking Saito.
“Those two, what could be in their minds?”
“Intoxicated with stupidness. Leave them for the time being!”
All members of Knight Corps of the Water Spirit watching Guiche and Malicorne with worried face.
Like a drunken man, the two make a way pushed off the 1st year students that were swarmed around Tiffania. Defense squad of 3rd years students was throwing complain, while 1st years students keep their mouth shut. Their formation were scattered, the path to Tiffania has been completed.
Guiche and Malicorne, walked over the path warped straight to the breast.
Guiche stood beside Tiffania, Filled with nervous furthermore felt inferior, she was bowed deeply.
The next instant “that” was happened.
Without saying, to the double raging magic weapons Guiche ....... hand reach the breast. Felt distortion Tiffania expression sharpened. That instant, the dining hall atmosphere suddenly froze.
“That idiot.”
Saito stood up.
But the next seconds, Guiche body was wrapped by a huge waterspout that suddenly materialized. Resembled an underwater flower. In the middle of the waterspout, Guiche body is wriggling. Look further behind, as usual Montmorentcy stood. Expressionlessly swinging her staff.
Zerrt. The air inside the dining hall frozen. The waterspout synchronizing with the movement of the staff, she bring it outside.
A dining hall scenery couldn't be felt anymore, as if couldn't transformed to a dead space, Waterspout then sounding burst. The next seconds, a voice was vibrating, Guiche screamed.
「ちょっと確かめたくなっただけなんだ! だって、あんなものを見たらきみ、学術的好奇心が膨れに膨れ上がって、膨れ上がってどうしようもなくなってしまって! こぼ!ぐげこぼ!」
“Wait, I just want to make sure!, because that thing if being seen, my science curiosity accumulated, it's become bigger and bigger, bigger until the point I can't resist it! I! Uaa! whuarrgI!”
Swing swing, a large amount of water assault reached Saito ears.
Like a raging water sound, continued to raging......, after a while the hall turned silent.
Saito leak a sigh, once again help the foods. To that Saito, Renard whispered.
“Incomprehensible isn't it?”
“I think it's the usual them, getting drunk and going crazy........ touched anything ahead, until feel satisfied.”
“That's not what I mean, I'm talking about you.”
Saito looking blankly, he was starring Renard.
“The usual you would be accompany them.”
「ティファニアの胸が本物かどうか確かめに? そこまで俺はバカじゃないよ。あいつらといっしょにするなよ」
“About making sure whether Tiffania breast was real or not?, If I do that extent, wasn't I an Idiot. Don't put me in the same class as them.”
Renard was fixing his glasses, starred at Saito.
Certainly, there is possibility you were being a shy person, let's say we are feigning ignorance to your drunkenness extent. In the middle of the day when there's something out of ordinary, didn't you want to make sure......, like your hand were itching and you were being uncomfortable in your seat so you attempted to fixed your waist, something like that.
It's Sharped, Renard analysis.
“Event though you are like that, what's wrong. With that attitude of you.....”
“Whatever just eat, it's going to cold”
Saito put up a cool face, starting to ear the food. The next instant......, several girls gathered, surrounded Saito. The first on list was the 2nd year Katie. The rest of them, a group of 1st year girls.
「サイトさま! デザートにこのプディングはいかがですか?」
“Sir Saito!, Would you mind to eat this pudding as your dessert?”.
The pudding was made from milk and fruits utilizing cold magic, make it appetizingly cool and delicious. With clear composed attitude, “Thank you”, Saito nodded received the gift.
Each members of Knight Corps of the Water Spirit were watching Saito, their face filled with enviousness.
“Saito is really dignified, I mean it.”
“That does not like it.”
With light affectionate attitude, Saito mimicking Guiche, grouped his feet. But even with that appearance, create an oblate illusion in the girls mind to the extent make them cheering.
「かっこいい! やっぱりサイトさまは、ギーシュさまなんかとは大違いですわね」
“Coool!, after all sir Saito is big different than sir Guiche.”
Katie, with cold eyes throwed a glance at Guiche direction.
“That's not it. I'm not change at all. You might say, it's just them turned fools. Ahhahaha.”
As if being in trance, the girls continue starred at Saito.
“Really......, Sir Saito is really a wonderful person.”
“It's not only that. But also super powerful.”
「そうですわ! なにせ、あのアルビオン軍を一人で止めたお方なんですもの!」
“That's right!, Somehow a person who could stopped Albion army by himself alone.”
Being fully absorbed, Katie said that.
“If it's Sir Saito, even that rascal Sky Armored Knight Corps would be beaten completely!.”
“I see Katie, do you hate that knights from Kreudenhorve house too?”
A question was asked to that girl, Katie.
「ええ。だってあの方たち、わたしが散歩に出かけたら、ずっとついてくるのよ! 花を摘みに行きませんか? なんて話しかけてきたわ!」
“Of course, because that group always followed me whenever I take a stroll, to the place I usually goes!. Do you want to pick a flower?, What a kind of talk is that!.“
“What a rascal!”
「ほんとよ! サイトさまとは大違いだわ!」
“I agreed!, It is Big different with with Sir Saito!” (possibility of incorrect translation)
Kyaa kyaa, that was the commotion created by the crowd of girls.
Being starred like that, Saito was thinking.
Composure is important After all.
Not guts, but composure attitude, like felt like a flower which suck by a bees (girls).
Ahh, had I ever experienced this breeze mood before?
Siesta once cheers kyaa kyaa, but......, that's not too often.

Large number of girls, yelled kyaa kyaa. This sensation yet, make one feeling filled with happiness.....
Louise magic, “The reason to come here” when I was under that influence, this kind of reality won't make me felt enjoyable. The encouragement from the flock of girls, would like distant sounds, that kind of feeling. This could be a hallucination.... . But see, I'm a simple minded person..................
Whatever it turned out, right now better enjoy it to the fullest.
Only sound of “kyaa” resounding from the girls voice, sweet internal secretion fluid in the brain penetrating.
While the the still sound vibrates kyaa kyaa, Saito peek a glance at Louise table. There, Louise face can be seen clearly, she continue to eat breakfast.
However he knew....., once in a while she peek this way with glittering eyes. With the same glittering eyes, once in a while Louise boisterously use the fork to serve the plate.
Saito nasal cavity widen, absorbed a lot sense of superiority in his chest.
Now, now.
Now is the time to finish what have left, on that ship.
He whispered that words inside his mind.
Now let's stop for a moment, why Saito feeling victorious like this?.
Whats with the real intention of “Composure is important” that Saito declared?.
What could be the meaning of cat like attitude that Louise acted?
The answer from all of that, lies in the the return trip from Albion, on that ship there exist the root of misunderstanding.

