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Re: Debates

Post by ainsoph9 »

Xeones wrote:The problem is that he only uses those famous phrases that everyone knows.. like c'est la vie or capisci?. If he actually spoke any other language, I would make an effort to learn... but I think he only opens google and looks for random quotes.
So, he knows only enough to be dangerous, eh?
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Re: Debates

Post by YoakeNoHikari »

Yeah, I forgot the declension, so I wanted to get awat with being colloquial. It's feminine, right?
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Re: Debates

Post by Mystes »

YoakeNoHikari wrote:Yeah, I forgot the declension, so I wanted to get awat with being colloquial. It's feminine, right?
There's no 'declensions' in French. Only in Latin, German, Italian or such.

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Re: Debates

Post by Mystes »

Anyone tracking down the Republican results in Iowa? Right now, Paul leading Santorum and Romney, not by much.Personally, the only ones I don't wanna see as Republican candidate are Gingrish, Perry and damn Santorum. Aside that, I've got a problem with Bachman, but not as much as these three.

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Re: Debates

Post by HexOmega »

Kira0802 wrote:Anyone tracking down the Republican results in Iowa? Right now, Paul leading Santorum and Romney, not by much.Personally, the only ones I don't wanna see as Republican candidate are Gingrish, Perry and damn Santorum. Aside that, I've got a problem with Bachman, but not as much as these three.
Well, out of the choices, I think gingrish might be a decent candidate, cause Perry is a raging homophob, and Bachman is just plan stupid and a bad name to any republican out there....I'm a little nervous about Paul because he is very libertarian, and I'm not sure how well that would transfer to Congress and the like. All I know is if SHTF I'm moving up to Canada.
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Re: Debates

Post by ainsoph9 »

Personally, I favor Gingrich out of them all right now, despite what some consider to be "inflammatory" and "controversial" comments that he has made recently. Although he was shamed out of Congress about a decade ago, much of that was beyond his control and realm of responsibility. Also, he actually has morals and a backbone, unlike some of our previous presidents.

As for those outside of the United States, although I understand why you might be concerned about the United States's presidential election, I do ask that we keep this conversation civil and not have it be turned into a United States, liberal vs. conservative, candidate vs. candidate, etc. bashing discussion. This should go without saying though. However, my experience is quite the opposite.

For those of you inside of the United States, I hope that much of the same applies.

All I will say concerning the final elections is that all I hope is that it is NOT Obama who wins. I am just not impressed with he and his administration's work on multiple levels. Sadly, I feel that no matter who we vote for in a sense, it is a matter of choosing the lesser of the evils. Yet, I do not wish to be cynical or sarcastic about this. Hence, I am just praying for a blessing upon this nation.
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Re: Debates

Post by HexOmega »

I do have to agree, but in all fairness, Obama has done some things: Unemployment has gone down since he's been elected..he fixed the Big 3 crisis..Automotive sales are up, Obama Increased funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) to the highest level since 1992. Which goes to arts groups that fund local shows, and promotes artistic education for children. Regarding big business CEO'S, he cut salaries for 65 bailout executives. Banks have repaid 75% of TARP funds, bringing the cost down to $89B as of June 2010.

Its just that he is much more focused on Social policy than economics, and I think that economics is much more important at this time.
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Re: Debates

Post by Mystes »

ainsoph9 wrote:Personally, I favor Gingrich out of them all right now, despite what some consider to be "inflammatory" and "controversial" comments that he has made recently. Although he was shamed out of Congress about a decade ago, much of that was beyond his control and realm of responsibility. Also, he actually has morals and a backbone, unlike some of our previous presidents.
Yeah, well, it would be a pretty good start for the US diplomacy, saying that Palestinians are a bunch of terrorists and invented people.

Why I don't appreciate Santorum are listed below
- Homophobe
- Opposed to the right of privacy
- Against any diplomacy with Iran and Syria
- Says that that global warming is "junk science" and has supported a policy of "Drill everywhere" for oil

As for Obama, IMHO, well, can't say he's done a good job with the US. However, he's better than some of the Republican candidates.

Get John Huntsman leader of the GOP.

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Re: Debates

Post by ainsoph9 »

HexOmega wrote:I do have to agree, but in all fairness, Obama has done some things: Unemployment has gone down since he's been elected..he fixed the Big 3 crisis..Automotive sales are up, Obama Increased funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) to the highest level since 1992. Which goes to arts groups that fund local shows, and promotes artistic education for children. Regarding big business CEO'S, he cut salaries for 65 bailout executives. Banks have repaid 75% of TARP funds, bringing the cost down to $89B as of June 2010.

Its just that he is much more focused on Social policy than economics, and I think that economics is much more important at this time.
I realize that Obama has done some things economically, but I do not think that those measures have been effective enough. I disapprove of the way that he has socialized the economy and medical insurance with "Obama care." My biggest complaint is the negligence has had for domestic policy over foreign policy. Most of the problem though to me is that we live in a time of extremes that do not want to meet in the middle politically.
Kira0802 wrote:Yeah, well, it would be a pretty good start for the US diplomacy, saying that Palestinians are a bunch of terrorists and invented people.

