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Content of "Amnesia Labyrinth" and other Tanigawa works?

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:16 am
by Ambi Valent
I just found out Nagaru Tanigawa's manga "Amnesia Labyrinth" is already published, but from what I found, I don't know whether it's supposed to be a murder mystery, a horror story (like Higurashi) or... hmm... something else. Does somebody know more?

Similarly, it's surprisingly hard to find much about Tanigawa's earlier novels. Everyone knows "Haruhi" but about most of Tanigawa's series I didn't even find out the premise or even genre. Does anyone know where I could find more about them?

Re: Content of "Amnesia Labyrinth" and other Tanigawa works?

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 11:05 pm
by ainsoph9
"Amnesia Labyrinth" can be found here, I believe:

It is in Japanese raw. However, you can still find it. If you have a list of his other works, I might be able to help you find them.

Re: Content of "Amnesia Labyrinth" and other Tanigawa works?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:53 am
by Ambi Valent
Thanks a lot. Unfortunately since I cannot read Japanese at all, I still don't know if the protagonist is seriously researching the cases or bumbling around like Makoto from School Days (plus being the real killer). With everyday stories the details become important, and that's where I cannot follow the story anymore. I guess I just have to wait until it's out in English.

From Tanigawa's other works, I've found Gakko wo Deyo (Escape from the school) in Baka-Tsuki's Teaser section, but about the others I found just the names on Wikipedia: Dengeki Aegis 5, or Boku no Sekai o Mamoru (The guardian of my world) and Zetsubokei Tojirareta Sekai (The closed universe - the despairing ones). I guess they're only out in Japan (all of them were actually written after the first Melancholy book)

Re: Content of "Amnesia Labyrinth" and other Tanigawa works?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:46 pm
by ainsoph9
If I get some spare time, I will look for the others as well. I would translate "Amnesia Labyrinth," except for the fact that I really lack the time (hence why I kind of dropped Iriya) and resources (lost the ability to use NStar Japanese WP and do not have $200 to spare). We shall see what happens.

Re: Content of "Amnesia Labyrinth" and other Tanigawa works?

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:19 pm
by joay_b
ainsoph9 wrote:If I get some spare time, I will look for the others as well. I would translate "Amnesia Labyrinth," except for the fact that I really lack the time (hence why I kind of dropped Iriya) and resources (lost the ability to use NStar Japanese WP and do not have $200 to spare). We shall see what happens.
Let me guess, you want the OCR'd (not sure of the term) text from the manga pages for you to work on right?

Re: Content of "Amnesia Labyrinth" and other Tanigawa works?

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 3:17 am
by ainsoph9
Maybe in a year or so, if I have the time. I really cannot translate it right. I am too busy with work, taking classes, and studying for the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam. The only way that I would consider doing it right now is if someone bought me the NJStar Japanese WP and payed me by the hour. I would probably want to finish translating Iriya first as well. To be completely truthful, I still have some translated pages of it somewhere that I never uploaded.

Re: Content of "Amnesia Labyrinth" and other Tanigawa works?

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:17 am
by Darklor
ainsoph9 wrote:Maybe in a year or so, if I would probably want to finish translating Iriya first as well. To be completely truthful, I still have some translated pages of it somewhere that I never uploaded.
Why dont you put them into the wiki before they get lost... ;)

btw. "Gakkou wo Deyou!" has still no real teaser, right?

Re: Content of "Amnesia Labyrinth" and other Tanigawa works?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:49 pm
by ainsoph9
The problem is that it is already a little too late. I moved some months back. My stuff is still scattered all over with much of it in boxes. I will see what I can do in the future but no promises.

Re: Content of "Amnesia Labyrinth" and other Tanigawa works?

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:39 am
by Nanaya
This might seem like a resurrection post, but its pretty relevant and I didnt want to start a new thread when one already existed. Oh, and I also read all the rules, and this doesnt seem to be against them, but I figure I should apologize beforehand in the event it is.

As you probably know, 3 chapters of Amnesia Labyrinth have been scanlated so far. By me. A month or two ago the translator who got me into this project completely bailed, leaving me with two volumes (8 chapters) worth of tank raws and no damn scripts for them for months on end of unsuccessful recruiting attempts.

So basically, I really need a translator to continue this series, full credit will be given (or none, if you want to stay anonymous). Feel free to check mangatoshokan or grab them from our IRC channel (info below) if you want to see the quality of my work (I'm not sure if linking the scans is allowed here).

If you're interested in this, please contact Nanaya on IRC at #[email protected] -- I'm usually on from ~7pm - 1am on -8gmt. If you can't use IRC, try the forums at the scan group I'm with (KnA), but be warned that I routinely forget we even have a site :P. Or post here, and I can try to work something out (but IRC really is preferable).


Re: Content of "Amnesia Labyrinth" and other Tanigawa works?

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:35 am
by Darklor
So you've tried it already there?:

[quote=""Darknemo2000""]Post your suggestion on this site better

It is more likely to land you a co-workers than just in here.[/quote]

Re: Content of "Amnesia Labyrinth" and other Tanigawa works?

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:28 pm
by Nanaya
Yes. And on mangahelpers, and mangaupdates, and on every other IRC channel, etc ad nauseum.

Re: Content of "Amnesia Labyrinth" and other Tanigawa works?

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:30 am
by Darklor
If you tried it all there and have found now one I would think the probability to find here a translator for a manga is very very low...

Re: Content of "Amnesia Labyrinth" and other Tanigawa works?

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 5:16 am
by b0mb3r
just out of curiosity has anyone translate this series yet?