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Re: 2011 - Your memories + Countdown to 2012!

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:42 pm
by Cosmic Eagle
You have DB experience...? yeah that's tough luck...

Why the hell does everyone go to KTPH....I had to request SGH simply coz I trust the docs there more....

Re: 2011 - Your memories + Countdown to 2012!

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:24 pm
by Teh_ping
Cosmic Eagle wrote:You have DB experience...? yeah that's tough luck...

Why the hell does everyone go to KTPH....I had to request SGH simply coz I trust the docs there more....
Luckily for me, no. Unluckily, my colleagues who end up going to DB for all sorts of reasons.

For the latter, it's the reverse for me...but that's to cap an interesting Army experience since I had enough of doing all the work here.

Re: 2011 - Your memories + Countdown to 2012!

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:20 am
by Cosmic Eagle
Teh_ping wrote:
For the latter, it's the reverse for me...but that's to cap an interesting Army experience since I had enough of doing all the work here.
Same....Free treatments to remove a long time problem as well as pre ORD vanishment

Re: 2011 - Your memories + Countdown to 2012!

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:17 am
by YoakeNoHikari
Mmm, those exams were deliciously painful.

But I'm done!

Re: 2011 - Your memories + Countdown to 2012!

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:58 pm
by Mystes
...I still have a week...

Lucky Hikari...

Re: 2011 - Your memories + Countdown to 2012!

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:26 pm
by Xeones
Did you guys know that in Brazil the military service is also compulsory for all men from ages ranging from 18 to 22? The thing is that here things work a little different...

When you go enlist in the armed forces, they have to make a selection of candidates (since there wouldn't be enough resources to enlist everybody in active duty)... So the first thing you do is a medical exam, after that you go to an interview (usually with an officer or a NCO).

The first question they ask is: "Do you want to serve in the armed forces?". If you say no, it's highly unlikely they're gonna select you to active duty... unless the guy that's conducting interview is in a really bad mood.

In my case, after asking that the guy looked at me and said: "You're going to college, right? What you're going to do?"... When I awnsered that I intended to do Medicine, the guy looked at me (from top to bottom... it was kinda of scary) and replied: "You're gonna be a good doctor, hope you join the army someday.". And them gave me the CDI (Certificado de Dispensa da Incorporação - Certificate of exemption of incorporation)...

Re: 2011 - Your memories + Countdown to 2012!

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:22 pm
by Cosmic Eagle
Unfortunately it's so small and highly militarized here, being a draft dodger means you definitely wind up in jail for a while unless your filthy rich enough to migrate overseas....

Here if you are being a doctor...they let you off for 6- 8 years maybe...then you comeback as a captain to be an MO...

Re: 2011 - Your memories + Countdown to 2012!

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:13 pm
by Mystes're pretty amazing, man.

BTW, is there even a need for an "army" in Singapore? Why not make it like Switzerland?

Re: 2011 - Your memories + Countdown to 2012!

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:21 pm
by Xeones
Kira0802're pretty amazing, man.

BTW, is there even a need for an "army" in Singapore? Why not make it like Switzerland?
Why would you say that? I don't think I'm amazing at all... at most, mildly interesting :lol:

ANd I don't think you guys want to be like switzerland... I mean... look at the clothes the Swiss guard wears. They're probably trying to make their enemies laugh to death with that. (Okay, I know that the Swiss guard is the Vatican "armed forces" and bla bla bla... but I couldn't let the joke pass.)

Re: 2011 - Your memories + Countdown to 2012!

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:30 pm
by larethian
Xeones wrote:
Kira0802're pretty amazing, man.

BTW, is there even a need for an "army" in Singapore? Why not make it like Switzerland?
Why would you say that? I don't think I'm amazing at all... at most, mildly interesting :lol:

ANd I don't think you guys want to be like switzerland... I mean... look at the clothes the Swiss guard wears. They're probably trying to make their enemies laugh to death with that. (Okay, I know that the Swiss guard is the Vatican "armed forces" and bla bla bla... but I couldn't let the joke pass.)
Do you know we have a number of Swiss staff here?

And @Kira, fundamentally Singapore's armed forces is like Switzerland's. And yes, they are needed.

Re: 2011 - Your memories + Countdown to 2012!

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:39 pm
by Xeones
Sorry about that then... I know that the Swiss Guard is a highly respected force around the world , with a history of exellence in their role (dating back to the palace guards of the 15th century). I'm not trying to make fun of them. I also know that the "lively" yellow, blue and red uniform they wear is mostly used as a cerimonial outfit or for the guards that are escorting the Pope, the actual uniform for "day-to-day" activities is much simpler and less flashy.

If anyone felt offended by my last comment, I deeply apologize... It was not my intention.

Re: 2011 - Your memories + Countdown to 2012!

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:30 am
by Mystes
Though no offense, Singapore's military would be still small, right? Considering the country's size...

Re: 2011 - Your memories + Countdown to 2012!

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:00 am
by Teh_ping
Kira0802 wrote:Though no offense, Singapore's military would be still small, right? Considering the country's size...
Well, very small in terms of manpower. We can still 'survive' against other countries in our region due to tech (except the country with 10,000 islands because they outnumber us 30 to 1), but there's no way we can go beyond that. We can't even take on Australia...

Over in the Army, most people get rather cynical of what they do since they don't really get the action. But yeah, that's memories in this year for you.

Re: 2011 - Your memories + Countdown to 2012!

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:21 am
by Cosmic Eagle
Xeones wrote:Sorry about that then... I know that the Swiss Guard is a highly respected force around the world , with a history of exellence in their role (dating back to the palace guards of the 15th century). I'm not trying to make fun of them. I also know that the "lively" yellow, blue and red uniform they wear is mostly used as a cerimonial outfit or for the guards that are escorting the Pope, the actual uniform for "day-to-day" activities is much simpler and less flashy.

If anyone felt offended by my last comment, I deeply apologize... It was not my intention.
Nah...our special foreign guest forces here are Gurkhas...

Re: 2011 - Your memories + Countdown to 2012!

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 6:23 am
by larethian
Kira0802 wrote:Though no offense, Singapore's military would be still small, right? Considering the country's size...
Yes, if you don't count the reserves. Moreover the force is not so much for defense but for deterrence. Regional wise, it's the most technologically advanced which does compensate for numbers. Iirc, 60% of the air force are situated in US and Australia, and they are for offence against the offending aggressor. Land forces were initially trained and developed with water issues in mind. It's quite impossible for the state city to survive an all out war, so the forces are for creating a lose-lose situation if it comes to that. The foreign and economic policies pursued by the country also create ' stakeholders' in many friendly nations which thus have a vested interest in the security of the country.