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Review: Me and Boys and them(female) of youthful fantasies

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 1:14 am
by ShadowZeroHeart
Actual Chinese title: 我與男生與青春期妄想的她們

A girl (madly in love with a boy) met this wandering monk, who claimed that she is currently haunted by an evil spirit that will cause her death in a year or so. To exorcise this evil spirit, the monk gave her a set of tools to help her cope with her ordeal. While reluctant to believe him at first (wanted to call the police), when she heard that this evil spirit would endanger her beloved boy, she gladly accepts these tools. And so she received...

A set of 0.00 contact lenses.

Yes, contact lenses that does not improve her vision in any way. After trying them on, she felt dizzy, and lost consciousness! Upon waking up, she went back to her class, and saw over a dozen beautiful girls, as if seducing the boys(One wear revealing swimsuit, one wears a maid outfit without her skirt and her hands tied to her back, a small girl wearing a dress like that of a princess etc)! After chatting with one of them, she learnt that these females are actually the embodiments of the boys' fantasies! In the class of 15 boys, there are 13 such girls. She was then notified, that when a boy goes out with his girlfriend, then there won't exist such a fantasy, as the fantasy is actually his girlfriend. And so, she found out the most bitter truth... as her most beloved boy(so much so you can say she stalks him) DOES NOT HAVE A FANTASY!!

And thus, the hunt is on, just who or where is his girlfriend? Time to hunt and get rid of her... And snatch him back!! One way or another!!

How will this turn out eventually?


A rather refreshing read. Interestingly, this is written from the prospective of a female, which is a rather uncommon sight in novels. At the same time, it covers some human mentality, while prompting you to sometimes give second thoughts on what goes on in life. The main character is an idiot, but slowly matures as she goes through all the different things she did. It would have great potential if the story can maintain the quality, so it would be hard to tell until a few volumes later, but this volume shows great potential to the series. Give it a read if you do have the time.

Re: Review: Me and Boys and them(female) of youthful fantasi

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:34 pm
by Mystes

Re: Review: Me and Boys and them(female) of youthful fantasi

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:10 pm
by arczyx
Why don't you move this to the future project suggestions? Maybe someone will pick it up, who knows... 8)

Re: Review: Me and Boys and them(female) of youthful fantasi

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:14 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
arczyx wrote:Why don't you move this to the future project suggestions? Maybe someone will pick it up, who knows... 8)
This is just a review... Our poor translators already have more than enough to chew on... Spare them... If people are indeed interested, let them create the suggestion for it instead.

Re: Review: Me and Boys and them(female) of youthful fantasi

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:14 pm
by arczyx
ShadowZeroHeart wrote:This is just a review... Our poor translators already have more than enough to chew on... Spare them... If people are indeed interested, let them create the suggestion for it instead.
Maybe a new translator will descend to translate it? :mrgreen: