Japanese Novels & Mainstream Literature

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Japanese Novels & Mainstream Literature

Post by larethian »

So lately, I've started dropping many light novels from my reading regime, except for a select few (even though I said 'few', it's still more than 10 titles >_<), as I'm getting into mainstream literature and can't find much time to read everything I have been following.

Recently, I've started following Shinrei Tantei Yakumo and Murakami Haruki's series (which I'm really starting to love).

I'm looking for other titles to pick up. Thought-provoking, suspense and twists, like-able characters are some of the things I'd like. I also want to find something set in the Edo period if possible. Futuristic and fantasy themes with good plots and characters are also welcome.
I want to avoid thrillers, horror, stories which have dark themes and a lot of killing or violence (detective story and war themes are ok if they don't have too many graphic killings or deaths), soap-opera romance, stories with a lot of politics and drama.

Anyone has any really top-tier stuff to recommend?
Haruhiist Sensei
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Re: Japanese Novels & Mainstream Literature

Post by Chaos2Frozen »

Aren't you one of the [Tier One] Light Novel Readers ^^; ?

I doubt there's anything we know that you don't already @_@
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I.D.S.E Humanoid Interface [LSB]
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Re: Japanese Novels & Mainstream Literature

Post by larethian »

Nah, for LNs maybe, but not mainstream. There are several people who read plenty of mainstream literature. Though if no one has anything to suggest, I'd have to look at sales charts I guess. I've read Hyouka v1 about the time Kinny started the project. But it's not really my kind of novel. Though the anime is stupendously good, so I'll live with the 2-cour anime.
Haruhiist Sensei
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Re: Japanese Novels & Mainstream Literature

Post by Chaos2Frozen »

larethian wrote:Nah, for LNs maybe, but not mainstream. There are several people who read plenty of mainstream literature. Though if no one has anything to suggest, I'd have to look at sales charts I guess. I've read Hyouka v1 about the time Kinny started the project. But it's not really my kind of novel. Though the anime is stupendously good, so I'll live with the 2-cour anime.
Ahh, so you're referring to mainstream novels icic...

...You know, I saw a huge number of scandalous raunchy novels while I was in Osaka...
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Re: Japanese Novels & Mainstream Literature

Post by Cosmic Eagle »

Try Hayakawa SF?

Alternatively there's this mystery novel called Blue Sky by Gosick's author....seems like it has alien mysteries and the like. It's not dark or horror per se from the little I've seen...more like mystery and psychological.

One of the arcs is set in SG....

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Astral Realm

Re: Japanese Novels & Mainstream Literature

Post by Seiti »

Did you read Murakami's "Norwegian wood"? If not, please check it out.
Other than that I would recommend you is Takami Koushun's "Battle Royale".
There are a couple more that I read, but they are in my sister's room, and she is sleeping right now.

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