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Your Fantasy Team

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:13 am
by raffreddato
This is a strange game's idea i came up in my mind.

Everyone has his 'favourite' fantasy characters, taken by novels, anime, manga/comics and games (from all the world, not only Japanese). Now imagine to create a 10-members team to explore and fight in fantasy worlds. Who will you choose? Which role will you assign to them? Give the names (even if not so much known) and form your team :)
This is an absurd idea, but naturally it's only to have fun.

I have chosen these characters and these roles (you can also use different roles if you prefer):

Leader: Sora (Kingdom Hearts).
With his talent in making friends and his Keyblade, he is the best choice to coordinate members of different worlds. For me, a must.

Front: Kanzaki H. Aria (HnA); Peter Parker (Spiderman); Vegeta(Dragon Ball):
I like Quadra Aria for first on the battlefield, thanks to her battle abilities and fast movements, both with guns and blades. Spiderman, representing the USA comics, has low battle strength, but he is smart and can 'catch' enemies with web, so he is OK. And full-powered (maybe too much, in confront with the others), so no minion can't stand against him.

Middle: Tohyama Kinji (HnA); Jacob(Twilight series):
Hysteria's enhanced reflexes are useful. Also, Aria needs him, so...enrolled.
Jacob is great, both in fighting and running, so in middle he is OK. You'll say, normally werewolves have to fight together, but this a Fantasy Team so...whatever.

Long range: Legolas (Lord of Rings):
With his accuracy with arrows, he is strong from the distance. I know, Reki would have been better both for her range and her gunpower, but Legolas is an Elf, so i prefer him :D

Support: Donald (Kingdom Hearts); Alicia(Valkyrie Profile 2):
Powerful in magic, Donald can greatly assist his teammates. He only heals them when they are in perfect conditions, but...this can't be helped, i am afraid.
Alicia, if you don't know her, is a melee fighter, but she can pietrify enemies and can boost her partners abilities, so i put her as support. Therefore, a taste of feminine beauty is always well in a team (Wait, with this i don't mean that Aria is not... Too late, blasted T_T)

Jolly: Gandalf(Lord of Rings):
Gandalf the White can be everywhere, attacking melee, casting spells, also giving advices from the background. Gandalf is...Gandalf after all.

Now it's your turn. :P