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Re: Volume 2, chapter 1

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 5:56 am
by salv87
congrats Seag.. you finally did it ^_^ I'll be reading it today in the evening (while you'll be asleep..), so BEWARE ^_^

duncan, were you trying toget into Horo's role by drinking a bit ? and then translating while havinga hangover? :D

Re: Volume 2, chapter 1

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 6:45 am
by ShadowZeroHeart
Hey thats a good idea, posting up page by page ^^ Sure to get a lot of daily views LOLz!

Re: Volume 2, chapter 1

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:33 pm
by duncan
salv87 wrote:congrats Seag.. you finally did it ^_^ I'll be reading it today in the evening (while you'll be asleep..), so BEWARE ^_^

duncan, were you trying toget into Horo's role by drinking a bit ? and then translating while havinga hangover? :D
Actually the sequence was more like: finish IRL things->translate a couple of pages->drink->Gujurati lesson->hungover, though it's possible that you might think the sequence was different from my translation ;). Still, your ideas intrigue me... I would like to subscribe to your newsletter. I've never heard of method translation before, but... perhaps the field is just waiting for its Strasbourg, in the form of you. I have to admit that I'm not sure what that would entail in the context of some of the racier books, but I'm generally game for anything (as long as it doesn't involve shota-con ;) ).

And actually, I didn't realize that it was unusual to post only two pages. Yes, I am that much of a noob ;). I wanted to put up _something_ just to show that I was still alive and hadn't taken one look at the text and decided to give up and go do something else. Also, truth be told I took certain, *ahem*, liberties with the original (though not as many as I'd actually like to) and I kind of wanted to be sure that that wouldn't go over too badly before doing it with further pages. I also wanted to figure out the wiki. So I figured the easiest thing to do was post something, even if it was on the small side. And, as Shadow noticed, I am a master marketer ;). Let's get Horo up in those popularity metrics I saw posted in another thread. #7 is not good enough! (*writes bot while cackling evilly and throwing darts at a picture of Haruhi*).

And Krikit... indeed congratulations are in order. Sorry if I was mainly focussed on the size of your text... I will indeed come take a look at your pages in the near future.

Re: Volume 2, chapter 1

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:24 pm
by salv87
to start translating using such a method I need to achieve 2 things:
1 - start drinking more that on major celebrations (New Year, Birthday etc)
2- more importantly - start translating :D
which will be a while since I'm still a greenhorn in this area ^_^

nobody's blaming you for putting up 2 pages. It's actually up to the translator to decide when to update the page.
Thus you need time for aclimatization, finding your own pace etc etc etc.

Re: Volume 2, chapter 1

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 4:27 pm
by duncan
salv87 wrote:to start translating using such a method I need to achieve 2 things:
1 - start drinking more that on major celebrations (New Year, Birthday etc)
2- more importantly - start translating :D
which will be a while since I'm still a greenhorn in this area ^_^

nobody's blaming you for putting up 2 pages. It's actually up to the translator to decide when to update the page.
Thus you need time for aclimatization, finding your own pace etc etc etc.
Well... just in case you're asking yourself "WWDD?", I think you could kill two birds with one stone by making an early New Year's resolution to drink more. And start studying Japanese. Not necessarily in that order, or at the same time.

Jokes aside, after I'd studied Japanese (in a rather desultory fashion) for a few months I started reading books. This may not be the best way to learn to speak Japanese well, but it's a good method for learning to read Japanese. I did it the hard way- I sat at an outside table at Starbuck's with a hardcopy volume of 雪国 and a hardcopy kanji dictionary, and a hardcopy kana dictionary, and a hardcopy notebook. And, most importantly, a hardcopy English translation of 雪国, so I could understand what I was reading ;). I sat there for a whole summer, but you have to understand that this was in Florida, so I really mean something like 8 months. Every time I saw a kanji compound I didn't understand (which was every time I saw a kanji compound, at first) I looked it up and wrote it down in my notebook. This taught me many valuable lessons, chief among them that you have to be a lunatic to look up a lot of kanji by radical and number of strokes.

I do think this is a good way to learn to _read_ Japanese, but I would recommend not using much hardcopy. It is much better to use electronic texts and electronic dictionaries, and put your newly found words in a spaced repetition program like Mnemosyne. I've been thinking about putting up a free spaced repetition program like that with some pre-built vocab sets. If I do so- well it might be considered spamming the forum if I posted a link, but I can PM you if you're interested, if and when I do set this up.

