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Novel Review: Bad! Daddy

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 6:30 am
by ShadowZeroHeart
A story by the same author who did Bungaku shoujo and Moon Rabbit Princess.

Once again, the author has surprised me entirely!!

After reading the other two series by this author, I, for once, decided to try a series because of the author.

Heres the Synopsis:

Its a story about a girl who is forced to play both the good and the bad guy. As the title suggests, her father is a baddie. Her father worked hard to become an officer in a bad-guy-world-domination-organisation. The girl is embarrassed at having such a father, afraid to let others know of her father, for fear of him leaking his job/identity out.(Her father is so suave that he charms almost all females, but loves his daughter to an unbelievable extent.) By a certain twist of fate, she was chosen, due to her physical fitness, to be part of a hero team with lame names that are so sweet u would get a bad toothache.(names like sweetie cake team, blue cheesecake, strawberry bomb as an attack, even their ultimate attack is multi colored sugar falling down). For some reason, a female at the base of the good guys look exactly like her mother, who died when she was 3 years old!! It was later revealed that this female shared some things in common with the mother, knows of her mother, but is NOT her mother! On the other hand, the bad guys are up to something at her school, where the good guys base is, and is believed to hold the key to world domination!!

Spoiler! :
BAD story. REALLY BAD STORY!! I really didnt expect something like this from the author. A few BAD points to point out...

No.1!! The number of names that appeared in an average sized novel volume. The protagonist, the protagonist has 2 classmates, 1 teacher, her father, her father's 3 subordinates, the other members of the good side which is from the same school, the mother-like being and her pet. Thats 13 characters, and each good/bad guy has their little secret name in their own group/organization, so basically thats 22 bloody names in a single volume. The large cast makes it hard for much character development on any one of them. In fact, some characters almost had 0 character development!

No. 2, LAME IDEAS!! Bad guy world domination plans with dumb stuff arent a plus point. Getting a mantis with spades for hands digging up time-boxes(boxes where you keep your memories and bury somewhere and dig up years later) is NOT a good idea. Silly names are a BAD BAD idea. Having clocks go to 3 o'clock when the good team comes up because its TEATIME IS A CRAPPY IDEA!!

No. 3, things that doesnt make sense? The good guys base has time stopped in that area? Its a forest in the middle of the female school. Inside is a place where you can drink tea(what? K~ON?) and time is stopped within this area. HOW THE HECK DO PEOPLE GET IN THEN??? I mean, if time stops, then people outside would need infinite time to get into the place even if that person is a second slower than you!? So how the heck do they get in at different time intervals??

In short, I CANT STAND THIS STORY!! I might give it one more volume to check its character development. If things does not get any better, its scrapped!!

I highly DO NOT recommend this book unless you have time and money to waste.

Edit: Its a 4 volume series, so i aint gonna give the 2nd volume a try. Lame!! Good bye Bad Daddy!!

Re: Novel Review: Bad! Daddy

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 6:42 am
by Shdwfalcon
Keyword: I

Who knows, maybe someone might like it. LOL

Re: Novel Review: Bad! Daddy

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 2:11 pm
by ben1234
Well, if it sells, that means someone liked it