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Re: Project suggestion - MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UC (UNICORN)

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 8:30 am
by Teh_ping
Spoiler! :
The beam saber suddenly flashed by, and the pillar of the steel frame was melted apart. The pillar that was sliced off by the beam saber passed through the lighting window and gradually landed to the bottom of the atmosphere, but Banagher did not care about this as he only cared about searching for where the “Sinanju” moved after dodging above. His thoughts were clearly agitating the “Unicorn Gundam” movements, and the machine moved faster than the flesh as it pursued the “Sinanju”.

The joints that were lubricated by magnetic coating quickly spun around, drawing two beam sabers from the ends of the arms—the tonfa-like swinging speed was too fast for the eyes to catch up, and the “Sinanju” continued to dodge the thrusts from the enemy with bare minimum dodged as it raised the beam sabers in its hands to slice horizontally. The 4 beam sabers clashed with each other, letting out sparks, and the explosive lights lit the debris of “Laplace” from inside as the two machines were knocked aside to both ends of the debris. Banagher used the hooks on the feet to get his footing on the only stable graound, and the beam rifle that was equipped on the left arm attachment fired.

The last magnum cartridge was ejected, and the beam that was fired passed through the hollow charged right at the “Sinanju”. The shockwaves caused the exterior of the debris to be crushed, and the red machine dodged this beam of light at the critical moment, only to be seen vaguely amidst the torrent of fragments. The large debris speed continued to drop by a notch, and the height meter let out an alarm as Banagher had already entered the danger zone, but he did not care. Banagher kept the beam tonfas, let the machine lean towards the shelter of the debris, and loaded the spare magazine into the rifle in the right hand. ''This is the one guy I must take down—''Banagher was prompted by the burning sensation in his stomach as he fired at the “Sinanju” that was hidden behind the debris as well.

The thick and large beam pierced through the debris of “Laplace”, uprooting the lighting windows. The red machine darted between the glass pieces flying all over the place, let out the thruster lights and left the relic. ''Why is it that I just can’t take down this guy?'' Banagher pursued the “Sinanju” out of the hollow. The height at this point was 158km, and the “Unicorn Gundam” was approaching the thin layer of atmosphere in space. The machine that was slightly hot squeezed the trigger to fire a second shot, and the sound of the magnum catridge behind ejected could be heard within the cockpit. In the wireless communicator, a familiar voice spoke, (Banagher, stop if you can hear me.)

(If this keeps up, both of us will be dragged down by Earth’s gravity. We’ll get burnt in the atmosphere.)

''I know that.'' The burning sensation deep within the stomach—the ‘heat’ that became a core that was out of control as it answered, and his eyes that were in unison with the machine were pursuing the red enemy. ''You’re not going to fight because it’s dangerous!? Are you kidding? You think this is a joke!? YOU’RE THE ONES WHO TOOK ACTION FIRST! YOU’RE THE ONE WHO KILLED DAGUZA! IF YOU WANT TO STOP, JUST GO AHEAD AND DIE THEN! JUST DIE WITHOUT A TRACE TOGETHER WITH DAGUZA…!''

The thoughts that could only think about attacking yelled, and the “Unicorn Gundam” fired its 3rd shot. (You just won’t listen…!) Frontal retreated back and fired a beam back that pierced through the debris. The I-field on the shield blocked this attack, and Banagher leaped above the head of the “Sinanju”. The “Unicorn Gundam” got tumbled by the flood of rubble as its rifle reticle aimed at the red machine from extremely close in. at that moment, he suddenly sensed a heavy presence coming from another direction.

Banagher immediately let the machine flip and pointed the beam rifle at the direction where the pressure came from. The rubble that was shed became shooting stars that were falling onto the atmosphere, and he saw the silhouette of a triangular shaped VITOL ship rushing over. The one name that appeared in his white-hot mind was “Garencieres”, and though his fingertips were shivering as he held onto the control stick, he did not know why he was trembling. Making the situation more problematic were the two “Geara Zulus” beside the “Garenciere”, firing the beam rifle in their hands, firing restraining shots around the “Unicorn Gundam”. These actions became an unnerving pressure in Banagher’s mind.

The “Sinanju” used this opening Banagher left as he was distracted by the pressure and quickly raised his height. ''You dare to come here and get in my way…!'' He was driven by this intense and explosive ‘heat’ as he aimed the reticule at the “Garencieres”. At this distance, the beam magnum could take down that ship in one hit. The nerves attached to all parts of the machine determined this, and right when the “Unicorn Gundam” was about to squeeze the trigger, a “Geara Zulu” floated right in front of the “Garencieres”, opening its limbs out wide as it looked like it wanted to block the attack.