Anyway, my main point is that your Japanese is probably not that much worse than mine. When I first looked at this chapter I was completely lost. That's part of why I am so slow... my Japanese is still terrible. But if you spend some time with Japanese texts, you will learn to unravel them. I used four dictionaries and several books on usage to make those two pathetic pages ;). I hope that doing that enough will eventually let me read freely in Japanese, but the jury is still out on that.

The kanji compounds are intimidating at first- I used to read a bit of Chinese, so that might have helped me with that initial hump. But it turns out that it is not the Chinese borrowings that give me trouble- I can just look them up. It is the "small" words that are hard, because they convey the sense of the sentence. I'm always asking: "Is this set of small Japanese words a set phrase? And, if so, what does it mean?" The ALC dataset is really useful for that, btw, though it is not at all authoritative.

Anyway, I wouldn't suggest jumping right into translating something here, necessarily. But I would suggest translating something for which there is an English translation, so you can check your work against it. If you can manage to get through a short Japanese novel in that fashion you will be ready to start doing amateur translations, I think. The key word here is _amateur_ ;). I'd like to eventually be able to charge money for J->E translating, but I am well aware that I won't be able to do so any time soon. I'm only working on S+W because there are not enough skilled J-> translators to go around.

Anyway, there's an old saying: "writers write!" To that you might add: "translators translate!"

Re: Volume 2, chapter 1

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:18 pm
by duncan
Just wanted to say that I'm back, to some degree at least. I moved on Sunday, and turned "incredibly old" on Monday- *sigh*. Anyway, a Japanese girl recently told me that Japanese girls dig older guys, so either I'm incredibly gullible or I ought to start working the Japanese pretty hard ;). Internet connection was a pain- they had run out of IP addresses on the local subnet and the tech was not able to understand that even after being told a few times what the problem was. I actually had to step in and talk to his tech support to find out what was up... well, at least I learned some things about the internal routing that my provider uses. Also, the cable guy thought I was around 30, so all was forgiven in the end. I can at least claim to be well-preserved... *sigh*...

Anyhow, I have been super-preoccupied by moving for the last few weeks, and I still have a lot of unpacking to do (and some girl-watching/stalking- I'm within a mile of a large University, which is actually awesome as I hear they have a good Asian Studies program, so their library is likely to have a decent collection of Japanese stuff that none of their students _ever_ use.) But I have not abandoned this chapter, and I hope to start working on it again on Friday. Sorry to anyone who has been waiting with bated breath. IRL has been a tremendous pain lately... I had thought that I would move on Dec 1st but my plans changed a few weeks ago.

Sorry again for having signed up for this and then pulled a vanishing act. It will be a week or two before I'm really done moving, but I'll be working on this at least a bit before that.

Re: Volume 2, chapter 1

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:58 am
by judgment26
Hey, no one's blaming you. After all, you really can't help being busy sometimes, and that applies to all of us. As long as you don't suddenly decide to disappear for several months, it's all good. xD

Re: Volume 2, chapter 1

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 6:13 am
by Krikit
lol I felt that BARB Judg :)


Anyway, congrats on moving and the troubles of new life. :). For me it was pretty easy, here's how it went for me.

I knew 3 months of basic Japanese and could talk about how old I was, what country I came from, what I ate for breakfast, and whether I had showered or not. That was about it.

So I go out one day to an apartment agency I had found a nice place on the internet for. I walk in, am greeted nicely, directed to a seat, and given a form in Japanese to fill out. I had studied 50 kanji...stuff like "male/female" and directions (north/east/exit/entrance) and alot of numbers. How should I fill this form out? Needless to say, I got my name written, and circled what I hoped labled me as "male." Then someone came over and we started conversing. I was able to convey where I go to school, the trainlines I'd like, the rent, and the facilities...that was about it. Fastforward one month, and this guy helped me:

A) Get a cell phone
B)Get my name stamp
C) Waited for my Foreign registration card (which took 3 weeks, part of the one month wait.)
D) Helped me set up a bank account.
E) Drove me out to look at the places.

