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Re: Fate: UBW Movie

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:27 pm
by ainsoph9
Augustine was of the mindset that sex within marriage was only out of duty to fulfill the Biblical commandment of "Be fruitful and multiply" in the Book of Genesis. Hence, the Hebrew patriarchs, according to Augustine, fulfilled the commandment reluctantly because he thought that sex was an act of the inferior body (as opposed to the spiritual and good soul), which was inherently evil. Augustine was a Gnostic and pagan before he converted to Christianity. Unfortunately, he carried a lot of his paganistic philosophies and practices with him into Christianity after he converted. Hence, if you read his works, you will find that many of the major theological stances that modern Christianity takes come from Augustine, many of which are derived from a paganistic and Gnostic understanding. This does not mean that all of what Augustine wrote was bad per se; it just means that a lot of bad came with a lot of good. The problem is that Augustine is not the only Christian theologian who thought this way. Jerome, who is responsible for heading the effort to translate the Bible into the Latin Vulgate, held a similar view as did Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, and Pope Pius XII (1939-1958 for a time reference) just to name a few. It is not so much that these theologians were obsessed with sex in the way that Freud was; rather, they were obsessed with the idea of ridding themselves and everyone else of it, if it were not for the problem of maintaining the human population. However, the assumptions that Freud and these theologians used were very similar. Interesting, is it not?

Re: Fate: UBW Movie

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 5:46 am
by Poke2201
Wow, that is interesting.

Now as another assignment, why the hell is premartial sex up?

Re: Fate: UBW Movie

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:41 am
by b0mb3r
Poke2201 wrote:Why the hell is premartial sex up?
condoms + birth control pills.

Re: Fate: UBW Movie

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:06 pm
by Poke2201
Well, I doubt that equation is always the reason :roll:

Re: Fate: UBW Movie

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:13 pm
by ainsoph9
Poke2201 wrote:Wow, that is interesting.

Now as another assignment, why the hell is premartial sex up?
Again, much of this comes from an assumption that has been passed on. While it is true that having a strong familial background where both parents are present and act as good parents promotes the next generation to behave in a similar manner, it is still becoming more common that premarital sex occurs, even within good familial upbringings for homes. Why is this? The assumption is that youth are to be glorified and are able and fully capable of making good choices on their own without parental guidance. Basically, as long as junior does not steal, kill, rape, or maim anyone, junior should, in theory, have the knowledge and wisdom to deal with the world at large in every situation imaginable. Hence, junior does not know how to respect authority, which includes consulting junior's elders for consul and submitting to what they say in all matters. Half of the time junior does not know what junior is into, let alone how to fix it. Neither is junior taught that junior should consult junior's elders when such situations occur. Rather, junior is taught that junior will the next bright shining star on the horizon of the failures of the previous generation. Therefore, instead of the elder generation showing the younger generation how to live and receiving the praise and respect for it, we have the younger generation telling the elder generation how to live and receiving the praise and respect for it. So, when junior finds a nice person of the opposite gender (or even of the same gender, but that is another issue) that they like, all junior knows is that junior feels a certain way about them, and the only "true" way of showing that is through what the TV tells junior, which is sex. The TV nor junior's elders mentioned that marriage should and needs to come first if junior does not want to spend the next 50 years finding where junior's head should be. Instead, junior knows best, and shame on anyone who says otherwise.

The whole scenario just described might sound like a bad joke in a sense. Yet, this "joke" is the current reality. It used to be that parents, grandparents, religious leaders, political leaders, and the like could all be seen in a much more positive light by the younger generation. The younger generation relied on the older generation for all matters. Now, we have the opposite. The scary part about this is that this is not the first time in history that this has happened. This also happened in Athens, Greece about 2500 years ago when Athens was on its downfall. Youth was glorified there as well, which was one of the reasons that lead to the demise of Athens. Youth does not know much about the world around them because they do not even understand themselves yet. Yet, we are giving command of the army to the private instead of the general. All of this has happened in the past 40-60 years. We have come a long way in a short time - too far, really. Again, the place where people start is where they end when it comes to assumptions. If we assume that youth are the future, we will end up seeing youth in charge of the present before the future. I do not know how this makes you feel, but I have found that many find this scary. So, really, how do you feel about a two-year-old leading you?

Re: Fate: UBW Movie

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:47 am
by b0mb3r
ainsoph9 wrote:So, really, how do you feel about a two-year-old leading you?
Some reasons I think about the child pilots of the Gundam series.