Why I don't appreciate Santorum are listed below
- Homophobe
- Opposed to the right of privacy
- Against any diplomacy with Iran and Syria
- Says that that global warming is "junk science" and has supported a policy of "Drill everywhere" for oil

As for Obama, IMHO, well, can't say he's done a good job with the US. However, he's better than some of the Republican candidates.

Get John Huntsman leader of the GOP.
Sarcasm noted concerning Gingrich.

Personally, I realize that not all Palestinians are terrorists. However, something about how they think that terrorists who have killed or attempted to kill people are heroes does not exactly rub right with me. This is not the minority either that think this. Rather, their "prison movement" to get convicted Palestinian terrorists out of prison who have blood on their hands is widely popular. It is so popular that Abbas just appointed one of those murderers as a senior adviser this week, who was in the Gilad Shalit prisoner swap. I do not care if you call it a movement for "independence," a "resistance," or whatnot, but none of those should ever blow up or gun down to kill innocent civilians. These terrorists do exactly that. Gingrich understands this as fact.

As for the "invented people" charge, doing some historical research should give you the result that Gingrich was talking about, whether or not anyone likes it or agrees with it or not. I have talked about this issue in the past, so I will not go into depth here.

Personally, I have not been following the election campaign too closely, so I can only give a limited opinion. If you say what is true about Santorum (I am not saying it is one way or the other), I am immediately going to be careful with the "homophobe" charge. Secondly, please define the terms "right of privacy" and "diplomacy" for me. Thirdly, it is kind of hard to believe in global warming when the originator of the idea lied about it and skewed his data to reflect his lie. Likewise, his cohorts have admitted to doing much of the same. Lastly, what do you mean by drilling for oil "everywhere?"
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Re: Debates

Post by Mystes »

ainsoph9 wrote: Personally, I have not been following the election campaign too closely, so I can only give a limited opinion. If you say what is true about Santorum (I am not saying it is one way or the other), I am immediately going to be careful with the "homophobe" charge. Secondly, please define the terms "right of privacy" and "diplomacy" for me. Thirdly, it is kind of hard to believe in global warming when the originator of the idea lied about it and skewed his data to reflect his lie. Likewise, his cohorts have admitted to doing much of the same. Lastly, what do you mean by drilling for oil "everywhere?"
1. "I have a problem with homosexual acts", Santorum said.Opposes to same=sex marriage too.
2. Not opposed, but states that there's no Right of Privacy. "Santorum once grouped gay sex with incest, polygamy, and bestiality, and he believes consenting adults have no constitutional right to privacy when it comes to sexual behavior."
3. "Santorum was one of only two senators who voted against Robert Gates to be secretary of Defense because Gates advocated talking to Iran and Syria, which Santorum said would be talking to “radical Islam” and would be a grievous error."
Spoiler! :
Look at this, BTW:
Spoiler! :
Paul's pretty much right.

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Re: Debates

Post by ainsoph9 »

In response to both one and two on your list, I just looked it up. Apparently, Santorum is Catholic, which would explain his views on homosexuality, as the Roman Catholic Church is vehemently anti-gay on a religious basis. It would seem that the form of Catholicism that he adheres to is pre-Vatican II Catholicism, which explains a lot as well. Not to defend him or anything, but I think your quote in number two needs to be put into context to avoid it from becoming a pretext to incitement against him. Reading the quote more closely renders closer to the idea that sexual deviancy should not be tolerated, which means that the public has the right to know who those individuals are and where they live, etc.

The problem of gay rights really becomes a problem about what one's assumptions are towards gay rights. I will not go into detail about this right now unless someone wishes to PM me for further discussion.

On number three, Santorum sadly does have a very good and important point. While many governments in the West have practically and virtually divorced themselves from religion, Middle Eastern countries like Iran and Syria have governments that are practically one with religion, namely, Islam. Although these governments might have "official" declarations that they are "secular" or whatever, most of the time the reality on the ground is starkly different. Such is the case with Iran and Syria. Iran is currently building a nuclear arsenal, according to the IAEA and nations around the world. Syria's Assad is currently slaughtering his populace by the thousands. Both of these governments have practically declared war on the West and tend to show government-sponsored radical Islamic terrorist activity often as they have links to radical Islamic terrorist activity. Neither shows any sign of change. So, given the above, is really a good idea to "talk" with people who are bent on your destruction? By the way, despite what the United States's federal government says, sanctions are failing in Iran, judging by how Iran has been able to easily circumvent them.

On number four, I would like to see that interview in more context instead of little clip of it. Personally, I would like to see the United States get off of its oil dependency period. At the very least, I would like to see the United States not have to depend on the Middle East.
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Re: Debates

Post by Mystes »

On number 3, ainsoph, did you watch the clip I added to my post?

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Re: Debates

Post by ainsoph9 »

There is no clip on number 3. There was one on number four, but it looks like you added a second one to idea moment ago.

As for Ron Paul being right in the second clip, I must politely disagree.
Last edited by ainsoph9 on Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Debates

Post by Mystes »

ainsoph9 wrote:There is no clip on number 3. There was one on number four, but it looks like you added a second one to idea moment ago.
I added a video at theend a while ago, yeah.

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Re: Debates

Post by HexOmega »

Well, some good news is that Bachman dropped out of the race, and Perry might also pretty soon. Sadly it does feel like the US is stuck in a Catch-22 with the democrats and Republicans...-_-

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