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Translation Horror

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:06 am
by Doraneko
Seems like someone used google translations in an official localization. A shame really, since the subject matter of the book is quite interesting and I have heard that it is very well written. Regardless, no work of any author deserves such kind of treatment.

Here is the book in amazon. You may take a look at the comments there and check the amazon page of the original for a comparison.


It was an astonishing scene, but it was exceeded in Cleveland. Several thousands thronged Union train depot to meet the visiting delegation, and the parade included two hundred honking and flag-draped cars.

Reverse translation:
It was an astonishing scene, but it was exceeded in Cleveland. Several thousands crowded at the Union train depot to meet the visiting delegation, and the parade included (or held in its mouth) two hundred drunk cars with penises of flags.(?)
Who would have imagined reading an astonishing scene of NSFW stuff from a biography of Einstein :roll:. Anyway more hilarity ensured in chapter 13, which has been scanned and uploaded by someone onto Picasa.

Apology of the publisher

Re: Translation Horror

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:18 am
by Cosmic Eagle
What....that actually passed by the editors?

Re: Translation Horror

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:26 am
by ben1234
I'm amazed that even got through the publishers

Re: Translation Horror

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:40 pm
by ainsoph9
Collusion between the editors and the translators?