Vampie knight!

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Re: Vampie knight!

Post by quethiril »

I see more ecchi-ness in shoujo than shounen all the time. Mainly because I ditch a lot of shounen/seinen series the moment it looks like it's mostly fanservice, leaving me with relatively straight-laced shows like Hikaru no Go and Prince of Tennis. On the other hand, I love most kinds of shoujo from the most squeaky clean to shoujo smut. So like other people have said, there is a wide variety within all genres.

I guess Vampire Knight does tend to have less ecchi because they'd rather make all those scenes super-dark and emo instead. But, having only seen the anime and read barely any of the manga, I'm surprised one of the other Night Class boys' outrageous flirting doesn't lead to some ecchi sometimes...

It would be easy to take a set-up like you have in Vampire Knight and make it an ecchi shoujo series. I read one called Bloody Kiss, and it's basically about a vampire who is living with a girl who just inherited the house he lives in, and he hits on her a lot. Romanticomedy and all that.
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Re: Vampie knight!

Post by aoiko »

Well you can't really say that it is going to end yet, but it just keep hanging and it seems the plot is not moving anywhere. Yet, if the manga was to end, I hope it has a good ending to it. A very good ending please Hino Matsuri.

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