Kino epub and html

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Kino epub and html

Post by cloudy »

I made some epubs for Kino no Tabi with annotations that jump to chapters/editor notes and with pictures. (they are about 600x800 on my sony pocket and scaled down to be smaller on my cruz tablet) I'd love to add them. I have 2-7 right now and 12 is up on untuned strings. Since the person from Untuned strings has agreed to let the book 8 be compiled I'd love to compile the epubs and provide the html files I used. love to share them with people. Of course book 2 is still in progress, but it's at least up to date and with the html/zip you could update right now.

I used a combination of kompozer and calibre with some minor techniques-Every chapter for every editors note I anchored to the ending which took a long time, but it looks nice and really does help. I had seen pdfs do the same, but my sony, and my cruz just don't like pdfs. I've used the html files to convert to .mobi files and they work at least on my cruz.

I made "lite" and "heavy" file types-for those that want and do not want the pictures. The annotations should work with most formats so I kept them. The html files of course do not have metadata attached to them, but if you'd just like to read or you can use calibre you'll be fine. Please tell me if you have any conversion issues.

lite folder

heavy folder h

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