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Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei sub project

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 3:26 pm
by Guest lol
This project was initially suggested by Smidge204.

Since nobody is taking up the challenge to sub this excellent anime, why not have BT do it? Smidge is willing to get serious about this if we get a translator, and we have members that would be willing to do the timing, type setting, and the kareoke.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:40 pm
by onizuka-gto

Do you really want to sub an anime? I mean we talking about the cut throat, live fast, die fast world of Anime subbing.

I dunno about you, but I think unless you got the commitment, persistence & willingness to put up with the stress....what are you doing at B-T?


Seriously, dunno why people want to stress and put up with the crap that people throw at fan-subber, nor the "1337" attitude a certain vocal majority of them seem to enjoy showing off.

As Comrade Big Boss has always been about novels, it is hard to see if he would want our name to be associated with fan subbing, but then again he did not object to the interactive novel project.
The wikicommunist B-T is for the people and therefore we will not immediately disregard the idea.

however it will have to have considerable discussion and debate before anything can be formally accepted and submitted to Comrade Big Boss for "subjective recommendation".....

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:51 pm
by ben1234
You say that but they've already started timing the OP.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:57 pm
by Jumpyshoes
To be honest, Smidge is probably serious enough to start his own group for SZS (if he isn't allowed to put B-T's name to it). He's even got a translator.

I don't think you can stop him if you wanted to. :/

Heck, Smidge has gotten a TLer, an Editor, a Timer, a Karaoke person, and a Typesetter. If you go to the channel, the general consensus is that they want to do it. In fact, I personally want to see SZS subbed, so I'm in favor of this project.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 7:08 pm
by Smidge204
Oni: At this rate, it's going to happen.

We're not (or at least, I'm not) doing it for the glory or the reputation - though I won't complain if such things are forthcoming - we're doing it because we want it to be done, and nobody else seems to be doing it.

The only contention on your part is: do we want to associate it with Baka-Tsuki or not? I see no reason not to, since this will undoubtedly be a one-off project and will draw attention to other media forms (novels). Just my $0.02 on that.


Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 9:12 pm
by erehwon
no wonder there's no more episodes being released... doh!

If there is such enthusiasm about subbing it, then it comes down to whether B-T wants to be associated/helping/etc with it. It's probably beneficial like Smidge had mentioned as long as the quality is good.

Maybe more idiots bothering the site, oh well we can deal with that.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 10:48 pm
by HolyCow
If you don't mind the releases being slightly later than usual, I can serve as a TL Checker by comparing it to Chinese fansubs (I'll compare it to at least 2 fansub groups)

But of course, if you feel a TL checker isn't necessary (or my TL skills are far too lousy), then it's fine with me too :P

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 12:20 am
by onizuka-gto
Smidge204 wrote:Oni: At this rate, it's going to happen.

We're not (or at least, I'm not) doing it for the glory or the reputation - though I won't complain if such things are forthcoming - we're doing it because we want it to be done, and nobody else seems to be doing it.

The only contention on your part is: do we want to associate it with Baka-Tsuki or not? I see no reason not to, since this will undoubtedly be a one-off project and will draw attention to other media forms (novels). Just my $0.02 on that.

well my previous post was all personal opinion, if it happens, it happens smidge. but being associated with B-T, whether it's good or not, isn't for me to decide.

After all this is up to comrade Big Boss.

Have you sent him an email about this?

To be honest I can't really predict what he would say.

If you haven't, well...I think it's best that you send one to him.

And when you do get a reply, i would recommend that you post his response on this thread.

personally i think your all raving self-inflicting, mad, mental buggers to want to do this.

but, well, its what you get for steering a ship full of lunatics.....
*slap forehead*

you can have the crew, but never the flag! AAaarr!
("poc:end of the world" is still in my head, courtesy of B.A. )

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 5:35 am
by Smidge204
YOU e-mail him. You are the official emissary between B-T and TLG, after all.


Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:07 am
by onizuka-gto
Smidge204 wrote:YOU e-mail him. You are the official emissary between B-T and TLG, after all.


I'm too busy

How about you draft the email, and i'll send it to him? after all, you want to do put up that stiff upper lip, by haruhi! :roll:

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:58 am
by Smidge204
Pfft. Busy sittin' on yo' ass. Fine. You just don't want to take any responsibility. :P

Edit: Mail sent. Copy below:
Spoiler! :
Hi; Oni felt like being lax in his duties as official point-of-contact and asked that I e-mail you directly. Sorry to be a pest :p I'm one of the project editors/supervisors for the Wiki, specifically the Haruhi series and Fate/Zero project.

Me and a couple of other Baka-Tsuki regulars got into a discussion about how AFK was taking so long subbing the anime "Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei" a few days ago. It started as a joke, but apparently there is enough genuine interest that we have started forming a group to pick up the series where AFK apparently stopped.

In other words, a group of Baka-Tsuki members will be getting together to fansub episodes 6 through 12 of the series.

My question to you is, do you want the Baka-Tsuki "Brand" on it? Nobody involved really cares what the group is called, but we all feel it may help bring more attention to BT (for better or worse). Ultimately, I feel it's your call.

Please let me know what you think, or if you have any questions. We plan to get started in earnest this weekend so hopefully we'll have our first release by the end of the month or so.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:49 am
by onizuka-gto
Yay for wikicommunism! :)

N/B: Is it just me, or is it just destiny that we always seem to clash with A.F.K.? :?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 1:40 pm
by magus
onizuka-gto wrote:Yay for wikicommunism! :)

N/B: Is it just me, or is it just destiny that we always seem to clash with A.F.K.? :?
They are our fated nameises (rly bad sp)......... and one of us shall be the others destined end :twisted:

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:58 pm
by ben1234
Somehow I feel that we already lost the battle of fansubbing.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:13 pm
by akiha
phew.. it's been really a while since I posted on BT forum..... :roll:

hmm, to begin with, have anyone dropped by a.f.k.'s IRC chan(well, they seems to have little method to contact, yet they have a URL for IRC embedded in their releases of zetubou-chan) to ask why they haven't released zetsubou-chan for a month?

I recommend to succeed fansubbing the series from a.f.k. in a modest way. Also, only if based on the reply from them, we can discuss about the series in a productive way.