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Baka-Tsuki Memory Lane: 2006-2013 - 7yrs on...

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:51 am
by onizuka-gto

It's been a long day and i'm just sitting here having my nightly beer, i flick through some old topics and on a whim visit some old projects.

Clannad for example, so much drama happened over that, when i still had time and eager wet-behind-the-ear Editor.

I see a name pop up, Velocity7, then thewafflehouse, not to mention the diva kuroneko and finally sprocket-hole subs.

Huh! what happened to those people? So i click the link and.....well, lets just say, it's sad to see some of those groups dead, some drop early at 2008, hell not even velocity7's blog is active anymore, going silent in 2011.

The loneliness of those pages reminded me of some older memories....

If there was one group or team that i will always remember, it will have to be Baka-Neko, i loved that forum, i loved the people on it and the fun i had. I wished i could help in the translation or the admin of the board, but i was content playing the games.

It was with great sadness, that in the beginning of 2006 the board was shut down.....but maybe it was a blessing because i found my way here....where i had a chance to help in translation and administrate the community.

I created my own little baka-ness, cultivating the chaos into my own playground. Perhaps i was young foolish back then, but if there is one thing i have never regretted, it was the attitude to-be-not-serious. :lol: :roll:

So you know the theme of this topic, how many other translation groups or teams can you name, that we have outlived? Which groups or translation team do you miss or were involved with?

Come come, share your stories, let us bask in the warm glow of the Baka-Tsuki heath on this cosy commune board and admire how long we have defy the odds of interweb survivability! :lol: :lol:

Re: Baka-Tsuki Memory Lane: 2006-2013 - 7yrs on...

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 8:53 am
by Teh_ping
...Did someone lace your beer with Refrain or something, Oni?

I think BT manages to live on, despite all the critics, primarily because there really isn't a 'competitor' in the field of English LN translations, and also the increasing reliance of LN stories in animes, but yeah, 7 years certainly is a long time, even for FTL standards.

...And do you really want me to talk about my story here? I know I'm 3 years your junior here, Oni, but I think I went through enough to write my own Guillver Travels series...

Re: Baka-Tsuki Memory Lane: 2006-2013 - 7yrs on...

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:39 am
by Misogi
I only have a bit more than one year here, but I have a good memory of the last 16 months.

I've seen the French community increasing in a way that I never expected at all for its first year. I thought that only a few people would get interested in LNs, but I was wrong.

I remember the time when I had to rely on myself or English guidelines to adapt to BT... And when the forum questions were hard as hell, truly a devil's work...

There is also SAO, giving us a lot of staff, and twice the miracle of having a translator who came here with an already finished volume.

Now, seeing new members who ignore the simple advices they're given is a bit disappointing, dunno if I sound like an old man by saying that, yet they were given something I hardly had.

Not to mention some members who disappeared without saying a word, killing projects by the way...

Anyway, I hope that we'll continue our activity as long as possible. 2012 was like a rebirth, 2013 confirms that everything never goes as expected here (for the better).

Re: Baka-Tsuki Memory Lane: 2006-2013 - 7yrs on...

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 5:21 pm
by arczyx
This topic look like a death flag to me (especially Oni's post) :lol:

Re: Baka-Tsuki Memory Lane: 2006-2013 - 7yrs on...

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:14 am
by onizuka-gto
arczyx wrote:This topic look like a death flag to me (especially Oni's post) :lol: day i will return to my homeland, find a pretty lady and raise a family!

Hey! you should come back with me, my Aunt does the best Yorkshire pudding in town!

But before that, lets save the world! warrggaahhaha!

*charge into the sunset*

:lol: :roll:

Re: Baka-Tsuki Memory Lane: 2006-2013 - 7yrs on...

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 6:42 pm
by larethian
For a moment, I thought you are retiring for good............ I think you can catch velocity7 and some of the old gods at #baka-tsuki on Rizon IRC.

Looking back at some of my old translations, I want to dig a hole...........

and where's Poke?

Re: Baka-Tsuki Memory Lane: 2006-2013 - 7yrs on...

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:27 pm
by Mystes
larethian wrote: and where's Poke?
I see him on Facebook. But he's not visiting this place. :/

WHERE'S B0MB3R! :cry:

Re: Baka-Tsuki Memory Lane: 2006-2013 - 7yrs on...

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 6:36 am
by onizuka-gto
Kira0802 wrote:
larethian wrote: and where's Poke?
I see him on Facebook. But he's not visiting this place. :/

WHERE'S B0MB3R! :cry:

ha! it's like TGM, i see him on Facebook all the time, seems like he graduate from the interweb for good.... :roll: :lol:

Re: Baka-Tsuki Memory Lane: 2006-2013 - 7yrs on...

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:25 am
by ainsoph9
We could say the same about a lot of guys who used to frequent here like Jumpy, BakaFish, etc. Only a few of us are left, but this makes us sound older than we really are. Still, I thought we already had threads like this one...

Re: Baka-Tsuki Memory Lane: 2006-2013 - 7yrs on...

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 8:45 pm
by onizuka-gto
ainsoph9 wrote:We could say the same about a lot of guys who used to frequent here like Jumpy, BakaFish, etc. Only a few of us are left, but this makes us sound older than we really are. Still, I thought we already had threads like this one...
sure we do, but none of them have "2013" in the title, so it's different! :P

Re: Baka-Tsuki Memory Lane: 2006-2013 - 7yrs on...

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 8:30 am
by ainsoph9
Oh boy, oni, I am getting the feeling that you are forum-deprived...

Re: Baka-Tsuki Memory Lane: 2006-2013 - 7yrs on...

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 9:22 am
by onizuka-gto
ainsoph9 wrote:Oh boy, oni, I am getting the feeling that you are forum-deprived...

....i haven't visited animesuki or arniesairsoft forums for ages....

So yeah, i guess Baka-Tsuki forum is the only one i read these days..... :roll: :( :lol: :cry: :shock: :twisted:

Re: Baka-Tsuki Memory Lane: 2006-2013 - 7yrs on...

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:55 am
by ainsoph9
Wow...look at all of the emotions there. So, how many personalities is that for?

BOT, I remember when we used to talk and debate about really hardcore things here.

Re: Baka-Tsuki Memory Lane: 2006-2013 - 7yrs on...

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:47 am
by onizuka-gto
eh? "hardcore" topics ?

What do you mean?

Re: Baka-Tsuki Memory Lane: 2006-2013 - 7yrs on...

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:18 am
by ainsoph9
Things like the supposed taboo topics, i.e., politics and religion. That and a lot of other stupid debates.