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Re: Bungaku Shoujo

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 12:08 pm
by Darklor
Kresnik wrote:Hmm, that sounds really nasty.
Can't we ask that those patrolling editors start to register themselves for a project, and lock the editing from anyone else?
Since I don't really like the idea that someone I don't know is messing around with the translation, or even to risk that an irresponsible person might delete something, as you just mentioned before.
I know that the wiki got history and able to revert to the previous version, but to know that our writings is in responsible good hands is better than the hands of some false-named anonymous.
That can happen sometimes, not on purpose... but for that the wiki has the revert edit option

Re: Bungaku Shoujo

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 6:45 pm
by Katon-Fuuton
thelastguardian wrote:Hello, I don't know when you read the first volume, but just now when I was going through the books on B-T, I found that someone at some point deleted a section (the climax of the story too, no less) of volume 1. Since the deletion happened a while ago, I am a bit curious as to whether you have noticed it...
Even though I did say that, I haven't touched any part of Bungaku Shoujo. I read the first volume on the 16th January 2010. So it wasn't long ago.

I was reading it late at night with no internet connection on my laptop so I couldn't tell if there were any missing parts or not. My brain started to go a bit unfocused, but I remember finishing the volume.

Also the only thing I edited so far was Baka to Tesuto to Syokanju: Volume 1- The Final Question.

Re: Bungaku Shoujo

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:38 am
by Kresnik
I finally finished translating Chapter 1 of the second volume of Bungaku Shoujo.

It's a bloody long chapter, and so are the next chapters. So expect another month, or two, or maybe three before I finished the next chapter. :lol:
52 pages next time.

Should I better give translation after I done a whole chapter, or make an incremental translation instead? Which of you guys like better, or which one is actually better? :idea:

I also notice the 32 KB editing limitations for a page (varies for every browser?). Considering chapter 1 already reached 30 KB size, should I break chapter 2 into two or three sub-chapters?

Re: Bungaku Shoujo

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:45 am
by TheGiftedMonkey
I have always found it easier for everyone to constantly update the page in increments. The editors will have more time to work on it and the readers (if they're masochists) can read it bit by bit.

Re: Bungaku Shoujo

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:04 pm
by Darklor
That was a short lived full project...

Re: Bungaku Shoujo

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:33 am
by Kresnik
OK, I'm so 'not happy' about this. No, make it 'disappointed' or 'angry'.

Re: Bungaku Shoujo

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 9:49 am
by TheGiftedMonkey
Did I miss something? :shock:

Re: Bungaku Shoujo

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:17 am
by b0mb3r
damn it i haven't had the chance to read it. I heard so many good things about it that i was patiently waiting for you guys to be done translating the 2nd one before i read the 1st. i am in despair! is there any pdf for the 1st one?!

Re: Bungaku Shoujo

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:35 am
by TheGiftedMonkey
I see, the project was abandoned. Why was there no warning for this one?

Re: Bungaku Shoujo

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:13 pm
by joay_b
Because "they" are pretty quick on this one.

They've licensed the first volume of this series along with Haruhi-chan and K-ON! yesterday. They then turned their cross-hairs on us, with predictable results.

But that's strange why did they demand they remove both vols 1 and 2 from the wiki when the news says they've got only the first volume?

Re: Bungaku Shoujo

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:57 pm
by Krikit
1) Spice and Wolf must have done fairly well...?

2) This time they are hoping for a wider audience, perhaps people that haven't been able to read the translations here. Not a bad move for a company. We're supposed to pay for these books anyway, beit Japanese or English.

3) Book girl and the Suicidal Clown. I think the best title would have been Literary Girl and the Suicidal Clown, or Literature Girl and the Suicidal Clown, but it's not like it's strange. 文学少女と死にたがり道化 "Bungaku Shoujo to Shinigatari no Douke"

First, bungaku is usually literature, but it doesn't mean "literary" "Literature Girl" seems to make the title sound like it's "trying" for greatness, but failing. Book girl slaps you in the face in its simplicity, but I'd say fits the bill.