This familiar voice hit his head directly, ''Mr Gilboa?'', and caused him to react as the voice calling out the other person’s name stopped to echoed through the chest. In an instant, the mind that was agitated quickly cooled down. Banagher blinked his eyes that recovered, but it happened right after the “Unicorn Gundam” squeezed the trigger.

The mega-particle that was 4 times as strong as an ordinary beam rifle was released from the gun, and this vortex struck the “Geara Zulu” directly. The head that had the blade antenna was knocked off, and the limbs that were spread out were blown apart as that “Geara Zulu” was swallowed by the exploding fireball. The large ring of light appeared in front of the “Garenciere”, and the noise that sounded like a cry rang through the wireless communicator.

“Mr Gilboa…why…”

The hoarse voice came out from Banagher’s mouth, and the light in front of him seeped into his skeleton. That was the crew member of the “Garencieres” who was talkative, cheerful, and liked to take care of people, the father of Tikva and the other two children. He died; he vanished just like Commander Daguza—

I killed him. I killed him. I’m the one who killed him. Banagher’s thoughts started to unravel, and the burning sensation that was rampaging deep within his abdomen vanished as an icy cold emptiness spread through his body. The nerves that were linked to the machine were being severed line by line, and the senses that were exposed to the outer world were gradually being enclosed in darkness. At the next moment, the other “Geara Zulu” fired its beam rifle at the “Unicorn Gundam”, and though there were sparks that pinged off the I-field on the shield, his numb body of flesh made it looked like a flame on the opposite shore. The machine that was deflected by the interference tilted greatly, and the “Unicorn Gundam” crashed backwards into the debris of “Laplace” that was breaking up with cracking sounds, before being completely swallowed by the torrent of rubble in an instant. Banagher’s completely saturated mind and soul were sunk into the linear seat, and he did not move a finger as he stared at the debris of “Laplace” that was moving away from him.

The value on the height meter continued to fall, and the alarm kept ringing inside the cockpit. The silhouette of the “Garencieres” quickly disappeared, and the all-view monitor was filled with shooting stars with red tails. ''I’m falling,'' Banagher muttered in a corner of his stiff consciousness. The white machine was stained in blood as it continued to be dragged down to the bottom of the gravity well. It was like a broken puppet as its let the flames of purgatory burn its filthy armor as it. Inside this machine was a soul that was swallowed, a body of flesh that committed a sin again, ready to die—

“…Help me.”

''Mr Daguza, Mr Gilboa, dad; someone save me.'' Banagher could only let out a mosquito-like plea as he weakly reached his hand into the space. In front of his trembling fingers, the all-view monitor was dyed a burning hot color, and the machine malfunction windows were overlapping over it continuously.

===Part 17===
Spoiler! :
“Change our course! Open the ballute, prepare the traction wire. Hurry up and estimate the course. We have to take back the “Unicorn” immediately.”

Otto immediately instructed and turned his sights to the enlarged visual displayed ion the main screen. The air heating up due to the compression caused the white frame of the “Unicorn Gundam” to be dyed completely red. At this point, the height was 112km, and it was no longer a height where it could move up on its own power. If they do not do something to save it, that machine would end up burnt to nothing.

The ballute that was installed at the tail of the ship was opened, and the battleship was at its limit as it tried to descend while trying not to be caught in the gravity. One of the “ReZELs” that were protecting the ship was lost in battle, and the other was moderately damaged, and could not enter the Atmosphere. In this case, the “Nahel Argama” had to take action directly and pull up the “Unicorn Gundam” directly. Otto grabbed onto the handrail of captain seat and waited for a voice to repeat his order. However, Liam replied back with a growl-like voice, “We can’t do that!”

“It’s falling too fast. We really can’t catch up like this.”

They needed to move the ship from the equatorial orbit to the axes orbit, carry out complicated navigation calculations, find the time needed to establish a rendezvous route with the “Unicorn Gundam”, and check the remaining time the “Unicorn Gundam” has left before it burns up in the atmosphere—''Calm down, Liam’s stare was telling him this. He looked away from her and suppressed the urge to lash out about what they should do. “There’s still the “Klimt”!” Mihiro’s voice caused Otto to turn around in shock.

“The “Klimt” is moving into the atmosphere from the axes orbit to avoid the battle just now. It’s current course can rendezvous with it.”

Mihiro probably did her own estimates on the “Klimt” course on her own as she quickly reported her conclusions. She sent the results she obtained to the main screen as she turned her wide round eyes to look at Otto. Despite it being a battlefield, the Vist Foundation ship had already disengaged in a half-peremptory manner and started to fall. If they were moving along the axes orbit, they would be able to meet the “Unicorn Gundam” if they made some adjustmentst to the course. “Tell them to do it!” Otto did not care about anything else as he yelled.

