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Re: Emphasis dots?

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 2:48 pm
by Macko Darlack
well, if comitting no mistake, 「xxx」 is used as our "xxx", right? so it means that よけいなの must have the emphasis dots 傍点. so, if 「」 are "", then i think you should use italics... for xample, in ZnT, there's a chapter 「魅惑の妖精」亭, translated like ' "The Charming Faeries" Inn '.
i dunno what the sentence means, though i can read some kanas, but i think it is:

yo keina no ["yo keina no" enfatizado] ni ????.... and well, since "" are already used here, then italics are free to use :D both are used for emphasize, but: "Quotes are sometimes used incorrectly for emphasis in lieu of underlining or italics, most commonly on signs or placards. This usage can be confused with ironic or altered-usage quotation, sometimes with unintended humor" (wikiped). for a further reading you can check the part of 'Usage' in both articles: Quotation Marks and Italic Type.

Re: Emphasis dots?

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:05 pm
by Zyzzyva165
Macko Darlack wrote:well, if committing no mistake, 「xxx」 is used as our "xxx", right? so it means that よけいなの must have the emphasis dots 傍点. so, if 「」 are "", then i think you should use italics... for xample, in ZnT, there's a chapter 「魅惑の妖精」亭, translated like ' "The Charming Faeries" Inn '.
Erm, if there are no more opinions, then i think i'll take italics then. Thanks. :D

Re: Emphasis dots?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:28 am
by Zyzzyva165

Discussion closed.