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Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:09 am
by Umiman
-el deleto-

Save bandwidth yey

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 1:09 pm
by Jumpyshoes
Wasn't there something about not posting direct links on the forums? Not that anyone follows them anyways. :roll:

Anyways, is that the English version? I've heard a few good things about it. I might play it if I get enough time.

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 3:18 pm
by ben1234
If everyone followed rules here you wouldn't have 1.5k posts and I wouldn't have the 9th highest post count. :roll:

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:15 pm
by onizuka-gto
As long as it doesn't threaten mtr active projects...i can turn a blind eye. . .

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 6:19 pm
by Setherzam
oni can easily make it so his eyebrows block certain posts