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Re: Kannagi

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 5:50 pm
by b0mb3r
sucked he didn't pulled an Alive: Final Evolution (meaning finishing it before he dies)

Re: Kannagi

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:42 pm
by ainsoph9
Yeah, but some things cannot be helped.

Re: Kannagi

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:58 pm
by b0mb3r
b0mb3r wrote:sucked she didn't pulled an Alive: Final Evolution (meaning finishing it before he dies)

Re: Kannagi

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:14 am
by shichinanatsu
so yeah, been almost a year since kannagi restarted.. anyone else here still interested?? 8)

Re: Kannagi

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:21 pm
by Mystes
Did it got licenced? And is it still translated?

Re: Kannagi

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:48 pm
by shichinanatsu
i don't know about licensing.. as for translations, the only contact on my radar is tateyakusha of blogspot. he/she/they have the 1st 2 chapters from the restart, not sure how many there are japan-side as of the moment. i only check mangafox though, not sure if others have hosted further into the series..

Re: Kannagi

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:19 pm
by darcwizrd
I have checked in almost every rat hole in the internet for a new Kannagi, but I haven't found a thing. Either the mangaka has fallen ill again or he really really doesn't know what to write.

Re: Kannagi

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:45 pm
by shichinanatsu
i'm looking at my FF bookmarks on kannagi chapters 37-38, the 1st 2 chapters of the restart.. as for translations further in, i would hazard a guess that the title isn't garnering as much attention as did a couple years ago, so yeah..

Re: Kannagi

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:53 am
by Mystes
Are there chap 39 raws?

Re: Kannagi

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:09 pm
by Naeko
The author had resumed working well before the first of the "kannagi has restarted" chapters started appearing.

As for why Kannagi is stalled... it's my educated guess that it's due to business decisions. There's no purpose to continuing Kannagi if there is no place for the story to go if the fan interest in the resumed story is tepid. The anime was of course terminated. I have never heard of a mangaka leave of absence break in a contract as long as the one for kannagi without the contract being terminated for cause. So, if Kannagi manga chapters keep appearing, it will probably be with those type of "spot contracts" for anthology stories instead of a regular series contract. Those pay less. So, the author would be better off working on her new series collaboration.

The problem a manga publisher has after an author has a break as long as she had is the loss of the prior audience's interest. Reprinting the first set of volumes to catch the audience back up would probably annoy distributors and book stores who see it as unnecessary risk as a lot of the audience had either purchased or read it elsewhere, and would not be interested in buying something already experienced. Also, the reprint manga sales would be cannibalized as they are occurring AFTER their respective anime episodes had aired.

As to anime broacasts, they don't occur unless sponsors are lined up ahead of time. For Kannagi anime, it would be necessary to begin showing the prior episodes again to refresh the memories of the audience, otherwise the stories in the new episodes would suffer a LOT especially to the new audience. However, it is fair to assume that sponsors consider the amount of viewers for rebroadcasts to be LESS. Thus, sponsors, if a full set can be found, will pay LESS for the show than for the first broadcast. That is only logical. Why should they pay full rate for something that is guaranteed to have less interest than the original broadcast? So, now put yourself in the TV studio advertising dept manager's shuus (sorry, guilty crown joke). Would you spend one of your precious on-air time slots to go with a split advertising contract that yields considerably less profit, or a contract for a new series that has more profit and at least has the chance of amusing your audience because it will be truly all new instead of "used" like Kannagi??? Meanwhile, imagine your spouse and children wanting you to have as big a year end sales bonus as possible.....

Re: Kannagi

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:08 pm
by shichinanatsu
@Naeko: pretty serious insights there.. 8)

i'm pretty sure my timelines are screwed up, but i do recall that kannagi's anime ended well before the odd fiasco of the manga featuring nagi already "used" (a.k.a. no longer a virgin :? ). then a few months later, mangaka takenashi eri-sensei goes on an indefinite hiatus due to sickness and required recovery (i think it was a cancer of some sort that called for surgery).. and so we fast-forward, pretty much a year later, to the manga restart amidst a fanbase of non-existent type-b otaku (the kind that calls for bad press, but unfortunately the majority who finances manga/anime/LN/VN franchises)..

sadly, this is how bad the cutthroat world of otaku-serving industries is.. kannagi is a good title after all, imo as one of the not-so-influential type-a otaku..

Re: Kannagi

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:49 am
by darcwizrd
Personally I don't understand why it matters why she is a virgin at all. I mean maybe if were talking about younger readers but I don't think, as far as my understanding goes, being a virgin will strike a chord with fans.