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Re: Project suggestion - MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UC (UNICORN)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:43 pm
by larethian
you never saw them run out of battery? are you serious?
Seed gundams always run out of battery, that's why ZAFT made the Deuterion beam for Impulse.

Re: Project suggestion - MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UC (UNICORN)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:17 pm
by hobogunner
See, my problem is that I only have Gundam Wing committed to memory, just because Endless Waltz was awesome. :lol:

Re: Project suggestion - MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UC (UNICORN)

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:19 pm
by Teh_ping
larethian wrote:you never saw them run out of battery? are you serious?
Seed gundams always run out of battery, that's why ZAFT made the Deuterion beam for Impulse.
And that's why ZAFT created that N-Jammer Canceller, so that the writers have an excuse for unlimited energy.

Re: Project suggestion - MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UC (UNICORN)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:11 am
by kuroi_shinigami
hobogunner wrote:Why are both of you so off topic? We're talking about electricity costs here. :roll:
falcolobo wrote:While we're on the subject of electricity may I mention that in UC, all mobile suits do not run of ultra combact batteries anymore. Now they use Minsovky particle reactors. :mrgreen:
I've never seen that really come into play with any Gundam series that I've seen. I know that they always explain the principles behind the Gundam, but, never saw them run out of a battery or anything like that. (Unless there is some way to rig a particle reactor to blow up.) Yet, fighting in space, there are no particles, so there is still a limited fuel supply. :?
IIRC, in the UC world, the minovsky particle, which is the energy source of any mobile suit, is scattered everywhere, even in space. That's why UC's mobile suit never run out of energy and can use beam weaponry(the beam is made by trapping an intensified particle inside a field). Gundam Wing should have different concept of energy, just like the other AU Gundam such as Seed(although I always wonder why those grunts on Seed never run out of energy. Probably because they already dead before they manage to drain their suits energy :lol: )

Re: Project suggestion - MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UC (UNICORN)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:23 am
by Teh_ping
IIRC, in the UC world, the minovsky particle, which is the energy source of any mobile suit, is scattered everywhere, even in space. That's why UC's mobile suit never run out of energy and can use beam weaponry(the beam is made by trapping an intensified particle inside a field). Gundam Wing should have different concept of energy, just like the other AU Gundam such as Seed(although I always wonder why those grunts on Seed never run out of energy. Probably because they already dead before they manage to drain their suits energy :lol: )
First part is correct, it's just a generator to process the particle.

For the grunts in Seed part:
EA Captain: Alright, squad, we're going to attack Orb now.

EA Grunt: Yes sir!

EA Captain: For the preservation of our blue and pure world.

*Freedom flies up, Wings deployed, HiMAT mode activated, 2 Baleenas plasma cannons, 2 Xiphias railguns and 1 Lupus beam rifle aimed, starts its Aimbot, takes out entire squad.*


Re: Project suggestion - MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UC (UNICORN)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:48 am
by ben1234
Mechs in the UC universe use nuclear fusion reactors as a power source. This comes with the fictional Minovsky particles as a side effect (interestingly, even the Ball is powered by a nuclear fusion reactor). The nuclear mechs in SEED runs on nuclear fusion too but does not produce Minovsky particles

A lot of the characters in Victory get pretty worried over destroying MS generators while in the atmosphere so they tend to always aim for the cockpit or somewhere away from the generator (a certain 13 year old went insane for a bit and ripped off a cockpit hatch after punching sad cockpit a lot *cough*)

Also in Victory:
Spoiler! :
One of the characters would self destruct his generator in an attempt to damage an enemy battleship bike thing.

Then after the final battle, the V2 runs out of power as it falls onto the ground
There was the beginning of the original as well where after destroying a Zaku with a beam saber, the zaku's generator blows up and makes the huge hole in the colony

There's also ZZ where the ZZ Gundam would use most, if not all, of its power to fire its head/torso cannon. And even without firing it, its other weapons were still really high power drains

And in the first episode of Unicorn, a ReZEL's generation explodes and kills the teacher when he was trying to stuff his students into a shelter. It makes a big hole too

So ya, mechs in UC can and do run out of juice and do cause damage with generator explosions

The mechs in Wing are apparently powered by fusion reactors but for some reason, the Wing's rifle only has 3 shots before it needs a recharge. The Zero's rifles didn't seem to have this problem. It doesn't really matter since only the Wing and Zero (and maybe Deathscythe's stealth) actually use battery draining weapons.

As for Seed, the fodder mechs don't really use a lot of battery drain equipment (ie. phase shift and those purple beams) and the ones that do carry a battery pack with the bigger guns

The Turn A gundam didn't have enough juice but had enough nanomachines while the Turn X had enough juice but not enough nanomachines to use their moonlight butterflies

And of course, the X Gundam needed to use solar power to fire its big guns

Re: Project suggestion - MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UC (UNICORN)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:56 pm
by falcolobo
Oh mecha-otaku side is trying to break free from my self imposed restraints right now...

Anyway, Gundam Wing never explained its power source, but from the dialouge it is assumed that they run on...of all things....

Gundam Wing Episode 8 NOTE: this is from my memory
Catra: I think you should go pick him (Heero) up.
Duo: What?
Catra: His Gundam should be low on fuel by now.
I'm still trying to figure out how gasoline can power a gundam....

Also, in UC the particle generator doesn't USE the particle (in a loose sense), it just uses the particles high potential energy, after completely exhausting the particle it is launched back out where it is recharged naturally. So essentially this is a recycling thing.

BTW: the only Gundam series to have a TRUE infinite power-source were the Gundams of Gundam 00. The particles are a result of a photonic decay process (with an output similar to a nuclear reactor), and are infinite in number as long as there are particles in the air.

Re: Project suggestion - MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UC (UNICORN)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:57 pm
by ben1234
The official specs have the Wing mechs running on fusion reactors

Re: Project suggestion - MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UC (UNICORN)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:29 pm
by hobogunner
Yeah, I don't remember anything about them running on gasoline.

Although- if they did run on diesel.....
Spoiler! :
Using today's technology:
You'd need at least 4 engines, and a crapload of hydraulic lines, but it is possible.
Crap, I might try to make one know. I have spare engines and lines.

Re: Project suggestion - MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UC (UNICORN)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:17 pm
by larethian
falcolobo wrote:Oh mecha-otaku side is trying to break free from my self imposed restraints right now...

Anyway, Gundam Wing never explained its power source, but from the dialouge it is assumed that they run on...of all things....

Gundam Wing Episode 8 NOTE: this is from my memory
Catra: I think you should go pick him (Heero) up.
Duo: What?
Catra: His Gundam should be low on fuel by now.
I'm still trying to figure out how gasoline can power a gundam....

Also, in UC the particle generator doesn't USE the particle (in a loose sense), it just uses the particles high potential energy, after completely exhausting the particle it is launched back out where it is recharged naturally. So essentially this is a recycling thing.

BTW: the only Gundam series to have a TRUE infinite power-source were the Gundams of Gundam 00. The particles are a result of a photonic decay process (with an output similar to a nuclear reactor), and are infinite in number as long as there are particles in the air.

fuel doesn't necessary mean gasoline. and like what Ben said, you may get this info from the model kits, though I don't own any of the Wing ones.

for 00, this is only true for the ones with the original GN drives made in Jupiter. but after Trans-Am mode is used, the units operate at lower than normal performance.

I forgot what Whitedoll operates on (but did it ever run out of power?)

in SEED/SEED Destiny, Freedom/Strike Freedom and Justice/Infinite Justice have near true infinite sources of power because they run on nuclear power, and the suits can move as long as the pilots still have the stamina.

