Birth Sign

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Birth Sign

Post by Umiman »

Want to make yourself feel awesome? Search up what your birth stuff mean. Such as mine:

Chinese Zodiac:
The Dragon ( 龍 ) is the only mythical creature in the Chinese zodiac. In China, dragons are associated with strength, health, harmony, and good luck; they are placed above doors or on the tops of roofs to banish demons and evil spirits. Within Chinese cultures, more babies are born in Dragon years than in any other animal years.

The Dragon is omnipotent. He/she is flamboyant, attractive and full of vitality and strength. In China, the Dragon is the sign of the Emperor of China or the male element Yang. The Dragon is the symbol of power and wealth.

It would be right to say that people born in the year of the dragon have a natural charisma and are certainly gifted with power and luck. It is unlikely for them to escape unnoticed from a party or to take second place in a competition. The dragon person has an active mind and shows an unfeigned interest in the world around him/her. This person is also self-confident enough to know how to create a necessary impression. Because they are larger than life themselves, dragon people like to do everything on a grand scale. They are egotistical self-grandising and ambitious, almost to the point of megalomania. They will stop at nothing to get what they want. A person born in this year wears the crown of destiny, and is capable of great achievements if he or she knows how to harness his or her tremendous energy, intelligence and talent. While these people enjoy being the center of attention, they also have a brave and charitable side to their personality. If a dragon's friend faces a problem or dilemma, he or she will be there to offer help, and when others leave the field of battle the dragon takes a step forward to solve the problem with authority and dignity. Dragons set a high standard of actions for themselves as well as for other people and are surprised when others cannot cope with a task; they are so carried away by the process that they fail to see other people's weaknesses.

Ideal jobs for dragons include kings, military officer, politician, musician, buffers, poet, artist, biological and environmental engineer, stockbroker, athlete, trade union leader, company director, explorer, and attorney.

Wait! It gets better!

Gemini is associated with the Greek myth of Castor (or Kastor) and Pollux and with the Greco-Roman god Hermes/Mercury and sometimes also the gods Loki, Asklepios/Aesculapius, and Veles and the goddesses Eris/Discordia, Hebe, and Ate. Being twins, Gemini can also sometimes be associated with the Greek twins Apollo and Artemis.

Gemini is the third sign of the Zodiac and associated with youth and versatility. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a sociable, fun-loving, versatile, lively, communicative, liberal, mentally active and friendly character. The Gemini person is logical, inquisitive, clever, whimsical, nimble, quick-witted, articulate, lively, active, curious, capable of multi-tasking, talkative, sociable and mercurial. A less developed Gemini is prone to moodiness, inconsistency, superficiality, restlessness and gossip.

Among medieval astrologers, Gemini was thought of as a fortunate sign, and its subjects were considered to possess the qualities of intense devotion, genius, largeness of mind, goodness, and liberality.

In astrology Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury.

In love the Gemini person tends to be serious, demanding and giving. When the less developed Gemini attempts a relationship they are light-hearted, oblivious, fickle, coolly affectionate, flirtatious, and may occasionally have 'a second string to their bow'. They need to be mentally stimulated in a relationship as well as emotionally and sexually. (Heck, I dunno...)

Physically, individuals born under the sign of Gemini supposedly tend to have a straight and narrow nose, long limbs, a well-proportioned chin, large ears, high cheekbones, a wide mouth, a roundish head, coarsely-textured hair, large hands, and long fingers. (Er... no?)

In terms of medical astrology and anatomy, Gemini is said to rule the shoulders, upper arms, nerve fibers, lungs, thymus gland, trachea and bronchi, structural features of the clavicle, scapula, and humerus.
Well, suffice to say, I'm pretty friggin' awesome.

Hahaha, but I'll bet you'd get more or less the same results no matter what you got. So, what'cha waiting for? Go search yourself and post here!

p.s: I have no idea what my blood type is, but it's a pretty easy guess that it must be the most awesomest one: Type (A^2B^2O).
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Post by Umiman »

Just in case, for the younger or more naive viewers in the audience.

Don't believe too much in this stuff. Most of it is bullcrap written to make you feel good.

For example, here's what they say about snakes:
In money matters, people born in the year of snake have good luck; they don't have to worry about money too much, such people will always be able to find couple of banknotes if they need it.
One of my childhood friends is a snake and I can tell you right now that this guy is probably one of the most unluckiest guys I know in every matter. He's the kinda guy who would probably go bankrupt after he got robbed by a child with a knife in a public park at 12pm after withdrawing all his money from the bank.

Furthermore, hundreds of thousands of children get born each year. It is nigh impossible for all of them to have more or less the same characteristics, no matter what. If there's any reason you're better than the rest, it's not because of some silly belief, but rather your own ability.

But of course, don't let that delude you to just how awesome I am. I'm awesome no matter what, so don't worry about that.
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Astral Realm

Post by magus »

Meh, I'm supposed to a revolutionary genius and a adaptive. Even the fortune tellers says the same thing :roll: .
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Post by TheDefend »

i am gemini XD
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