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Re: Ask a random question

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:11 pm
by maqhusson
Because When it's loud you feel like lauching a nuke somewhere.

Why does the sun not take days off?

Re: Ask a random question

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 2:03 pm
by dalek
Because all life would end as we know it.
Why does the PSP internet radio never play Marisa Stole the Precious Thing? (Played Hatsune Miku and 2 IOSYS songs)

Re: Ask a random question

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:38 pm
by maqhusson
Because the PSP's mind reading powers have grown weaker as it aged, and it wasn't able to realize that you wanted to hear it.

Why do people hate on things without trying them?

Re: Ask a random question

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 7:22 am
by Rage_Ender
Because people fear the unknown

Why do i think that I got better at LoL, but am still suck to an extent?

Re: Ask a random question

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 7:49 am
by bestnumber?8721
Coz ur vayne/yasuo/lb/whatever high mechanic champ u play is still actually god awful. Champs with low mechanics are what wins games, that and proper decision making, former LA Laker and current owner of team Gravity (RIP)/Echo Fox stated that eSports counts as a sport due in part to the decision making processes. LoL, while mechanics does help, is almost entirely mental. Fix your mentality, practice champs that are somewhat easy but can still carry (my personal fave is the new caitlyn, very op) and practice your damn shit. Also, whenever the hell BDO is officially released I'm retiring from league lol.

Why is Windows 8 such a c*nt?

Re: Ask a random question

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 1:41 pm
by maqhusson
Because MS doesn't care.

Why do good things not get noticed as much?

Re: Ask a random question

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 9:41 am
by dalek
Because they don't want to be noticed.
Why does the PSP not support regular video?

Re: Ask a random question

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 10:04 am
by WakuKun
Because the PSP likes your Y U NO face expression XD
Spoiler! :
Why do people hype 'Undertale' that much?

Re: Ask a random question

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2016 6:45 pm
by dalek
Because they are Undertale lovers.
Why do I post from a Samsung Galaxy S 3?

Re: Ask a random question

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2016 9:33 am
by maqhusson
Because you're not cool enough for an Xperia.

Why am I a bad person?

Re: Ask a random question

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 6:00 pm
by dalek
You make Black MIDIs capable of crashing a Cray supercomputer.
Do I enjoy this?

Re: Ask a random question

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 11:37 am
by maqhusson
I'm sorry, my mind reading powers aren't at that level yet, give me a few years and maybe I can answer that :D

Do you know the muffin man?

Re: Ask a random question

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 7:16 am
by Rage_Ender

Did I order it right?

Re: Ask a random question

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 10:31 am
by maqhusson

did you order fries with it?

Re: Ask a random question

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 3:38 am
by Nyuill
She didn't ordered (bad girl)

Should I ask for an hamburger too?