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Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:30 am
by TheGiftedMonkey
I'm more interested in an english adaption of the novels than the series. Subs are almost always > Dubs.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 9:21 am
by onizuka-gto

well, to be honest ,this range of choices for yuki is a little bit better then Mikuru,

if i have to pick on, i would pick no.03, because its the one with the less inflection between words, meaning its the most consistent tone throughout.

its better then the others because you can still hear the little jumps of difference tones, that breaks the illusion of Yuki's mechanical speech.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:02 am
by wedgejaeger
onizuka-gto wrote: if i have to pick on, i would pick no.03, because its the one with the less inflection between words, meaning its the most consistent tone throughout.

its better then the others because you can still hear the little jumps of difference tones, that breaks the illusion of Yuki's mechanical speech.
that's pretty much the way I went, but I still think they all sucked, though I find it hard to think of an english equivalent in the first place.

(and they couldn't pay me to post their video up on anything, it sucks more than the voice actors)

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:37 am
by TheGiftedMonkey
It was a toss up between 3 and 4 for me. None of them sounded... alien enough I guess.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 12:04 pm
by Dan
All the voices for Yuki suck! They all sound like 40 year old women.

That's my main beef with anime being dubbed, younger characters rarely sound their age. :x

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 12:45 pm
by Guest lol
I disagree with completely imitating the voice tone of the original anime. When you speak in Japaneses, the tone feels different in contrast from English. Haruhi's voice can easily be transfered into English because of her lower pitch. But Mikuru's voice seems a bit too high in all the auditions for English; and something is just wrong with Yuki's speaking pattern. In Yuki, the 3rd one is the best but because of the voice but the way the doesn't flow the way you would imagine Yuki's voice to be. Her voice should flow with the same amount of strain on each word and syllable. Notice when she says "Haruhi Suzumiya and I are not *short pause* ordinary humans." Straining words and pausing is something used to emphasis and drive your meaning more powerfully. As an alien that usually transfers information by non verbal and physical means, I think that she should make her English seem a little lifeless or lack of emotion. Also when she says "not" she emphasizes the "t" sound, that should be fixed up.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 5:15 pm
by Haiyami
3 is the best defintaly. But it looks like #1 is leading the pack.

Damn it, can't Bandai do a better job at finding English VA? Who is the person who scouts for these people. THEY SUCK! ARGH!

I will enver back down. Tenchi Muyo has the only dubs that I ever thought were decent.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 5:45 pm
by Smidge204
Bandai isn't doing the dub... just the distribution. It has not yet been revealed who's actually doing the adaptation.

Also, I think we are collectively spoiled by the original Japanese. Unless the dub is really bad (and these audition clips are probably a bad indication, IMHO) I tend to prefer whichever I hear first. That is, if I hear a decent dub version before the original Japanese, I'm a lot more likely to find it acceptable or maybe even prefer it.

Give it a chance, is what I'm saying. The fact that they are having polls and seem to be cooperating/interacting with the fanbase means that care, and they didn't change Haruhi's name in the latest audition clip which is also a good sign.

I voted for #3, BTW.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 6:20 pm
by Dan
Smidge204 wrote:That is, if I hear a decent dub version before the original Japanese, I'm a lot more likely to find it acceptable or maybe even prefer it.
Very true, I heard the Hellsing dub before I heard the original Japanese. I thought it was well done, except for Sir Integra's voice. I hate her though, so it didn't matter who voiced her. :lol:

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 8:24 pm
by foxfire79

is it just me, or were all of those dubs kinda of crap?

I really didn't like any of Yuki's at all - and I could see what you guys meant about the Mikiru pron, lol lol

i can't even remember which one's i voted for now, that's how much of an impression it left on me!

dubs of this are just gonna be useless - methinks I shall stick with my fansubs :)

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 10:07 pm
by wedgejaeger
Haiyami wrote: I will enver back down. Tenchi Muyo has the only dubs that I ever thought were decent.
really? for me it was Cowboy Bebop.

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:26 am
by Umiman
The voices for Yuki totally remind me of the adjuctant in Starcraft.

But you know who I think has the best voice?

Microsoft's Text to Speech program! It's perfect!

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:43 am
by asukira
Orz.... at least I liked Mikuru's no.2.....i didn't like any of Yuki's or Koizumi's... there was one in Yuki's choices that sound monotone enough...but...i think she slurred a little bit.. and the koizumi ones are all too highpitched! OTL


Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:45 am
by Guest lol
Hello, my name is Microsoft s... Yuki please buy more Microsoft products all your money are belong to the the sentient data entity.

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:00 pm
by asukira
I'm just horrified to hear what episode 00 would be like, especially the part where they sing... =_=