During the journey from Albion, on that ship that Saito rides....., inside that certain cabin, pressed against Louise lips.
Transmitted the feeling to Louise, it was a hot kiss.
At this rate both of them were burning, exchanging kiss each other, suddenly Saito hand reach to Louise. Louise state is quite burned, that's why he was offering his hand.
That was Saito judgment.
Nevertheless, instead, when Louise was laid down looking embarrassed,......, she was turned down against Saito reaching hand. And with silent vanishing tone muttered something.

“......That's why, I don't want.”
 拒否された才人は傷ついた。信じられなかった。あんだけ熱いのにどうして? てな具合である。
Saito was hurt by that rejection. He couldn't believe, even you were this heat, why?. This is the Saito inner talking.
“W, wh, why?”
Louise reacting by shouted with anger
“I won't repeat it for the second time.”
Actually Louise said that reacted against the Kirche sound that slipped from the room just beside.
「どうしたのー? ルイズ」
“What's the matter? Louise.”
“No, nothing!”
Somehow, this indecisive situation was ended, …......the sweet atmosphere that was drifting along had gone to somewhere, Their face is looking each other, with each other face dyed red they slip to the bed.
A moment later, closed the eyes the were sleeping.

That time, Saito didn't notice....., Louise was not actually means to reject Saito.
Only, the place chosen was not suitable.
The words Louise uttered with small tone before was lost, the first parts of the words did not reach Saito ears.
“...That's why, I don't want to.”
The word just before that, “Because inside the ship” actually existed.
“Because inside the ship......, I don't want.”
Louise once said that.
It doesn't really means, she was rejecting Saito.
However....., Saito was feeling down already, he did not notice that, on the bed inside that cabin room, Louise words was echoed several times, the hard to understand conclusion flies away.

Love of both of us should be enough.
Certainly, Louise feeling directing towards me.
But still......., in the end her high pride did not permitted it, I'm sure of it.
 どうしたらいい? 俺。
What I supposed to do?.
Suddenly that instant....., An idea come flashed in Saito mind.
The time when Louise wore black cat clothes being recalled.

I see now, Louise is a cat from all side.

Large fluid of tears transformed to small object spinning in his eyes, just like trifling with Saito on a whim.
Now, for cat, to tame that animal, what's supposed to do?.
I know.
Cat, when it noticed we draw closer, it ran.
And then it eyes clearly disregard us.

That's totally Louise alike.
Then, what about if we ignored it, what will happens?
When that happened cat is, first it will observed situation......, Even so it would continue to ignored, eventually it will become impatient and drawing closer.
In the end, sounding meong meong, cuddle its face against us...........
This is it, this is it!
In the middle of the bed it is the only conclusion comes to his mind, he was merely nodded.
Okay listen, you insolent cheeky pink haired girl.......... whose make fun on a whim ...... The moment when you cuddle your face against me, Huhuhu, I will catch the scruff your neck. Huhu, I expecting that moment.
The conclusion is, that was the only thought in the bottom of Saito mind.

For now, let's utterly ignored Saito whose hold tight his paranoid misunderstanding. In the midnight of the day after return from Albion, Louise whose looking charming entered the bath, she thoroughly wash her body. After that she proceeded to the altar room and did a long long confession to Founder Brimir.
Founder brimir....., before marriage, that's, how should I say it, the thing that shouldn't be said, that's, what's it called, I mean, the thing I want to do, that's, please forgive me, but because it's not I can't help it, that fellow for sure, I won't forgive it if the other woman, I mean, no seriously, helpless against the empty brain maid, or, once acting strange with the respective princess, or lose him self to the strange breast of half elf woman whose been here lately or maybe not, true, not only to the woman that have comparatively nice body, even to the small blue haired princess of Galia, I mean, it's not he really have the feeling to that woman, but between 1000 to 1 chance, it does not matter small or big anymore, just the dangerous objects has increased, in any case that's the situation, please forgive me. Amen.

The confession somehow confusing, somehow spit out words that doesn't make sense, Louise right hand and left foot that moved simultaneously was entered the room.
What kind of expression Saito will show I wonder. I wonder if he nervous, while thinking that she entered the room. However her familiar attitude instead is quite calm, he is drinking a tea.
Even though I'm greeting this special night with tense, his attitude doesn't changed. On the contrary, with eyes narrowed, “Yo, Louise. Isn't tonight a bright night”, he said that incomprehensible words.
 なにそれ? と思いながらもルイズはベッドに入った。
What's with that?, Louise entered the bed with that thought.
Next, followed by Saito.
Next, followed by the maid.
Why in this room there are three persons, without me noticing it this bed engraved a stream of characters in each section for sleep. It has completely became a habit.
Louise quite tense, as if being in trance. But, it's still too soon. Saito himself is not an idiot. Until Siesta fall asleep, that what is it, I have to act that, after thought that, with all might she was feigning sleep.
Soon, Siesta sleeping breath can be heard.
Louise nervous reach it's peek. She was quite tense, grasp the blanked tightly, bite it as if wanting to rip.
Next calmly......, Saito hand is placed on Louise shoulder.
(sfx trembling), her whole body was trembled.
“........Idiot, Si, Siesta is still her, see. Despite that to your master you re, re reach your hand. What could be you thinking”
 てっきり、小さく声をかけられ、どこかへ案内されると思ったのである。倉庫とか。いや、さすがにそれはあんまりなので何か都合のいい別室とか。しかし、このベッドでとは。隣でシエスタが寝ているベッドでとは! なんてこの使い魔は大胆なんだろう!
Beyond doubt, Louise speak with small voice. I thought be we will go to somewhere private such as warehouse. No I mean as expected some good room ideal room. However, In this bed just next to the Siesta that was sleeping. How could this familiar so bold!
She was surprised, but it's not about Siesta, it's about the over helming superiority sense in Louise because his hand reach to her. Louise heart was overflowed.
Even though it's just next to Siesta.........
Even though the maid just beside......
 頭カラッポメイドがよこに! いる! のに!
Despite this foolish maid beside! Is! here!
Tha't right maid.
 よくも今までぇ~~~、なんでもないことでえ~~~、勝ち誇ってぇ~~~、くれたじゃない? これでわたしの勝ち!
How dare you until now......, well whatever....., the victory......., is mine?. With this this is my winning!
But, as I thought to do that in front of the other girl....somehow.
That instant Saito hand slip into the center of Louise negligee, her moaning voice leak through her throat. Louise mind inside filled with white.
 メ、メイドがいるのに! メイドがいるのに。めいどがいるのに……、ひ、ひゃん!
Although the maid is here! Even though the maid is here, despite the main is here......., pyun!
Saito hand moved daringly, rolled the negligee exposed Louise thin breast. Louise eyes was closed, her face dyed red. Both her breath and her pulse run rough.
At this rate, I couldn't think straight much longer.
But I can still think one reasoning......, the pulse beating fast in my heart, this is the first time I feel it.
Saito not yet Said anything from his mouth but, many kind of imagination phrase have been drifted along in Louise mind.
Could it be the orthodox one, “I will treat you gently”.
Or perhaps, “Don't be afraid?”.
What could it be. Hey you, what will you said at this time. I can't think. It must be the words she will said to me. “Let's forget ourselves in this moment. The embarrassment just don't forget the sensation. Ah, I can't thing…....
However......, the first words slip from Saito mouth was,
Louise expectation could even exceed the soar of fire dragon mountain.
What just said just now?
Was that a sleeping breath?
No, that couldn't be.......
“Guu guu”.
His natural sleeping breath can be heard. Louise turned impatient.
 寝たふり? どして?
Did he fall asleep?, why?
She hold Saito hand that slipped in her breast to make sure. No response at all. On the contrary, the hand swiftly fell from the center of her negligee.

