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Asking for a license

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 6:47 pm
by Etsuki

I'm not used to forums so I don't even know if i'm posting at the right place. Is there an official email adress where i can contact directly people from baka tsuki? Might be more appropriate than a public post, but uh anyway here's my question;

I just discovered your website, searching for an english translation of Sakurasou no pet na kanojo. Really good job here btw. I've started to read it, but uh I don't really like reading in front of a computer screen, so I searched for a physical version of the novels and I really can't find any. So I came up with an idea, can I print the sakurasou novels available by X company, using your PDF files? (Since I think you do not sell any physical copy, am I wrong?)
I would only print one copy of each novel for myself. I don't want to sell them or anything, but is that even legal? Do I need something like a license agreement that allows me to use your files for only personnal use ? I'm kinda broke but hey your job is worth something and I wouldn't mind paying for a license. I would donate anyway, if there's any way to do so, if I can find someone to print me those.

Okay thanks, keep up the good work.

Re: Asking for a license

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 7:24 pm
by Cthaeh
Well, I think your questions can be answered without directly contacting "people from baka tsuki."

Baka tsuki is not official, so there are no physical releases. In fact, just by distributing the translations online, baka tsuki is already crossing a legal line, but distributing physical copies and/or selling the translations would be even worse. So because baka tsuki is itself not exactly legal, there are no "license agreements" or the like; and you can do whatever you want for personal use as long as you don't distribute it to other people. Also, you should definitely not "donate", which is explicitly against the baka tsuki rules.

Re: Asking for a license

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 7:41 pm
by Etsuki
Oh, thanks. But how do these ppl actually make money? Can't see any publicity or anything, they really are doing that for free? Man that job need to be remunerated, maybe it wouldn't take years before a novel is actually translated.

Re: Asking for a license

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 7:57 pm
by Cthaeh
Yes, all the translations here are from fan translators who do it for free. While it's true that the translators put in an extraordinary amount of time and effort for the rest of us to be able to read, and do so without compensation, exchanging money for what is ultimately the original Japanese author's intellectual property wouldn't be quite right either.