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Re: Novel: God's Notebook

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:26 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
kira0802 wrote:
kuroi_shinigami wrote:Just picked up my vol 8 today at Kino. Glanced through it and it seems its Ayaka-centric volume(yay). Can't wait to read it. Now if only my Japanese reading speed is as fast as my English reading speed XD. I'm still on vol 4 right now XD.
Ayaka-centered? In which sense?
@kuroi_shinigami: When you answer this question, please put it in spoiler tags? The chinese official translation is still on vol 6... Please don't spoil my story...

Re: Novel: God's Notebook

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:37 am
by kuroi_shinigami
Well, like I said, I just glanced through it because I haven't even finished vol 4, but it seems the story is about
Spoiler! :
the truth behind the angel fix incident, about how Ayaka wanting to know what happened during her suicide. And the volume ends with Ayaka, Narumi, Alice, and Yondaime making a sakazuki.
Take note that I only glanced through it so I might be wrong big time, but it definitely is more Ayaka-centric then volume 4-7 just from looking at the illustrations only.

And Zero, when have I ever spoiled the story to you :?

Re: Novel: God's Notebook

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:34 pm
by Mystes
Finally finished V3...