“Uhh, uh”.
Louise turning with fearful anger.
In that direction he found Saito sleeping face. His face filled with happiness, wasn't a droll just dripped from his mouth.
Louise face turns blue, at thhe same time reddened. The other side of her lips is raising. leaked the sound “ku ku”.
Should we punished him with death.
Will it suffice the standard death punishment.
What should it be?.
Despite all preparation has been made, despite this cute master just lying beside. Putting a sleeping breath is really something.
She get the staff. For the time being let's convert to ash. But after though that.
Hhhh. Perhaps he's really tired......,
With futon covered Louise closed her eyes. The quite sleepless night began.

The next day, Louise was thinking. After all....., do that just beside the sleeping maid is unpleasant. Feel like being in another person room.......that kind of feeling. Of course that applies to nobles too.
Therefore Louise was, when Saito muttered “It's time to sleep” and then fell to bed, Stood awkwardly from the chair.
“W, wa, wa”
“Walk, I think I will take walk for sometime!”
“How refined. Tonight is quite cold. You'll be going to catch a cold”.
Saito laughed, when he utters that nonsense. Gone too far to step back, Louise slipped out wearing negligee.
She was waited for two hours, but Saito didn't came. When she come back to the room....., his mouth opened widely, sleeping. Today too, let's turned to ash. Instinctively hold tightly her staff but a sense return to his mind.
Perhaps he is really tired. For sure.

The next day, Louise once again took a stroll. This time she waited for four hours, but Saito still didn't come. When returned to the room, Saito was crawling on the bed with a deep sleeping breath.

The same happened the next day.
For three consecutive days, Louise stubbornly taken a stroll.
After waiting for a long time, Saito really didn't come. So to kill her time Louise took a tree branch and sketched some drawing on the ground. The content of the drawing, the thickheaded Saito was kneeling before this wonderful noble Miss Valleriere asking for forgiveness.
When the morning came. The drawing has turned to an artistic masterpiece.
Gradually this has become a habit, the next morning Louise took a stroll too.
Nevertheless, Saito still didn't come.
Half crying, Louise began to draw some sketch, the subject of the sketch was the idiot familiar being judged by the noble Miss Valleriere herself, he was swiftly being hanged. When the morning arrive, the sketch has became an epic tale.

This consecutive event, happened for the whole one week.
Between these interval, Louise sketch added day by day, Saito in the center of the sketch twenty two times being whipped, twenty times being hanged, eight times throw to the hell, four times being reincarnated as insect to be trampled by Louise.
At this rate Louise anger has reach it's peak, she barely keeping his sanity, and as if being struck by something, she cooled down.
Nevertheless, the thing is just a thing, she can't showed that face of anger. .
Because Louise pride that more solid than diamond won't permitted it.
Suppress the anger with her last power, Louise was trembling, shivering, and his face turned blue. Meanwhile Saito made comment “my goodness”.
But the fact instead was the complete opposite. The way Saito behave was indicated he did not notice at all.
Saito thickheaded is the genuine one.
here's the clean text
Spoiler! :

Magic academy, Alvis dining hall.
In Tristain Magic Academy, it was a custom for young nobles who commutes here to eat here during morning, noon, evening of three meals times a day.
A week has been passed since the day when Henrietta requested to bring Tiffania from Albion.

Henceforth, it's only natural for Saito group just like the other days to eat breakfast here in the table provided for third year students.

The long dining hall table, If we see it from the entrance, we can see three separates table rows. In the left side for third year students, in the middle for second year students, in the right side for first year students.

“She is really popular.“

Saito stopped the movement of the knife just when he was about to cut the meat, with light ignorant voice replied.

“What? Popular?”

Immediately sit in front of him was Guiche, whose eyes wide-eyed turning. Surrounding the two of them, all member of Knight Corps of the Water Spirit is assembled. It is still daytime but most of them has been drank. Saito and Guiche whose eyes turned red were facing the same direction .

At that direction......, a figure of dazzling fairy with golden hair and slender charming body, however her facial expression signing she was quite bewildered.

It was Tiffania.

With Henrietta as mediator, about one month needed to take care of the admission so Tiffania could enlisted as first year class in this school. Soon a single rumor had wide-spread among academy peoples in this academy.

Not to mention, the result of mixing of elf blood and Albion royal blood made her beautiful face more dazzling like a fined art.

Of course......., both of her bloodline were concealed. The few ones who knew her true colors are Henrietta, principle Osman, Saito, Louise. Including, Tabitha, Kirche, and Guiche. Outside this circle, none are knew about this secret.

The two secrets which wrapped Tiffania, one side of the secret peoples could figured out by just looking....., to conceal that, she put a hat to cover her ears.

The truth is by putting that appearance, she would be forbidden to participated in class. But Tiffania with such ostensible reason “her body is extremely week tothe sun ray”, permission has been granted wear hat indoor. “If sunlight reached her fragile skin from the window her skin will be sunburned”, that's the reason Henrietta as Tiffania guardian comes up in front of principles Osman, teachers staff, and students.

Naturally, no one would be tricked by this lie, no doubt about it.

However........, even any noble girl students would retreat if confronted by the chance Tiffania white skin were to be sunburned. Whoever has seen tiffania white skin, would also thought this girl could not resist sun ray.

Like a flickering faint blueish moon light, that flickering does not suit with her unbalances body, added with the rumours that she is some outstanding Albion nobles......

With those three characteristics, an unknown fascinating aura seems emanating from her. Surrounding Tiffania was couples of boy students who have fallen completely to her.
Tiffania body covered with magic academy uniform, ten guys with their eyes color changed was surrounding him like a group of ants which crowding over a candy.

