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Re: College: How do you pay for it?

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:25 pm
by Poke2201
Shit you people are so damn smart...

Makes my 1830 on the SAT seem really horrible...

But I haven't gotten PSAT results, so hopefully, that would be lucky for me.

Anyone know of UC San Diego or Berkley giving good scholarships?

Re: College: How do you pay for it?

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:57 am
by b0mb3r
Poke2201 wrote:
Makes my 1830 on the SAT seem really horrible...
poke if it makes u feel any better I never passed my SAT (below 1500). so how do I go to college? one that doesn't ask for it. :mrgreen:

Re: College: How do you pay for it?

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:34 pm
by Poke2201
Sort of, but considering my chosen career path kinda depends on the school I go to, (Lets face it an Engineer from UC Berkley is more desirable than an engineer from some smaller unknown school), kind of makes you wonder right?

I must be turning emo, because that sound like WAAAANGST.

Re: College: How do you pay for it?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:46 pm
by Mystes
Someone here wants to study law or medecine, I would say that McGill university is maybe the cheapest of all.

McGill isn't a bad school (18th rank) and the fees are extremely low, since the Quebec governement kinda finances a lot, unlike other places. Of course, you might be distracted with bars opened until 3 in the morning, but it's fairly well. Not to mention that it's in downtown, with the subway passing every 3 minutes during the rush. The living cost depends on where you're living, but with the subway system there, you can go at school in peace. I think that it's about 10-15 K, or maybe less for international students.

Re: College: How do you pay for it?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:28 pm
by Zell_ff8
just saw this topics and makes me think how its possibly to not have free education in such developed countries :S

Re: College: How do you pay for it?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:44 pm
by Poke2201
Because Colleges arent exactly considered compulsory education.

Re: College: How do you pay for it?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:02 pm
by Mystes
And the gouvernment doesn't have money.

Re: College: How do you pay for it?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:46 pm
by Zell_ff8
kira0802 wrote:And the gouvernment doesn't have money.
exactly. most of northern countries are rich. don't tell me USA gov hasn't money. why doesn't the people demands it to be free? they could cut from defense and give something to education, i guess...

well if someone want to do a career degree at 0 cost and don't mind learning spanish you're welcome to argentina :D
public tertiary institutes and universities are completely free for the full length (done at schedule or extending it anything you want). you should only care about life costs, transport and photocopies, but if you get allowance from home the convert rate will make you Richie Rich. public transportation is cheap (subway is 0.27u$s -only in the capital- and buses never go more than 1$). almost every institution has scholarships and economical aid for transport, free study materials or even food, but are scarce and directed to really needed students (I have a classmate that lives in an iron sheet room and eats in a communal refuge, but yet he is well on 3rd year of an engineering career O_o)

visa is also no problem, argentina is foreigners-friendly, you can get citincenship and full civil rights with 2 years of residence (even illegal inmigrants can be nationalized with just the residence requisite O_o). just tedious paperwork.
ah, public health service is also free, collapsed, but free xD

the main difference about public (free) and private (ridiculously expensive) universities is infrastructure and equipment. public universities have a good recogniced level but if you want to study hard experimental sciences you can't compare them with japan, UK or USA ones...

Re: College: How do you pay for it?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:03 pm
by Mystes's a bit different than what you think.

The US has around a billion US$ of debt to China. And only to China. The US aren't rich, but the companies and the people are. The US are printing money so that it's value goes down so the debt they have may go down, in other countries' detriment. Don't think that the US are all-powerful, or else there wouldn't be the recession.

Re: College: How do you pay for it?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:51 pm
by Poke2201
However, the US is economically powerful. If the US is gone, the economy will be quite nearly destroyed because the US is a major Consumer of goods, and countries make money by exporting their goods to the US.

Re: College: How do you pay for it?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:47 pm
by Mystes
Exactly. The US are a 300-million people country, and the consuming is great too. You can't expect making money by only exporting to Lebannon. The Americans are extremely powerful, and no matter how much the COUNTRY is poor, the PEOPLE is still rich. That's the greatest effect of capitalism.

Re: College: How do you pay for it?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 6:05 pm
by Zell_ff8
I'm bad at economy so I find it hard to understand. Supposedly the state is everyone, if the state goes fine its members go fine, if it goes down all go down.

At least that's how I see it here. If the government goes fine, it means more stability and social welfare (education, security, health, transport, infrastructure, prevision). If its short of money then there comes the cuts to the services.

Then what happens in USA with taxes and money from contributors? Isn't education and health funds come from taxes? With so many habitants and so advanced technology and industries I find it hard to comprehend. :?: Isn't it enough? I thought it had a sustainable economy :S

Re: College: How do you pay for it?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 6:12 pm
by Mystes
I'm still in HS, so please don't blame me if I'm wrong.

Greece. Spain. Portugal. Ireland. These countries are all broke, but the people are rich. Though the US aren't at that point, it is the people who has money, and the country spends his own by collecting taxes.