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Brazil - Election Day

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 7:24 am
by chrnno
Soon I will be leaving to go vote(which happens to be right next to where I live so will take an amazingly short time) and the estimates for the results are about today's midnight. Though because of some problems with certain candidates it will take a little longer to some of the results to be known.

The votation this time is for president, governor, 2 senators and 2 deputies(maybe congressman? Not sure what is the english equivalent). And whatever anybody else may say the president is most likely already decided, Dilma Rousseff. Which is good as Jose Serra elected would be a disaster as his party is a complete mess right now and frankly even if it wasn't I still dislike their policies a lot.

But that's all meaningless, people focus so much on president that they forget one person does not rule a country. So I will be going to vote fully aware that although my presidential candidate may be winning people who I wouldn't even trust to take care of my house for a few hours while I was away are being elected as senators and deputies(again not sure if this is the correct one) and for governor(at least of my state) one is average while the other is so bad(in so many ways it would take way too long to elaborate) I would vote in anyone else just to prevent him from assuming.

But why I am posting this here? Well I looked up other countries perperspectives in this presidential election and wtf? I mean all of them seem to focus on the wrong thing. Or rather they focus on what brings benefits to them not to Brazil, I found it pretty strange as normally when you avaliate another person's problems you think how it affects them not you. So I ask what you guys think of it?

PS: Goddamn it, it was supposed to be a few lines posts but it grew so much... :lol:

Re: Brazil - Election Day

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 3:35 pm
by Rectifier
So long as Brazil's leadership is pro-American, that's pretty much all that any American will care about.

As for your question about why people only care about what the election does for their country, its because people are selfish and usually don't care or want to know about another country's issues.

Re: Brazil - Election Day

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 5:01 pm
by chrnno
I didn't meant American only, I meant any country which has a journal in English. I spent hours reading...

I know people care more about their own country but when the entire subject is how the elections will affect the country you are talking about you are supposed to keep your own potential benefits out of it or at least in 2nd place not the main concern. It tired me the articles about how XXXX being elected will be bad for Brazil.

Re: Brazil - Election Day

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:51 am
by Fushichou
Didn't one of your congressmen used to be a clown?

Re: Brazil - Election Day

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 9:31 am
by Kinny Riddle
All I know is Romario is now a Brazilian Congressman. :mrgreen:

Lula was a decent president for Brazil, thanks to the growing economic prominence of the BRIC countries (Brazil-Russia-India-China), Lula's probably the most well known Brazilian president outside Brazil ever. I'm sure the lady he endorsed would do well if she wins the second round a few weeks later. I couldn't give a sh!t if she's pro-US or not, at least she's not Kim Jong-Il or Ahmad I'm-a-dinner-jacket.

Maybe Vargas could compete, but I doubt people who aren't history buffs would even heard of him. And I'm a complete amateur when it comes to Latin American history. Only the names rings bells for me: Castro, Che Guevara, Alberto Fujimori (Japanese-Peruvian president), Hugo "why don't you shut up" Chavas (according to the King of Spain).

Re: Brazil - Election Day

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:25 am
by rpapo
Having lived in Peru, and having a peruvian wife, it would be hard for me not to have heard about Vargas-Llosa. He's been a famous writer forever, and he ran for president there, once. On the other hand, politics in Peru is really about who is going to be the front-man for the real power: a handful of very rich families whose roots go back to colonial times. Vargas-Llosa was very obviously allied with those interests, and that was what lost him the election. The average Peruvian didn't see him as connected to their problems at all.

Re: Brazil - Election Day

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:00 pm
by b0mb3r
rpapo wrote:Having lived in Peru, and having a peruvian wife
The only reason I got out of that is that you have a wife...YOU HAVE A WAIFU!!!

lol not trying to make a big deal.....HUSBAND!

Re: Brazil - Election Day

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:19 pm
by chrnno
Fushichou wrote:Didn't one of your congressmen used to be a clown?
Yes and so is Romario, that's what happens when you make vote an obligation. Just take USA for example, out of what 250 million electors only 130 vote. These 120 just don't care about politics.

Then imagine who they would vote on if they had to vote... Yes, THAT bad...

Also hilarious enough Vargas was probably the only Brazillian president ever to have some foresight and not resolve things that are about to or already exploded... Yeah, you know how many political problems a country has when a dictator was the one to do most for the future of the country.

Re: Brazil - Election Day

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:41 pm
by rpapo
b0mb3r wrote:
rpapo wrote:Having lived in Peru, and having a peruvian wife
The only reason I got out of that is that you have a wife...YOU HAVE A WAIFU!!!

lol not trying to make a big deal.....HUSBAND!
Yes, over twenty-five years married now. Two kids, both grown. Helps one acquire a lot of patience, lest you wind up in the insane asylum. :wink:

Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled topic, with our host chrnno...

Re: Brazil - Election Day

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 2:01 am
by chrnno
Well, I find the idea marrying people from other countries(or in the case of countries as huge as Brazil and USA simply from other regions) pretty interesting. It means a connection between people who would normally simply pass by each other.

Anyway the 2nd round will be in October 31th, so plenty of time until them... I really wanted it to be over in the 1st as I am lazy but oh well...