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Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:14 pm
by Jumpyshoes
Well, I don't ever plan to drink. I don't want to kill all my brain cells . . . And I personally don't want to drink . . . And do something stupid while drunk . . . Or get hangovers.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:42 pm
by Setherzam
Jumpy think of it this way. In a herd of buffalo the weaker ones are the slowest and hold back the rest right? but when an indian, bullet, disease, or whatever offs it; the herd gets faster because that weakling is no longer around to slow it down.

now think of your brain cells as the buffalo herd. if they can't handle the alcohol poisoning then they are the slower brain cells. so drinking makes you smarter!


Edit: W000t 1k posts!

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:44 pm
by TheGiftedMonkey
Setherzam wrote:Jumpy think of it this way. In a herd of buffalo the weaker ones are the slowest and hold back the rest right? but when an indian, bullet, disease, or whatever offs it; the herd gets faster because that weakling is no longer around to slow it down.

now think of your braincells as the buffalo herd. if they can't handle the alcohol poisoning then they are the slower braincells. so drinking makes you smarter!


Edit: W000t 1k posts!
Lmfao! I've never heard that before. I like it. 8)

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 2:50 pm
by Setherzam
its the same reasoning my cousins all use

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:00 pm
by ben1234
Finally, a reason to start drinking when I get older.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:11 pm
by Dan
lol Seth

I never thought I'd drink, peer pressure does weird things to you though. And don't bother with Guinness, my grandpa was a serious alcoholic, and he drank it but still said it was awful. Kinda weird if you ask me. I only take shots, they give you that warm feeling inside, not really fond of the taste of any drink.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:04 pm
by obaka-san
drinking ka.... I debuted with a can of beer whose brand i don't remember (it was Chinese or something like that) when i was 6. i would drink every so often then. But seriously, I've never liked it. I'd prefer Coke if possible o.o. The first time i drank something stronger than beer would be the time I got to Dalat, I tried some wine there... it was very light..umh... I was 12 back then...maybe...

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:23 pm
by Dan
Guinness was my first beer, I had it warm. My first can of beer was a Coors, also warm. I can't stand the taste of beer! YUCK!

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 5:17 pm
by ainsoph9
okaba-san wrote:
drinking ka.... I debuted with a can of beer whose brand i don't remember (it was Chinese or something like that) when i was 6. i would drink every so often then. But seriously, I've never liked it. I'd prefer Coke if possible o.o. The first time i drank something stronger than beer would be the time I got to Dalat, I tried some wine there... it was very light..umh... I was 12 back then...maybe...
Well, here is a compromise for you then: rum and coke! It gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside and nobody knows the wiser!

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 6:20 am
by Nitewolfz
I'm tempted to put german beer, but it's not an available option. Never really liked beer since Tiger Beer here oddly tastes like really weird carbonated pee (it's the cheapest since it's local beer). That changed after I drank erdingers though, after which alot of other types. After reading all of their beer stories I'm thinking in a few years it'll be "Alcohol, story of what's left of my liver (or lack thereof)". Well, in a rather embarassing situation, I once got drunk on... Irish coffee...

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 6:55 pm
by onizuka-gto
Nitewolfz wrote:Well, in a rather embarassing situation, I once got drunk on... Irish coffee...
ah..german beer....

i'm not fond of that...not at all...


I only drink bitter or ale.

If we have to talk about European alcohol, i was a bodington fan, then as i went to Uni, switched to John Smith's, then to Worthingtons (because it was cheap at the uni watering hole) then i briefly went to Cafferys then Newcastle Brown, stopped when they moved the brewery to Gateshead (Newky Brown not made in...Newcastle? Blasphemy! )

Tried to stick to Speckle Hen (beautifully full, and rich taste.), but it was far too scarce and expensive, same goes with Dark Goblin Ale, (mature hops, great when just chilling, wit 5.4% alcoholic content. woot!)

i've tried Spitfire, and while to be honest its nothing to boast about, i suppose i could get a liking to it, if i have to drink it, which is to say i've seen it being serve down south far more common then up north.

well since germany likes to make larger, it can't be helped that i don't drink it, so all i can say is. dammn you germany, dammn you.
