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Portal 2

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 1:57 pm
by b0mb3r
Just beat it under a few hours. It gave me the most emotional ending I ever felt and not due to overcomplicated plots or wide range of characters. It gave me a simple ending that nothing really bad happens yet is not the same sad feeling when is over. You sort of have a proud and sad good bye to the mc.

Re: Portal 2

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 2:53 pm
by ben1234
Until Portal 3 is announced where Glados sends you to space because the space core had important information contained inside

Re: Portal 2

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 4:10 pm
by b0mb3r
ben1234 wrote:Until Portal 3 is announced where Glados sends you to space because the space core had important information contained inside
jeez way to spoil things for the newcomers. I was trying to be vague with my info.

Re: Portal 2

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 5:24 pm
by Mystes
Can someone tell me about the plot?

Re: Portal 2

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 9:17 am
by ben1234
Single player:
Spoiler! :
  1. Chell wakes up many years into the future from suspended animation where giant plants have grown inside the testing center
  2. Chell teams up with this robotic ball called Wheatly to find an exit
  3. They find the deactivated Glados, who Wheatly accidentally reactivates
  4. Glados and Chell starts testing again until Wheatly opens an escape path for Chell
  5. Chell sabotages the turret manufacturing line and the neurotoxin generator thing
  6. Glados ends up capturing Chell but can't kill Chell because the turrets and gas are disabled (the rockets are never mentioned)
  7. They also find a potato grown by a Chell that's grown really, really, really big
  8. Wheatly takes over the facility and jams the leftover Glados into a potato
  9. Wheatly becomes evil then sends Chell and Glados underground where the original testing centers are
  10. There, they learn about the original Aperture boss, Cave Johnson and his assistant, Caroline.
  11. We learn moon rocks make a great portal conductor, this is important later.
  12. Cave got moon rock poisoning and eventually died. His wish was to preserve Caroline as an AI (read: Glados)
  13. Glados and Chell find their way back to the modern testing centers... now with more hermit crab block turrets and explosions
  14. Chell shoots a portal into the moon to send Wheatly and a space loving AI core into space
  15. Glados lets Chell leave the facility with a burnt companion cube
Spoiler! :
  1. Glados activates the 2 robots she made for testing
  2. Testing happens
  3. The robots discover a bunch of people in animated suspension in the old testing centers

Re: Portal 2

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:13 pm
by jonathanasdf
you forgot
Spoiler! :
GLaDOS deletes Caroline
Just marathoned it through in 1 sitting today. It was awesome; more the story than the puzzles. I liked the transport gel puzzles the most, since, well, there's excitement. That and
Spoiler! :
the part where he kills you
and another highlight is the part
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where you use a defective turret as the template

Re: Portal 2

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:59 pm
by ainsoph9
This game is on my to-play list. I have Portal 1, and I beat it. For the most part, it was really easy. I hear that Portal 2 is even more fun though.

Re: Portal 2

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:32 am
by jonathanasdf
ainsoph9 wrote:This game is on my to-play list. I have Portal 1, and I beat it. For the most part, it was really easy. I hear that Portal 2 is even more fun though.
Yep. I wouldn't say Portal 2 is all that hard (the maps are a lot bigger though) but the fun factor is wayyy up there.

Re: Portal 2

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:06 pm
by ainsoph9
Well, if Portal 1 is any indicator, I did not find the puzzles to be that challenging, except for maybe a handful at most. Many of the more challenging puzzles were only due to the acrobatics that they involved. (I still think that it takes way too long to fall a mile in the game. I was sitting there for 10 minutes or so. In real life, I probably would have fallen at least 20 miles.)

Anyhow, the cake is still a lie, right?

Re: Portal 2

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:33 pm
by ben1234
A lot of people find Portal 2 to be easier than the first game but it's still definitely better than the first game

Re: Portal 2

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:03 pm
by jonathanasdf
Anyhow, the cake is still a lie, right?
Yeah this is another awesome thing about Valve. With any other company you'd expect that after becoming such a big meme you would capitalize on it on sequels, but Valve knew better than that. There was only one cake reference in the whole game, and it was a small one. In return, a lot more awesome things happened.

I don't think I found any problems with pacing or even having to wait much. But this definitely has a bit more acrobatics due to the gels. Still, they're all designed well and there are lots of hints so it never gets really frustrating.

Re: Portal 2

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:11 pm
by ainsoph9
ben1234 wrote:A lot of people find Portal 2 to be easier than the first game but it's still definitely better than the first game
Easier is not bad, but I am generally the type of player who likes to play on Normal mode or harder at least, which reminds me of this:
Spoiler! :
Easy Mode.jpg
jonathanasdf wrote:Yeah this is another awesome thing about Valve. With any other company you'd expect that after becoming such a big meme you would capitalize on it on sequels, but Valve knew better than that. There was only one cake reference in the whole game, and it was a small one. In return, a lot more awesome things happened.

I don't think I found any problems with pacing or even having to wait much. But this definitely has a bit more acrobatics due to the gels. Still, they're all designed well and there are lots of hints so it never gets really frustrating.
That is a good thing, really. I do like it when authors write about stuff like that though as if to expound upon it, like in SHnY. However, if it is just there for show, I totally agree with you.

Re: Portal 2

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:11 pm
by cboy123
Looks like a VN here

Re: Portal 2

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:07 am
by b0mb3r
cboy123 wrote:Looks like a VN here
VN? O_o? You have heard of portal yes?

Re: Portal 2

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:33 pm
by cboy123
b0mb3r wrote:
cboy123 wrote:Looks like a VN here
VN? O_o? You have heard of portal yes?
Nope, but seeing it in wikipedia... i could relate