ben1234 wrote:It's really more of a cult that's been around in Western America and Canada for about 80 years now
And really the only modern example I can think of....
Unless you include celebrities of course >_>
Canada has CULTS?!
That's...disturbing.....hope they don't have gun-beavers.... D:
"Please note, we have added a consequence for failure.Any contact with the chamber floor will result in an unsatisfactory mark on your official test record, followed by death. Good luck."
Seriously, KyoAni needs to find some people that can SING
I think they're performing like that for a radio program hosted ad-hoc performance. Since the seiyuus themselves were made to play their respective characters' instruments, which they obviously aren't good at, their singing sorta got distracted. LOL
Have you heard the CD version? Because normally Hikasa Yoko (Mio) and Toyosaki Aki (Yui) aren't really that bad.
Poor Hikasa was even forced to play the bass left-handed like Mio when she's actually right-handed.
So, I found the insert single for "Death Devil" and found myself saying, "If only this were a real band..." I do not know how many times I have found myself saying that to so many anime band attempts. It sucks that the anime industry does not capitalize on this kind of stuff more often. As for "Death Devil" itself, I could not help but think that they would have made an awesome starter for X Japan or Megadeth back in the day. I just wish that the vocals were a guy screaming instead at some points. Oh well...
Well I feel like a jerk for saying this but I watched the last episode without watching the whole season 2. I just felt I didn't have time to watch them when I had a bunch of other animes to watch. The consequence with my anime marathon with shows that are only 12-13 episodes brings that I can not relate to characters as much as I did with K-On. K-On may be the moe-blob anime commenters and haters agreed upon, with its typical archetypes and their cute antics but never the less it was a entertaining show. By that definition it was light hearted, slice of life, nothing too serious like people getting killed or we need the save the world emergencies I see from other shows. I appreciate this show to be here because while we shouldn't dilute ourselves into so much anime and be entrance into false endless eden, it was there for us to slow down to take breathers. We look around this world and see the news with such negativism we can't simply handle it anymore. Over abundant of information is hurting us. When I look at this show I want to make that life realistic. Sure we will always have bullies, war and such but I hope that we can raise children to live in a happy environment as the girls did in K-on. Though I wouldn't want them to be a pacifists and I want to teach them some cqc to never let their guards down I simply want people live in a peaceful environment and still deal with problems that doesn't require them to jump into a crazy situation.
In conclusion thank you Kyo-Ani, another wonderful piece of work, even though it didn't challenge any social convention (question of moe in the industry maybe?) or my intelligence, thank you.