“She is popular, to be more precise highly popular.”

Absentmindedly opened his mouth while gazing at Tiffania, Guiche muttered.

“Those guys, what could be in their mind. Their action seems like a servant to a princess.”
In the right seat beside Guiche, who bear the same duty as member of Knight Corps of the Water Spirit, Renard. While raised his glasses replied.
I see, it's just like Renard said.
Not only blueish clothes of 1st years, but brownish clothes of second year, and dark mantle of 3rd year can be seen around.
To those guys, Tiffania was a tea which drank in one gulp and requested another one to be filled, Tiffania was an smörgåsbord that if eaten could make yourselves to continue devour it, or Tiffania was a meat whose someone hand reach for in and cut to the last piece, or some kind like that..
Tiffania was troubled. Not less than ten persons of waiter alike attitude simultaneously offered his services to this golden haired beauty, competing bluntly by showing each other special talents. That is the complicated circumstances where one can't say a words carelessly, this stalemate is continued.

The crowded boys students eyes were focused at some visual points, her transparent white skin, her outrageous beauty face, and one another point that were moving right now.
When that part was moved, Guiche feeling overflowed.

“You know, since returns from the Albion trip, I always thinking deeply. There's only one conclusion that can be reached”.

Just left of Guiche was Malicorne, whose lips outer edge is raising, surfacing a nihilist smile.

“Guiche, Please let this windward hears your conclusion.”
Like a class debate, full of confidence wtih his opinion with excellent expression tone, Guiche replied.

“Very well, the result of my conclusion. That Tiffania lady breasts, the true shape of those two round object, that made half of world populations insane, it is magic weapons”.
“So you mean, half of world populations meaning .......”
“You are a man. Aren't you?”
(insert image here)
Malicorne placing a finger in his chin thought deeply. A few moments later, seriously opened his mouth.
“Weapon in other words, you mean lust for sex?” / pursues sexual meaning
“No doubt, it is lust for sex.” 
Saito who was watching The foolishness of the two also nodded as if agreeing “it is reasonable”.
“You are genius, Guiche.”
“Even so this is just a half assed conclusion. My hypothesis, still need to be proven.”
Gulp, Guiche swallowed a whole wine cup.
“Now, come!”
“Bang, Guiche stood. Malicorne too made a grand gesture raise. Now are granted an audience with her Majesty, that kind of act. The two began arranging their appearance.”  
The two fools nodded showed sign of readiness, slowly approaching the table of 1st year students.  
Renard is asking Saito.
“Those two, what could be in their minds?”
“Intoxicated with stupidness. Leave them for the time being!”
All members of Knight Corps of the Water Spirit watching Guiche and Malicorne with worried face.
Like a drunken man, the two make a way pushed off the 1st year students that were swarmed around Tiffania. Defense squad of 3rd years students was throwing complain, while 1st years students keep their mouth shut. Their formation were scattered, the path to Tiffania has been completed.
Guiche and Malicorne, walked over the path warped straight to the breast.
Guiche stood beside Tiffania, Filled with nervous furthermore felt inferior, she was bowed deeply.
The next instant “that” was happened.
Without saying, to the double raging magic weapons Guiche ....... hand reach the breast. Felt distortion Tiffania expression sharpened. That instant, the dining hall atmosphere suddenly froze.
“That idiot.”
Saito stood up.
But the next seconds, Guiche body was wrapped by a huge waterspout that suddenly materialized. Resembled an underwater flower. In the middle of the waterspout, Guiche body is wriggling. Look further behind, as usual Montmorentcy stood. Expressionlessly swinging her staff.
Zerrt. The air inside the dining hall frozen. The waterspout synchronizing with the movement of the staff, she bring it outside.

A dining hall scenery couldn't be felt anymore, as if couldn't transformed to a dead space, Waterspout then sounding burst. The next seconds, a voice was vibrating, Guiche screamed.
“Wait, I just want to make sure!, because that thing if being seen, my science curiosity accumulated, it's become bigger, bigger, and bigger until the point I can't resist it! I! Uaa! whuarrgI!”
Swing swing, a large amount of water assault reached Saito ears.
Like a raging water sound, continued to raging......, after a while the hall turned silent.
Saito leak a sigh, once again help the foods. To that Saito, Renard whispered.
“Incomprehensible isn't it?”
“I think it's the usual them, getting drunk and going crazy........ touched anything ahead, until feel satisfied.”
“That's not what I mean, I'm talking about you.”
Saito looking blankly, he was starring Renard.
“The usual you would be accompany them.”
“About making sure whether Tiffania breast was real or not?, If I do that extent, wasn't I an Idiot. Don't put me in the same class as them.”
Renard was fixing his glasses, starred at Saito.
something out of ordinary, didn't you want to make sure......, like your hand were itching and you were being uncomfortable in your seat so you attempted to fixed your waist, something like that.
It's Sharped, Renard analysis.
“Event though you are like that, what's wrong. With that attitude of you.....”
“Whatever just eat, it's going to cold”
Saito put up a cool face, starting to ear the food. The next instant......, several girls gathered, surrounded Saito. The first on list was the 2nd year Katie. The rest of them, was a flock of first year girls.
“Sir Saito!, Would you mind to eat this pudding as your dessert?”.
The pudding was made from milk and fruits utilizing cold magic, make it appetizingly cool and delicious. With clear composed attitude, “Thank you”, Saito nodded received the gift.
Each members of Knight Corps of the Water Spirit were watching Saito, their face filled with enviousness.
“Saito is really dignified, I mean it.”
“That does not like it.”
With light affectionate attitude, Saito mimicking Guiche, grouped his feet. But even with that appearance, create an oblate illusion in the girls mind to the extent make them cheering.
“Coool!, after all sir Saito is big different than sir Guiche.”
Katie, with cold eyes throwed a glance at Guiche direction.
“That's not it. I'm not change at all. You might say, it's just them turned fools. Ahhahaha.”
As if being in trance, the girls continue starred at Saito.
“Really......, Sir Saito is really a wonderful person.”
“It's not only that. But also super powerful.”
“That's right!, Somehow a person who could stopped Albion army by himself alone.”
Being fully absorbed, Katie said that.
“If it's Sir Saito, even that rascal Sky Armored Knight Corps would be beaten completely!.”
“I see Katie, do you hate that knights from Kreudenhorve house too?”
A question was asked to that girl, Katie.
“Of course, because that group always followed me whenever I take a stroll, to the place I usually goes!. Do you want to pick a flower?, What a kind of talk is that!.“
“What a rascal!”
“I agreed!, It is Big different with with Sir Saito!” (possibility of incorrect translation)
Kyaa kyaa, that was the commotion created by the crowd of girls.
Being starred like that, Saito was thinking.
Composure is important After all.
Not guts, but composure attitude, like felt like a flower which being sucked by a bees (girls).
Ahh, had I ever experienced this breeze mood before?
Siesta once cheers kyaa kyaa, but......, that's not too often.
Large number of girls, yelled kyaa kyaa. This sensation yet, make one feeling filled with happiness.....
Louise magic, “The reason to come here” when I was under that influence, this kind of reality won't make me feeling enjoy. The encouragement from the flock of girls, would like distant sounds, that kind of circumstances. This could be a hallucination.... . But see, I'm a simple minded person..................
Whatever it will turned out, for now better enjoy it to the fullest.
Only sound of “kyaa” resounding from the girls voice, sweet internal secretion fluid in the brain penetrating.
While the the still sound vibrates kyaa kyaa, Saito peek a glance at Louise table. There, Louise face can be seen clearly, she continue to eat breakfast.
However he knew....., once in a while she peek this way with glittering eyes. With the same glittering eyes, once in a while Louise boisterously use the fork to serve the plate.
Saito nasal cavity widen, absorbed a lot sense of superiority in his chest.
Now, now.
Now is the time to finish what have left, on that ship.
He whispered that words inside his mind.
Now let's stop for a moment, why Saito feeling victorious like this?.
Whats with the real intention of “Composure is important” that Saito declared?.
What could be the meaning of cat like attitude that Louise acted?
The answer from all of that, lies in the the return trip from Albion, on that ship there exist the root of misunderstanding.

