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Misc games stuff

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:18 pm
by Umiman
Since I don't want to put a new thread everytime I want to say something about a different game.

Well, this one is about Farcry!

I kinda... sorta... maybe enjoy this game. But it really feels more like a chore than an experience. Graphics are really nice for a 3 year old game, but there's really nothing else that sets it apart.

Anyone has anything nice to say about this? Because I really don't.

Things I like:
Moving into position, grabbing the bino and scanning for enemies, taking a sniper rifle, checking ammo, planning the kill order, and executing the perfect snipe attack. Man that rules.

Things I hate:
Stupid story. Stupid Serious Sam wannabe main character. Lack of weapons. Lack of a map. Lack of enemy variety. Crappy monster creatures. Too much pixellated vegetation that blocks sniping. How can a blade of grass block a bullet?! Boring campaign. Lack of proper idea of what to do next.

Maybe Stalker will be more impressive. =) Looking forward to that one.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:11 pm
by Dan
Farcry was a very good long-range (sniping/missile launcher) combat game. I haven't seen many of those. Plus the physics were top notch when it was released.

I've been playing through FF8 on the computer recently, I ened up getting it from a magical hobo because using the disks I bought causes the game to screw up during some of the cinemas and then I end up fighting a super hard boss over and over till the cinema after that fight finally plays well.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:31 pm
by Stratosphere
Hmm... My copy of FF8 did the same thing to me, although it was on the original PS. The opening sequence jerked around a lot and occasionally froze. I would have to restart. It also jerked/froze occasionally on the island with the ?Mechanical Crab Boss?. I'm not sure what it was, as my memory is a bit cloudy. It's been 7 years or so since I've played it.

It was the sequence where the ?crab? was chasing you back to your boat, if I remember correctly.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:33 pm
by Umiman
Old games tend to do that. Especially if you run a playstation version on an emulator. That was why my FF7 never let me get past Aeris's death, and certain scenes in MGS would always crash.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:35 pm
by Stratosphere
Umiman wrote:Old games tend to do that. Especially if you run a playstation version on an emulator. That was why my FF7 never let me get past Aeris's death, and certain scenes in MGS would always crash.
I got my copy of FF8 close to its launch date. I guess I was just unlucky.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 6:08 pm
by Dan
Umiman wrote:Old games tend to do that. Especially if you run a playstation version on an emulator. That was why my FF7 never let me get past Aeris's death, and certain scenes in MGS would always crash.
Not an emulator, it's the PC version that was released. FF7 ws also released for the PC, but those were the only two, unfortunatly. Not a crab, it was called a widow, a spider I guess, nevermind it only had six legs.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 6:14 pm
by Guest lol
Geh my windows version of FF7 crashes during Beret's story. I can't play it :(

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 6:37 pm
by HolyCow
My old Tales of Eternia would crash frequently too in the middle of a boss fight. All the characters would just freeze there to become meat for the boss while the only character I could control (usually Reid or Max) would be stuck soloing the one boss. As if that wasn't enough, the game would also crash sometimes when a spell was cast. The screen would freeze, and the spell-caster would yell out every single spell available (Wind Blade, Cyclone, Spread, Maelstrom, Bloody Howling, Ray, Indignation, Thunder Blade etc etc), which was bloody frustrating after one hour of training and the game just decides to make it worthless.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:46 pm
by Umiman
I feel your pain Sacred Brahmin.

It's one of those fears you get when you play an rpg. What if...

the game fails?
the character dies?
the enemies just level with you?

On a side note:

While procrastinating over my "the Masculinist Hemingway" paper, I came across Crescendo, which just so happened to be in the pack of 39 visual novels, and this game is looking very... very... good. Check it out.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:57 pm
by HolyCow
There was also my Wild Arms Altercode F CD which decided to crash AFTER I went to all the trouble fixing Rudy's arm... Grr... I never got to pilot the Protowing :(

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:55 pm
by Umiman
I feel so wierd... my Japanese is starting to get better than my French... And I spent 7 years learning French...

How can I understand visual novels without translations!? Argh! My mom would kill me if she found out!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 12:37 am
by Umiman
No matter how embarrassing, immoral, or indecent it gets... I'll do it for you if you ask me to. You can make me your slave, or even kill me if you want to. Because it's you.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 3:05 am
by TheGiftedMonkey
Umiman wrote:
No matter how embarrassing, immoral, or indecent it gets... I'll do it for you if you ask me to. You can make me your slave, or even kill me if you want to. Because it's you.
You offering something Umi? :twisted:

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 3:45 am
by HolyCow
That somehow strikes me as something Misa would say if Death Note was X-Rated...

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:38 am
by Umiman
Death Note is X-rated.