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Unreal Tournament 3 BT tournament

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 8:22 pm
by Guest lol
Alright guys, now that UT3 demo has come out, I'm all hyped up for a Unreal Tournament Tournament. It'll be hosted on Hamachi which is a LAN emulation program basically.

If you wish to participate, post here, and times you will be available for the BT match. We'll have a few rounds of duel, death match, team deathmatch, team vehicle ctf; ya kno, fun stuff.

After posting here, I'll organize us into teams and such once we get enough.

Unreal Tournament 3 download ... einfo.html

Download it here

Server info
Password: bakatsuki

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 8:49 pm
by ben1234
I can play almost anytime actually, its better if you find me on MSN or IRC first.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 12:44 am
by Umiman
Ooo.... when ya see me online, ask me then. Hehe, must train! Train again!

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 8:42 am
by Guest lol
Heh. Umi, go train with me :twisted:

I hope TGM is coming too! Also, it'd be pretty sweet if velocity and a few others decided to join in the fun. I hope we can get at least 4-6 people for this :\

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:03 pm
by Beware the talking cat
Sorry, I can't. I don't meet the minimum system requirements.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:06 pm
by Jumpyshoes
I don't meet the minimum system requirements either. I don't meet the system requirements for any game made within the past 5 years. '-_-

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:58 am
by Umiman
Actually, it keeps crashing my computer. Going to try to run it at base settings to see if it makes a difference.

I actually prefer the graphics of UT2k4... easier to tell things apart and things were clearer and sharper.

Also, things die WAAAAYYY too fast now. Heck, being able to kill a Goliath with a pistol is ridiculous. SPMA's been beefed up. but where's my double jump?! Raptor rules. It's so awesome now, but where is the AVRIL replacement? I know the computer used a missile weapon to shoot me down. What was it?

It's worth noting that your character runs so slowly now and his speed with the hoverboard was what the original running speed used to be. Another stupid change.

Oooo... the bots actually say useful information now. Too bad they started censoring the speech... I miss the old character voices.

Hey cool, the manta's flattening attack actually works now.

Hellbender shoots giant grenades and the AI actually knows how to use it to its advantage. Hehehe. Lob over walls where the enemy can't reach you!

Hellbender sucks... dies waaay too fast. Like every other vehicle except the Raptor. The only reason you used to use it was as an armored troop transport. Now it dies to 5 rockets... so dumb.

The manta's jump distance is so short!!!!!!!!

The scorpion cannon sucks so much ass! Give me back my webgun!

Wait, why don't my raptor missiles home in on enemy planes now?!

And why the hell do I get headshots from shooting at someone's chest?

Why doesn't the hoverboard work on water? So dumb...

Controls are also a bit off, but that's probably cause I'm not used to them yet.

The new rocket launcher is so cool and powerful (because everyone dies so fast.)

Minigun's secondary fire is... quite useless IMHO. Good for long range fighting though.

Whoa, shock rifle firing speed is so much faster.

Redeemer sucks. It's not even a nuke anymore. Just a very powerful rocket. Booooo... I shot one at an enemy who was standing right in front of my face and we both survived.

No more shields =o

No more adrenaline >=O


Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:00 am
by onizuka-gto

UT 3 weapons < portal gun

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:50 am
by ben1234
I know the computer used a missile weapon to shoot me down. What was it?
The rocket launcher and long bow locks onto vehicles if you aim at them long enough.
Wait, why don't my raptor missiles home in on enemy planes now?!
They do home it on them, just that the accuracy sucks.
And why the hell do I get headshots from shooting at someone's chest?
Why doesn't the hoverboard work on water? So dumb...
It does, but you have to get on it while on land.
Redeemer sucks. It's not even a nuke anymore. Just a very powerful rocket. Booooo... I shot one at an enemy who was standing right in front of my face and we both survived.
I don't even know where the Redeemer is. -_-
I think its been replaced by the camera car (forgot the name) now.[/quote]

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:03 am
by Umiman
Recoil has nothing to do with getting headshots while shooting at their chests. :/

No. It doesn't work on water. You barely move. It's akin to standing still.

The Redeemer was the single most powerful and fearsome weapon in the UT series as it disintegrated everything within a square mile when fired.

Onizuka: The portal gun is exceptionally impractical at killing other people. It's fun, but about as useful as the gravity gun is for killing.

Overall, I think this game has been dumbed down so much for the consoletards and super-twitch gamers. Bleh...

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 2:13 pm
by Guest lol
I wonder how the portal gun works to kill... o_O

Maybe putting a portal in a person will allow you to... dunno. Something.

Oh I know, make portals on them so you can make things come out of the portals. :D

Or.. maybe putting a portal in somebody's mouth, and drive a car through it.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:06 pm
by ben1234
Make a portal so that he'll fall/run into his bloody death?

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:48 pm
by Umiman
open portal on floor outside of a door.

open exit portal on something sharp and dangerous.

open portal on tank.

open exit portal on the bed of a lava pool.

open portal on the floor under a tank.

open exit portal above opponent as he runs to you.

etc. etc.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:04 pm
by ben1234
We can't host games over Hamachi, anyone got any ideas? :?

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 3:18 pm
by Dan
Argh! My computer hates UT3, I'm not gonna be able to play.