Re: Project suggestion - MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UC (UNICORN)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:53 pm
by ben1234
larethian wrote:I forgot what Whitedoll operates on (but did it ever run out of power?)
It was either in the novel or the show but someone (I think Gym) explains Turn A was lacking the energy and Turn X was lacking the nanomachines

Turn A eventually recharged enough power and Turn X got the nanomachines when it touched/grabbed the Turn A

Re: Project suggestion - MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UC (UNICORN)

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:42 pm
by falcolobo
larethian wrote:
fuel doesn't necessary mean gasoline. and like what Ben said, you may get this info from the model kits, though I don't own any of the Wing ones.
Well then...what are they trying to say?
larethian wrote: in SEED/SEED Destiny, Freedom/Strike Freedom and Justice/Infinite Justice have near true infinite sources of power because they run on nuclear power, and the suits can move as long as the pilots still have the stamina.
Technically, once the nuclear reactor core starts producing only minimal amount of has to be replaced. The amount of energy it takes to run a gundam is immense. This is assuming that the Gundams are using reactors based off of modern (as in 21st Century reactors).

The GN drives were the most fantastical power source. I enjoyed trying to figure out what the TD-Blanket was.

Re: Project suggestion - MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UC (UNICORN)

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:11 pm
by Teh_ping
Spoiler! :
O this is the beast who does not exist.
They didn't know that, and in any case
--with its stance, its arched neck and easy grace,
the light of its limpid gaze --they could not resist

but loved it though, indeed, it was not. Yet since
they always gave it room, the pure beast persisted.
And in that loving space, clear and unfenced,
reared it's head freely and hardly needed...

to exist. They fed it not with grain nor chaff
but fortified and nourished it solely with
the notion that it might yet come to pass,

so that, at length, it grew a single shaft
upon it's brow and to a virgin came--
and dwelled in her and in her silvered glass.

Rainer Maria Rilke 'Die Sonette an Orpheus', Part 2 4th poem. Translation courtesy of Robert Hunter.
If you're wondering, this was in the beginning of the first volume.

Re: Project suggestion - MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UC (UNICORN)

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:51 pm
by Teh_ping
Okay, given what happened in the office now, I'll be pushing this series once I'm done with Baka Test 8. Will most likely be alternating between Baka Test and this series from now on. (Strictly Taiwanese version though, since I got them for my Christmas present, so better put them to good use.)

Also, I'm pretty much using this as a gamble to lure more translators in, since there's definitely lots of gundam fans out there.
Spoiler! :
Universal Century 0079, January 10th. On this day, the sky fell. A space colony fell onto Earth through the hands of the Zeon Republic Army.

This time, the segment in this Operation British was named “Colony Drop” as they planned to compare the fate of the Earth Federation to the hegemonic countries in the old ages. This space colony that fell on Earth was the initial resolution since the declaration of war that occurred on the 3rd day of the same month. After merely 3 seconds since they declared war, the Republic army, which had already gotten into position beforehand, attacked at the same time and immediately destroyed 3 sides. The Federation army panicked due to this sudden raid, and started gathering their forces quickly; the Republic coolly observed this in their rear sight as it started moving the space colony, its own “bomb”.

The colony that was built on Lagrange Point, located at a gravity balance between Earth and the Moon, and once the orbital speed decreased slightly, it would leave the original gravity equilibrium point. The Republic installed nuclear pulse engines on the Side 2 “Island Iffish”, which they chose as the bomb. After several hours of burst flares, the space colony ended up leaving its original orbit and started freefalling on its own.

The space colony that became a prisoner of gravity took more than 5 days to orbit half a round around the moon and fall onto Earth. Logically, the Federation exerted all its forces to prevent this situation, but they could not defeat the Republican army that followed the colony. The Federation did not know of the existence of mobile suits at that time, nor did it know of the tactical usage of Minovsky Particles in combat, and its 3-to-1 superiority in numbers were of no use.

With the one-eyed “Zakus” accompanying, the large mass of the colony approached the atmosphere. It would not be difficult to make a 30km long metal cylinder 6km long break the through atmosphere together with the 3 large mirrors on it. The burning heat of the friction would cause the colony to be so hot that it would become a massive fireball, causing the atmosphere to take a hit it had never experienced before. The peeled outer wall would become a burning meteor shower, and the colony itself followed a black pressurized smokescreen that covered the sky, marking its trail of destruction.

The fortunate thing for the Federation army was that the colony was worn out somewhat due to the skirmishes that occurred for several days. The initial estimates were that the colony would hit the headquarters at Jaburo located in South America, but it split in the air soon after it entered the atmosphere above Africa. The colony broke into 3 blocks, one hit Australia, one hit the Pacific Ocean, and the last one hit North America. In terms of the results, Jaburo managed to avoid a calamity here, and the Federation managed to protect its headquarters that would end up leading the counterattack, but the tragedy of having a colony crash into Earth was not something that could be simply negated.

The colony became a massive bomb, and it was said that the power was around 200 times the power of a nuclear weapon that turned a city in Japan into a sea of fire—the atomic bomb that detonated in the city of Hiroshima. Amongst the 3 broken pieces, the largest piece landed in Australia, and it crashed into Sydney at the speed of 11km per second. The sight of the colony falling down as it covered the sky was taken with cameras from neighboring cities, and the people of the later generations learnt of that ‘sky is falling’ instant of horror. It crashed, causing an impact that caused Sydney to disappear immediately. This impact caused Sydney to disappear immediately, created a crater 10km thick, caused an unprecedentedly large 9.5 magnitude earthquake, and this was just the start. This large earthquake left an observed magnitude of 9.0, rocked the entire continent of Australia, and the magma movement in the orogeny caused the landscape on the eastern coast to change drastically. One-sixteenth of Australia was submerged in the sea, and another one-third of the land took a devastating hit. However, this was just part of the damage caused by the fall of the colony. Besides, right at the moment the colony fell, the Earth’s rotation was affected, and it revolved 0.1, 0.2 seconds faster every hour.

The North American continent did not end up in such a ground-changing situation like the continent of Australia, but one quarter of the land was wrecked. The part that dropped into the Pacific Ocean triggered a large tsunami, and even the shores off the Indian Ocean suffered utter devastation. The colony pieces that fell through the atmosphere caused impacts that resonated with the tsunami, creating a large-scale storm that rocked the entire world for the first time, sending the residents on Earth into chaos. If there were an end of the world, this would be the scene.

The storm and tsunamis covered the lands on Earth for a week, and the abnormal weather did not subside for 6 years after that. The temperature in the colder Southern regions rose up because of this calamity, and not only did it cause sea level to rise, but also, the air pressure changes due to the sea currents caused desertification in humid regions. Disease outbreaks and riots caused by the refugees continued for several years after the war. There was a saying that almost 2 billion people died and were missing, but actually, they could not determine the actual numbers.

A week passed since the start of the war on the 3rd. The One Week Battle got Zeon’s war for independence off to a rumbling start, and despite failing in their intent of bombing Jaburo itself, it allowed the Republic army to continue the war for one year. After that, the largest fleet battle in human history, the battle of Loum occurred as the Republic launched a large-scale invasion to Earth. They used the Earth military headquarters located in New York City, North America, and gradually expanded its territory.

The smoke rose into the atmosphere, and descended onto the ground in the form of a meteor shower. The ones that landed on the Earth with authority were the giants with one eye, and it was not hard to imagine what sort of impression the residents on Earth had as a result. These demons that had different views and values were invading Earth—and the devastation they brought about was not something the people born on Earth could imagine. In that sense, the people on Earth viewed this army that was attacking their homeland as ‘aliens’.

In terms of national power, the difference between the Republic of Zeon and the Federation was approximately a thousand times, and the options Zeon could choose were limited. The citizen policy was part of the Space Migration plan, the Spacenoids’ plea for Self-governance was crushed by the Federation, and the people who were moved lived tough lives. These were facts, but despite the room for empathy, the fact would remain in history that Zeon was the most brutal killing organization.