During the journey from Albion, on that ship that Saito rides....., inside that certain cabin, pressed against Louise lips.

Transmitted the feeling to Louise, it was a hot kiss.
Even this few heat was straining, they were exchanging kiss each other, naturally of course Saito hand reach to Louise. Louise state is quite burned, consequently because of that she was reaching his hand.
That was Saito judgment.

But instead, when Louise was laid down looking embarrassed,......, she was turned down Saito reaching hand. And with silent vanishing tone muttered something.

“......That's why, I don't want.”
Saito was hurt by that rejection. He couldn't believe, even you were this heat, why?. This is the Saito inner talking.
“W, wh, why?”
Louise reacting by shouted with anger
“I won't repeat it for the second time.”
Actually Louise said that reacted against the Kirche sound that slipped from the room just beside.
“What's the matter? Louise.”
“No, nothing!”
Somehow, this indecisive situation was ended, …......the sweet atmosphere that was drifting along had gone to somewhere, Their face is looking each other, with each other face dyed red they slip to the bed.
A moment later, closed the eyes the were sleeping.

That time, Saito didn't notice....., Louise was not actually means to reject Saito.
Only, the place chosen was not suitable.
The words Louise uttered with small tone before was lost, the first parts of the words did not reach Saito ears.
“...That's why, I don't want to.”
The word just before that, “Because inside the ship” actually existed.
“Because inside the ship......, I don't want.”
Louise once said that.
It doesn't really means, she was rejecting Saito.
However....., Saito was feeling down already, he did not notice that, on the bed inside that cabin room, Louise words was echoed several times, the hard to understand conclusion flies away.
Love of both of us should be enough.
Certainly, Louise feeling directing towards me.
But still......., in the end her high pride did not permitted it, I'm sure of it.
What I supposed to do?.
Suddenly that instant....., An idea come flashed in Saito mind.
The time when Louise wore black cat clothes being recalled.
I see now, Louise is a cat from all side.
Large fluid of tears transformed to small object spinning in his eyes, just like trifling with Saito on a whim.
Now, for cat, to tame that animal, what's supposed to do?.
I know.
Cat, when it noticed we draw closer, it ran.
And then it eyes clearly disregard us.
That's totally Louise alike.
Then, what about if we ignored it, what will happens?
When that happened cat is, first it will observed situation......, Even so it would continue to ignored, eventually it will become impatient and drawing closer.
In the end, sounding meong meong, cuddle its face against us...........
This is it, this is it!
In the middle of the bed it is the only conclusion comes to his mind, he was merely nodded.
Li li, no licking, you insolent cheeky pink haired girl.......... whose make fun on a whim ...... The moment when you cuddle your face against me, Huhuhu, I will catch the scruff your neck. Huhu, I expecting that moment.
The conclusion is, that was the only thought in the bottom of Saito mind.
For now, let's utterly ignored Saito whose hold tight his paranoid misunderstanding. In the midnight of the day after return from Albion, Louise whose looking charming entered the bath, she thoroughly wash her body. After that she proceeded to the altar room and did a long long confession to Founder Brimir.
Founder brimir....., before marriage, that's, how should I say it, the thing that shouldn't be said, that's, what's it called, I mean, the thing I want to do, that's, please forgive me, but because it's not I can't help it, that fellow for sure, I won't forgive it if the other woman, I mean, no seriously, helpless against the empty brain maid, or, once acting strange with the respective princess, or lose him self to the strange breast of half elf woman whose been here lately or maybe not, true, not only to the woman that have comparatively nice body, even to the small blue haired princess of Galia, I mean, it's not he really have the feeling to that woman, but between 1000 to 1 chance, it does not matter small or big anymore, just the dangerous objects has increased, in any case that's the situation, please forgive me. Amen.
The confession somehow confusing, somehow spit out words that doesn't make sense, Louise right hand and left foot that moved simultaneously was entered the room.  
What kind of expression Saito will show I wonder. I wonder if he nervous, while thinking that she entered the room. However her familiar attitude instead is quite calm, he is drinking a tea.
Even though I'm greeting this special night with tense, his attitude doesn't changed. On the contrary, with eyes narrowed, “Yo, Louise. Isn't tonight a bright night”, he said that incomprehensible words.
What's with that?, Louise entered the bed with that thought.
Next, followed by Saito.
Next, followed by the maid.
Why in this room there are three persons, without me noticing it this bed engraved a stream of characters for sleep. It has became a habit completely.
Louise quite tense, as if being in trance. But, it's still too soon. Saito himself is not an idiot. Until Siesta fall asleep, that what is it, I have to act that, after thought that, with all might she was feigning sleep.
Soon, Siesta sleeping breath can be heard.
Louise nervous reach it's peek. She was quite tense, grasp the blanked tightly, bite it as if wanting to rip.
Next calmly......, Saito hand is placed on Louise shoulder.
Shiver shiver, her whole body was trembled.
“........Idiot, Si, Siesta is still her, see. Despite that to your master you re, re reach your hand. What could be you thinking”
Beyond doubt, Louise speak with small voice. I thought be we will go to somewhere private such as warehouse. No I mean as expected some good room ideal room. However, In this bed just next to the Siesta that was sleeping. How could this familiar be so bold!
She was surprised, but it's not about Siesta, it's about the over helming superiority sense in Louise because his hand reach to her. Louise heart was overflowed.
Even though it's just next to Siesta.........
Even though the maid just beside......
Despite this foolish maid beside! Is! here!
That's right maid.
How dare you until now......, well whatever....., the victory......., is mine?. With this this is my winning!
But, as I thought to do that in front of the other girl....somehow.
That instant Saito hand slip into the center of Louise negligee, her moaning voice was leaked through her throat. Louise mind inside filled with white.
Although the maid is here! Even though the maid is here, despite the main is here......., pyun!
Saito hand moved daringly, rolled the negligee exposed Louise thin breast. Louise eyes was closed, her face dyed red. Both her breath and her pulse run rough.
At this rate, I couldn't think straight much longer.
But I can still think one reasoning......, the pulse beating fast in my heart, this is the first time I feel it.
Saito not yet Said anything from his mouth but, many kind of imagination speak have been drifted along in Louise mind.
Could it be the orthodox one, “I will treat you gently”.
Or perhaps, “Don't be afraid?”.
What could it be. Hey you, what will you said at this time. I can't think. It must be the words she will said to me. “Let's forget ourselves in this moment. The embarrassment just don't forget the sensation. Ah, I can't thing…....
However......, the first words slip from Saito mouth was,
Louise expectation could even exceed the soar of fire dragon mountain.
What just said just now?
Was that a sleeping breath?
No, that couldn't be.......
“Guu guu”.
His natural sleeping breath can be heard. Louise turned impatient.
Did he fall asleep?, why?
She hold Saito hand that slipped in her breast to make sure. No response at all. On the contrary, the hand swiftly fell from the center of her negligee.
“Uhh, uh”.
Louise turned with fearful anger.
In that direction he found Saito sleeping face. His face filled with happiness, wasn't a droll just dripped from his mouth?.

