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Re: 境ホラの翻訳について

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:11 am
by YoakeNoHikari
lol,it's true that messes like this are a little confusing,

but 俳句 like: おっぱいは、揉んで見ないと、解らない。
Translated as: If I do not try to/Fondle those breasts which she holds/I won't understand.

Make everything worth it.

By the way, why do you always say your English is bad?

As far as I can see, it's almost better than mine, lol.

Re: 境ホラの翻訳について

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:58 pm
by YoakeNoHikari
How do I translate オンリーモミング?

It's supposed to mean only groping, englishizing 揉む (I think.)

Not really sure how to indicate it in a translation, though.

For now, I put: Only fondlいる, but I'm far from happy.

Re: 境ホラの翻訳について

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:09 pm
by larethian
YoakeNoHikari wrote:lol,it's true that messes like this are a little confusing,

but 俳句 like: おっぱいは、揉んで見ないと、解らない。
Translated as: If I do not try to/Fondle those breasts which she holds/I won't understand.

Make everything worth it.

By the way, why do you always say your English is bad?

As far as I can see, it's almost better than mine, lol.
haiku... can that be considered one? :lol:

Re: 境ホラの翻訳について

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:02 pm
by YoakeNoHikari
Well, it's a fail of a haiku in both JP and ENG, so I guess it's all right.

Re: 境ホラの翻訳について

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:03 am
by larethian
YoakeNoHikari wrote:Well, it's a fail of a haiku in both JP and ENG, so I guess it's all right.
I'm referring to the nature of a content for a haiku. :lol:

Re: 境ホラの翻訳について

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:26 am
by YoakeNoHikari
That so? Somehow, even though gigantic tits really irritate me, this poem was calming for the soul~~

Re: 境ホラの翻訳について

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:35 am
by YoakeNoHikari
Well, there's no real context for this, but I shall explain this the best I can:
Spoiler! :
Regarding the translation of 走狗 as opposed to 走徒.

走狗 (マウス) is the tool/medium through which Musicians (Shinto Ability-users) do all their fun offerings and things. The reason it is pronounced as 'mouse' is a reference to the mouses we use, I believe.

I'm inclined to translate 走狗 as 'tool', (I pondered interface, but I don't think it really fits the definition if 走狗 is what I think it is,' but how then am I supposed to translate 走徒 such that it reflects the similarity yet difference?

Currently, I have decided upon 'Executive Tool' for 走狗 and 'Executive Assistant' for 走徒 (I mean this in terms of a computer assistant, like those help wizard things...) But I would really like a suggestion or opinion on this.

Re: 境ホラの翻訳について

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:45 am
by Doraneko
YoakeNoHikari wrote:Currently, I have decided upon 'Executive Tool' for 走狗 and 'Executive Assistant' for 走徒 (I mean this in terms of a computer assistant, like those help wizard things...) But I would really like a suggestion or opinion on this.
I can't really come up with good alternatives, but my first impression of the word "Executive Assistant" is a corporate secretary in a suit busily fiddling her Blackberry.

Maybe follow your original idea of "interface" and make them "interface creature/familiar/dog" and "interface assistant/stooge/minion/puppet"? None of them sound very satisfactory though.

Re: 境ホラの翻訳について

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:25 am
by Cosmic Eagle
I say leave it as Mouse. Since that's what it is originally

Re: 境ホラの翻訳について

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:03 am
by YoakeNoHikari
Doraneko wrote:I can't really come up with good alternatives, but my first impression of the word "Executive Assistant" is a corporate secretary in a suit busily fiddling her Blackberry.

Maybe follow your original idea of "interface" and make them "interface creature/familiar/dog" and "interface assistant/stooge/minion/puppet"? None of them sound very satisfactory though.
Yeah, I get that feeling too, but I don't really have any other good alternatives. While 'executive' is mostly applied to those company people, its actual use is the adjectival form of 'to execute,' so I find that much better than the adjectival form of 'to run'.

Maybe I can translate 走徒 as 'Executive Interface'?
Cosmic Eagle wrote:I say leave it as Mouse. Since that's what it is originally
I know that it can be pronounced mouse, that's what I'm translating it as, but in the glossary, I'm providing an alternate translation. Especially since I'm unclear as to whether 走徒 has another pronunciation.

God, the glossary was an epic Mikuru to translate.

Re: 境ホラの翻訳について

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:53 pm
by larethian
YoakeNoHikari wrote:how then am I supposed to translate 走徒 such that it reflects the similarity yet difference
While I agree it's good to translate both the reading and writing if it serves a purpose (such as providing interesting info in this case), what it seems to me is that you are going about this the wrong way.

It seems like you are trying to reinterpret the meaning of the writing 走狗 again based on your understanding of the actual meaning and retranslate it again.

