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Re: Help

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 7:00 pm
by Trabius
ある種の小気味良さを含んだ音--> A sound with a certain pleasantness to it.

Re: Help

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:22 am
by elkin
Thanks :)

Re: Help

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 12:30 am
by Vaelis
I was wondering if someone could translate this for me:
逃亡(とうぼう) しただけで 斬首(ざんしゅ) くらい 平気(へいき) であるぞ。

"They have no scruples about decapitating those who try to escape"?

Re: Help

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 12:47 am
by Zyzzyva165
Vaelis wrote:I was wondering if someone could translate this for me:
逃亡(とうぼう) しただけで 斬首(ざんしゅ) くらい 平気(へいき) であるぞ。

"They have no scruples about decapitating those who try to escape"?
It is quite easy(?) for them to behead/decapitate only those who escaped. ['easy' is not the exact word I was looking for, because as you said, it means 'no scruples', but I can't seem to find a word to match this sentence structure.]

This is what I can do with what little Japanese I know. If it's wrong, please feel very free to correct me. =P

Edit: My friend suggested "Only beheading should be enough for those who escaped." But he said further context would be needed to disambiguate this sentence. Hope this helps. =)

Re: Help

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 8:13 pm
by Trabius
Vaelis wrote:I was wondering if someone could translate this for me:
逃亡(とうぼう) しただけで 斬首(ざんしゅ) くらい 平気(へいき) であるぞ。

"They have no scruples about decapitating those who try to escape"?
That sounds fine to me. I read it as "They'd even go so far as to decapitate people just for running away.", but as Zyzzyva said, it's hard to be sure without context.

Re: Help

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 1:01 am
by elkin
I'm having a little difficulty translating 合コン荒らし. Is it 'party trasher', 'party pooper', or 'party animal'?

Also, I'd greatly appreciate some help with "味方にこそなれ敵でなる奴らじゃない". Is it "They're not people who will switch from being friends to foe"?

Thanks so much once more! :)