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FanFic / Online Novel Translation Site

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 7:23 am
by Krikit many times am I going to do this and then drop the idea? I've already made like 3 sites...2 Livejournal site for translating light novel teasers, 1 website that I paid for a domain and hosting, to talk about light novels.

But I've kind of given them up...the domain I had I gave up because heck...the same information was already being hosted at I was making a second site that was really just going to waste my time. I have up the livejournals pretty much because that same information can be added much easier and search-friendly, to the B-T wiki, or the database.

So, continuing with my desire to Do SOMETHING with my time, I've made a website I hope will be completely "original" in the sense that its the only one of its specific genre in existance, and one that I will be enthusiastic about update.

This is also educational for those of you who want a website, but don't want to pay. at you can register a FREE domain name. Obviously it ends in though. But I don't think that's too much of a problem. And then, you just have to look into the hundreds of sites that provide excellent free webhosting.

Anyway, the site linked above, I've made everything. I did get a free template, but I've warped and modified it so much....(I'm still linking them for credit though) EDIT: switched to Joomla! it's cool.

Anyway, what the site does...As the subject suggests, it's a website for Fan Fiction, and Online Novels. Some people may have tried to read fanfics for their favorite anime, books or manga, etc, but how many have read fanfics in Japanese? Written with the Japanese mindset? Fanfics about everything from KonxHaruhi, to more adventures of Ed and Alphonse Elric, to the relationships of Spice and Wolf? (actually, probably not too many judging from popularity lists, lol). But there are also tons of online novels.

Anyway...I haven't actually done anything except make the home page...but what do you think so far?

Re: FanFic / Online Novel Translation Site

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 5:45 pm
by onizuka-gto
why you put the topic here? it's dead in here! :)

...and nope haven't looked at this your site, it's 3am and i don't want to be sucked into anything, insomnia is keeping me up without any help, thank you very much..... :roll:

Re: FanFic / Online Novel Translation Site

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:33 am
by Krikit
you could end up looking like L from Death Note O_o

Is there anyway you could spare some short seconds to move this thread to the news section then?? 8)

Re: FanFic / Online Novel Translation Site

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:12 am
by Zyzzyva165
Krikit wrote:So, continuing with my desire to Do SOMETHING with my time
How about doing some...ah, translation? :roll: :mrgreen:

Re: FanFic / Online Novel Translation Site

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:43 am
by Darklor
Zyzzyva165 wrote:
Krikit wrote:So, continuing with my desire to Do SOMETHING with my time
How about doing some...ah, translation? :roll: :mrgreen:
That was also what I thought! :lol: :mrgreen:

Re: FanFic / Online Novel Translation Site

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:57 am
by Krikit
Yeah, so I stopped after that comment, lol :)

I've needed to re-work some of my time. I do plan on continuing with translations, but now my life will consist of:

Puipui! (Translation) (Light Novel Additions) (japanese online novels, light novels, children's stories, fairy tales, fan fiction translated to english)

So I'm going to be pretty busy, as on top of this, I will have University applications, exam preparations, japanese studying, and english tutoring to do... :mrgreen:

But please, if you can spare a moment, checking out would make me pretty happy.'s still a bit basic and needs alot more content. I have one story so far, a children's story known as: "The Moon Rabbit." It was taken from a freelance writers blog, and translated. It's about one page in length, in pdf format, easy 1-2 minute read, and a nice children's story.

Re: FanFic / Online Novel Translation Site

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 6:42 am
by ShadowZeroHeart
Krikit wrote:Yeah, so I stopped after that comment, lol :)

I've needed to re-work some of my time. I do plan on continuing with translations, but now my life will consist of:

Puipui! (Translation) (Light Novel Additions) (japanese online novels, light novels, children's stories, fairy tales, fan fiction translated to english)

So I'm going to be pretty busy, as on top of this, I will have University applications, exam preparations, japanese studying, and english tutoring to do... :mrgreen:

But please, if you can spare a moment, checking out would make me pretty happy.'s still a bit basic and needs alot more content. I have one story so far, a children's story known as: "The Moon Rabbit." It was taken from a freelance writers blog, and translated. It's about one page in length, in pdf format, easy 1-2 minute read, and a nice children's story.
I assume that means ur life doesnt consist of wolf and spice novel or anime, which explains ur avatar a lot =X hehez

Re: FanFic / Online Novel Translation Site

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 1:03 pm
by Muffinman
ShadowZeroHeart wrote:
I assume that means ur life doesnt consist of wolf and spice novel or anime, which explains ur avatar a lot =X hehez
haha nice :lol: Nice site though. The first novel you have translated doesn't really interest me but I'll still keep an eye on future translated novels/short stories that you release

Re: FanFic / Online Novel Translation Site

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:49 pm
by Krikit
Nice site though. The first novel you have translated doesn't really interest me but I'll still keep an eye on future translated novels/short stories that you release
Thanks ^_^. I don't really have any translations up though...I translated "Tsuki no Usagi" or "The Moon Rabbit" more as a placeholder so I'd have something in the "novel" category, more than anything else.

I'm working on translating "Blades of Braves" right now, and there is this other story I'm interested in as well, called 星と魔法の使い or, "The Star and the Magician" There was an opening section where two guys are talking about how common magic is getting, and the tragedy where somebody tried to teleport their house when they moved, so they wouldn't have to get a new one, etc, but they ended up beneath it and died...

Seems pretty interesting. Also like the illustrations by the Author:

Re: FanFic / Online Novel Translation Site

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:15 am
by milangel
To be honest, I have the same idea for my website as yours. I first opened it for Japanese Lyrics English Translations but then I found that it was a little bit hard to keep up with all the releases and that's why I went on a hiatus. Now, I'm trying to switch for Japanese Light Novels Translation Website but I'm stuck because of taking the permission from the original writers and I don't know how to do so :P

Re: FanFic / Online Novel Translation Site

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 2:20 pm
by Krikit
writing an email and asking if they would like their work fan translated for an english audience, to be taken down when/if it ever gets licensed, and say you'll support it by buying the original...?

as for online novels, they are free to access, read, download, etc, so as long as you give credit to the author...I don't see that you need to ask permission...(though it would help I know)...

as for sending emails, usually all authors have a blog site or the like, you just have to find it, and then find a way to send an email to the author...not that hard :shock:

Re: FanFic / Online Novel Translation Site

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:26 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
Krikit wrote:writing an email and asking if they would like their work fan translated for an english audience, to be taken down when/if it ever gets licensed, and say you'll support it by buying the original...?

as for online novels, they are free to access, read, download, etc, so as long as you give credit to the author...I don't see that you need to ask permission...(though it would help I know)...

as for sending emails, usually all authors have a blog site or the like, you just have to find it, and then find a way to send an email to the author...not that hard :shock:
It is best to obtain permission first... But if it is almost impossible to, then i guess you can go on ahead until someone says something.