After the war, the remnants of Zeon continued to carry out colony drops. 3 years ago, the “Luna 5” that was used as a mining asteroid was dropped onto Lhasa in Tibet, destroying the capital of the Federation as they planned. The tragedy brought about by this atrocity was deeply etched within the people of Earth, and the Spacenoids’ views and stand were all blurred. At this point, as countless debris particles remained in space, the Earth’s sky that was showing the bloody-colored sun setting in the West—

The lush trees covered their heads from above, blocking off the clouds and sky floating above.

The trees that grew down the road had their branches reached out, and the density even caused the green leaves to grow onto the lane. The green corridor that was extended without an end in sight looked so dazzling, and Minerva put her face at the car window, observing the scenery outside. The ones with white and pink flowers were Dogwood, and were the vines growing off the mistletoe Kudzu? Despite the scars of the colony drop in the sky above, this place still had the vegetation exclusive to Southern USA. Due to the warm climate and the creek flowing down the gradual lowlands, the flowers obtained lots of humidity, and looked extremely lively under the sunlight.

It had been one and a half hours since the disease prevention checks were done at the Atlanta Naval Air Station, and Minerva was sitting on this limousine-type electric car. There were still vestiges of war everywhere, the streets of Atlanta still showed scenes of a metropolis, but these were scenes that were seen a long time ago. At this point, what was shown in front of Minerva was a snaking narrow lane within the forest. They passed through the lowlands surrounded by maize fields, and did not see any car moving in the opposite direction. The sparsely scattered farms and houses disappeared. Most likely, this might be the private land space the Marcenas’ owned. Minerva imagined the lush and thick green trees as a wal indicating a boundary, and glanced at Riddhe’s face as he sat right beside him.

Riddhe was looking in front silently, not looking at the greenery passing by outside the window. He was about as silent as the time when he piloted the “Delta Plus” into the atmosphere—no, he might be a lot more tense here. Sitting diagonally in front of him was Ronan, who had his mouth shut, not intending to look away from the notebook terminal. As for what they actually talked about on the limousine, there were only two lines, “Mom?” “She’s in a Nursing Home in Switzerland.” What was left was the heavy and unbearable silence passing between them.

This situation did not allow for anyone to talk easily, and Minerva understood that Riddhe never wanted to face his ‘family’, but this situation she was facing caused her to feel that it would be easier if these two men were unrelated people. ''What is with this weird depressed silence?'' Once they entered society, they noticed each other’s flaws more than strangers did, and could only create a divide between each other. ''Is the relationship between father and son like this? '' To Minerva, who lost her parents before she was mature enough, this was something she could not understand, and she held her sigh as she looked outside the window. The green corridor faded in thickness, everything from the green pastures that grew on the other side of the oak trees onwards could be seen, and the large Tudor-styled mansion entered everyone’s sights.

The entrance, which was decorated with Corinth-styled ornaments, had a Greek temple-like style, and the main house, which had three-storey buildings connected to it on the side, looked rather similar to the Vist Foundation residence seen on the “Magallanica”. Both houses gave off the feel of age, radiating a sense of existence that was basically similar to Zeon’s vintage style, but one had to wonder what was with this cold air surrounding this house. This house did not look like it would waver as it remained rooted amidst this damp land, and it looked like it was giving silent threats without trying to hide or show off the special authority of those living in it, wanting outsiders to lower their heads. Minerva suddenly felt a chill up her body that was still not used to the 1G gravity, and grabbed her hands that were cupped in front of her chest under her blouse tightly.

There was no concern for Spacenoids, whether it was the house that was stubbornly protecting the old century traditions or the people with special authority living inside. There was no place for understanding each other—

“Do you know the story of “Gone with the Wind”?”

Riddhe suddenly spoke up, and Minerva nodded without thinking through properly. Minerva herself had not read that book, but she knew that it was one of the classic books during the Middle Ages, and was even rewritten as a movie. Riddhe looked outside the window and explained to Minerva, “This stretch is the stage for that story. Warm climate, fertile land, a very rich farm owner; this prosperity was supported by the black slaves captured and brought in from Africa.

Ronan lifted his face slightly from the notebook, and turned his eyes that were looking through the reading glasses over, but Riddhe’s face that was facing the window remained unmoved as he said with a self-mocking self, “What an irony, isn’t it?”

“The ones who started the space migration administration, the Chief Senator for the migration issue committee would actually live in Southern USA that relied on slaves.”

The prosperity and revival in this place was created through the resources squeezed out from the Spacenoids—this sarcastic line even children could understand caused the atmosphere in the limousine to become heavier, and Riddhe did not look at Ronan as he shut up. Ronan let out what seemed like a sigh from his nose, and turned his face back to the notebook. Minerva looked back and forth at these two men, and again felt that she had no refuge as she looked at the Western sky that was starting to become red.

The limousine passed through the gate located between the oak trees and drove right into the courtyard of the residence. At the same time, the sound of the rotor could be heard from above, and the helicopters flying in the air reached Minerva’s sights. There was no reason for them to return back to base, and the helicopters were waiting if there were any Neo Zeon strike teams around with the intent to snatch her back, so the likelihood was that they would be patrolling through the night. There were armed helicopters with gun turrets pointing out, and several guards lurking around—''All for the sake of receiving me, an anomaly.'' Minerva felt a killing intent radiating out from the forest as looked up at the Marcenas’ residence that was right in front of her. The triangular roof at the entrance had a bird-ornament, and it took her a little while to realize that it was an authentic black condor.

Re: Project suggestion - MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UC (UNICORN)

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:24 am
by Teh_ping
Well, here we go:
Spoiler! :
==Chapter 1==

===Part 1===

(“…Even though it’s an initial estimation, I’ve already tabulated the accountable damages for you. We can use the work hazard insurance for those who died in the line of work, but it’s harder to determine what to do with the people who died due to other causes.”)

The face that was shown on the screen was of a woman’s, a face that one could hardly believe is over 50 years old. The medium-long blond hair still retained its glow, and the cheeks that were slightly protruding never lost their elasticity. The background was of a dull color that was suited for business, and the lips with lipstick on even look bewitching.

Even so, it’s not appropriate to describe this woman as young and lively. This ‘woman’ that appeared wasn’t one a man would recognize as one—or rather, recognize as an ideal ‘woman’ despite her beauty. The reason behind this thinking is because of her eyes. In her wish to become treated as an upper-class lady, the probing eyes were giving off an icy cold magnetism. The greedy expression of the woman who was never satisfied with anything and only hoped to continue take in more was showing an evil tension.

(“Considering how the media would react, it’s more appropriate that we should offer some form of compensation to the victims. My husband will do something with regards to this as well.”)

After saying that, Martha Vist Carbine remained silent, perhaps waiting for the other party to respond. The other displays were showing all sorts of information like ‘insurance claims’, ‘medical fees’ and ‘survivor pension’ as each individual estimated sum scrolled down the displays. The amount of the total fees required to revive the colony was enough to match the budget of a small country in the old centuries, but Martha’s expression was rather calm as if she merely met a small car accident. Right below the numerous displays that were emulated in the air, “That’s really well thought out.” Syam Vist responded while looking similarly calm.

The body that laid down on the bed didn’t show any signs of moving, and the side of the emotionless face was basked under the light reflected off the displays. The Vist Foundation leader, who had been watching how the world changed ever since the start of the Universal Century and fought through many backdoor wars multiple times before making it till here, never changed his sharp expression even when he was lying down frailly on the bed. The presence he himself gave off never once faded. (“Someone will deal with this, so shut up. Is that what you mean?”) The voice that continued were so cold it felt like they were piercing into his bones.

(“This accident happened in a colony operated by Anaheim Electronics. No matter how we counter, it’s impossible to prevent the stocks from falling, right? I know very well that my role is not to let the voices of blame reach the Foundation.”)

