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FEAR 2: Project Origin.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:14 pm
by Dan
Just came out today and I've played through it some. Not as action packed as the demo, and in fact, even on hard things are slow and ammo, armor and health are plentiful. I feel like I'm missing some bits of the story, even though I've tried to make sure I search every nook and cranny for everything. It's sometimes choppy despite me running it on lowest settings, but still really good looking.

I'd say that it's pretty much FEAR only with a continued story and new weapons. Still creepy atmosphere with all sorts of baddies popping up out of no where and Alma going crazy.

-Sniper rifle added to game
-I have yet to get to it in the full game, but you pilot a mech with dual machine guns and a rocket launcher
-A new character instead of continuing the previous player character

-Body awareness feels awkward as you can't look all the way up or down
-Needs to be more challenging (at the rate I'm going I'll be done in a few days)
-I haven't seen the gun that can nail people to walls...probably removed because bodies of the dead disappear now

Re: FEAR 2: Project Origin.

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 3:22 pm
by Dan
I beat it. The ending was enigmatic to say the least, I suppose an expansion will come out in a few months. Maybe it was only me, but I liked how the first game had Alma pop up and not do anything to the player. That was missing from this one.

Also, the Hammerhead was the gun that stapled people to the wall and it was in the game.

Personal rating: 9/10
It's a linear FPS with slo-mo abilites for the player. Don't expect Crysis graphics with Deus Ex storyline.

Re: FEAR 2: Project Origin.

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 3:44 pm
by b0mb3r
how is multiplayer?

Re: FEAR 2: Project Origin.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:39 am
by Dan
finally got around to trying multiplayer. As expected, it's only a shooting game, nothing spectacular. I've played the deathmatch option, there's another called Armor-something, so maybe it's a mech fight? That might be fun, but there's precious few servers. They might open up multilpayer for free like they did for FEAR.

Re: FEAR 2: Project Origin.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:47 pm
by Muffinman
I played some of the first one and it was nothing special, so I didn't really bother trying this one. I may eventually but for now I am going to stay away