Second, Shinitagari. Shinitai, is "(I) want to die" when you change the =tai into -tagari you direct the "wanting do die" desire, to someone else. Thus Suicidal isn't that far off. As for Douke, look at "Douke Buggy" from one piece. Hey, he's a clown...?

Book Girl and the Suicidal Clown, I'd say fits the bill, even though it feels a little weird because of what we're used to...

4) Does it really cost 4,000 like Matt said in to send a C&D letter ? Otherwise it seems really impractical for them to have sent the C&D letters only 15 days apart...? They could have put them together, or waited a bit on S&W + Haruhi to see if they could or could not get the licenses during discussions... Otherwise because they split them up, they "lost 4,000" so to speak, and in 15 days, how many copies of corresponding (S&W or Haruhi or Bungaku) have they sold? 4k worth?

Re: Bungaku Shoujo

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:42 pm
by swiftstrike
Hopefully the story's translated better than the title then lol. I didn't think there was a mime in the first story at all...

I don't think they sold any bungaku's yet...(I only heard it from Anime News Network like a few days ago lol), but since the book ranked (and still is) in one of the top 10s, it'l probably sell well...

Re: Bungaku Shoujo

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 4:40 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
From my chinese version, it is clown. But I suppose they decided to make it MIME. Wow, they must love pokemon... Mr. Mime. Mime mime mime mime mime.

Sorry about that mime. Book girl is a dumb name in my opinion mime. Because literature sounds much more cultured/educated than book girl mime. Total of 8 volumes in the actual series, with some extra volumes here and there mime. In a way I am kinda interested in how things will turn out for Bungaku Shoujo official english translation mime. The series is a hard one to translate mime. So, lets hope they even manage to release the series mime.

Edit: Damn, with such a lousy title, i am tempted to ignore their C&D letter... But we cant do anything about that can we...

Edit2: Big Boss, I suggest you keep a copy of what we have... Reason? July seems too fast for a first release. The strange title probably indicates that they are TRYING to seem different. Different from what? Either their translation sucks, or they might be leeching off B-T? If theirs is official, the time period should be longer. Secondly, they wont have to deliberately have such a "different" title.

Re: Bungaku Shoujo

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:20 pm
by thelastguardian
what I posted in AnimeSuki wrote:Ughha, pardon me for saying this, but what the funk name is that? "BOOK GIRL AND THE SUICIDAL MIME"? Bloody hell, could they pick a worse name? That's as subtle as a train crash. I know that the particular Japanese words in question have no close English counterparts, but honestly, can they pick a worse name? You could get a better title from Google Translate.

Here's a hint to the publisher: when you say 'suicidal mime', the first thing that comes to people's minds won't be 'now that's a sophisticated name'; instead they would think...WTF?!!! B-grade horror movie?!

Lack of subtlety, check.
Strange choice of words that leads to unintended hilarity, check
Nonsensical Japanese to English translation, check

God, that title alone riled me up instantly.
I discussed the title with my sister (who is more versed in English literature). I was surprised to see that she took offense at the "Book Girl" than "Suicidal Mime".

"That's because I am the Book Girl!"
She acted out a few scenes from the volumes before I begged her to stop.

It is very possible that the person who wrote the blog article doesn't know Japanese. So for the article, he just translated the Japanese title with Google Translate. If that's the case, then the name is only a working name and is subject to change.

Optimist, I know.

Re: Bungaku Shoujo

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:25 pm
by ShadowZeroHeart
Soon, their books would all be translated... All by Google translate!!

Edit: If they plan to translate it, how hard is it to translate JUST ONE BLOODY TITLE? Maybe it would take YEARS to translate that one line of a title!? Maybe for some reason, translating an ENTIRE volume is faster than translating that one bloody line?? Makes one wonder what kinda quality they can provide...

P.S. could it be they intend to ruin the light novel industry on their side?