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Alice in Chains: September

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 9:19 am
by Rectifier
As some of you might know (doubt it), I am somewhat of a Alice in Chains fan [AIC from now on]. Anyways, AIC has not released any new material for 14 years due to their lead singer Layne Staley having drug addiction problems, which eventually lead to his death in 2002. After his death, the other three surviving members decided to revive the band, which they didn't want to do while Layne was having his problems. Eerily enough, Layne predicted his own death by drug addiction, as shown in the lyrics in several AIC songs. Regardless, the other three members found a new singer named William DuVall who could fit the same style as Layne, but add his own unique voice to the band.

I've been building this up to announce that AIC will be releasing a completely new album this September.

For any fans:
Spoiler! :
Normally I would just be patient and post a topic when the date comes closer to September. However, I have heard multiple reports through both word of mouth and on different radio stations that this new album will be some of the best music to be released in TEN years for the entire rock industry. Cantrell, the main composer of the music has stated that the album will contain both their unique grungy rock and acoustic sounds, which should appeal to every type of AIC fan.

So both fans and soon-to-be fans of AIC, prepare for September, and rock on.

And if I remember, I will probably post linkage to the album in the Song Recommendations thread after it is released.

Re: Alice in Chains: September

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:53 pm
by ainsoph9
Rock on! I look forward to the new stuff. I just hope that William DuVall's voice will not be like Tarja Turunen of Nightwish getting replaced by Anette Olzon. Sometimes, you simply cannot just replace the original musician in a band because of how their presence defines the rest of the band.

Re: Alice in Chains: September

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:50 pm
by Rectifier

Re: Alice in Chains: September

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:23 am
by ainsoph9
Sweet! I will have to get that soon! I look forward to listening to it.

Re: Alice in Chains: September

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:58 am
by b0mb3r
lol i thought you were some spammer and i wanted to smash you.

anyway not interest. not my cup of tea

Re: Alice in Chains: September

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:07 pm
by Gloria~
Hmm... Doesn't seem too nice to me though, even though I listened to it. But I can't really say for sure, because the genre itself isn't my cup of tea anyways...

Still, for an album they released in 14 YEARS, it's not bad- their skills haven't got too rusty, which is thankful.

Re: Alice in Chains: September

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 4:00 pm
by Rectifier
So I've listened to the new album a few times since release.

Some points I'd like to make:

1. Definitely sounds like Alice in Chains.

2. Definitely has at least 2 or 3 songs that any rock fan should enjoy.

3. Makes me wonder what would have happened if Layne hadn't died.

All in all, probably the best single for most people is A Looking in View *contains nudity and odds are it will get taken down later*

For Alice in Chains fans, the album is a 9 or a 10 out of 10, simply due to the fact that this is the first new material from the band in over 14 years. Not only do the singles sound great, but some of the more acoustic tracks are simply awesome. Finally, AIC hasn't changed their style while managing to add a new edge to their music, not an easy task for any band, it simply reinforces their songwriting talents and is a great experience for any new material they may want to create later.

For more mainstream listeners, Black Gives Way to Blue is closer to a 7 out of 10, because this is still great music even if you dislike the genre.

Re: Alice in Chains: September

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 1:29 am
by b0mb3r
i assume it doesn't sound like killers or green day. sorry for my poor generic taste. well a more specific taste would be MAE

i do like queens, Beatles, u2 and coldplay.

Re: Alice in Chains: September

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 11:49 am
by Rectifier
You've probably heard Alice in Chains on the radio or guitar hero and just don't know it.



Them Bones

Man in the Box


Re: Alice in Chains: September

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 12:47 pm
by ainsoph9
I bought the new album last week and finally finished listening to it today. I think that there are definitely some good songs on it with a new edge but the same old Alice in Chains sound. I just have to ask, "Why Elton John? Why?!" though. I give the album an 8/10.