“Yes.” Mihiro answered and turned back to the console, trying to establish contact with the “Klimt”. Soon, all normal communications would be obstructed by the plasma air, and the “Unicorn Gundam” would not be able to contact the outside were. Otto had no interest in whatever happened to the “Laplace Box”, and he did not care about ensuring the “Unicorn Gundam” was in one piece, but the only thing he insisted on was that he could not allow the pilot inside to die. If he died here, the sacrifices of those who risked their lives to save him in the raid on “Palau” and those who died in battle would become completely meaningless. ''Please make it,'' his heart muttered as he stared at the “Unicorn Gundam” that got redder on the screen. “That won’t do. Stop it…!” a sharp voice suddenly rang through the bridge, shaking the atmosphere even further.

“You can’t allow the Foundation’s ship to reach the “Unicorn”…”

A tall and large man looked like he eked out this voice as he winced painfully, bending his body down. Otto looked at this man’s appearance through the helmet of the normal suit, and did not recognize this man’s face. ''Is there someone who looks like this amongst the NCOs?'' He brought his body out from the captain’s seat and looked carefully at the face of this man that should be 45, 46 years old. “Who are you?” Liam ignored this as she let out an interrogative shout. The man did not answer as he turned his oily and sweaty face to Otto. He then stepped off the floor as if he was going to fall forward.

The man pushed aside Liam who intended to stop him as he approached the captain’s seat. Otto noticed that the man grabbing onto the handrail had his hand dirtied by blood.

“We must use this ship to take back the “Unicorn”. Alberto won’t save him…Alberto won’t save Banagher Links…”

The man panted as he finished, and used his other hand to hold onto this flank. Blood bubbles were rising from the position the man was holding onto, and Liam, who was intending to suppress the man from behind, grasped. He was wearing a normal suit with the ship’s name on it, but this man was not part of the crew. This unknown man however spoke of the name “Unicorn” and Banagher…

“What’s going on. Who exactly are you…?”

===Part 18===
Spoiler! :
===Part 20===

Chink. Minerva sensed a certain clear sound ringing in the air, and lifted her head.

It was a shooting star, drawing a short trajectory as it passed through the starry sky. The starry sky in front of her eyes looked like it could be reached, and that shooting stare looked like it fell from there. Its glow caused Minerva to feel an inexplicable sense in her chest. She put her hand on her heart that started pounding out of a sudden, and stared at the bright stars. The panic that was full of premonition lost its shape, and all that resided in her chest was a sense of helplessness.

The wind was blowing, and the branches of the trees in the courtyard swayed with the wind. The sound of the helicopter could be heard from afar along with the wind, but it still did not match the sounds of the insects chirping at night. The presence of the security guards surrounding the place had merged into the darkness, and the Marcenas residence showing its peaceful face to the starry sky. Would the dinner party continue? This cottage felt like it was surrounded by a peacefulness of another world as compared to the dining hall. She looked up at the flora that was rustling due to the night wind, felt a little cold and reached her hand to cover her bare shoulder.

Her hand touched the skin, and she recalled another person’s warmth she felt approximately an hour ago, which caused her chest to ache. It was the warmth Riddhe Marcenas spread to her when he suddenly embraced her without warning. After that, Riddhe did not look at her again as he ran away from this cottage. ''Why was he crying? What is he doing now?'' Such unclear thoughts of doubts entered her mind, ''What exactly am I doing?'' she asked herself honestly, but could not get a clear answer, and she bit her lips.

Minerva was surprised. She never had such doubts when she snuck onto the “Garencieres” or intruded upon “Industrial 7”. She knew very well what she was doing when she left the “Nahel Argama” with Riddhe and decided to come to Earth. And at this point, she suddenly lost her sense of direction. ''What was I doing? What efforts are needed to achieve the aims?'' Her usual clear thoughts were shrouded in fog, and she could not immediately think of what the next step was. Things got too complicated, and Minerva muttered to herself in her troubled heart. Perhaps it was because she interacted with too many people in such a short time that her values as a human started to complicate, and that she could not deal with things as easily as before. Her decision making ability, decisiveness and will became dull in face of such complication—and this was basically a fragile mental state. Her position did not allow herself to do this.

She put her hand on the handrail of the cottage, and turned her eyes again to the starry sky. She probably did not feel so troubled when that starlight approached her. At that time, her driving force was the heat rising in her, and she could take action before she felt fear or troubled. That burning sensation boiling from within did radiate from the hand of the boy she met on “Industrial 7”, a burning sensation resonating within them. However, she could not feel this heat now. The feeling left behind from embrace she felt numbed her body, and it blurred the memory of the touch of that hand. ''Is that what you have to do, or what you want to do? ''— she answered this question with a firm voice, and came down to Earth.

