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HTML Help?

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:36 pm
by Krikit
I'm not sure which section this should go in, but as this topic says "Games and Computing," I think it's okay.

Does anybody know how to add captions to images, and keep the images all aligned?

for example, the farthest i've gotten so far is a caption, (html. I use a CSS title, then before the image and link code add the <div> thingy.) is where it's all setup okay, but there's this border on the sides of the image, there's a good caption underneath it, but then all the images start on new lines, i think because of the code where you center it left or right. argh.

ps, looking for software to caption an image outside. then i'll just upload all the images new, and they'll have an ingrained caption in their picture. a little more work, but i can't think of anything else atm.

Re: HTML Help?

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:44 pm
by Mies
Can't be sure that this will fix your problem, but the <div> tag adds a newline after the closing tag, whereas the <span> tag does not.

For a simple demonstration...

Code: Select all

<div>This is</div>
Results in

Code: Select all

this is

Code: Select all

<span>This is</span>

Code: Select all

This is text
Notice how the span does not insert a newline.

Not quite certain what you're looking for, but I hope this helps a bit.

Re: HTML Help?

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:23 pm
by Krikit
I'll give it a shot as well to see if I can use it, and if so I've got some applications I'd like to try it on.

As to the original question, I solved it with a Table, lol. xx columns, xx rows, and I can just alight stuff up. It works really well, and you can see the results over here: