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Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:24 am
by Krikit
Everyday guys at the academy want to confess to her, but since they are too scared to confess, they can only admire her from afar, so isn't it unbelievable you don't know her?
I changed mainly the last section for the comma, for the question. Do you think I should change the word "scared" as well? I see what you mean. The sentence ends with "だよね" which is like seeking for affirmation, not necessarily a question. Kind of like a rhetorical question, but with some expectation of an answer. Yay for my learning :)

Also, I'm not updating it (going to wait until I finish the next part, but I'm about half-way through Sierra's section. The last section before the teaser.), but I've officially got about ~21% of the first chapter done, with only 16% on the Wiki. So if there is anything else that looks questionable, please bring it up before I upload the next section, because then there will be more content to get in the way. :)

I'm hoping tomorrow easy though, I will hit the 37% mark. (as long as I can do 3.5 pages, plus my "excerpt," that will push it to a grand total of 37% by tomorrow :)) and tomorrow is Saturday :).

Anyway, I really appreciate all the help you guys have been giving me so far, and I'll look forward to it in the future ^_^.

On another note Trabius, if you remember the sentences you had a question about, (don't know if you read you wiki d-page) but you were right. It was wierd. The reason? I somehow missed copying a sentence over from my english text document, over to B-T. You've scared me, so now I'm re-reading to make sure I've got it all :)

But going form 16-37% tomorrow, that makes me happy :)

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 1:37 pm
by Trabius
Krikit wrote:
Everyday guys at the academy want to confess to her, but since they are too scared to confess, they can only admire her from afar, so isn't it unbelievable you don't know her?
I changed mainly the last section for the comma, for the question. Do you think I should change the word "scared" as well? I see what you mean. The sentence ends with "だよね" which is like seeking for affirmation, not necessarily a question. Kind of like a rhetorical question, but with some expectation of an answer. Yay for my learning :)
Yay for education! :) Anyway, in regards to your question, "scared" is probably fine. If you're looking for another word, "intimidated" would work too. I only used "awe-inspired" because being "scared"/"afraid" insinuates some negative qualities to the source of fear. I associate "awe" with something scary yet still positive, though I guess awe could refer to something so terribly horrible that it inspires a sense of amazement or something.
Krikit wrote:
On another note Trabius, if you remember the sentences you had a question about, (don't know if you read you wiki d-page) but you were right. It was wierd. The reason? I somehow missed copying a sentence over from my english text document, over to B-T. You've scared me, so now I'm re-reading to make sure I've got it all :)
Well, I'm glad it wasn't just me. For a second I thought Yuuya was saying he could hear Jin's lymph node making noise or something. That would be rather sickening...

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:25 pm
by Krikit
Well, I'm glad it wasn't just me. For a second I thought Yuuya was saying he could hear Jin's lymph node making noise or something. That would be rather sickening...
Because Yuuya says that he hears sounds at night, right? ewwww..... :?

Anyway, that's settled now :). It's a bit hidden until later, but the joke Yuuya is making here (this is where you'd need to re-read or something) is like based on "The Mummy." If you remember, the beetles crawl under people's skin, and that's the joke. Because you learn later how into ancient archaeology and stuff Jin is, when Yuuya makes the joke about the books, it's as if he's saying those beetles from "The Mummy" came out at night, and crawled into Jin's body ^_^. Then he says he hears things at night. Ah well :)

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 3:52 am
by Krikit
Spoiler! :

Location of the above text:

Sierra's section of Chapter 1. She returns from school, gets greeted by maids, ya-da-ya-da-ya-da, etc etc etc. Okay, then we have Nicolai coming to her room to give her tea, she's gone, he thinks she's in the shower, freaks, and runs out of the room. This is the sentence after his dialogue. What I really don't get is just one part.

What does: ビターン mean?
Nevermind. Everything above I figured out. Except for: What does: ビターン mean?

(Japanese Page 24. Right before we get to the teaser section.)


Either I'm tired or I just got hit by hard stuff all at once...O_o

again, I can't figure out the katakana....sigh....:( It's like the next sentence :)
The supervisor in charge of the maids, Mary, who watches over the inside of the mansion, looked down at Nicolai with suspicious eyes, questioning him. Sierra was nowhere to be seen in her room.
That's what I have so far as you can see...but ekk....I'm missing a sentence as you can see, and am a bit muddled on this....sigh :(

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 6:10 am
by elkin
Krikit wrote:Nevermind. Everything above I figured out. Except for: What does: ビターン mean?
It's a SFX :) Like, he/she fell on his/her face with a smack.
Krikit wrote: メイドたち の 仕事 を 監督 する ために、屋敷 の 中 を 見まわっていた メアリー が、車 に ひかれた カエル の ように ペタンコ に なっている ニコライ を、訝しげ な 目 で 見下ろし、尋ねた。
Maria, patrolling the mansion to supervise the maids in their work, gave Nicolai, who had flattened himself against the car like a squashed frog*, a suspicious look over, then she scanned the surroundings, searching.
* lit: drawn back against the car and squashed himself like a frog

カエル = frog
ペタンコ = alternate form of ぺちゃんこ, which means 'to be squashed/crushed'

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 6:28 am
by Krikit
Thanks Elkin.

I almost want to translate some more, because I want to read more....but I'm so tired I don't know if I can manage the effort.

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 6:52 am
by Trabius
elkin wrote:
Krikit wrote: メイドたち の 仕事 を 監督 する ために、屋敷 の 中 を 見まわっていた メアリー が、車 に ひかれた カエル の ように ペタンコ に なっている ニコライ を、訝しげ な 目 で 見下ろし、尋ねた。
Maria, patrolling the mansion to supervise the maids in their work, gave Nicolai, who had flattened himself against the car like a squashed frog*, a suspicious look over, then she scanned the surroundings, searching.
* lit: drawn back against the car and squashed himself like a frog

カエル = frog
ペタンコ = alternate form of ぺちゃんこ, which means 'to be squashed/crushed'
Hm, I had some stuff written out, but it looks like elkin beat me to it. Anyway, I'll note the differences at least.