Martha laughed away the leader’s sarcastic remark, narrowed her eyes and showed a suspicious look. The display beside her showed the words ‘A large-scale terrorist attack happened at Industrial 7’, ‘Is it done by the Neo Zeon guerillas?’, ‘The number of dead and missing people has already passed 600’, ‘The Federation space army has already issued warning to the forces guarding each side to remain alert’ and all sorts of such messages continued to appear and disappear. Only the top half silhouette of the news broadcaster or the reference footages of Industrial 7 when it was being built could be seen on the display, and there were no footages of what happened there at all. As for the footages the residents there provided to the media—the Federation units using beam rifles inside the colony and crashing into the residential areas—they could not be seen about 30 minutes ago, whether it was the TV or the Net. Syam shows an expression as if he never saw anything in the first place to avoid Martha’s doubt. “Cardeas did that. I didn’t know anything.” He simply answered calmly.

(“You managed to argue back first…”) sighing, Martha can only show wrinkles as her lips give a bitter smile. (“I’m more happy than anything to see you being so happy and lively, grandfather. I hope that I can go over to meet you in the near future.”)

“You don’t have to see such a sad old man like me who watched my son and grandson died earlier than me. Those who are still involved in the current world affairs should have something else to do, right?”

(“Please don’t say that. We’re siblings with the same blood, so of course I’m being emotional now that my older brother died. But since I’ve already wedded into the Carbine family, I can’t just dwell in sadness. If any independent action by the Vist Foundation cause Anaheim to be dragged down, how can I possibly meet my husband and my father-in-law? Besides, I’ve already got the approval to take over brother’s duties as the head of the Foundation…”)

After saying that without practically no sincerity, Martha gives a smirk to the display. The matter of succession wasn’t decided through hierarchy, but through the agreement of most of the family members, and there’s something behind the expression. Anaheim Electronics is the family business of the Carbine family she married into, and while keeping this position, she use the muscle power that surpassed her husband to interfere with all sorts of affairs, playing a vital role in linking the Foundation and Anaheim in such a way that they were more than just partners. Syam’s eyebrows can only twitch slightly as he see his granddaughter’s shamelessness in not denying nor admitting that she was involved in this incident.

(“It’s the Vist Foundation’s leader right to know the location of the cryo the boss is in and the view of the ‘Box’, and also a duty. Please take a nap before I go meet you, boss. ”)

After leaving this message, the communication was cute off. The many displays shown in the air disappear, and darkness and silence return back to the space that has nothing but a bed. Soon after, the panel installed on the wall of the dome increase in luminosity until the actual image of the universe is shown inside the room, and Syam’s bed is already surrounded by the clear stars.

The cloud of stairs light up every single corner of the room as if the floor was scattered with silver powder, and the image of outer space showed all corners of the cryo the Foundation’s boss was in. Gael Chan hid himself in the darkness where neither the earth nor the moon could be seen as he saw that bed that was floating there in a lonely manner, sighed and stepped forward. As he lies on the bed that acted as a cryo device, Syam mutters to him ‘just laugh all you want’ as the side of his face that has lots all its glory shows self-mocking wrinkles.

“This is the portrait of the Vist Foundation.”

“I can’t laugh at all. I didn’t fulfill my responsibility in protecting my boss.”

Syam turns his stare at Gael, who’s standing about 3 meters away from him. It’s been half a day since the sudden battle in Industrial 7 and when he learnt about Cardeas Vist’s death. The Foundation’s boss had been through a lifetime that’s far too long for a human, watched too many of his relatives die, and now, it’s impossible to see any sadness in him. He lost his most trusted successor, and watched the Foundation he single-handedly built up move on its own. Right now, he can’t even let out a sigh—maybe this is Syam’s current mood. If he could already realize that his own relative were all involved in such series of plots and gradually becoming the next successor, how would he feel—

Gael himself wasn’t as open-minded. He wasn’t able to protect his master, Cardeas, and he didn’t even fulfill the duty of destroying the “Unicorn”, the final order that was given. Even though he understood that all his paths of entry were already blocked by the Federation’s special forces, the burning hangar deck and the passages being sealed weren’t enough to be excuses. In fact, Cardeas himself dragged his heavily wounded body and managed to reach the “Unicorn” successfully before dying—he was devoured by the flames the moment he left the cockpit, and he was blown into bits the moment he was struck by the incoming shrapnel. The surveillance cameras at the hangar clearly caught the image.

The dire consequences happened in front of him was because of his own negligence. The bald head wrapped in the bandage sank as Gael clenched his burned fist. Just regretting alone can’t change anything, and these are all the results of fate—if it were Cardeas, he would probably say such a thing. Gael had already lots this boss that would comfort him like this. That one and only client of his who can understand him heart to heart; that only man who was worth selling his life to, whether in the army or in the underground society.

“Since it’s Cardeas, I suppose he has already prepared a failsafe such that even if he died, he can protect the secret tightly…someone like Martha will be forceful. She’s different from the men who’re concerned about their pride; she will not have any reservations when carrying out her plots. From the way she could get the approval of the family as the substitute leader in such a short time, I think it’s better to assume that it’s only a matter of time before she finds this place.”

“I’m a man. I won’t just be protective of my own pride, I’ll even swear allegiance for the sake of my own pride.”

At that moment, Gael forgot about being tense in front of the boss. He lifts his face.

“So long as you permit, boss, I’ll be willing to take revenge for Master Cardeas even if I have to sacrifice my life.”

Martha Carbine is staying in the lunar city Von Braun that’s under the protection of Anaheim Electronics. If the Foundation itself is just an organization meant to expand the family’s earnings, then she’ll be described as a really outstanding person who revived and expanded the authority of the Vist Foundation. She, who can even interfere with politics without a problem, detected Syam and Cardeas’ plans for Laplace Box and got the Federation army to attack Industrial 7. Even though the battle that got intense was a result of unforeseen circumstances, the main reason for Cardeas’ death was on Martha. In terms of underground talk, there’s no one else other than her who ‘settled the bill’.

Syam turns his head slightly at a way where one can’t even detect, and his face that’s half-buried in the pillow faces over here. Gael gives an unwavering expression as he gets this answer,

“Do you want me to command you to kill my own granddaughter now?”

It was a growl that was full of rage, causing the temperature within Gael to drop. Gael’s stiffened by the other person’s overwhelming presence before he can even reflect on his words, “…I’m really sorry” and lowers his head.

“Very good. Cardeas did get a very good subordinate. Since this is because of what Cardeas did, we can only believe that things will proceed in the positive direction; no matter whether it’s the whereabouts of the Laplace Box or the future of Earth Celestial sphere.”

Syam clasps his hands on the blanket and closes his eyes. Gael has nothing to say and can only bow and answer ‘yes…’, showing a professional expression as he lifts his head to look at the boss.

“About the Box, I’ve already investigated on the details involving the pilot of the “Unicorn”.”

Gael reaches his hand to the floor and operates on the touch-type display that rose up from the floor silently. The holographic display again lights up the space above the bed, showing the photo of a boy’s face.

“Banagher Links, 16 years old, a student studying at Anaheim Electronics. Registered from Side 1 area 3’s ‘Eden’. No special positive or negative data on him, and no records of him taking part in political activities. I don’t understand why he came to the “Magallanica”, but he did meet the leader hours before the battle. As for what happened when both of them met, it’s puzzling…”

Gael gives an overview of what happened yesterday, including the accidental meeting with ‘her’ . How Banagher, who was taken back to Industrial 7 once, managed to enter the “Magallanica” and ride on the “Unicorn”, was a mystery to Gael. However, the pilot login data that was sent to the Command Module “Magallinca” matched Banagher Links information from the records in Industrial 7. The fact that he piloted the “Unicorn” and forced the “Sleeves’” mobile suits to retreat was without a doubt. Also, ther was the fact that he was taken in by a Federation ship—

“To be registered as the pilot of the “Unicorn”, one has to gain the biometric authorization of the leader. In other words, Master Cardeas chose this boy as the pilot and died after that. I can only deduce that, so what happened that time…”

Due to its nature, the records of the “Unicorn’s” pilot can’t be easily erased after its logged it. There was a chance to destroy all the system, so Cardeas must have his reason for handing the “Unicorn” to the outsider Banagherr Links. Gael starts to stroke his chin as he looks at what seems to be a boyish instead of a youthful face, but is suddenly startled by a snicker.