Wow...agencies in japan rule...O_o I really liked it. I recommen Aeras to any that are trying to find a place to go to :) (the one in Ueno is the one I went to.)

Anyway, eventually we got a place, my friends father was willing to be my guarantor, (I need to find a way to really thank him...), and on move-in day, I moved my stuff via train from the hostel I had been staying at for one month, and the Apartment Agency guy called electric, water, and gas, starting them all. The next day I had them all, as the gas man came, we talked about his kids liking naruto, and that was that.

Then that was that. Next was internet. But I spent about 2 or more months leeching it from McDonald's :) Asahi-Net FTW :) (I can reference you, and we both get discounts. The speed is amazing...speed check sites show it at upwards of 65,000 kb/s, or around 65mb/s. (it is a 100mb/s fiber optic line. That company rules...)

But yeah, for that, I just had to wait a week, then the people came to install it, and they put in the cable, checked it, and gave me my modem and cords. sweet deal.

Anyway...looking forward to those updates Duncan, and Judg is being lazy...:)

But I can't talk, I need to get going on PuiPui....sigh, another 15 pages til next update...:(

Re: Volume 2, chapter 1

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:26 am
by judgment26
Anyway...looking forward to those updates Duncan, and Judg is being lazy... might wanna check again sea, the next section is up. :roll:

Re: Volume 2, chapter 1

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:47 am
by Krikit

if there was a smiley option of a face like this :| eating a shoe, that would be me O_o


sorry about the delayed post though.

another 13.5 pages of PuiPui to go...sigh

Re: Volume 2, chapter 1

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 10:19 pm
by duncan
Krikit wrote: I knew 3 months of basic Japanese and could talk about how old I was, what country I came from, what I ate for breakfast, and whether I had showered or not. That was about it.

...Fastforward one month, and this guy helped me:

A) Get a cell phone
B)Get my name stamp
C) Waited for my Foreign registration card (which took 3 weeks, part of the one month wait.)
D) Helped me set up a bank account.
E) Drove me out to look at the places.

Wow...agencies in japan rule...O_o I really liked it. I recommen Aeras to any that are trying to find a place to go to :) (the one in Ueno is the one I went to.)

Anyway, eventually we got a place, my friends father was willing to be my guarantor, (I need to find a way to really thank him...),
Your story is very interesting. I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Seriously, I hope you sent both the agency guy and your friend's father some gifts. You got hooked up way past what most Americans get on arrival. Thank yous are not optional in Japan. Send them some expensive food- that always goes over well.. the Japanese are insanely fond of expensive food. Even if you spend $100.00 US on it it will be a _lot_ less than they just saved you. You probably have no idea how much they just helped you, but they do. If you do the right thing and thank them properly it will be remembered. So find a way to really thank everyone who does you a really good turn- in the long run it will save you money.

EDIT: also, I hope you're already thinking about New Year's cards. Again... _not optional_. I'm in the US, atm, and I have a few going out, though I'm having a hell of a time figuring out how to get them delivered from here with just the right timing... anyway, don't neglect those cards. The Japanese will take better care of you than you deserve if you just live up to a few of their social norms.

Re: Volume 2, chapter 1

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 6:15 am
by any colour you like
Can someone help me out? Who is chloe, and whats the differences between the anime and the novels? I watched the first 6 eps and I've read all thats been translated here on B-T.
Should I pick up from vol 3 now?

Re: Volume 2, chapter 1

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 6:29 am
by salv87
well, Chloe is an anime original character. She is not present in the novels. But as far as I heard, there are no more major changes or additions like this further in the story.

so I haven't read the 2st 2 volumes fully, but people who have, say that the anime has covered it not badly. So I would suggest you first watch the anime to the end, and after that start reading from volume 3, since it begins it's story right where the anime left off.
Also when you watch the anime to the end, you start out by readin volume 7 chapter 3, which is a sidestory that happens about the time of volume 2 (the second arc in the anime).

Re: Volume 2, chapter 1

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 6:52 am
by any colour you like
I thought that the first two volumes were completely covered in the first 6 eps?

Re: Volume 2, chapter 1

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:12 am
by salv87
nope, the 1st volume only is covered by the 1st 6 eps. The last 6 cover the second volume of the series.
Episode 7 was a sidestory I don't remember from where, either from volume 7 sidestory collection, or from another source.