What I'd do is to try to understand the author's intention and reason of why he had selected these kanji to represent the writing, and translate the kanji instead, while at the same time choosing as close as possible the words that will match the original meaning.

Additionally, you might be aware of this but using the reading of 'Mouse' may not necessary indicate that it bears a relationship with the rodent 'mouse' or our computer mouse (it might, but not a certainty). The author may have chosen it randomly (unlikely but not impossible). Or he knows of some jargon which uses Mouse to mean something else. Looking at the dictionary,
Mouse when used as a verb means a different thing. Or it might even be a different word or self-invented word that has the same sound. My opinion is don't be too concerned with what the reading may be referring to.

That being said, maybe it's best to understand what the words really mean in the story before translating the glossary. Some combination words I can suggest for (走, 狗, 徒): tool, instrument, hound, assistant. Or just keep it simple.

Executive is not an appropriate word in this case. You are looking more for a word closer to 'operate' rather than 'execute'.

Re: 境ホラの翻訳について

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:55 pm
by YoakeNoHikari
I know what the Mouse is. 走狗 is the chibi people you may or may not have seen; they are used to link with shrines and gods etc. An interface, by variable definition I/O and a mouse represents the I. I can translate it as 'tool', which I already brought up. 'Instrument' may be a better option. Definitely not dog. Assistant I've already used.

I've already looked at all the kanji; So far, the only distinctions I can differentiate concerning 走狗 and 走徒 is the difference between 'dog (tool/instrument)' and 'assistant', and that's what I am trying to distinguish, along with adding a comparative word, (executive, operative etc.)

I already understand the words, what I'm trying to communicate to the reader is how these words bear relationship.

This is the noun 'executive' I wish to represent as well as certain facets of its adjectival declension.

4. Computer Science A set of coded instructions designed to process and control other coded instructions.

Re: 境ホラの翻訳について

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:49 pm
by Doraneko
As Lare said, going back to the basics and looking at the literal meanings of the words is also one way to approach the translation.

走狗 is a standalone word and in most circumstances it should not be interpreted as 走+狗 except when considering it as a clause i.e. taking 走 as 走らせる as in 走狗弄馬 (漢‧董仲舒 ). There are several meanings of the word.

1) hound (neutral meaning)
蜚鳥盡、良弓藏;狡兔死、走狗烹 《史記·越世家》
〔補説〕 史記(越王勾践世家)
2) lackey; lacquey;flunkey (negative meaning)
操杖隸皆紳家走狗。(清 蒲松齡 《聊齋誌異·田七郎》)
3) (謙遜語)
國家當承平之時,武人至大帥者,干謁文臣,即其品級懸絕,亦必戒服,左握刀,右屬弓矢,帕首褲靴,趨入庭拜,其門狀自稱走狗,退而與其僕隸齒。(清 黄宗羲 《明夷待訪錄·兵制》)
No matter whether you choose (1) or (2), 走狗 tends to mean someone/something blindly following orders - it is something you may consider when choosing an appropriate translation.

Apparently 走徒 is only a wordplay of 走狗 with similar meanings (as indicated by the same pronunciation as マウス for both). Kawakami probably took the humanoid physical appearance of 走徒 into account when making up the word (徒 also has the same implied meaning of someone blindly following orders). It is therefore not too much a stretch to directly apply your translation 走狗 here and add a humanoid twist.

Re: 境ホラの翻訳について

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:56 pm
by Cosmic Eagle
I know that it can be pronounced mouse, that's what I'm translating it as, but in the glossary, I'm providing an alternate translation. Especially since I'm unclear as to whether 走徒 has another pronunciation.
Then familiar would seem to be the closest meaning....You can't really call it lackey since well....Ok they function more like familiars but without the negative implication of a lap-dog

Re: 境ホラの翻訳について

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:51 pm
by YoakeNoHikari
Doraneko wrote:As Lare said, going back to the basics and looking at the literal meanings of the words is also one way to approach the translation.


Apparently 走徒 is only a wordplay of 走狗 with similar meanings (as indicated by the same pronunciation as マウス for both). Kawakami probably took the humanoid physical appearance of 走徒 into account when making up the word (徒 also has the same implied meaning of someone blindly following orders). It is therefore not too much a stretch to directly apply your translation 走狗 here and add a humanoid twist.
Well yeah, that's what I'm trying to do. I have 走狗 translated as 'tool', which can mean a regular inanimate tool, or a person who is used as opposed to 'assistant' for 走徒, which is more clearly human. Maybe to divide the gap further I can use 'instrument'. In any case, if I were an English reader looking at just the words 'instrument' and 'assistant', I wouldn'tbe able to infer that both of them are supposed to fulfil the same function, which is why I want to add an adjective.