Syam lets out the snicker as he watches the face of this boy that’s projected in space. His wrinkled face is smiling. Gael frowns in response, and Syam mutters, “I see. So you don’t know.” and turns to stare at Gael, who in turn inadvertently gulped his own saliva.

“Don’t you understand? He’s the new hope. Cardeas handed the “Unicorn” over to the most suitable person…”

Syam turns his eyes to look at the boy on the display and narrows his eyes as if he’s afraid of light. The boss of the Foundation let out a kind grandfather’s expression, and Gael can only blink hard bewilderedly.

==Part 2==

On the display of the notepad-type PC, the designed English alphabets were shown. It was a simple logo formed as a combination of the letters U and C.

“The UC plan, the codename of the army reassembly plan that’s affiliated to the Federation fleet, one that the company underwent under extreme security; the “Unicorn” was a machine that was developed as the flagship under the project of the same name.”

In the dim room, the man who with the frail-looking face said as the lamp shines on him. Aaron Terzieff is a 32 years old staff member of Anaheim Electronics and the person in charge of the armor material section in the development of the RX-0. As the battle broke out in Industrial 7, he tried to escape with the other workers from the Magallanica, but was detained by ECOAS as he was too slow. As most of the relevant data of the plan were wrecked now, he was viewed as one of the people who knew most about the plans regarding the RX-0—

“Unlike the Mobile Suits of the past, this unit’s biggest unit is that it’s fully covered with Psycoframe all over the body. The development base was the Anaheim Electronics’ factory in Granada, and about one month ago, we have already finished both Test Unit 1 and 2 separately. Unit 2 was sent to Earth, and right now, it should be undergoing activation tests in the presence of gravity. I was in charge of Unit 1, and about 3 weeks ago, I was ordered by the company to send it to Industrial 7. The notification was an official document, and the superiors said that everything would be over if I only worked for another month…”

“Mr Aaron.”

Daguza Mackle interrupted Aaron’s pleading-like voice with an emotionless face as he says, “I’m sorry, but we’re rather unaware of the technological side of things. Please describe the Psycommu, and get down to the details as much as possible.”


On the other side of the table, Aaron nodded his head in agreement “Yes…” and gives a look behind to ask for permission. Standing behind him, Lieutenant Garrett nodded his head. Aaron then starts to use his trembling fingers to operate the computer he brought along. Before this, Aaron had reached out for the computer without permission before and had his hand twisted behind his back by Garrett, so this should be just precaution on Aaron’s side. Daguza senses that Lieutenant Commander Conroy was beside Garrett, shrugging and nudging his large body in the darkness, and deliberately leans forward to stare at the message on the screen. He use the cast-like left arm to slam the table and let out a shrill sound.

“Psycoframe. Basically put, it’s a unique alloy that has a psycommu functions on it. The theory behind it is to shrink the computer chips to the minimum and level them together with metal particles on the frame.”

The image shown on the display seems to be an enlarged image of the psycommu under the microscope. If one stare at it closely, one can find what’s obviously man-made chips lined in the gaps between the hive-shaped metal particles. That orderly yet mechanical construct feels more like a living cell than an object.

“As you know, the psycommu can receive and amplify the pilot’s brainwaves…or you can call it neural waves, and project the pilot’s consciousness into the movements of the machine. The psycommu that’s the main system is linked over to allow the psycoframe to receive the pilot’s neural waves and also the pilot and machine’s high-mobility coordination to happen. Due to the strength and production and all sorts of problems in the past, we could only install this system around the cockpit. However, the RX-0 in this plan uses psycoframe in all the mobile parts.”

Then, the CG image of the RX-0 appears on the screen, and above the moveable parts that form the frame, there’s a red light blinking. As it’s just a simple introductory picture, it’s impossible to see the details. Even though Aaron’s one of the developments, he can only download this much data from his terminal. Daguza didn’t say anything as he merely prompts Aaron to continue.

“Due to the actual assignment of the full-set psycoframe, the pilot’s neural waves can reach the machine’s activation system. In other words, the pilot does not need to ‘control’ the mobile suit as the word implies, and can control it basically through thoughts. Of course, all the joints are all magnet coated so in theory, the reaction speed of the RX-0 is unlimited. One can say that the machine’s one with the body…no, it may be even faster. No matter how outstanding a pilot is, there will be a timing lag of milliseconds from the moment the pilot detects danger to the moment the pilot reacts. The RX-0 interface far exceeds the reaction speed of the human body.”

“But in that case, the pilot’s body shouldn’t be able to react, right?”

If a metal giant that’s more than 20m tall can immediately react to the pilot’s brainwaves, the consciousness—and move at a speed that far exceeds human reflexes, one can imagine the outcome. No matter how big the mobile suit is, a slight movement will create vibrations of several meters, and no matter how sturdy the machine itself is built, the pilot inside will be all dizzy. “That’s right.” Aaron himself agreed with this sentiment.

“In order to reduce the large G force that happens when the machine moves, the RX-0 has a Shock Absorber that specializes in reducing the impact, and there’s also the pilot’s suit. However, even with these equipment, an ordinary person can’t endure the discomfort of piloting for a long time. Also, we have considered the stress the psycommu puts on the brain, and the maximum limit of continual operation is around 5 minutes. Thus, the limiter will be activated when the system is set in normal mode, and the NT-D device will only be activated in battle.”

The horn on the forehead open up to show a V-sign, and the shoulders, chest and leg armor slide. The psycommu frame hidden underneath appeared, and the thrusters and boosters of the machine that could be said to assure destructive power and mobility bare out. This is the real form of the RX-0—if this is really the case, the appearance of the so-called “Unicorn” would be some form of a limiter and fixed state. As he watches the CG of the RX-0 gradually change its appearance, Daguza starts to feel a chill inside his heart, and whispers, “What’s NT-D?”

“NT-D is the name of the OS that operates the full psycoframe. I was only in charge of the exterior in the past, so I don’t really know the specifics. However, I hear that NT-D is the shortened form of Newtype-Drive.”

The unexpected term echoes in Daguza’s ears as a ripple rises in his heart. After giving a meaningful look to Conroy, Daguza answers back to Aaron “I see” in a monotonous voice.

“After the RX-0 was moved to the Magallanica, it was once modified by someone. You should know clearly that the system wasn’t involved in the initial design, right?”

A B5 sized photo is displayed on the table, and Aaron’s expression obviously wavers. The army had taken close range shots on the interface panel in the cockpit when the RX-0 was taken back into the ship. In the photo, the terminal port showed a red symbol that showed “La+”. “I’m only in charge of the armor outside, so any questions about the system is a little too…” Aaron answered, but Daguza doesn’t show any wavering in his stare as he questions,

“Mr Aaron, you better think through this before answering. The army does outsource assignments to civilian enterprises, but military use mobile suit developments are still part of the items in the Federation Technological Research Department that we have to report to the higher ups, and you may be deemed a suspect of taking up military resources, you know?”

“Why…!? I’m just…”

“Industrial 7 is a colony registered under Anaheim Electronics, but it’s different for the Magallanica. In fact, the Vist Foundation can be said to be outside of legal means. After the final adjustments of the RX-0 ‘s OS, it had a program that wasn’t in the manual installed into it. I don’t think you can simply pass this with a I don’t know.”

“I really don’t! I only knew of the new program that was installed together with the NT-D after reading the updated specs design. There were rumors that the new program was provided by the Vist Foundation, but I don’t know anything else other than this! Even the activation conditions of the NT-D is an undisclosed classified secret to us who are in charge of hardware.”

“Activation conditions?”