Louise face turns blue, at thhe same time reddened. The other side of her lips is raising. leaked the sound “ku ku”.
Should we punished him with death.
Will it suffice, the standard death punishment.
What should it be?.
Despite all preparation has been made, despite this cute master just lying beside. Putting a sleeping breath is really something.
She get the staff. For the time being let's convert to ash. But after though that.
Hhhh. Perhaps he's really tired......,
With futon covered Louise closed her eyes. Quite a sleepless night began.
The next day, Louise was thinking. After all....., do that just beside the sleeping maid is unpleasant. Feel like being in another person room.......that kind of feeling. Of course that applies to nobles too.
Therefore Louise was, when Saito muttered “It's time to sleep” and then fell to bed, Stood awkwardly from the chair.
“W, wa, wa”
“Walk, I think I will take walk for sometime!”
“How refined. Tonight is quite cold. You'll be going to catch a cold”.
Saito laughed, when he utters that nonsense. Being gone too far to step back, Louise slipped out wearing negligee.
She was waited for two hours, but Saito didn't came. When she come back to the room....., his mouth opened widely, sleeping. Today too, let's turned to ash. Instinctively hold tightly her staff but a sense return to his mind.
Perhaps he is really tired. For sure.
The next day, Louise once again took a stroll. This time she waited for four hours, but Saito still didn't come. When returned to the room, Saito was crawling on the bed with a deep sleeping breath.

The same thing happened the next day.
For three consecutive days, Louise stubbornly taken a stroll.
After waiting for a long time, Saito really didn't come. So to kill her time Louise took a tree branch and sketched some drawing on the ground. The content of the drawing, the thickheaded Saito was kneeling before this wonderful noble Miss Valleriere asking for forgiveness.
When the morning came. The drawing has turned to an artistic masterpiece.
Gradually this has become a habit, the next morning Louise took a stroll too.

Still, Saito didn't come.
Half crying, Louise began to draw some sketch, the subject of the sketch was the idiot familiar being judged by the noble Miss Valleriere herself, he was swiftly being hanged. When the morning arrive, the sketch has became an epic tale.

This consecutive event, happened for the whole one week.

Between these interval, Louise sketch added day by day, Saito in the center of the sketch twenty two times being whipped, twenty times being hanged, eight times throw to the hell, four times being reincarnated as insect to be trampled by Louise.
At this rate Louise anger has reach it's peak, she barely keeping his sanity, and then chilling exposure covering Louise.
Nevertheless, the thing is just a thing, she can't showed that face of anger. .
Because Louise pride that more solid than diamond won't permitted it.
Suppress the anger with her last power, Louise was trembling, shivering, and his face turned blue. Meanwhile Saito made comment “my goodness”.
But the fact instead was the complete opposite. The way Saito behave was indicated he did not notice at all.
Saito thickheaded is the genuine one.
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Astral Realm

Re: Volume 12 prologue

Post by Timer17 »

here's the preview of chapter 1
Spoiler! :
 第一話 |白の国《アルビオン》からの編入生
Chapter 1, Enlisted New Student from the White Country (Albion)


