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What has changed in your perception of BT since you joined?

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 8:08 pm
by Mystes
As the title indicates.

I'll start this,

I remember that when I joined, I believed that the only LNs that existed were the one being TLed here. I also thought BT was like a huge scanlation group with people assigned to each project, etc.

What about you?

Re: What has changed in your perception of BT since you join

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 8:11 pm
by Arcsol93
Thought they were the only TL group around, though its good to see others. Lets me be a bigger bookworm in the long run~

Re: What has changed in your perception of BT since you join

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 7:56 am
by Novel-hunter
Its good for translators and editors to get together.

Re: What has changed in your perception of BT since you join

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 7:31 pm
by onizuka-gto
I'm happy to see Baka-Tsuki finally be perceived for what it is, a community and place to foster new interest and encourage language learning.

I was sick of the manga and anime group mentality, the elitism, the closed, strict and arrogant way they handled themselves. Each one like a Warlord of his own private brigade.

So i rejected them all and joining the Big Boss we raised a fortress, safe behind our walls, freedom to flourish.

But like they say, a history repeats itself, the leniency and freedom means those who grew with us, eventually wanted left to start their own private brigades. While it sadden me to see that happen, its a happy thing because there are now dedicated light novel groups.

I hope one day, there will be a successor to Baka-Tsuki, someone will rise to challenge us and i can finally retire.

Re: What has changed in your perception of BT since you join

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 8:46 pm
by Arcsol93
onizuka-gto wrote:I'm happy to see Baka-Tsuki finally be perceived for what it is, a community and place to foster new interest and encourage language learning.

I was sick of the manga and anime group mentality, the elitism, the closed, strict and arrogant way they handled themselves. Each one like a Warlord of his own private brigade.

So i rejected them all and joining the Big Boss we raised a fortress, safe behind our walls, freedom to flourish.

But like they say, a history repeats itself, the leniency and freedom means those who grew with us, eventually wanted left to start their own private brigades. While it sadden me to see that happen, its a happy thing because there are now dedicated light novel groups.

I hope one day, there will be a successor to Baka-Tsuki, someone will rise to challenge us and i can finally retire.
I will say this, after reading High School DxD and coming here it sparked my interest to learn Japanese even more. And now after about three months I can actually understand and read some hiragana and am working on katakana now, never thought I would ever do that XD. So I do owe that to this place, keep doing what you guys do. Hopefully one day soon I can lend a hand myself :D

Re: What has changed in your perception of BT since you join

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:49 am
by BitterSugar
When I first started using Baka-tsuki, I thought it was like some of the anime/manga uploaders which just rip off from translated works, except it was light novels in this case.
But after using baka-tsuki on a daily basis and also joining the forum, I recognised all the efforts by the translators & editors who made it possible for the readers to enjoy the light novels which are not translated already, officially.
I'm currently lying low and helping people in the OLN section while sometimes correcting errors I find when reading in the wiki, but since I'm learning Japanese (although in a slow pace), I'd also like to contribute as a full-time translator & editor in the future.

Re: What has changed in your perception of BT since you join

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 9:04 pm
by Yumeha_Minakami01
At first I thought that this was another community where projects are handed out and must be churned out, but after checking out I found it really amazing that people here are flocking here because of common interests and to find new interests to make them flourish. Also because of this I started to try and learn a new language (though it might take quite some time, I'm already 22 and not getting any younger... my brain just doesn't have the capacity to learn as quickly as it did in my teenage years).

onizuka-gto wrote: I hope one day, there will be a successor to Baka-Tsuki, someone will rise to challenge us and i can finally retire.
*tears roll down face*

Re: What has changed in your perception of BT since you join

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 6:01 am
by gamerbaki
Two years ago, when a friend of mine recommended this site to me, I already said it to him "This is boring. Only words, no drawings? I'm out of here," seconds after I browsed the site for the first time.

And then during the emerge of SAO anime, I became curious of it since I once found that series in this site.
That is the story of my birth in the light novel community.

I lately realized that light novels are awesome so I decided to read more series such DxD, Toaru and many more. I became obsessed at them that I always demand for the next translation of the said series.

Going in the present time, when I joined the forums about a month ago, I then discover the world beyond the wiki site.

I slowly realized how the series is translated as well as how hard the translators work just for a series to get translated.

Since then, I have now a broader understanding about light novels and as an OLN writer and a future translator (I'm on my way on studying Japanese), I will continue to support light novels.