“The pilot can’t just remove the RX-0’s limiter at will. The NT-D will only activate when certain conditions are met. I only heard that the program installed on the Magallanica…the Laplace Program was a program meant to install a new condition on the NT-D. As long as the machine’s controls aren’t affected, we never questioned too much into such hardware stuff.”

“But you should have taken part in the activation tests.”

“The activation was still in simulation mode. The Laplace Program was only installed after the tests!”

Two hands slammed onto the table hard, and Aaron covered his head with his hands as he sprawled down on the table. Daguza uses his eyes to stop Garrett, who wanted to pull him up, and stare at the shoulders that are trembling.

“Of course I felt that it was weird. For a manufactured military machine, there’s too much classified information. Even since I reached the Magallanica, I was forbidden to make contact with outside, and I had to remain in full vigilance under the Foundation all day…the weirdest thing was that none of the workers had any relations to the army. However, ever since the war with Neo Zeon ended, the mobile suit productions had only been at the stage where slight modifications were made as we couldn’t even try out new designs. During this time, even if we find it suspicious, the technicians would only close an eye and work on new technology that’s being produced at such a time. Besides, the machine that was developed was that famous “Gundam”.”


Aaron’s depressed eyes look up as he answers, “That’s our nickname for it”, and gives a forsaken smile on his face.

“The moment we saw its NT-D activated…we could only treat it as if it was deliberately designed to be like that. That’s what all the involved personnel called it, the “Unicorn Gundam”.”

===Part 3===

“Then, what should we do? Do we use the drugs on him?”

Five minutes later, Conroy asked as they stared at the monitor showing the camera footage of Aaron’s face. Daguza drinks the salted coffee, a Navy tradition, and asks back “What do you think?”

It’ll just be a waste of time for us to continue. He probably won’t know any more even if we probe in more. The Vist Foundation’s secretive measures were well played, giving each department only the information they’re in charge of and not letting them deduce the entire thing.”

Daguza doesn’t disagree. Aaron, who’s left in the monitor room, would either just touch the computer that was left in the room deliberately subconsciously or look down with pale expressions. It’s not that they can’t doubt that it’s an act on his part, but his testimony were the same as the other developers. Besides, they’re not professional interrogators. Daguza’s feeling the same as well, and he doesn’t want to use the confession drug without being confident and then the few remaining survivors into vegetables.

They’ll normally hand them over to headquarters to begin formal interrogations. Daguza put down the mug that has coffee in it and checked the numbers on the monitor <<11:17:32/04/08/0096>>. 8th April, 11.17 in the morning, about half a day after the battle cased, and it’s been over 6 hours since the ““Nahel Argama”” left Industrial 7. Even though they’re using the detention facilities inside the ship to question the 4 developers held inside the Magallanica, they got such messages that’s like they were like by a blind. After spending several hours listening to testimonies regarding the UC plan and trying to probe their relationship with Laplace Box, it’s like they were led by the blind as well. Daguza and the rest of ECOAS were feeling such futility.

“Let’s leave aside the UC project for now. The reassembly plan of the space forces was already announced in the Mid-term defense (Mid-term Defense Contingency Plan). I heard that they’re to complete the unification of all the colonies that were scattered, and the earth orbital forces that are being built up to the level of the main fleets in the past is to hurry and prepare for the 100 year anniversary in UC 0100 4 years later.”

The hulking Conroy rests his large body that dwarfs any wrestler on the wall of the monitor room, rubbing his eyes as he said so. The UC plan that was declared to have ended when the RX-0 was finished was planned as part of the space forces reassembly plan—all the members of the plan admitted. “I heard of it before. That’s a plan that was mentioned when the military budget was being trimmed, right?” Garrett let the chair at the console turn around and said to them.

“That plan never had any intent of mass building new fleets. In other words, it’s just a compression plan to gather all the forces. This is the first time I heard that they developed a new mobile suit.”

“It’s not completely impossible. There’s also the main show of the Republic of Zeon returning its self-independence back in UC 0100. They’re gathering the forces at such a time, and there’s the powerful new mobile suit…”

Daguza drags his voice with half the mind to show how mystified he is, “Is this a PR activity on the military side?” Garrett frowns.

“I should say that the Federation government intends to show off. The reason why the main forces are stationed at colonies all over the place is to prevent the remnants of Zeon from rebelling. What should they do if they want to recall these fleets?”

“Ah…” Conroy’s hint causes Garrett mug to remain in the air just as it was about to be brought to his lips. “So the Government intends to eliminate the remnants of Zeon before that? But—”

“It’s not as easy as saying this goal. However, the Republic of Zeon’s returning their self-independence over to us is a rare chance to get rid of the name of Zeon. The Federation Government intends to use 0100 as the deadline to wipe out all remnants of Zeon, use that to reassemble the Earth orbital forces, and after all those things, they can say that they finally ended the nightmare since the One Year War. What will be need to pave the way will most likely be the UC plan, the plan to develop the “Gundam” to eliminate Neo Zeon.”

It’s dangerous to predict and conclude with only a few reports, but if one thinks of it this way, a lot of things can be understood. In this time where military arming is gradually reduced, the development of a mobile suit with new technology, the reason to search for the limits of the machine even if the people involved have to view the pilot’s life as secondary, and the fact that the appearance of this mobile suit is similar to the “Gundam” Zeon so feared as the “White Devil”—

“Cardeas Vist hid a secret that can topple the Federation inside that machine and intended to hand it over to Neo Zeon…how ironic.””

If it really ended up like that, it’ll just be a slight commotion of sending salt to the enemy. Conroy and Garrett see Daguza smiling bitterly, and look at each other.

“Then, leader, is that mobile suit the Laplace Box?”

“Leaving aside whether we can put an end to this speculation, we do have enough proof here. WE have a machine that was ready to be moved out with the spare parts and the Laplace Program that was only installed when it was moved to the Magallanica. I have no idea which level of the Vist Foundation got involved with this plan, but the Unicorn’s the symbol of the Foundation after all.”

The moment Daguza finished, the left arm and flank that were numb started aching, and he doesn’t continue on talking. It seems that the effect of the painkiller has worn out. Conroy seem to detect this situation as he wants to say something, but Daguza averts his stare and quickly says before Conroy can, “What we can’t understand is that the weapon was built for Newtypes to pilot.”

“The Newtype Theory is the core of Zeon. Removing Zeonism is something that has to be linked with eliminating the remnants of Zeon. It’s really puzzling why they would gamble on the Federation’s trust in the plan and take a weapon meant for Newtypes.”

“Fight fire with fire…you can think of it that way, but I heard that the Newtype research facility was already closed.”

“No matter how we deny it, the conclusion is that we can’t ignore how useful Newtype weapons are, is it? In fact, all the Gundam pilots up till now are…”

“It’s because of this, that the elimination of Newtypes has to be carried out by non-Newtypes. This is to crush the myth that’s ingrained deeply in people’s hearts.”

Conroy and Garrett immediately remain silent as the short silence descends on the narrow monitor room. Daguza drinks the coffee that went cold, and says,

“The UC plan, the Newtype Drive <span style="position:absolute; margin-top: -10px; font-size: 0.7em; margin-left: -80px;">NT-D</span>, the psycommuu…there might be other things we don’t know of. It’s the same with the things seemingly related to Laplace Box. That “Gundam” really seem fishy.”

Getting right down to it, why did it suddenly move on its own? Daguza suddenly recalls the appearance of the boy he found in the cockpit. ''Now what’s his name…'' Daguza’s mind is somewhat slowed by the use of the painkiller, and at this moment, he hears a voice that rang through the room’s interal phone.

The members of ECOAS were in charge of this monitor room and the facilities used to detain the prisoners. Even the servicemen on this battleship are not permitted inside. “What is it?” Conroy picks up the receiver and gives a grumpy look. Daguza can read from his lips that Alberto called, and sighs as he walks towards the door. He unlocks the door to this room that can become an airlock in emergencies and pushes the metal door aside.