After class in Tristain magic Academy, it was a daily routine for most of the girl students to drainking tea in terrace after leaving dining hall.
Louise, Montmorency, Kirche. The three of them occupy a round table, chatting and enjoying the tea.
But, leading the conversation is Kirche, playing the listeners role is Montmorentcy. Speaking of Louise, her eyes is bloodshot. Seriously write something.
Sometimes looking sleepy, fuaaah, stretching her neck.
“Hey Louise, it's impolite to stretch your neck while I'm talking”
“You are annoying.“
Kirche lead topic is the adventure from the week before in Albion.
“By the way, I mean, that gigantic Golem was terrible”
The Kirche tone of speech seems looking enjoyed from the bottom of her heart, But Louise is knitting her eyebrows.
Watching the two of them. Montmorentcy glancing and glaring.
“What is it. Whats with golem. Actually what could you have been done in Albion”
Montmorentcy who was not accompanied during the the trip to Albion, obviously didn't know anything. Of course the true purpose of that trip.
“That I can't tell you in detail......., because it is a highly classified information.”
The acting important Kirche replied, Montmorentcy face turns sullen.
“I'm okay with that. It's not like I want to know. I don't feel like penetrate my head in the government concern.
She was bluffing.
And then she swing her long curly hair. Her vision moved to the direction of wide courtyard past the terrace. Just in time, she seen golden haired Tiffania passed.
Tiffania whose looking troubled restlessly walking, behind him a few boys student in succession was following. In the middle of the follower Guiche figure can be seen. Montmorentcy expression turn unpleasant.
「あいつ! あんだけ痛めつけたのに! まだ懲りないようだわ!」
“That guy!, even I hurt him to such an extent!, still not learning from experience!”
When that word just said, Louise sleeping eyes sparkling at that moment. Looking at the Tiffania followers, Saito figure can't be found. She was pondering with her eyes closed.
After that his eyes shifted to the notes once again.
「ねえルイズ! あなたたちが連れてきた子はなんなわけ? わたし、政治の世界には興味ないけど、あの子にだけは興味あるわ! 建物の中でも帽子を外さないし、自分のことは一切しゃべらないし!」
“Hey Louise!, what is that kid your companion bring here?, I don't have any interest in politic matters but, I only have interest only in that kid! Wearing hat while indoor, make me want to investigate everything about her!”
“Why her breast is so big?”
Kirche expression trying to provoke Montmorentcy.
「ふんだ! あんなのニセモノでしょ! はしたない! あんな底上げ技術で殿方の気をひこうだなんて!」
“Screw that! It must be an impostor! Vulgar!, Using such cowardly techniques to entice gentleman!” (last sentences not accurately precise”)
Just when Montmorentcy gave general overview, Louise stood up.
“What's wrong Louise?”
“I'm going back”
Louise eyes was sparkling and blazing. That eyes inside whirl pooling freezing storm of chilly anger.
Kirche expressed a smile with narrowed eyes.
“Please take good care of Saito”
 その言葉で、ルイズの左肩がびくっ! と動いた。その痙攣《けいれん》はついで右肩に移動する。徐々にその揺れは大きくなり、ルイズの全身がわなわなわなと震《ふる》え始めた。
When that words just Said, Louise left shoulder stiffen!, and moving. As if having a cramps, she barely moved her right shoulder. The shaking gradually become more frequent, Louise whole body began to trembled.
Awkwardly and clumsily walk away. She return to the dormitory tower. She was angry but soon she stop her movement.
Louise was in the courtyard, a moment later young man of the Knight Corps of the Water Spirit will be practicing here. Of course one of that person is Saito.
Sound of the clamor of the group, and Saito companion is approaching.
Louise halted. She didn't want to see Saito face directly. She take a side glance. If she seen his face, for sure she will blow him up. That's what she felt.
Saito too, apparently noticed Louise presence. However he was averting his gaze, that can be seen clearly in his face. When she steal a glance to Saito face from side angle her blood in her head was burning. She can't take it anymore, thus Louise was trembled. But........., when she knew everyone else is watching ahead, she can't erupted the anger. That was because her noble pride won't permitted it.
 ルイズは深く深呼吸すると、がしッ! と太ももをつまんだ。激痛が走る。それで怒りを抑え、ルイズは再びぎくしゃくと歩き出した。
Louise taken a deep breath, (gash)! She strike her butt. She running intensely. A while later, when she can repress the anger, Louise once again awkwardly attempt to leave.
Someone, but it's not Saito, Malicourne who was just beside called for Louise.
「やあルイズ! 今から訓練でね、きみの使い魔を借りるぜ」
“Yo Louise!, we are practicing right now, we will borrow your familiar”
Malicourne face suddenly turned blue.
“PEPEPEPE, Please used as you wish”
Louise replied with shaking expression. Saito clear face looking at her direction.
To that Saito and Louise whose looking each other. Malicourne was leaning his neck.
「どうしたんだい? ケンカでもしたのかい?」
“What's happened?, could you be having a quarrel?”
「けんか? あっはっは! そんなことするわけないじゃないか! さて諸君、急こうじゃないか! 訓練の時間は短いからね!」
“Quarrel? Hahaha!, That can't be possibly happened! Now gentlemen, let's hurry up. The time for training is short.!”
Saito was leaving away, his strange walking manner called for Malicourne. Either Malicourne or each member of the knight corps followed Saito with twisted neck.
Louise was dumbfounded, her face watching the back of him. Her face was deep red. (shiver shiver), still shivering Louise took a note from his pocket. (sketch sketch), she was writing something. And then inserted the notes back to her pocket, she was walked away.
That night........
Inside one of the room in woman dormintory. Louise and Saito enjoyed the wine with Siesta serve as the waitress. Her voice sounds happy, Siesta pouring wine to the two of them said.
“The other day I receive this wine from Marto. It is a shining game that win second prize during Galia wine fair. Although I forgot the name........... ”
But, both Saito and Louise was silent, merely sunk themselves in wine.
Siesta to the two of them, starred with dubious expression .
Since return from Albion, the two of them keep this mood. Almost not speaking each other. As if angry so kept silent, even their eyes was not met.
 それにルイズは、夜中になるとどこかに行ってしまう。いったいどこで何をしているのだろう? 目の下にクマをつくって帰ってくるのだが、その剣幕から何も聞けないでいた。才人に相談したら、『ルイズなりにいろいろ考えることがあるんじゃないカナ』と、妙に浮かれた答えが返ってくるばかり。
There is the other thing, in the middle of the night. Louise was going somewhere. I wonder what could she did in that place?, she return back with his gaze looking downward, but even with that threatening attitude she didn't said anything. I once consulted with Saito, “Louise has it's own style of though” that was the strange replied surfacing from him without looking at this direction.
It is troubling, I don't know the meaning of the attitude of the two of them.
Because if this atmosphere, Siesta specially obtain this wine. .......But even with this good wine and set up an easy mood, it could not give much effect.
“It's time to sleep soon.”
Siesta prepared the bed, entice the two of them. Apparently today in the middle of the night Louise won't take a stroll. Squirming, Saito and Louise entered the bed. The back of the two facing each other. The two of them rolled up. Siesta changing to sleep-wear. Slide to the bed slightly next to Saito.
 そろそろと才人の肩に頬を乗せ(could this be 頬を染める)ようとしたが……、シエスタは妙なオーラに気づく。そのオーラはルイズの背中から発されているのであった。
Soon putting a cheek of Saito shoulder, that she was about going to but......, Siesta felt a strange aura. That Aura was emitted from Louise back.
(Don don)....., the aura in Louise back accumulated, it was wriggling, Siesta was oppressed.
Siesta took back his reaching hand to Saito.
Why she felt, she should not do that.
She was hesitated a bit somehow when she was about to entrust his cheek to Saito shoulder......., nevertheless his body attacked by a weariness......, soon Siesta sleeping breath manifested.
Notice Siesta was sleeping. Louise began to moving his body.
Rolled to the Saito direction.
Saito awoken, glancing from aside, she was watching Louise.
Her voice completely exceeding anger, Louise muttered.
“Why you during the day ignored me~~~~~~~~~~~. Now I notice it, lately I always feel it.~~~~~~~~What's with that~~~~~~~~~~~”
She has many question she wants to ask, but she can't ask many question. So for now she charged about his attitude during the day.
With calm voice Saito replied.
「え? おまえが無視するからだろ?」
“Ha? Wasn't it you who ignored me?”
“At, at time like this, of course I was talking about you.”
A smile surfacing in Saito when Louise said that. That smile was a lukewarm one.
“Don't put basis to satisfied yourself. You are really selfish Louise. Tomorrow we must wake early too, go to sleep.”
When Saito closed his eyes, she was facing Siesta direction. His flubby face declined, fiercely struggled inside the blanket. Her appearance somehow looked very sorrowful.

