recommendation: The World To Reverse

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Astral Realm

recommendation: The World To Reverse

Post by Nerevarine »

so lately ive been having an extreme visual novel craving

and since the selection isnt too vast... ive come onto the doujin translations...mostly by insani and that in al|together

and this is one that has jumped out to me the most

actually, The World To Reverse comes with 2 games, both very very good, dark, and twisted:

hallucinate- is about this person who is in this white room, dosnt know who he is, or what is going on. and on the window sill is a girl who comes and goes while constantly telling the protagonist that he should die.

Flanca- is harder to describe. Its written like a journal, there are no CGs, and i dont even remember if there was any sound. But you make choices resulting in 16 different endings, each very dark (my first playthrough i ended up being castrated). at the end you can take up the point of views of the people you interacted with in the story.

Both games are a short read, each "arc" is only a couple of minutes. But still, its very enjoyable and i highly recommend it.

you can download the game here:

a quick download, install, and play.

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