''Banagher, what should I do…?'' Minerva was standing alone in the cottage, and as she had these words that were stuck within her heart, she felt like this was not something she would say. She felt the slightly chilly night wind rob her of her body warmth, and looked over at the cluster of stars on the distance of the atmosphere. Another shooting star glided through the night ski with a cold hard trail of light, leaving an instant of light in Minerva’s eyes.


Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 7:54 am
by denbo786
Hey Teh_ping just floated over here to say thanks so much for all the translations of Unicorn thus far. I know you are retiring in the next month so i said i'd leave a message so you know how much your translations have been appreciated just before you leave. So once again Teh_ping Thanks


Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 12:29 am
by Teh_ping
denbo786 wrote:Hey Teh_ping just floated over here to say thanks so much for all the translations of Unicorn thus far. I know you are retiring in the next month so i said i'd leave a message so you know how much your translations have been appreciated just before you leave. So once again Teh_ping Thanks
I like how you used the word 'floated' :D

Next episode of Unicorn is in March, right?


Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:32 pm
by denbo786
Ya episode 6 id due for screening on the 2nd of March and then Episode 7 still is TBD. From what i know of what happens in the novels the plot is really starting to diverge (in some places to radical extremes), but regardless i'm intrigued to see how it will develop and play out. Hopefully someone will continue the translations when you leave.


Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 6:56 am
by Daguza Mackle


Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:11 pm
by Teh_ping
Almost finishing volume 6. Sure came a long way here...


Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 5:30 pm
by fenryr
Oh, you're like a translation machine.

Otherwise, I didn't understand the MSG fans, Where are they?


Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 8:38 pm
by Teh_ping
I don't know, but I'm officially back in business.


Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:40 am
by fenryr
Oh, you're on fire. Full 7 volume in a month :o


Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:01 pm
by denormative
fenryr wrote:Otherwise, I didn't understand the MSG fans, Where are they?
Mecha fans only like their pretty boys and giant stompy things animated? Who knows.

According to my download stats, in the 3 or so weeks they've been up there a little over 50 people have downloaded all volumes of the Gundam PDFs I made. But in the 2nd volume, of a generic-fantasy-world-harem series, which doesn't even have the first volume completely translated, is nearing a hundred in a week. Or maybe Gundam fans just prefer to read it on the web?

Anyway, I've made the v7 PDF. It's in the usual place: ... Epimetheus


Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 12:59 am
by fenryr
denormative wrote:
fenryr wrote:Otherwise, I didn't understand the MSG fans, Where are they?
Mecha fans only like their pretty boys and giant stompy things animated? Who knows.

According to my download stats, in the 3 or so weeks they've been up there a little over 50 people have downloaded all volumes of the Gundam PDFs I made. But in the 2nd volume, of a generic-fantasy-world-harem series, which doesn't even have the first volume completely translated, is nearing a hundred in a week. Or maybe Gundam fans just prefer to read it on the web?

Anyway, I've made the v7 PDF. It's in the usual place: ... Epimetheus
You hit the point. But mecha releases are lesser than other stuff because of those reasons you said.

In any case, where are the MSG fans?

A curious example: Well a few months ago I shared the url of the project with some spanish speakers (obviously, they know how to read on english). Certainly, they came here. Unfortunaly, that's not enough.


Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 2:54 am
by Niflheim
We MSG fans are building the latest range of models :D
... and one almost has to respect Sunrise and Bandai for saying, "Yup, we make toys, and we know you'll buy them no matter what we do or say. Please buy one on your way out." I mean, for decades, the Gundam franchise has been virtually synonymous with plastic Gundam models (or GunPla, as they're called for short). Sure, the various iterations of anime have been ground-breaking in their own ways, and continue to do well with every release-- but the associated GunPla market does even better. For every single mech that's ever been animated in the Gundam franchise, a GunPla exists, in different variations, different scales, different grades, with different weapons and add-ons. The Gundam franchise as it already is exists to sell toys.
Part of a preview on the latest gundam anime, and lets face it, gundam series are just an elaborate comercial for the toys ;)


Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:51 pm
by jeisurii
I've been waiting until after the final episode before going back to read it, but I greatly appreciate all the work putting this out. Maybe there's others out there thinking the same, or maybe people just don't know.

If there's any chance of any more UC Gundam novels (Zeta (5), Beltorchika's Children, or Hathaway's Flash (3) for examples; definitely Hathaway as its not an adaptation at all) you'd definitely have a download from me.