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Re: Do you know other language than English?

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 1:12 am
by Devenk83
Cindynka wrote:Oh, that's nice of you :3 But I'm little worried that I don't even know enough grammar.
Well... our grammar isn't really easy for those who don't talk another Latin language (Spanish, Portuguese, Italian or Romanian) because we attribute gender to every single fu**ing word, even your chair ! (feminine) And so we must make agree all adjective or verb (yeah ! In certain condition, verb too !) with their noun.
And their is so much rule... especially for the participle.
Cindynka wrote:And really, how many tenses do you have? o.o We've already learnt 6 and I have a bad feeling that it's not even near the final number.
Well... we have :
  • Indicative : 8
  • Conditional : 3
  • Imperative : 2
  • Subjunctive : 4
  • Infinitive : 2
  • Participle : 2
  • Gerund : : 2
So a total of 23 tenses...
But most of them use the participle of the verb, the only difference being in which tenses we conjugate the auxiliary (être or avoir), and the last 3 are impersonal tenses (yeah, because the conjugation change for each subject for the personal tenses).
Nura rihan wrote:after coming to B-T and wandering in the foruns I can understand a bit of French(That was not so hard as I thought(Also thanks to Devenk))
:lol: :P
But the reason you don't find it so hard it's because you have a latine language as your mother language, and so you already familiar with all the rules.
Tamal wrote:PS: Someone help me with my French :)
I can answer your question by PM if you have some. :)

Re: Do you know other language than English?

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 3:14 am
by Dohma
In order of proficiency:

Dutch, English, German, Japanese, French

German is easy for me because it looks a lot like Dutch, although that can also be a handicap. I've had French in high school and I'd love to pick it up again when my Japanese on a better level, but I recall there are more exceptions to rules than rules in French. I also had Latin for two years, but forgot almost everything there is to know about it, so it's not on the list.

Re: Do you know other language than English?

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 4:47 am
by Lazyanon
I know Punjabi but forgot all the French I was forced to learn in school, wasted six years for nothing

Re: Do you know other language than English?

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 5:20 am
by Cindynka
Devenk83 wrote:Well... our grammar isn't really easy for those who don't talk another Latin language (Spanish, Portuguese, Italian or Romanian) because we attribute gender to every single fu**ing word, even your chair ! (feminine) And so we must make agree all adjective with their noun or verb (yeah ! In certain condition, verb too !).
And their is so much rule... especially for the participle.
Well, I wouldn't care about the gender since we have something similar (even though we have three genders in the language - feminine, masculine and the neuter). Worse is that some words differ in the French and Czech gender. But we don't put the article everywhere, we just change the verbs a little.
Devenk83 wrote: Well... we have :
  • Indicative : 8
  • Conditional : 3
  • Imperative : 2
  • Subjunctive : 4
  • Infinitive : 2
  • Participle : 2
  • Gerund : : 2
So a total of 23 tenses...
But most of them use the participle of the verb, the only difference being in which tenses we conjugate the auxiliary (être or avoir), and the last 3 are impersonal tenses (yeah, because the conjugation change for each subject for the personal tenses).
Oh god, I can never learn this. We have just 3 tenses + conditional for each of them so you don't even have to think about what past tense out of 5 you should use (as it happens in English).

Re: Do you know other language than English?

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 7:51 am
by Devenk83
Cindynka wrote: Oh god, I can never learn this. We have just 3 tenses + conditional for each of them so you don't even have to think about what past tense out of 5 you should use (as it happens in English).
Yeah, we have a lot :lol: .
But the thing is we use very few of them and it's a little repetitive... so it's easier than it's look like.

Nota : I made a grave syntax error in my previous post :oops:

Re: Do you know other language than English?

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:48 am
by Rohan123
Devenk83 wrote:...
Nota : I made a grave syntax error at my previous post :oops:
I think you made a grave error in the marked portion of the quote too :P

Re: Do you know other language than English?

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:57 am
by Nurin
No there's not a error, it's only written on a different language.

Re: Do you know other language than English?

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 10:26 am
by Devenk83
Rohan123 wrote:
Devenk83 wrote:...
Nota : I made a grave syntax error at my previous post :oops:
I think you made a grave error in the marked portion of the quote too :P
Nura rihan wrote:No there's not a error, it's only written on a different language.
And "grave" exist in English : here :p. (it's a so-called mot transparent, a word that write in the same way in English and French and have the same meaning)

Re: Do you know other language than English?

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 10:32 am
by Cindynka
Devenk83 wrote: And "grave" exist in English : here :p. (it's a so-called mot transparent, a word that write in the same way in English and French and have the same meaning)
Didn't Rohan just mean that it should have been in my previous post instead of at my previous post?

Re: Do you know other language than English?

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 10:55 am
by Devenk83
Cindynka wrote:
Devenk83 wrote: And "grave" exist in English : here :p. (it's a so-called mot transparent, a word that write in the same way in English and French and have the same meaning)
Didn't Rohan just mean that it should have been in my previous post instead of at my previous post?
Ah... Yes. :oops:

Re: Do you know other language than English?

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 9:52 am
by rock96
Welp, Russian and English. A few words in French, German and Italian, but it's insufficient to even ask for food. :lol:
Want to take Japanese this year even though I kind of suspect that the courses in the city where I live now are not so good. Korean courses would cost too much if I take them both simultaneously, sadly.

Re: Do you know other language than English?

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 2:28 pm
by Misogi
For those who want some knowledge in French grammar, some exerpts from our help resources may help you (even though it needs an update):

- Spaces for punctuation. ("_" means that there's a space)

- Tenses used in narration.
Narration en général / Actions de second plan lists tenses used when the narrator is external to the story (meaning that he's not a character).
Narrateur présent dans l'histoire / Dialogues lists tenses used in dialogues or by a narrator present in the story (either the MC or another character).

- Uses for English and French tenses.
It seriously needs an update.

Re: Do you know other language than English?

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 4:23 am
by WarStalkeR
Well, beside English I know Russian, Hebrew & Ukrainian. I also every time try to gather my willpower to start learning Japanese... But always drowning in Penetration Testing, Malware Analysis or Computer Forensics and forgetting about everything else... Then again I find really good LN/VN and start trying to gather my willpower to start learning Japanese... And then again forget about everything thanks to my job being my hobby... Like this continues for last 4 years... :|

Re: Do you know other language than English?

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 5:10 am
by shichinanatsu
in descending proficiency: English - Filipino - Japanese - French - Spanish

btw, slightly off-topic, but can anyone help me with the french translation for the phrase "solace in solitude"? because i don't trust babelfish and google translate enough for anything more than mere words... :?

Re: Do you know other language than English?

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 10:22 am
by Misogi
Solace : "source de réconfort", "réconfort", "consolation"
Solitude is also a French word.

Hmm... maybe it'd be "réconfort dans la solitude". If you have the context, either post it here or in the TLC topic of the French sub-forum.