“Don't face that way.”
She unconsciously pulled Saito sleeve.
But, with cold attitude Saito replied.
“Good night.”
“Fa, face this way!”
“But Saito pointed still to Siesta direction.”
“Allright. I don't know that familiar anymore!”
Louise pulled the blanket. But......, shortly later she turns back to her sense. She secretly examine the situation from her half covered blanket face.
Even so, Saito back still face the same direction.
Louise was half crying, she looked pitiful, she moaned, uuuu. Even so, Saito still didn't turned back
Eventually Saito sleeping breath soon can be heard. He was fall asleep.
Shiver shiver, Louise was trembling.
 なんなのよ! この一週間のこいつの態度、なんなわけ?
What's with you!. This hole week you kept that attitude. Tell me about it?
What about the thing when we rode that ship, what with your attitude when your returns this hand palm?
I can't believe it!
Inside the blanket, Louise anger was revolving and spinning. .
 いっつも好きだって言ってなかった? もしかしてあれ嘘《うそ》なの?
The one word she always said once. Could it be a lie?
Could it be on that Albion ship during one hour was trick of the mind?.
Inside the blanket for a while Louise was struggling, turn violently bit by bit but......., but she can't do that at all cost. She was wondering why he behave coldly. If one think wisely, pretty much she have one reason in mind. Saito always said love love to me......, but never once I returned that feeling.
But, but, but. It can't be helped.
I have determined to returns his feeling, when he returns to his home.
That's why, I hasten the act for finding a way home, but this idiot concern was turned indecisive. Well pretty much I can understand the reason, but still....,
I'm a void user whose being targeted by Galia.
There are another concern with Tabitha mother which was not settled yet.
Besides abandoned them for going home, Saito responsible feeling won't forgive it.
Bestowed with power of Gandalf, for that sake he was came here, it was a not a lie responsible feeling. It is Saito own responsible feeling........
But since you came here so you been here, could you behave little gentle. Now I think about it what is your intention by neglecting me?.
 何が桃髪能天気よ! 好きで桃色なんじゃないわよ!
What insolent pink haired! Wasn't you like pink hair!.
That remarks not said yet, but the next remarks has revived in his mind, Louise was trembling because of his confusedness and anger. Now it's reach this state, whether the words was actually said or it only manifested in her imagination, Louise grew more and more irritated.
In the middle of his irritation, Louise steadily turns anxious.
The the most stupidness........, is his mood feeling “When a way to return home has been found, I will return his feeling” that was she decided, might make Saito change his mind before it could happened. (not quite precise, I'll adjust later)
If by any chance not by me, he was captivated by any other woman. He will actually tell “I'm glad I'm came here”, what will I do.
Each respective fascinating woman was floating inside her imagination.
I'm okay when the princess in once occasion somehow was troubled with her feeling......., Saito and I note yet close enough. I can't let my guard down, there are many other woman.
For example there, the lovely Siesta is sleeping.
And it seems the little Tabitha was devoting to Saito.
But to whatever my come, I will put my guard..............
The accident during the day recalled in Louise mind. After bring her home from Albion. Figure of golden haired elf surfacing in the back of her eyelids.
The ridiculous breast size of half elf.
The peoples attracted by her, was not including my familiar, that kind of guarantee is negative. Saito was always said love love to me, it's only his character to act on a whim. I'm always beside him so I'm the most familiar with him.
Now I think about it, that fellow. She always watch the girl with big breast.
Anxiety was born, nothing can be done, Louise cannot help it.
 いや、自分より小さなタバサだって怪しい。ルイズより小さい! それって最高! なんて言い出して夢中になるやも限らない。
I was mistaken, even something strange with the more smaller one, Tabitha. Compared with Louise she's smaller!, this is the best!. Even being said in the dream, there are limit for that.
What if before a way home has been found that kind of circumstances happened?.
What if before I can say out my feeling, Saito feeling has changed?.
My name will be engraved in the history of the Halkeginia as the most blockhead person.
Louise was thinking and thinking until her mind was about to break.
Eventually Louise tired of thinking........, resist against the over helming drowsiness temptation..........., Louise sleeping breath can be heard.

When noticed Louise fall asleep, Saito opened his eyes.
To make certain if she was fall asleep or not, cyun cyun, he was poke her nose. Kuuuu, a cute sleeping breath vibrating. Seems like she was really asleep.
Saito sang a victory song inside his heart.
Because Louise behavior like a cat, she will grew closer. Seems like I was not mistaken with my judgement.
When I grew closer, the manner Louise will behave. That will be most likely, putting insolent angel attitude, and starred Saito with feverish eyes, “No, being a cute is as sin”, that composure attitude will be bestowed to her.
But see......, what about if we put a cold looks. What will happened?
First, response against us, it will take a distance to observe the situation. That is when she took a stroll in that night.
Even so, it will continue not to chase us......., it will become impatient when observing, thereafter it will grew closer. Ah, exactly like that.
Incredible. I'm genius........
Right, composure is important after all. Saito was tell that to his firm heart. Because of composure, I'm become center of the worlds, that was the woman who turned to me will think. Louise was like that.
But, by watching her sleeping face like this, Louise was looking really cute.






 イヤなモグラ! やっぱりわたしに触りたいのね! どうしよっかな。ああそうだ!触りたかったらわたしのこと、一冊の本になるぐらい褒めてよね。じゃないと何もしてあげなーい。なーい。



 我慢だ才人。勝利の甘い果実はすぐそこだぜ? ここで誘惑に負けたら、今までの……、アルビオンから帰ってきてからこっちの努力が、すべて水の泡じゃねえか。



































「あまり難しく考える必要はないんじゃないですか? そのときがきたらそのとき考えればいいんです」















「テファ? まさか! 友達だよ」
















 それに……、なにせティファニアには秘密が多すぎる。その秘密を知られちゃいけない、と考え、接触を控えていた部分もあった。とんでもない手柄をたてて平民から貴族になった才人は、よくも悪くもここでは有名人なのだ。そんな才人と親しげにしていたら、余計にあの子何者? と勘ぐられてしまう。




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