Alberto, who was standing right in front of the door, was nearly slammed by the metal door that was opened as he backs away in a jumpy manner. The gravity block inside the ship is not that much different from the moon, and quite some skill is required to control and move the body. The ‘guest’ from Anaheim is supported by his subordinates who were dressed in suits. He tries to steady himself, but this time, he nearly trips forward.

The man shakes off the hands of the subordinates who wanted to support him again and forcefully steadies his feet on the floor of the passage. He tidies the collar that’s buried under the collar’s flesh and stares at Daguza. “What is it?” Daguza merely answered the expected antagonistic stare with an emotionless look.

“You’re already asking me what’s wrong? I’ve already sent someone to say that I’ll be questioning the members of the plan who are detained. Besides, they’re our company’s staff…”

“Right now, they’re important people managed under the military. We can’t let civilians take part in the questioning.”

“Then, I request to investigate the “Unicorn” that’s inside this ship. That’s our company’s property, right? We have the right as it’s not handed over to the military yet.”

“Of course. We’ll be requesting your company for assistance. We’ll contact you at that moment. Please leave for now.”

The conversation between both of them isn’t any different from before. Alberto used ECOAS to get the initiative and searched the “Magallanica” for any information about the box. He, who showed an out-of-character attitude when the “Unicorn” appeared and demanded for it to be taken back, naturally didn’t feel happy about being lurched behind for these few hours. Alberto wanted to start arguing back immediately as he glanced at his subordinates who were dressed in suits. The fat and thick face twists mysteriously. Once Daguza detected that it was a smile, Alberto says without a care in the world, “Looks like we still lack a common understanding to this situation, Commander Daguza.”

“What happened in Industrial 7 isn’t something that can be covered up by chopping off the heads of to three conspirators. If there’s anything wrong with the response, even Central Command can collapse. It’s better for both sides to give some leeway to keep the damage to the minimum. Regarding this, I suppose the Supreme Council Committee would have a similar agreement, isn’t it?”

The man’s expression and voice shows that he felt that if the superior’s name was used, the soldier would shut up. Daguza takes a deep breath and calmly answers, “It’s true that it does seem that we lack a common understanding.”

“To me, the damage was already done. Including my subordinates, several people, probably even hundreds have died. Even if we try to assist each other, they won’t be revived.”

Perhaps Daguza had some intent to restrain himself, but his eyes should be showing some killing intent. Alberto, who was definitely overwhelmed by the mood, backs away and knocks his back into his subordinates who didn’t move. He glance back at the stare he once tried to avert and seemingly mutters to himself, “…You’re unexpectedly fragile for a soldier being the leader of ECOAS.” In response, Daguza remains silent.

“Never mind. That’s how it will be then. If there’s difficulty in coming to an agreement, we’ll let the topdown handle it. I’ll report to the higher-ups as soon as possible and get the company HQ to mark the ECOAS headquarters in Luna Two.”

“Do as you please. That’s if the laser communicator can still work while we’re hidden in the shoal space region.”

Alberto’s eyebrows twitch slightly. Daguza stares at his face and continues in a manner of fact, “Right now, the “Nahel Argama” is still hidden in the remnants of Side 5. This place is the remains of the battle of Loum, but there’s not many places to hide a ship. If the enemy intercepts our long-distanced contact, it’ll be very hard for us to find another place to hide.”

The “Nahel Argama” isn’t that reckless to solo through the space areas where the enemies may appear after having lost most of their forces. They can only remain in the remnants of the colony until the reinforcements arrive and seal off all contact to the outside. The current situation of the “Nahel Argama” was already anticipated by Daguza. If not, he wouldn’t say to the official of Anaheim in such a direct tone.

The enraged Alberto looks like he realized what Daguza was thinking as he gives a defiant look,

“I’ll talk to Captain Otto.”

After glaring at Daguza, Alberto said as he turned around.

“He’s a reasonable soldier.”

After leaving these words behind, Alberto and his men who gave dangerous looks walk down the passageway before leaving. The cylindrical gravity block is built with the inner wall arcing inwards, making a gradual slope. About more than 30m away from here, the other group disappeared at the edge of the ceiling, and Daguza waits for Alberto’s large butt to disappear from his sights, and sighs softly. He breathes hard to ease the pain that’s gradually rising up his flank and asks Conroy, who’s been watching the conversation from the door, “That boy just now hasn’t woken up yet?” “Yes.” Conroy’s thick eyebrows frown.

“His body is a lot weaker than we thought.”

“It can’t be helped…he went through such acceleration just now. Once he wakes up, report to me. We have to hurry our investigations on the “Unicorn”.”

“Yes. If possible, I really want to go back to Luna Two and carry out investigations without other people interfering!”

The small asteroid Juno, “Luna Two”, was dragged over from the asteroid belt to obtain resources needed to build colonies. It was the Federation’s largest base in space ever since it was steadied on the lunar orbit 50 years ago, and the special commands headquarters that was the base of ECOAS was also located there. There’s no better place to investigate the RX-0 better than Luna Two, but the problem is that the Earth is right in the middle from there to where the ship is now, as they’re directly opposite from each other. Sighing, Daguza adds on, “Tough one.”

“Londo Bell’s reinforcements are too slow. If the fleets that are stationed nearby are unwilling to move, it’s likely that the Nahel Argama will reach the moon that’s closer. Once we enter Anaheim’s headquarters, we’ll lose the chance to investigate the “Unicorn”.”

Though the moon does have a military command post, it’s not as secure as ECOAS in terms of secrecy. Besides, if Anaheim lodges a complaint, the RX-0 will have to be left to the legislature, and it’ll definitely be moved away from the base. In this situation, Anaheim’s outstanding lawyers in the Earth Celestial Sphere will try to drag on the legal case and use this time to thoroughly investigate the RX-0. Once a conclusion’s made, the machine that’s returned to the military will be an empty shell, and all data related to the box will be wiped clean…this outcome is extremely obvious. No matter what anyone says, the moon itself is a world revolving around Anaheim Electronics.

Hiding in the shoal space region is the one and only chance. Even if Anaheim may talk later, they will have to do something before Anaheim does. “Understood”. Conroy answered, showing that he understood the situation.

“So please get some sleep, commander.”

Daguza hears these words that were quipped in at the end, and look like he was unprepared for this sudden attack as he glances back at Conroy.

“When was the last time you slept? Around 30 hours ago, I believe? Nobody can replace you, so please treat your rest as part of the job.”

The voice of the vice commander who had been with him for many years causes Daguza’s tense feelings to ease somewhat. ''That’s good.'' Daguza watches Conroy leave these words as he leaves the monitor room, and leans his body that feels extremely heavy onto the wall, maintaining this state as he closes his eyes for a while.

''I’m old now.'' Daguza feels the bitterness that came with age in his chest in regards to his almost-40 body that’s starting to become useless.

===Part 4===

''There’s a piano sound. I know this—Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata” mother liked.'' The music that’s quiet and sad yet maddening in a way that the heart will flutter echoes throughout the high-ceiling and wide room. It felt like it was saying that his distant past could only look up from the Earth to the moon as it excites the human heart once before.

Looking up, the large tapestry hung on the wall filled his sights. The tapestry that reached all the way to the ceiling had flowers and animals woven on the scarlet red background of the cloth, and there’s a woman in a sari dress standing in the middle of each tapestry. Playing the small piano, holding the flower garland, holding a sweet; in the six tapestries that decorated the room, the women were all focused on doing different things. Beside her, there’s a lion with a thick mane and a unicorn with the horn on its forehead pointing to the sky—

''“Sight, hearing, touch, scent, taste. What these illustrations describe all the 5 senses that come with most living creatures when they were born, but as for this 6th one…what this ‘tent’ represents, there’s still no conclusion.”''

Banagher was carried up by the large hands of his father, and stared at the tapestry with the tent woven in the middle. The lady who put the ornament into the box the servant girl beside her was holding intended to enter the tent. At the top of the ten, there were the words in ancient language ‘My only wish’. Banagher read these words in the way he was taught before, and his father smiled happily as he said, ''“Amazing, you remembered.”''