Mary, who was walking about the premises to supervise the maids in their work, asked while looking down with suspicious eyes at Nicolai who was lying flat like a frog that had been run over by a car.

Of course, Mary would have to have a line beforehand for this to make sense, but I think Nicolai's on the ground rather than pressed against the car because 車 に ひかれた is modifying カエル, which means "a frog that was hit/run over by a car". ひかれた is the passive past form of ひく which can mean "to run over", and the に indicates what's doing the action, so 車(car) に(by) ひかれた(was run over)="was run over by a car". When you have a plain form verb in front of a noun, it's a noun modifier and that noun (frog) is what the noun modifier (was run over by a car) is describing. Then like I think I said last time, のように runs a parallel, which in this case is between the frog and Nicolai's state of being flattened.

It might also help to know that some words are written in katakana even though they're not borrowed words or they might be shortened/elongated such as ペタンコ which can also come from ぺったんこ meaning "flat".

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 6:56 am
by Krikit
Thanks Trabius. Actually, this does help a bit.

The previous context is Nicolai running out of the room, gets his leg got on the cart he was bringing tea on, and falls over.

Mary asks him what he's doing, and this is why I was a bit confused, because there was no car anywhere in context, except the fact that he was a car I'll put it in this way, that is after he tripped and fell, he looked like a frog that was run over by a car.

Again, thanks everyone, I've been learning so much, and my head feels like it's going to blow :)

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 7:00 am
by elkin
Haha thanks, Trabius. I ought to pick up a grammar book at some point and figure things out.

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:46 am
by Krikit
Okay, here comes another question I've had......

I'm getting these sentences:



And I don't know what the katakana means here....I get the second one kinda, to mean absurdity, and I don't know if the father just mispoke the word, or what....I checked the book text to figure this out, and by the テ and チ katakana symbols, there is a tiny black dot. There are no notes. I'm assuming the author wants attention drawn to this, as there is some joke or pun or something in the way the two say, what could be the same word.....


Sierra undergoes shock and collapses. Jin turns to her father, and they kind of figure out that just because the magic goes away from the father, doesn't mean everything he conjured goes away. Then he goes on with not being able to hire people to clean his hair, and Jin says "brush it yourself." (I'm summarizing.) Anyway, it's after Jin responds unsympathetically to his plight, that these next two sentences come into play.....and I just don't get them :)

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:30 am
by elkin
Fairly sure the father misspoke. The black dot is an accent, the equivalent of italics in English :) Probably put there to assure readers that tontenkan isn't a word.

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:15 am
by ShadowZeroHeart
Sierra suffers a great shock, and collapses onto the floor. Jin looks astonishingly at Sierra's father, who is full of accessories all over him.

"What's the matter? Your father's accessories did not disappear, so that means even if the magic disappears, the things you made with magic remains."

"But, once you spend the money, its gone! If we can't hire maids, how am i to comb my hair every morning?"

"Comb them with a comb in your hand."

"Why does your reply always sound as though its only natural?"

"I am pretty confident I can't win against your oxymoron statements!"

Or something like that? =X
And Jin is talking to Sierra, not her father in this part

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:10 am
by Krikit
Spoiler! :
Sierra underwent a violent shock, collapsing onto the flooring. Jin turned his astonished gaze towards the jangling jewelry of the father.

"It's not really a problem. But the fact that your father's jewelry hasn't disappeared, must mean that, the conjured items won't just dissappear, right?"

"But, after spending the money, it's gone! Without hiring any employees, how is my hair going to get combed every morning!?"

"Use a brush, and comb it yourself."

"Your reply, why is it always so abzurd!"

"I don't have the self confidence to win against your absurdity......"

Jin was tired of Sierra's previous panic, yet wasn't very stressed.

"Anyway, just take that ring to a pawnship and trade it for some money, after that just start saving."


Raising her head, Sierra had screamed in a high pitched voice.

"A representative of the commoners, pridefully refusing an idol!"

"Exactly, just like till now all you have to do is manipulate money and you can level up!"

"As I thought, money drives people crazy."
Okay, that's the edited rendition :)

I went back through it, and noticed where I diverged. Jin mentions "oyaji-san" which I went too fast, and took it as Jin speaking to the father. Thinking harder, I remembered my lessons where oyaji is usually said about someone elses father, impolite. Then he added -san, which is polite, and also shows no blood relation. So I re-edited it, to be him talking to Sierra. I had justified it by assuming Sierra had fainted, but she just fell down. Okay, so that's that.

Next, the Bold and Italics part is something that is giving me a bit of trouble. I'm not too sure what it is meant as exactly...and then the sentence after, all of this is between Jin and Sierra right? I'm sahing the father hasn't spoken here>

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:23 am
by ShadowZeroHeart
"A commoner's phrase like that, I swear upon my pride as an elegant lady from a reowned family to never accept such a phrase!"

Or something like that...

And should it be saving or be thrifty in the earlier part? @@ though they do mean the same thing...

Edit: Just remembered a better word... Prestiged lady perhaps?

Re: Learning Sections

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:07 pm
by Krikit
the japanese text uses : セレブ, which is katakana : "Serebu" which is like "Celebrity." She's referring to herself then as someone in high standing in the Public Eye. So I used Idol.....

As for saving vs thrifty, thrift seems to make more sense actually, as after she sells the ring, they wouldn't be "saving" the money, the would be "wisely using" it. So I'll change it to thrifty, thanks :)