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CoD:Modern Warfare 2

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:28 pm
by onizuka-gto
Hey, anyone got this game?

been playing on my mates PS3 it fantastic!

or rather, the fun idea of unlocking further weapons and perks and attachment really tickles the oriental O.C.D in me (i.e. collect all the monsters/items/etc)

To be fair, I haven't played a decent FPS since Half Life 2, when I still had my thermo-electric cooled monster pc up and working.

I really want to play this, but I doubt I could run this on my laptop....or can I?

I've got a dual core 1.8Ghz laptop with mobile intel 965 Express with 2GB of ram.....

just wondering anyone tried running this game on a laptop like that?

It'll suck if I buy the game and it won't work...

Maybe it'll be cheaper to buy a xbox or ps3 then to fork out for a new laptop?

But I hate having to pay for online play on the xbox and still balk at the price on the ps3.

But the main problem is I hate the controllers, I love my mouse and keyboard.....

any help would be great.

Re: CoD:Modern Warfare 2

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:44 pm
by b0mb3r

lol j/k aside no i haven't play it. i haven't even play the MW1 either

Re: CoD:Modern Warfare 2

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:13 pm
by onizuka-gto
b0mb3r wrote:BOYCOTT MW2!.

lol j/k aside no i haven't play it. i haven't even play the MW1 either

hmmm... talking about that, I haven't played the first one either....

hmm....I think I'll go find a torrent of that game and see if it works on my laptop, if my lappy can't even run that, I might as well give up on on the sequel........or i might have to find an excuse to buy a 360/PS3??!

decisions, decisions..... :roll:

Re: CoD:Modern Warfare 2

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:42 pm
by b0mb3r

that is what i usually get too in this generation of PSN and Live. hell even companies like CAPCOM told me i need to be a decent gamer to work for them. sigh. i am in temptation to get ps3 since i want to play some rpg damn it. but i know i don't have the time or money to use it.

Re: CoD:Modern Warfare 2

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 6:47 pm
by onizuka-gto

that is what i usually get too in this generation of PSN and Live. hell even companies like CAPCOM told me i need to be a decent gamer to work for them. sigh. i am in temptation to get ps3 since i want to play some rpg damn it. but i know i don't have the time or money to use it.
yeah, quite a number of rpg are tempting me, ps3 & pc. But my laptop is far too slow, I've got the money to spend on a alienware if i wanted to, but I do baulk at the price and my main concern is the limited time.

However, I do spend far more time on my laptop and port it around far more often then having time at home to sit and do any console-like....

then again, if im at home, I would be on the telly with my Sky+ recordings (Tivo) or on my DS, not sure if it's worth a brand new console for one game....

Re: CoD:Modern Warfare 2

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:50 pm
by b0mb3r
i sort of waiting for a ps3 emulator even though we got the pcsx2 emulator barely working on the current rig (laptop slow as hell to play kingdom hearts 2). maybe i should do old rpgs like chrono trigger or FF9 or something. that and tried to buy Skies and Grandia this Christmas for myself

Re: CoD:Modern Warfare 2

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:17 am
by onizuka-gto
b0mb3r wrote:i sort of waiting for a ps3 emulator even though we got the pcsx2 emulator barely working on the current rig (laptop slow as hell to play kingdom hearts 2). maybe i should do old rpgs like chrono trigger or FF9 or something. that and tried to buy Skies and Grandia this Christmas for myself

can you still buy old DC games?

especially the good ones? I'll never sell my Skies/Grandia/Shenmue/Phantasy Star (over my dead body!)

Even if someone does, I would imagine it'll be quite a bit.... :roll:

Re: CoD:Modern Warfare 2

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:38 am
by b0mb3r
i usually use amazon to find them

Re: CoD:Modern Warfare 2

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:57 am
by Darklor
Wasnt Grandia II also published for PC (I should have it still somewhere but if I remember right the PC version was a little buggy...)

Re: CoD:Modern Warfare 2

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:12 am
by b0mb3r
why settle a small pc when i can play it on a big screen with my dc?

Re: CoD:Modern Warfare 2

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:56 pm
by onizuka-gto
ha. downloaded CoD4:Modern Warfare (1) and it works on my lappy (Just barely, roughly 25-ish fps)

with all low/off except ragdoll, tiny corpse count and model details.

Judging by this, there really isn't much point getting modern warfare 2 unless I get a better lappy....


Talking about emulator, I think you're going to have to wait a long time for a ps3 one, hell, it's still difficult to do a xbox360 with it's tri-core processor and funky coding.

really tempted to buy a new lappy.....guess it won't hurt to wait a little longer, still aiming for a new car..... :roll:

but it's xmas, so who knows.... :p

Re: CoD:Modern Warfare 2

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 9:11 pm
by b0mb3r
or try to get a beat up car, pimped by Xizibit (who cares how his name spell), and settle a new car and any computer gigs he added for your amusement.

Re: CoD:Modern Warfare 2

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 9:42 pm
by Rectifier
Just pirated Cod 6, works about as well as Cod 4 did on my laptop, I think you should give it the college try Oni-san.

Re: CoD:Modern Warfare 2

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 6:50 pm
by onizuka-gto
Rectifier wrote:Just pirated Cod 6, works about as well as Cod 4 did on my laptop, I think you should give it the college try Oni-san.
well, actually might just get a ps3. found out cod:mw2 online isn't cross-latform, so even if I got the game, won't be able to play with my mates, which would...suck.

Especially I'm heading out to Hong Kong again, in a few weeks.

Dunno how long I'll be as well, looking for a job again....took voluntary redundancy today.... it was either that or take 1/3 pay cut and double the work load. which I just had enough, a year on I was expecting a pay rise.... :|

oh well, at leased what I got saved up will go a long way in Hong Kong.... :roll:

Re: CoD:Modern Warfare 2

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 9:33 pm
by Beware the talking cat
Ouch. If I were you, I'd wait until you find the new job. It's surprising how much of a difference $300 can make when you don't have a job. (I'm still in school, so I don't have this problem, but several of my friends who graduated last year are unable to find work.)