''But even father doesn’t know what “My only wish” is about…''

''“It was drawn because that person didn’t understand. And we think. Only humans are blessed with such ability. The unicorn that’s woven on the tapestry and the music that’s heard now show what that person felt through the human eyes and ears. That is a certain feeling the five senses can’t comprehend, a certain feeling that transcends reality…maybe that might be called an existence called god, or maybe that’s just an illusion created as a result of a human’s wish. However, as long as we believe in that existence and do something for the world, that chance will become reality.

Do you understand? Banagher? Only humans have God. It’s a great power to visualize their ideals and go close to their ideals…the god that exist within, called possibilities.”''

''I don’t understand completely, but I know father feels that he wants to teach me something important.'' Banagher stared at his father’s face.

''“That’s the source of the power that allowed humans to rise up amongst countless animals and even land in space. It’s true that humans devoured Earth until it was drained. They wasted their precious knowledge on killing each other, and the past wars have forced half of humanity to their deaths. Based on these, some people concluded that as a species, humans have reached their end. But I feel that’s a pessimistic view, Past wars have shown the possibilities of Newtypes to people. Humans are the ones who can find hope in any given situation and use it to overcome any situation. Knowledge and kindness, things that make humans what they are, come from possibility. Right now, the world’s involved in the mess of despair and rebirth. You people who’re to live on in the future must create a world where people can accept their deaths properly as humans. You must bring out the possibility within you and fulfill a world that can showcase the power and kindness of humanity.”''

''“What you’re saying it is too difficult…Banagher still doesn’t understand.”''

His mother said without stopping her hands from playing the piano. The face that showed itself from the grand piano seemed to be smiling. ''“This kid is special.”'' After saying that, Banagher’s father carried him up again as he smiled.

''“If you’re willing to ry, you’ll be able to understand. This boy has the ability to listen to others. Even if he doesn’t understand, he’ll use his own way to try and feel what others intend to expression. This is an inherent gift. Once a person’s 5, the nature will show itself like this. This isn’t a talent that can be nurtured whether you want to or not. This kid’s special.”''

Special. This word brought about a chill into his chest. The room that was surrounded by soft light suddenly darkened. He couldn’t see the tapestries, and his father’s hands weren’t there to hold him. A red light came out from the darkness, and just when that light’s about to disappear, many lights appear all over the place, moving on their own. They look like fireflies he saw on the TV, but they were much faster. These red lights would reach places Banagher couldn’t see, and sometimes, some icy cold needle-like things would poke his body.

''Antagonistic intent'', this term appeared in his mind. As he hated this piercing feeling, Banagher desperately tried to note where the lights were. He wanted to teach these things really badly.

“Don’t be fooled by what you can see or hear. Use your feelings. If it’s you, you can do it.”

Banagher heard his father. He closed his eyes and tried to feel that icy cold object. This wasn’t too hard as these guys would give a sharp and painful presence before they attacked. ''Just aim there and attack. There’s no need to use your hands or your feet; just use your head to think.'' Once he detected the presence, the belt that’s tied on his head moved on its own as he thought of teaching those things a lesson. ''See? Another one down.''

''However, the opponent would attack in response to my presence, so I can’t show my emotions too much. I have to imagine that there’s a pair of eyes staring outside, and I can see the entire battlefield completely. I have to read the flow of the enemy’s presence and lure them into a corner—''


The piano let out a distorted sound. His mother’s face came out from the darkness as her hands were still on the piano. She was glaring at his father with a horrifying expression.

''“What are you intending to do to Banagher!? Aren’t you treating him as some test subject!?”''

''“This is just a game. There’s no drugs used at all.”''

''“Of course not, right!? Of course you can’t use such things! Newtype is just a term Zeon’s promoting themselves with.”''

''“But this kid has power, a power you and I don’t have. This power can clear the curse that’s bestowed on the Vist Foundation and show the world the future it should have…”''

''“Just let the kid who inherited the Vist family’s name to do it. It has nothing to do with us.”''

''“I intend to hand the Foundation over to Banagher in the future. If you wish, I can allow you to be registered under the Vist’s family name…”''


''There’s no point talking any further.'' His mother showed such an expression and sat behind the piano, not to be seen again. The light that vaguely showed revealed a piano no one was playing, and a faint light showed his father’s silhouette outside the light. His father’s face sank into darkness, and could hardly be seen.

“''…Those bestowed with power will create responsibility that comes with it. This is something I can’t choose.”''

''“So you’re working on the order of the god of possibilities… I like the strong you who will back up his words, but I have no intent on offering Banagher as a sacrifice to god.”''

His father wanted to say something, but didn’t as he faded into the darkness. Banagher was left in this silent and cold room, and he didn’t have time to feel uneasy or even cry before he was taken away by somebody else’s arms. It was his mother’s. To those eyes of the kid, the arms were large and warm. But at the same time, he felt that the arms were relying on him. ''Yes, father’s no long around. I have to be mother’s support—''

''“Let’s go, Banagher. This isn’t the place for us to stay in. I hope that you become an adult who understands the importance of an ordinary life.”''

After these words were spoken, Banagher suddenly felt difficulty in breathing. ''But if this is mother’s wish, I’ll obey. It’s best for me to forget this family and what father taught. That tapestry’s the same too, and also everything about father. I’ll hide them all deep within my memories.''

''I have to protect mother. Father said before that a man has to do this. I think remembering what father taught me has nothing to do with this…''

Banagher left the Vist family’s house as he was dragged away by his mother’s hands. The sculptures in the garden, the fountains and usually trimmed grass hedges all gradually faded away, and a world that Banagher had never seen before appeared in front of him. It was a world that focused on being ‘ordinary’, a world where he must not let himself be ‘special’. He was likes an obstinate old man. He had to change, but he wouldn’t. Even if he had a wish to step forward, he wouldn’t move on his own. It felt like a gust of wind blew by, and also like he was floating on the oceans, showing an expression that he wasn’t disappointed despite losing half his body in a major injury a few years ago,.

''That kind of thing has its own fun. That’s right, it’s just as mother said. Being ‘ordinary’ will definitely have significance and greatness that comes from being ‘ordinary’.'' But Banagher felt the ‘disjoined’ feeling in there. For every step he took away from the house, the ‘disjointed feeling’ felt stronger. ''Maybe I forgot something important?'' He instinctively stops in his tracks and looks back at the house that seemed to have gone far far away, and then continue on without thinking. At this moment, Banagher’s ankle was grabbed as he immediately knelt down.

Looking back in shock, his father’s hand was grabbing onto his ankle. The large and reliable hand of his father—was so icy cold it was scary. He had much more wrinkles, and he was as skinny as bones. The face looked aged, and his hair seemed to have all grayed. What was most shocking was that his father was covered with blood. Cardeas, who laid down on the floor, grabbed onto Banagher’s ankle tightly, and the face that was like a dead man was staring at his own son.

''“Don’t be afraid. Believe in yourself. Do what you feel you have to do.”''

Cardeas Vist said as his body was partly collapsed as it fused with the floor. Banagher only felt like escaping that hand’s grip, but Cardeas just wouldn’t let go of his ankle. He originally intended to move further away as he hold his mother’s hand. Banagher, who thought of shaking the leg that was grabbed and even stamp on him to get away, saw a giant that was standing in place of what was his house.

In that darkness, there was a darkness that was much deeper. The giant figure with the lone horn is staring down at Banagher. The term ‘Unicorn’ immediately appeared in his mind, and the giant’s body suddenly expands as the surface that’s cracked open reveals red light that looked like bleeding.

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At the same time, the horn of the giant cracks in half as its eyes seems to shine like a demon. Banagher instinctively felt that he’s about to be eaten as his body wouldn’t listen to him. The fear that rose within him form a voice that roared out from his throat—