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Congratulations to Kinny Riddle for moving to Japan~!

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:13 am
by Kinny Riddle
As some of you would know, I've uprooted and moved to Japan in search of a new career path.

OK, that's just half the excuse, the other half is of course I can now be located closer to Mecca (Akihabara). :mrgreen:

Anyway, right now I'm in a Japanese language school, though I am applying to enroll for an interior design school next April. I've handed my application forms, and I've now been offered an interview next Friday (Nov 25th).

Before then, I am asked to come up with two short essays: one explaining my background and all that usual CV sh!t, one explaining why I've come to Japan to study under them.

The first one shouldn't be too hard, since I'm used to writing and sending CVs all the time.

The second one (why I've come to Japan and decided to study interior design) I need a bit of brainstorming, and I reckon you guys here might be able to help.

Just short bullet point-like suggestions would do, I'll take care of combining and then expanding upon these suggestions.

Re: Brainstorming needed for interview essay

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:14 am
by YoakeNoHikari
Things like:

You like the Japanese aesthetic sense.
You want to see things from a different viewpoint. (?)

Suggestions as to why you're studying interior design, or why you chose to study it in Japan?

Re: Brainstorming needed for interview essay

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:32 pm
by Mystes
You can say that Japan is the country which probably kept the most oriental architecture, since China is building skyscrapers now.

Or that you came to Japan because you think that the teachers here (or the schools here) are highly competent. A bit of flattery wouldn't mind. :mrgreen:

Though try finding out by yourself, cauz I don't know how strong is the plagiarizing detection, and I highly doubt it'd make a difference between 'taking suggestions' and 'plagiarizing'...I mean, they just search wide in the web.

Just try to not take out a typical excuse. And it shouldn't be too grandiose, 'cause teachers might think that you're makin fun of them.

Re: Brainstorming needed for interview essay

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:22 pm
by ainsoph9
How do you feel about interior design? Who, what events, or what things in your life caused you to decide to want to do interior design professionally? How does this fit into Japan, its people, its culture, and your own life? How do you intend to integrate these things together? What do you think you can bring to Japan as an individual and aspiring interior designer? What do you think that you will be able to receive in return? Asking these kinds of questions generally can help at least getting you started. They may not all be easy questions, but you are the only person who can answer them for yourself.

Re: Brainstorming needed for interview essay

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:36 pm
by hobogunner
There is an "x" in the upper write you could've clicked A-kun. :roll:

I'd format in a way encompassing quite a bit. Briefly cover what got you interested in interior design then state a form of it in Japan or a place you like, and cover why you like it so much and why Japanese forms are more interesting than other countries.

Some will see it as you sucking up, but if you're honestly interested in it, I don't see why that wouldn't work.

Re: Brainstorming needed for interview essay

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:42 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
The more typical stuff would be researching a little on some good Japan architecture, and talking about how you would like to learn about those. But personally, compared to such answers, I think you should be honest, unless your reason is "I came so I can go to Akihabara, with interior design being an excuse for me to come". Personal honesty and truthfulness can get you some points. Its hard for us to tell you what to say really.

Re: Brainstorming needed for interview essay

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:31 am
by Kinny Riddle
Thanks for the input guys, figuring out the answers isn't the problem (since they can only be done by me alone anyway), it's figuring out what are the questions that I need to answer that I need help on. This feels a bit like Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, where the answer is already known but the quest is to find what exactly the question is. :mrgreen:

And I think you've provided more than enough potential questions for me to work on.

It's not exactly an academic essay, so there shouldn't be any worry about plagiarizing. And I need not write too long, about one to two very short paragraphs would do. The purpose of the essay is kind of like a personality questionnaire to see if I'm a right fit for the school. How exactly do you plagiarize a questionnaire anyway? 8)

PS BTW ainsoph, wow, which movie did you get that badass animated sig from?

Re: Brainstorming needed for interview essay

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 5:13 pm
by ainsoph9
hobogunner wrote:There is an "x" in the upper write you could've clicked A-kun. :roll:
Let me guess...somehow my mouse or whatever decided to double-click when I did not ask it to do so. :roll:
Kinny Riddle wrote:PS BTW ainsoph, wow, which movie did you get that badass animated sig from?
I do not know the movie. I found it as a .gif on Crunchyroll. I want to know what movie or wherever it is from as well. Also, it is good to see you Kinny.

Re: Brainstorming needed for interview essay

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:47 am
by Kinny Riddle
Just an update, the interview went well.

In fact, it was so well that they decide to accept me the following day. Probably my JLPT N2 Cert, past university degrees (just say you studied in England and they'd go "Ooooohhhhh" :twisted: ) as well as my language school offering to recommend me to them did the trick.

So thanks guys.

All that's left is for me to muster up money to pay for the tuition fees before mid December.

You're all free to donate some money to my PayPal account. 8)

(While I was obviously joking, I would not refuse anyone actually serious enough to donate pennies to me. :mrgreen: )

Re: Brainstorming needed for interview essay

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:50 am
by Teh_ping
That's great. Hope that you'll do well there (I know it's cliche, but still...)

Maybe you might want to recommend us some series you like when you're in Japan.

Btw, how much do you need for your tuition?

Re: Brainstorming needed for interview essay

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 8:59 am
by larethian

Re: Brainstorming needed for interview essay

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:03 am
by Doraneko
Congrats! Great to hear that everything has gone well for you. I'd love to study in Japan too but sadly the tuition fees are too costly for me to afford.

Re: Brainstorming needed for interview essay

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:16 am
by YoakeNoHikari
Congratulations ^^

Re: Congratulations to Kinny Riddle for moving to Japan~!

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:54 am
by Mystes

How much does it cost, your program at university?

Re: Congratulations to Kinny Riddle for moving to Japan~!

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:39 pm
by ainsoph9
Congratulations! Where will you be relocating to in Japan exactly, if you do not mind me asking? I have a friend in Japan right now.